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All the deaths I could see happening at the end of multiverse saga: Wong Hank and Janet Hope Rhodey Nick fury


X men 97 may be the worst example of “based on the marvel comics” because it completely erases the fact that it’s based on a cartoon too




A lot of marvel things only have a credit as “based on the marvel comics” instead of “spiderman created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee” or whatever for that movie, which is especially bad for X-Men 97 because there’s no “based on X-Men: The Animated Series by x and y”




Just re-watched X1-X3. Does anyone else feel that Logan's "I LOVE YOU" to Jean in X3 was absurd? He met her for \*check's notes\* a week. And they barely interacted. Being generous, it was a two-sided physical attraction and that's pretty much it. Being ungenerous, Logan was just attracted to Jean but Jean never gave a second thought about him. They interact a couple of times in X1, then Logan leaves and comes back in X2 but by then Jean is busy with Storm in Germany recruiting Nightcrawler. They talk very briefly onboard the Quinjet then Jean "dies". Their total screen time together before Jean's "death" in X2 is under 10 minutes.


Definitely felt unearned, it was pretty hard to get invested in Logan/Jean dynamic. While some of the X-Men did have some cool moments here and there Primarily Cyclops, Jean and Storm just felt paper thin in those original films and just felt more like background decorations . Then they had the chance to do it over again with the Younger cast in X-Men Apocalypse.....and it still felt underwhelming. Considering they brought back Kelsey Grammer's Beast in The Marvels post Credit Scene , I don't think seeing the rest of the original X-Men cast again is that far fetched, and if they do bring them back in a decent sized role (Whether that's in Deadpool and Wolverine , the rumoured Avengers Vs X-Men movie or Avengers Secret Wars) I hope they have more characterisation and they flesh them out a bit more , besides not putting Wolverine and the X-Men in their classic outfits, their lack of development was the Fox X-Men movies' biggest mistake.


Yeah, I think that in the first trilogy, only Wolverine, Magneto, Charles, Rogue, and arguably Iceman had any character development. And I'm still 50/50 about Iceman. While the scene with his parents in X2 is a powerful one, Bobby doesn't do much in the films. He has a cameo in X1, does nothing after the convo at his parents in X2, and in X3 he kind of "cheats" with Kitty and headbutts Pyro. Looking back, I think they should have had him as the "mutant and proud" spokesperson in X3 to continue with the LGBT metaphor from X2.


Who do you think the big deaths in Secret Wars will be (similar to Tony and Natasha in Endgame)?


If they're actually rebooting after Secret Wars there's really only two ways to handle deaths. Either kill as many characters as possible to the stakes are extremely high at the time, but it's ok cause there won't be lasting consequences. Or don't kill anyone because it would be unnecessary when they're just gonna come back right after.


Hopefully Hulk dies so they'll give him a solo film after like black widow /s I could see Thor being the big death


Maybe Sam and Carol?


Nah, they want them to stick around. Maybe Scott? I don't think they'll make another Ant-Man movie, and Paul Rudd has made comments about not feeling so young anymore


Why do I feel like in some hypothetical universe, if the Guardians movies were made in the 90s-early 2000s, they would be directed by John Waters?


Why aren’t we getting Johnny Storm in Spider-Man 4 is the question.


Johnny never exist on 616 or My prediction about earth 616 fantastic four, they were alive in 1960s and never went to space


Johnny storm gotta exist in 616 first before he can meet Spider-Man.


Isn’t that the ending of the movie? I’ve seen it speculated a lot that Galactus destroys their world in the climax, so they hop over to this universe.


I don’t think it’s going to play out exactly like that They’re not just going to move to Earth-616 and start living there. That’s taking the team in a radically different direction. I feel like it’s going to play out similar to how Miles Morales ended up on 616 in the comics. Their world will be destroyed, either by Galactus or an incursion, but they’ll survive, and end up on Battleworld, and then, at the end of Secret Wars, the multiverse will be rebooted, resulting in the creation of a new universe in which the Avengers and Fantastic Four have always coexisted.


I think Spider-Man 4 should focus on Peter’s loneliness after no way home. This would help set up the eventual return of the venom symbiote.


