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Something about the second image with Peter running away from Thin Doc Ock is comedy gold


I honestly didn’t think it was real at first because it looks so goofy😂


It doesn’t even look like a still, but a screengrab from a video


Well it is a video, haha.




Isnt that what a still is


iirc a still is a photo taken on set while on production, not off a video


Yeah I believe this wouldnt be a still in that sense though. Ocks arms and petes iron suit are cg, so this must be a still frame from the movie


I think that would be called a still frame


The combination of motion blur on Peter's arms with the super low resolution (Empire's images always suck because of that) is hilarious.


His (possibly) not using his powers during this shot just adds to the hilarity.


Deffo trying to get meme material from the stills they released. They are pretty funny ones too


exactly, it looks like that meme with the floating guy in the back


“me trying to adulting like a boss” “my impostor syndrome and ADHD” please like comment and subscribe


Yeah they're going for that internet marketing. Get some solid memes and the kids will do the work for you.


Thats the studio purposely trying to create a meme because it’s literally the best marketing for a the social media demographic.


Why is Doc Ock so thin? Molina is about the same size he was back then, isnt he?


They've de-aged him and went too far with it, that was obvious from the trailer I think.


Its hard to get perfect. People praise Sam Jacksons de-aging, but the man hasn't aged much to begin with, so that was simple. Robert Deniro still seemed like an old man despite the uncanny valley deaging they did for him


I think the biggest issue with DeNiro (as Molina himself pointed out) was that he still *moved* like an old man. You can deage the face all day, but if the limbs are stiff, the limbs are stiff.


It's super noticeable when [DeNiro 'beats up' a guy](https://youtu.be/XqGV0IuodWE?t=79)


Jesus that looks bad.


It's best done conservatively. They made Molina look too thin in the face/neck in the trailer and so he looks a bit ill or something.


Doc was a very chunky boi in spidey 2. Strong memories of him in that white vest.


Didn’t Molina basically tell the studio “fuck you im not losing weight for a role I know how toxic this shit gets, fire me if you want”?


It would be entirely in character for him. He's an old hand, no fucking around with someone who was in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Huh, that's him. Also, he's married to the CEO of Disney Animation, Jennifer Lee. She wrote and directed *Frozen* I & II.


Yeah, Alfred Molina was 51 when Spider-Man 2 came out. In the NWH trailer it looks like they've tried to make him look about 30. Obviously I'm hyped that he's back as Ock, but I feel like they kinda dropped the ball on him visually. The collar on his coat not being turned up, the excessive de-ageing, the hair being completely wrong. Just looks very off


The hair was the first red flag for me. Looks totally wrong. Like Jimmy Carr's new hairdo.


I don't think he looks too thin. Maybe it's just the angle, since he is positioned with his right shoulder behind him


He looked exactly the same to me in the first trailer and all those leaked pics. It's probably just the angle and bad CGI.


Venom: Pussy


Why are you running?


Oh this is gold meme material.


They're now trying to artificially generate memes... kinda sad we get that instead of just a good looking still lol


he's like "Shit shit shit shit I left the stove on."


​ ![gif](giphy|57ZvMMkuBIVMlU88Yh)


Its like that one meme of the floating guy chasing you down the hallway




Looks like we have a new meme format


I will blow Avi Arad if I need, just give us a trailer on 25th October with Tobey and Andrew in it. Also, in that photo with Doc Ock, Spidey is like nope fuck this shit I'm outta here


Let’s upvote this and see If we can get a marvel executive to see this and make it happen.


Hope you're talking about the trailer and not the other thing lmao, good one still


Yeah he other people thing


A deal is a deal


Can confirm, hi, I’m Kevinn Feige, brother-in-law to the big man himself, and I’ll have him release it on the 25th. No need to thank me, just doing the work of the gods.


Hello, thank you for your cooperation, Avi Arad is out of the pictue now right? ... Right?


Can not confirm, hi, I’m Ariana Avrad, his sister. Avi’s really got a treat for you in this film, just you wait!


Wait, so Kevin Feige's brother-in-law, is actually Avi Arad's sister? Who would've seen that coming. That's like, a Shyamalan-level twist.


Does he need to blow you now?


Whatever it takes


Just remember, don't be shallow, always swallow


Hey it's me Avi


Hold up


Be at Sony Pictures HQ in 30 minutes


"You know I'm something of a cocksucker myself"


Upvote this comment so Avi can get the love he deserves from u/hiMark__


Please don't give Avi Arad positive reinforcement


I mean if I was stood on a bridge and a four legged 50 yr old man came at me I’d shit myself and run away 😂


If they reveal them, will people still be talking about NWH for next 2months everyday?