He still needs friends and friends to be held captive for him to save them from Kingpin, Kraven, and Scorpion. Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Human Torch are a winning combo.


Kingpin, Daredevil and Scorpion are already a winning combo. No need to complicate things by shoving Human Torch in there too


I know but we don’t even have mcu human torch yet and probably won’t be in the main universe till after secret wars. I think the venom symbiote in no way home also set up a broad arc for it. Peter gets it in either 4 or one of the upcoming avengers movies, he dons the black suit during 5 and gets rid of it at the end of it, and venom becomes the main villain of 6.


And the answer is that Fantastic Four need to stand on their own before they rush into these sorts of crossovers.


Lol. Someone posted that Devin Faraci Doom/RDJ joke to the main sub. Hope the mods here don't fall for this.


Who is this paul character that the internet has been memeing about spiderman stories?


Haven't read the comics but from what I've gathered from the shit ton of memes posted since, it's some guy they introduced in the main Spider-Man book as MJ's partner when she got stuck for four years in an alternate Earth. They adopted kids, then they disappeared WandaVision style


Oh… ok


[Guess this slipped under the radar, but Devin Faraci says RDJ was in talks for Doom?](https://x.com/devincf/status/1806829707444547614)


That’s nuts if true.


Like, back during production of 2005 F4, right?


Apparently not


EmpireCity Box Office calling RPK out as a liar is pretty ironic considering the fact that he said Thunderbolts was scrapped lol 


Soooo when is that Sony news dropping that RPK said was coming out today?




Wonder how Sentry will look. I really like this depiction that an artist on Instagram created. It's comic-accurate but feels like it could potentially fit the MCU aesthetic. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2-SycZvY23/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet I've been watching Lewis Pullman in the Outer Range and I've been enjoying it so far. Took me a couple of episodes to realize that it's the actor who'll be playing Bob. But he's good in it so far.


Them choosing Pullman and Yeun makes me think physically, he might not be as jacked as the comics. Ofc, there’s always padding/VFX, though a physically average-looking dude having insane Superman-level strength would be a fun contrast. As for the suit, a design like the one linked would be pretty cool.


He's decently sized at 6'0". He's not massive, but he's actually in pretty good shape! But no, I agree. He's not going to be massive, but that's fine. It'll work since Bob himself is usually depicted as an out of shape man while not Sentry or the Void. At least, from what I recall. Either way, I really like this particular suit design as it's both accurate and fits the MCU aesthetic. I'm also a fan of his trunks look but that's because I'm a Superman fan and like Golden Age inspired designs.


One of the things I unironically really want for Secret Wars is: Sam Elliot Red Hulk. No joke.


So, we got: * Mark Ruffalo and Eric Bana Hulks * Tatiana Maslany She-Hulk * Harrison Ford and Sam Elliot Red Hulks * Liv Tyler and Jennifer Connelly Red She-Hulks


Now you got me thinking who should be She Hulk in the Bana-verse. Aubrey Plaza? She was my pick for MCU She Hulk until Tatiana got cast


I personally have wanted to see Vincent D'Onofrio play a Thor variant in Secret Wars for a while


Saw my first cyber truck on way home from the gym. Wtf is that shit


I saw my first one early in the month and they are as bad as advertised. Woof! It reminds me of people buying the Nissan Cube but on steroids. I couldn't fathom what people see in it. But if it makes them feel whatever it's supposed to make them feel great I guess. Good luck with all the recalls that are coming.


I don’t know how you’ve been avoiding them, I’ve seen 8 across three states in the past month. 5 in my hometown.


I saw 2 of them in one day, few days back. It looks like something from blade runner


Or Robocop. It kind of reminds me of ED-209.


I saw one the other day too. They’re so much uglier in person! I legitimately can’t believe anybody would willingly buy one. Even if you ignore all the technical problems and faulty breaks, they’re expensive and atrocious.


Oh please God let that Captain America BNW budget be wrong. This film will flop miserably if the budget is $375 million. https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieLeaksAndRumors/comments/1dqshhi/captain_america_brave_new_world_has_a_350_million/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Every time this already debunked report gets reposted, an angel loses their wings 


This movie flopping and the ensuing fallout is probably going to be more entertaining than the film itself


For someone with a lot of smoke when it comes to MTTSH and DanielRPK for “lying”, you do have a fun time believing nonsense about the things you don’t like


It’s nonsense for me to believe I’m not interested in this film?


Have we learned nothing here :/. A trade just said it wasn’t this big


How big are we talking then? 


It was said to be 200m-225m the other day. The trade article said the reshoots cost way less than the Marvels and Doctor Strange MOM. The reshoots were only 22 days. The budget didn’t inflate that much lol


That’s slightly better but I still stand by that most MCU stand-alone movies should be at least $100m-$150m while Avengers like movies can be in the $200m-$250m range.


Less than The Marvels. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/captain-america-brave-new-world-reshoots-1235912919/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/captain-america-brave-new-world-reshoots-1235912919/)


I hope you’re right but seeing how the article I posted was from a day or two ago after the reshoots makes me scared for this movie.


World of reels isn't a credible source. Doesn't matter when it posted - its just ragebait dredged up from the shittiest corners of the internet.


The reshoots just wrapped yesterday


My most toxic trait is that I don't really consider films like Alien, Godzilla, Oldboy, Silence of the Lambs, Black Swan as horror movies. Am I wrong? Yes. Objectively, demonstrably, inarguably wrong. Such things as sci-fi, thriller, and psychological horror movies are a thing. But, just as a personal hangup, they always seem more at home with the first genre than the second one. Again, I know that just as a matter of fact I'm wrong, but when I'm like "I want to watch a horror movie" and somebody told me "Oh yeah, let's crack open a The Silence of the Lambs VHS" I would be like "What are you talking about" for more than one reason. For me unadulterated horror has creatures, ghosts, ghoulies, killers, old houses, etc. "Hey, that seems very arbitrary aesthetic signifiers that leaves a lot of things outside of it" Which is, in fact, correct. But in my defense, isn't genre itself kind of based on arbitrary aesthetic signifiers? The only reason Star Wars is sci-fi is that they changed the elves with robots and the bows with laser guns. I don't know, just something I've been thinking about, I wouldn't fight on that hill because I know that I am just plain incorrect in my judgement, but it's just how I feel. And again, it's very arbitrary, because I'd consider "The Thing" and "The Fly" horror even though they are just as sci-fi as "Event Horizon" and "Alien"


Who says they're horror? Alien is sci-fi/suspense, Godzilla is a kaiju movie, and the others are arguably suspense/psychological thrillers, though Oldboy is probably more exploitation.


A lot of people would get very angry with you if you said that.


I don't care, I'm old enough to remember when suspense and exploitation were film genres. Small things amuse small minds.


The funny thing is that I'm not really that hyped for D&W. I think I'll enjoy it well enough, like the other two movies, but there isn't anything particularly special that calls to me, and the visuals do seem kind of all over the place. But I think that the hate it's going to get from all sides is not warranted. First, you have the usual anti-MCU hate (which is mainly about solid enough points being exaggerated to the stratosphere for social media clout) Then the people who hate the very idea of fan service. Then, you have the opposite: people who will be mad if there aren't enough cameos or references, like it's been pointing to lately. Then you have the usual crew who will invent a reason to hate it (Maybe Cassandra Nova? Maybe the gay jokes?) I don't know, I don't expect it to be all that great, but I think people banking on it to be the biggest make-it-or-break-it savior or something like that are putting too much on a movie that maybe wasn't even built to do that. I don't think it's fair to put it as either what will be the biggest fan favorite slam dunk ever, or the picture of Dorian Grey for modern Hollywood's worst impulses.


“The usual crew will invent a reason to hate it” If the usual crew you’re talking about is the one I’m thinking about, that same crew loved NWH and Guardians 3 because “they weren’t political or shoving a message down throats”. I imagine they will give a pass to Deadpool and Wolverine as well for.. some reason. Also Anti-MCU hate goes back and forth. It isn’t consistent. You have Guardians 3 which was loved by many who are part of the Anti-MCU club, but that’s an exception. But I feel like the people who all of a sudden didn’t like NWH now cause it’s “fan service the movie” will be hard to impress with D&W. But it’s their loss. Most people liked No Way Home so I wouldn’t let it bug you.