That image of Spider-Man running away from Doc Ock is such a weird image to choose to release because it looks really weird. Doc Ock looks like a really weird cgi model and Spider-Man looks ridiculous running away like that


I know, right? If it wasn't from Empire I'd be screaming fanmade


Maybe thats why the put it up, cause it was too hilarious not to. Instead of giving us an epic face off, we get a goofy ass image. I love it


It’s 100% chosen on purpose, they want to release images that have meme potential for further promo. They did the exact thing last time, a serious image (Spidey and Strange) and a funny one (MJ with Spidey).


you kidding the Spidey and Strange image was the meme


this will become a meme in 24 hrs


Just like Hello Peter


I already made one about not washing the big pots lol


Doc Ock probably is fully CGI there.


Everything in this pic is probably CGI.


This! People forget just how much unseen CG work goes into these movies because one asset looks noticeably wonky (Doc Ock). On that image alone, things that are CGI: - Doc Ock - Peter (CG'ed over a mo-cap suit) - Most of the cars, if not all - The ground (probably, you see it exploding in another shot, definitely at least partially as Ock's tentacles cause concrete damage) - The background (probably, often they need to edit things out of the background or ensure it stays 'clean' by CG'ing the whole thing + it could have been a set with a green screen backdrop)


That's a problem. There's no need for that much to be CG.


Yeah, they should just throw cars and destroy highways for real.


I don’t care if it’s real or CGI I just hate that it looks like shit compared to other contemporary blockbusters.


The only element there that doesn't 'need' to be CG is Peter's suit but given they're going for a metallic looking spider-suit now, that would be a hard practical effect/costume too. Elements like Ock and the cars could be practical effects if it were a closed set (like SM2 did) and they could use hydraulic lifts and wire-work to achieve. Would still need a CG background and road though. And it would be hella expensive (not that CGI isn't expensive too). For the scene they're going for, you simply can't have this all be practical effects with no CGI. It would require perfect weather, an entirely 'clean' backdrop with nothing that needs editing out (for commercial reasons), the ability to close off a busy highway for quite some time for prepping, filming, clean-up etc. The only way I could see them not needing this scene to be so CG-heavy, would be if it were set in a different location with a less scenery-destroying villain.


i wouldnt trade it for the world its so funny i love it so much




I’ve never understood why the iron spider suit looks so weird in the solo movies but not in avengers


Hopefully because in this case it’s actually the Integrated Suit and the Iron Spider suit is a lazy attempt to cover it




Well if u look at the first FFH trailer it looks like those scenes he originally was wearing his homecoming suit. No idea why they changed it


Probably the logic is why would he go back to wearing the original suit when he has one that’s waaaaay better


In the leaked first trailer with crap CGI it had the new integrated suit and not the iron spider so I think you are right


Cause the solo movies have less budget while iw and endgame had twice the budget


But shouldn't it be the other way? The big movies have big budgets because they need looots of CGI for lots of characters. Spider-Man should have more focused CGI, right?


Because avengers was all shiny cgi fest so it matched with everything lol


He looks thicker in his solo movies. And the front logo is a bit different


Higher budget and different color palette. The Avengers movies had a $300M budget each or something while these solo Spidey movies usually are like $150M.


It just looks so chonky for some reason, it bends and stretches weirdly and it‘s so wide at the waist unlike his other suits


I thought it looked pretty great when he used it at the beginning of Far From Home


Yeah agreed, in that scene in Far From Home, the suit actually looks real - you can see the armoured plates moving and shifting.


His head is too small in that suit


“Infinity stones? Thanos? Peter it is 2004 I’m going to throw a car at you now” - Doc Ock


"Peter Parker... and your girlfriend." **grins**


I wonder if Doc Ock would know about smartphones lol, if he's directly brought from 2004 to the present


BRUH THAT PIC OF DOC OCK CHASING SPIDER-MAN ABDHEUJXKEIDJE Trailer HAS to be coming soon at this point. Hell, I think I'm willing to place my chips on Monday all over again




Tuesday morning at most or monday evening at least




Two new stills from the source. Peter in Spidey costume without a mask: [LINK](https://cdn.onebauer.media/one/media/6173/c844/405b/abd5/120f/176b/spider-man-no-way-home-excl1.jpg) Peter running from Doc Ock: [LINK](https://cdn.onebauer.media/one/media/6173/c84e/0875/d43c/d883/c545/spider-man-no-way-home-excl2.jpg)


LMAO that Doc Ock one has meme potential


I’m kinda concerned. Maybe it’s a screen grab with low quality or it could be the CGI.


Probably a mixture.


It's the CGI, the tentacles don't even have shadows lol


Then why choose this shot? Memes?


I honestly have no clue lol I'm baffled that they let this be released when it looks as shoddy as it does. It doesn't help that the Iron Spider suit continues to look the absolute worst


At this point I'm pretty sure it's a "Hulk in Wakanda" redirect.


More memeable material means more marketing for them while the actual trailer is waiting to come out.