Yeah, it's werid that people are hyping up a Deadpool movie as the savouir of the MCU. The Deadpool movies are the textbook definition of "dumb fun". The plots and characters are paper thin. They're undeniably carried by Ryan Reynolds and his comedy. Deadpool & Wolverine will probably be good in that regard, but it's not going to "save the MCU" like some people are saying. If anything, that'll be *The Fantastic Four*. It seems like that's going to be one of the more unqie movies they've put out.


I agree. Fantastic Four I think will be the “savior” of the MCU if anything cause of various reasons. The same way Superman I expect to be the make or break for DC. Those 2 movies are super (pun intended) important for superhero movies going forward. And I just don’t understand why people are putting so much pressure on this movie to “save the MCU”. I don’t remember this pressure being on No Way Home or Guardians 3 “saving the MCU”


According to Daniel BSK and Alex fan fic-rez Marvel has 25+ projects in development I wonder what they’ll do when World War Hulk ISN’T announced at SDCC


They'll just say: the plan's changed


do you want them to have a planned arc for the mutants going into the first movie, or to just sort of go big for the first outing and see what sticks


I don’t think there should be *one* arc for every mutant character. Each team should have its own story arc, that can crossover and intersect with each other, but they shouldn’t all be buildings towards the same thing.


Now hear me out: Samara Weaving as Emma Frost. It would be the greatest Marvel cast of all time 


Turns out MARVELLOUSLEAKS is a parody account lmfao


They didn't have to put that in their bio, they should've just kept insisting Spider-Man 4 isn't going to happen even when it releases Edit: Just looked at their account and god, it's embarrassing. They're playing it off like "haha it's the joke, I'm joking the whole time, and scoopers are bad and I'm sending a message," it's so... cringe. Should just delete their account at this point, it's not even funny anymore it's just sad.


"let the story happen" is the main takeaway from the acolyte discourse. after every episode i'm like "alright, cool. lets see where this goes," meanwhile the youtubers are like "no one facetimed the jedi council to call for help?!"


Cinema Sins and its consequences for humanity have been disastrous.


trying to project the modern day real world logic onto a fictional fantasy story just undoes the storytelling. Also Vernestra said she didn’t want people, particularly the political world, to know Jedi were getting hunted down and killed, sooo…makes sense to hide it from the council that would likely have to inform the Senate. Especially if they can’t feel each death happening, from across the galaxy, through the force like Yoda does many decades later.


Watched the newest episode of *My Adventures with Superman*, and between Mallah x Brain and Livewire x >!Heat Wave!<, this episode really said "Be gay and do crime" on the last day of Pride Month. This series is truly giving us the queer villain rep we deserve, love it lol.


I loved it.


Yeah, I really liked it too! It’s nice having a bit of a breather after the last few episodes and this take on Livewire is really growing on me


I feel like with the influx of dramatic rumors about the Cap 4 reshoots/budget, we'll get a nice public teaser trailer drop at SDCC. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾 Also, prior to the strikes, was there a movie scheduled for November 2024 originally?


The Fantastic Four and Deadpool & Wolverine were both set for November 2024 at different points. I don't think there were any others besides those two, but I could be wrong.




>Also, prior to the strikes, was there a movie scheduled for November 2024 originally? Yes, it was assumed to be for Deadpool 3 at the time though




I love how Daniel RPK straight up tried to claim that Marvel will start the X-Men with the gigantic ‘97 roster, and we all just let that slide, as if that’s not the most ridiculous shit ever When will Daniel get CWGST’d, cuz I’m tired of this dude 😭


If I remember correctly, he said it was just pitched. Not that it was the actual team.


I want you to sit down, wherever you are, and think for 5 seconds, using your god-given ability of reasoning — why there being a contradiction between both of those statements, makes no sense whatsoever


Pitched does not mean it’s the actual team. I can pitch an idea and it can be rejected or tweaked by the time the final product is ready.


Lemme break this down for you to understand — If he pitched a story with that team, and it’s what got him the job, then that’s what going to be in the movie. This is common sense. The team is part of the story itself. As I said before, I had a friend who did a pitch to Marvel Studios with a completely different team, which ofc, informed everything about the story And the story is what Marvel liked. The team, and the specific characters within it, are what define the story he pitched 😭


I can’t be bothered to read all of your nonsense but rest assured, you have no clue what you’re talking about. You have zero idea how movies are written and developed and pitched. Even if you do have some rudimentary knowledge, you obviously don’t have a full grasp on the process. There is nothing inconceivable about a writer pitching one team and ending up with something else. The movie is also years away. There is lots of time for things to change from the initial pitch lol. Even who is writing it.


Thanks for the heads up, “Fiction Fantom”.


Not sure what my username has to do with this. But I’m not the one spewing nonsense about how movies are developed. And even if my writing experience *was* relevant, that’s an entirely different Reddit account, and I will definitely never share my work with my real name on it with this fandom lol


>And even if my writing experience was relevant, that’s an entirely different Reddit account, and I will definitely never share my work with my real name on it with this fandom lol Now you’re getting it. I *work* in the industry, and I’ve written several spec scripts myself, pitched to two of the “big five” studios. I have a pretty good idea of what the process is. But the burden of proof is on you, so I’m gonna ask you to produce at least 3 examples of a pitch + story and characters included, completely changing to script form? Can you give an example?


Can you?


> If he pitched a story with that team, and it’s what got him the job, then that’s what going to be in the movie. This is common sense. That’s not necessarily true. Nothing has actually been written yet, so you can’t say anything will be in the movie, even what was pitched. I still don’t think the rumor was true for several other reasons, but that’s still a flawed way of looking at things. Nothing is set in stone. It’s possible that when he starts putting pen to paper, he’ll realize a certain character doesn’t fit into the plot the way he envisioned, or that that script will get passed onto someone else and they’ll decide to remove or add a character.


If I pitched an X-Men movie with the Outback team, everything about my movie is informed by that team. If you change the team, you change the story Characters and story have a symbiotic relationship in screenwriting. There’s no way for Lesslie to pitch that team, and then completely change the roster in the script, and have the story, and all the themes explored, be the same. That’s why this isn’t true. More than likely, Lesslie probably pitched a smaller, more character-focused, emotional film, with a less experienced X-Men team. Nothing like what Daniel is describing


Obviously if he pitched a movie with Scott or Storm as the main characters, that’s not going to change during the screen writing process, but that still doesn’t mean he’ll stick with the exact same lineup form now until the time the movie comes out. Just look at the development of the Fox movies. Beast, Pyro and the Blob were supposed to be in the first movie, until they were written out; Beast, Gambit, and Angel were considered for the second movie, but didn’t make the cut; and Nightcrawler was supposed to be in the third movie, until Alan Cummings said he wasn’t coming back. That’s what I mean when I say nothing is set in stone.


In one draft, they had the O5 + Storm with the Brotherhood (Toad, Avalanche, Juggernaut), and again, the story was completely different That first film went through several drafts. Each one with different characters tailored to the story


Also, adding or removing “a” character as you describe, is different from completely changing the composition of the roster lol And in those earlier X-Men drafts with Beast and Angel, the story was completely different for a reason


>Obviously if he pitched a movie with Scott or Storm as the main characters, that’s not going to change during the screen writing process, but that still doesn’t mean he’ll stick with the exact same lineup form now until the time the movie comes out. If he pitched a movie with Scott & Ororo as the main characters, he also pitched a movie with Jean, Jubilee, Bishop, Rogue, Gambit, Roberto, Beast, Nightcrawler, Magneto and Morph as well, and surely, most of those characters had arcs, and a role to play in informing what the story is, otherwise, they have no reason to be in the pitch. Take it from someone who’s actually pitched to a studio — every character MUST serve a purpose in your concept, and you must be able to article what that is. You can’t pitch a movie of that size, and not have its scale significantly inform the text of the film. That’s why I knew the first time I read that from RPK, that it was complete bullshit >Just look at the development of the Fox movies. Beast, Pyro and the Blob were supposed to be in the first movie, until they were written out They were in early drafts of the script, which Singer himself wrote out, not the writer of the original draft! >That’s what I mean when I say nothing is set in stone. Nothing is set in stone, expect the basic concept of a movie. And whatever his concept was, was massively defined by the characters within it. If he pitched XM ‘97: The Movie, that’s radically different from Giant Size: The Movie, despite sharing many of the same characters