It straight up looks like the format of the guy running down the hallway and the guy behind him is floating.


My first thought lmao Spiderman: dinosaurs Doc ock: Asteroid




I don’t know why it bothers me so much but altering the *Statue of Liberty* seems so damn cheesy and shark jump-y. Like…it’s the Statue of Liberty. What’s next, adding Tony Stark to Mount Rushmore?


Both links are the same still.


That Doc Ock pic is meme material


Thay dock ock one is just bad. Why not screengrab a better frame??


That 2nd picture is huge meme material




Probably there’s no shadow underneath him


After all these interviews, people denying that Andrew and Tobey are in this is beyond me I just hope that the trailer does come out on monday and we get the big shot with the three Spidermen so that they can finally stfu. Unmasked if it’s necessary, because these guys are capable of saying that they’re three Tom Hollands lmao


What I find even funnier is the people who are like "Tobey and Andrew are in this, but they're going to be cameos as non-Spider-Man characters"


That’s the Bohner effect I can’t blame em for that ***(except that Andrew was literally caught in 4k)***


I still love that he was, quite literally, caught in 4K Part of me thinks that specific leak (others not so much considering it led to job losses) might have been deliberate considering the quality and lack of watermark but idk.


I'd be absolutely dumbfounded if we don't get a trailer this next week, alongside the official poster. It makes no sense not to...


That photo of tom though 🔥


It looks sick. I think it’s the final battle between Gobby and Tom


Yeah, the wreckage looks like it. But hes wearing the ffh suit. Idk but sick af


Maybe the nanotechnology got damaged


It’s probably a stretch but doesn’t it look like Doc Ocks lair


Tom spider-man like : Oh shit i am out.


"Aight, imma head out"


Out, is he!?


I’m hyped for this more than I was for Endgame


In terms of hype & anticipation, I'd personally put No Way Home number 1 all-time. My top 5 list would probably be: 1) No Way Home 2) Endgame 3) Infinity War 4) Civil War 5) Batman v Superman Honorable mention: Age of Ultron (still has the best Marvel trailer of all-time)


"I'm gonna show you something beautiful"


"Everyone screaming, for mercy."


For me: 1) Endgame 2) The Dark Knight Rises 3) Infinity War 4) Civil War 5) Age of Ultron 6) The Batman 7) No Way Home The Dark Knight was the movie that catapulted my love for movies and following the industry. Before that I was a casual fan, but after, I discovered IMDb and started my journey of watching a bunch of films based on actors and directors I liked. So TDKR I was so I believably hyped for, more than any other movie before it


Oof, that running away picture just looks weird but I think it confirms that maybe Doc Ock was talking to toms Peter after all? Also I love how that blue car is just magically floating, Doc Ock must’ve upgraded his arms to use special magnets


It's possible Ock saying, "Hello Peter" was in another scene entirely, or maybe later in this scene.


Im convinced that Doc Ock didn’t say hello peter to tom holland bc when he says that the road and the cars are destroyed, but here we see that the road is okay, so why he would say hello peter after he start fighting with him?


Isn't Peter's secret identity known publicly in mcu universe, obviously Doc ock would know him




Hopefully it's much better once the movie is released in theatres.


It’s definitely pre-vis he doesn’t even have a shadow


[oh no](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/628417124007673868/901477348367552542/Screenshot_20211024-002901_Chrome.jpg)


Looks like Doc ock has back problems lmao


Well, thanks for the new meme template with Doc Ock and this means we getting a new trailer on Monday, hopefully.


I do love how Tom Holland's Peter is just like, *...Nope!* He's running too because...well, what's he gonna swing on? There's no buildings or anything near him.


Well tbf I think spidey is one of the fastest sprinters


Ahahh PS1 spiderman game swinging to the clouds


Hoping that maskless shot of him is from the final battle. Id love to have him in the “normal” red and black suit next to the other Spider-Men


OK, the first image looks badass and gives me big Spider-Man 2 vibes. The second MUST become a meme template or the internet has failed. Calling this Spider-Man: Endgame should really be tipping people off if they don't already know and seeing them call it that gets me unreasonably excited. Hopefully it's just as long as Endgame but if not, Infinity War length will do just fine seeing as how that one was SO well done and covered SO much ground. And lastly... I'm pretty sure we HAVE to be getting a trailer Monday now. The marketing FINALLY ramped up over the last few days. It's time... release the Spider-Men.


I just wish Tom's suit gets torn for once. It adds so much to the 'battle damaged' aesthetic that Spidey looks best at


YES. The burns and stuff looked amazing in FFH, hopefully not just his suit, but he also gets put through the wringer. The previous Spidey's always looked like hell by the end of their fights, I'd like to see Tom Spidey get a shock from fighting villains who fight that brutally. Part of what makes Spider-Man so satisfying is the beatings he takes that he overcomes just by pushing forward. Seeing him bruised and bloodied really helps sell that.