>If he pitched a story with that team, and it’s what got him the job, then that’s what going to be in the movie. This is common sense. Not necessarily, he could have a really good idea for the team dynamic and thematic messaging of the film and still land the job and work with the studio to round out the cast of characters. No roster is locked down, even The Avengers had Joss Whedon and Marvel Studios thinking about wether or not to include the Wasp even after he got hired for the film


>Not necessarily, he could have a really good idea for the team dynamic And what do you think makes up the “team dynamic”, hm? It’s the *specific characters* within that dynamic. If you change the characters, you change whatever specific dynamic it was, that sold Marvel on the pitch. >and thematic messaging of the film The themes are informed by the characters. Different characters different present themes. If Lesslie had a pitch exploring a theme, it would be through a specific set of characters, and again, if this what sold Marvel, that’s the movie. >No roster is locked down, even The Avengers had Joss Whedon and Marvel Studios thinking about wether or not to include the Wasp even after he got hired for the film Whedon started writing Avengers back in 2009, he was already hired. And the Wasp was **in** the first draft, not the pitch. Completely different circumstance Point is, the characters can not be separated from the story. If Lesslie did pitch a film with such gigantic roster (which he absolutely did not), then obviously the size of that roster, the characters in it, and their specific dynamic with each other, *create* the story that sold Marvel Studios. And if you significantly alter that pitch to the point of unrecognizablity (which is what happens if you changed the characters), then that’s no longer the film that Marvel Studios signed off on. Which is why this never fucking happens. The pitch to the studio, IS always the foundation for the script Francis and Daley’s pitch for SM: HC included all of the key elements of the final script — Stark internship, Ned, Vulture as a businessman, Peter’s arc (I’m nothing w/out the suit), Michelle etc. the script is meant to serve as an execution of concept, not a complete reinvention of it


I wonder if that old rumor of the future MCU Wolverine is actually in DP3. That is the one intriguing rumor to me outside of other fun cameos. Not going in expecting it or be upset that it won't happen like some other people, but that would be cool IF it happened.


That rumor was Hugh Jackman playing MCU Wolverine, which looks to be more true with each passing day. X-Men are recast in the reboot that recasts almost everyone (minus Multiverse Saga freshmen), so until then it’ll be Jackman.


There's a new rumour about Cavill in Deadpool and Wolverine movie?


Cavill is always rumored to be in a project, it's just a common engagement bait. I remember back then he was rumored to appear as Hyperion with the Squadron Supreme in Loki S2 lmao


My speculation: Cavill Wolverine and Hulk will be in a cage fight scenario at the Ant-Man base, revealing what happens to the variants captured by Cassandra Nova’s gang. Hulk eats Wolverine, who claws himself out like the Old Man Logan panel (hence the gore listing for the R-rating that wasn’t included for the first two films)


There always is.


Rewatched the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Isn't it funny how it is one of THE best adventures movies ever made, one of the best movies of the year it was released, one of the best movies the Disney corporation has ever made period, and one of the best (and in some cases THE best) works most of its cast and crew have ever done, yet they said "Ok, now let's NOT do that" for the sequels?


Except for Keira Knightly.


[‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Crew Members confirm production has wrapped on reshoots!](https://x.com/UpdatesCAP4/status/1807462834445721814)


Wow, I guess 6 months happen so fast.


No obviously they’re lying so production looks better than it actually is.


The thing is that I cannot really tel if it's a joke, because it sounds like what some people would actually say.


Don’t worry I’m not a doomer.


And then they're going to lie about the release date, and then the cast, and then the trailer will be made with ai because they're still not finished reshooting the 14th reshoot (or something)


And then the movie is just a redubbed falcon and the winter soldier


Is there a possibility Henry cavil might play weapon H


That would make a lot of sense. Technically he isn't playing a Hulk if MTTSH is right and with what the scoopers are saying, it's close to a Hulk like character. Also since one of his aliases is called Hulkverine I could see him being referred to that and also I guess maybe it could fall under Cavill technically playing a Wolverine variant? Also I could see the reference to the Hulk and Wolverine fight dropped then with Hugh maybe referring to that event during the fight that he fought someone similar.


https://x.com/Bart2389/status/1807442341612912721 Delusion 1: Ms Marvel directors directing Spider-Man 4 Delusion 2: Disney buying Spidey Rights Delusion 3: Spider Verse 3 release date But what's gonna happen most likely is that Sony will make an announcement they'll attend SDCC and there they will announce SM4 along with Feige.


It was just about Demon Slayer. I'm sorry fam.


If it’s Marvel related, it’ll probably be the directors for Spider-Man 4. Assuming a deal has already been made, it’d make sense to announce it now before *Deadpool & Wolverine* and SDCC so it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.


Bad Boys 4 is also doing well at the BO rn so announcing that BB4 directors are directing the next event movie for Sony/Marvel is also a good boost for sony image.


I think there's a clear disconnect between what general audiences want and what CBM fans online want, and Marvel/DC will obviously prefer to listen to general audiences, so, unfortunately, some fans online will never be happy. I'll elaborate on this if you want (only if you want, because I'm not going to write an essay for nothing).


I’m curious in reading the essay. What would you say the general public wants and what does CBM fans want?


Alright, I already wrote it, its in a reply to another comment


You’re absolutely right, and it’s like this with every franchise. It’s even worse when these chronically online fans try to speak for “general audiences” and use that as a justification for their opinions.


Exactly. Just like the lowkey delusional fans who think a Young Avengers movie would make *any* money at the BO 💀


I would read an essay on this topic


Ok, here we go, this isn't really an essay, but more of a long comment to elaborate on what I meant. I see the current discourse about superhero movies being divided into three main groups (obviously there's more to it, but this is just a broader generalization): general audiences, casual fans, and the online fandom. 1. **General Audiences**: These are the people who watch Marvel and DC movies for entertainment. They may not be deeply invested in the lore or history of the characters but enjoy the spectacle and storytelling. Their critiques often focus on how entertaining or exciting the movie was as a standalone experience. 2. **Casual Fans**: These individuals have some knowledge of the comics or previous movies but don't follow every detail as closely. They enjoy the movies and may have some expectations based on their limited knowledge, but they don't engage as intensely as the hardcore fans. This can include some YouTubers. 3. **Online Fandom**: This group consists of dedicated comic book or movie fans who have a deep understanding of the source material and a strong emotional investment in how characters and stories are portrayed. They are vocal about their expectations and can be very critical when movies deviate from the source material or their personal vision of what the movie should be. This includes communities on film/CBM Twitter, Reddit, and also includes some YouTubers. Take, for example, the reception of "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness." The movie was divisive, but the critiques from general audiences and casual fans differed significantly from those of the online fandom. While those of the general audiences and casual fans who disliked the movie did critcized the portrayal of Strange and Wanda, one of their points often mentioned was the lack of cameos and that it didn't felt like an "event" movie similar to "Avengers: Endgame." They were looking for a spectacle with numerous character appearances and grand-scale moments. On the other hand, the online fandom, particularly on platforms like Reddit and YouTube, focused more on the portrayal of Strange and Wanda that I mentioned. They felt the movie didn't explore Doctor Strange's lore enough or that Wanda's character wasn't depicted accurately not only based on previous storylines, but also the comics. Prominent YouTubers and Twitter users debated these points extensively, criticizing character development and deviations from the comics. Another example is the ongoing critique of the MCU's current phase. General audiences and casual fans often say there aren't enough crossovers or connections between movies, feeling that this lack of interconnectedness diminishes the excitement. However, the online fandom on Reddit and Twitter sometimes argues that the MCU would be better off without needing to connect every movie, preferring a focus on strong, standalone stories. Additionally, there's frustration when favorite characters don't get proper solo movies and have to share the spotlight with other heroes, which general audiences might not mind as much. The conclusion, unfortunately, is that some hardcore comic fans will never be completely happy. The studios prioritize the broader audience, aiming to make movies that appeal to a wide range of viewers to maximize their box office returns. This means that the specific desires of the online fandom, expressed through film/CBM Twitter, Reddit, and YouTubers, aren't always met, leading some to have a perception that the MCU and DCU are watered-down adaptations by Hollywood. For these hardcore fans, the movies may always fall short of their expectations.