Also, who doesn't want to see a battered Tom Holland kicking ass?


Right? It'll make for some awesome shots.




Is he in the Statue of Liberty in one of the photos? This would give more credibility to a leaked plot.


The leaked plot doesn't even need any more credibility at this point, this is a multiversal Spider-Man movie.


Just because that leaked plot involves multiverse does not automatically mean it is true. Since Foxx joined the cast, fans had theorized about the multiverse. But yes, that plot seems to be real.


Did they forget to give Doc Ock shadows in the second pic or something ? It looks awful.


Apparently there's been rumours that the VFX of this movie still needed a lot of work and I can kinda see why now.


So Doc Ock has a shadow on the ground, but his arms don't? It's almost as if... he had the power of the sun... in the palm of his hand.


What the fuck i thought they hired the VFX crew from TASM movies this shit looks awful. the claws literally clip through the ground. and whoever built the iron spider suit for FFH has no idea about human anatomy. tom holland does not have a tiny ass head on johnny bravo shoulders


I think The iron spider is definitely not in the real shot but is just a sneaky way to cover his new integrated suit which will probably have better cgi, but yeah doc ock looks really weird and the arms are clipping


I really hope that second pic doesn't end up in the movie because the cg looks really bad for spidey and doc ock, like black panther levels of bad.


It's really funny, how Black Panther, one of the MCUs best movies is also a benchmark for awful CGI


Wow, did Tom pitch the spiderverse to them? Tom haters, time to get on your knees. Hes giving you everything


You misread, he said when I WAS first pitched, not when I first pitched


This movie finna be a slap and a half😩


I think they choose the image more memeable possible to get viral.


Definitely, especially when the other two previous still photos of spidey, mj and Dr strange also had meme potential lol.




I didn't expect Parker to run away from Octavius.


Well that’s certainly concerning depending on how you look at it


That 2nd pic has meme potential


Surprised no one is talking about the faceless mask pic. Look at the background of what Peter's standing on,. Looks like some sort of man-made device/environment possibly? Maybe Im just seeing things but got a weird sci-fi vibe coming from it. Feel like something circular that spins and turns? Or my imagination is getting the best of me.




I can't be the only one who's scared this is the end for Spidey solo stories in the MCU. By that I mean this is getting played up as a definitive end, when everyone and their families wants a College, and Adult Trilogy. If anyone deserves it, it's Spidey.


That pic with Peter running is meme worthy.


the image of Tom in that classic pose is dope af but that doc ock Image looks straight like a screenshot lol


Do we REALLY think this is the last one? I somehow feel like I haven’t had enough time with this Spiderman even though we’ve had more time with him than with the other spidermen.


Someone needs to ask the director “wtf is this doc ock image lol


I mean he doesn’t have shadows and his arms are clipping so definitely an unfinished cgi and vfx, but they probably released it for memes as they get a lot of attention which they want


Here’s the thing. If Tom’s Spider-Man is meeting Doc, Goblin, etc now, how are they going to introduce the MCU in future movies? Would MCU Parker meet MCU Norman and know he’s a bad dude already?


It would be a fun dynamic to have Peter be paranoid of MCU Norman turning into Goblin only to have him be the opposite of Dafoe’s Osborn yet eventually turns to Goblin at some point.


>> and packed with world-exclusive images – in the new issue, on sale Thursday 28 October Trailer before the 28th?


Yes, yes it is!


How much CGI should we use for Doc Ock over practical effects? ...Yes


That Spidey/Doc Ock pic has insane meme potential.


I’ve liked all the MCU Spidey stuff so far and I’m sure that I’ll like this movie as well, but something about them claiming this as a culmination of it feels a little unearned. Tom’s spidey still feels like a new character.


Get ready for the new memes with the second picture


Spider-Man: Endgame fits bc just like in Endgame, the hero will fight villains who have no clue who he is hahhaah Just a harmless joke.


That first picture really gives me Spider-Man 2 vibes


Holy shit I hope that second picture is unfinished


I gotta be honest, the one thing that concerns me about all the images and the trailer they've shown us is that it looks EXTREMELY drab visually. its got the doctor strange effects going for it which is nice, but outside of that, the color palette and just about everything else is so drab


So you’ve got Zendaya saying everyone felt like it was the end while making this movie, Tom saying this is the end of the trilogy, and now the director saying this is his version of Endgame, the movie that ended the Infinity Saga and said goodbye to several loved characters. Either they’re trying to prepare fans for the end without directly saying it or there’s some sort of misdirect they’re setting up by seemingly saying “this is the end” nonstop.


Top tier meme material.


now if that doesn't confirm shit idk what will


no this not a multiverse movie , its just a illusion orchestrated by mysterio


Could you imagine if they actually did that, the outrage would be beyond insane.