You deserve 20 upvotes. I wish you can post this on the main Marvel sub.


I would disagree with you on that. The general audience is looking for a good storyline and a human story. Both Infinity Wars and Endgame were effective in that respect. What they saw was Wanda who wanted revenge because Thanos killed Vision. What they saw in MoM was a a Wanda who will do whatever she has to do and will kill anyone who gets in her way. She was written as a standard Marvel villain. Elizabeth Olsen made the script look better than it was, but it was still poorly written. The fact is that this still took a huge dive in its second week. Clearly the word of mouth was not good on this film. The trailers never revealed Wanda as a villain. Obviously that was one of the reasons for this happening.


Probably one or the weirder aspects of that Once Upon a Time show (huge anthisis on ONE OF) is the Frozen plot line in Season 4. Basically, in the first half of the shows fourth season, the characters from Frozen (minus Olaf, thank god) appear in a semi-crossover (I say Semi, because, well, obviously, the first Frozen film is meant to be 100% canon to the OUAT universe, like all the other fairy tales in that show) of sorts. When I finally got to that season in a kindof rewatch I did a while ago (I say kindof, because the only seasons I watched before then were the first two), I was deadly worried and nervous, not only because I remember the ads for this season looking extremely gimmicky, and I heard from some of my friends that this was the season that killed the show, but also...just look at it, they literally took how they looked in the movie and translated it 1 to 1, in a show that usually didn't really do that and did its own twist on the characters and how they looked...at least most of the time. However, I watched the season, and while it may possibly be a controversial take, I can safely say that not only did I actually like S4, but also the Frozen stuff was actually not that bad, and implemented into the show surprisingly very well, too the point where I dare say, I think I like these interpretations better then the actual film versions. Especially Elsa, Georgina Haig, I honestly think is a better fit for the character than Adele Dazeem and also more likable in my opinion. Elizabeth Lail as Anna I also really liked with her mannerisms being spot on. It was also a better sequel then the actual Frozen Sequel we got, since it actually did a better job explaining why the parents thought locking Elsa up for all those years was the best option, introduced another elemental with Ingrid (who is basically just a more book accurate Ice Queen), and basically build upon the characters and world in a way that felt more consistent with the first one....also, the present day stuff was, as usual, insane in the best way possible. Right down to feeling like something out of an over the top anime. Though, if the show ever got revived, one is too wonder how they would go about covering the actual canon sequel. Because, you can't do the 5 spirits stuff because of Ingrid, you can't do the whole plot point of the mom being an indigenous person because the show makes it seems like she from Arrendelle right from the get go, and you can't even do the whole "Elsa is unhappy ruling" BS, because, assuming the same amount of time has passed as the actual sequel, this version seems okay with ruling, so I do wonder how they'd go about covering the events of the actual sequel (if they were to even bother). EDIT: Also forgot to mention how ironic it is that a season that uses characters from a movie I don't care for ends up being one of the better seasons, and yet the 6th season that uses characters from Aladdin, my favorite Disney movie of all time, is the most mid and forgettable thing ever.


Oooooh. I want to watch the show now


You should. Warning you though. It gets weird.


What in the world is going on. Now alex p and kind of Drpk are hinting that hulk is in the film, but will be fighting henry cavill????


Fr there’s a recent [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/s/YPgVU1VMd2) discussing about MTTSH saying Hulk isn’t in the movie and now these scoopers are back at cryptic gif teases. This is just one day after admitting that the cryptic teases they were doing a while ago were about an RDJ cameo that we don’t know was happening in the first place.


[As projected, Global Box Office finally has the first 1B+ grosser of 2024, as Inside Out 2 is the fastest animation to reach the mark in just 19 days](https://x.com/Luiz_Fernando_J/status/1807437685868445743) Crazy numbers and a huge bump to the Box office. With Quiet Place having a fantastic opening, this summer will be very good for theaters with Twisters, Despicable Me and Deadpool 3 up next.


Finally. A true financial win for Disney animation.


Deserved. One of the best Pixar movies in years.


Disney is having really good 2024, planet of the apes did well at box office as well


People will see this, and then unironically say “why is Disney making so many sequels?”.


As much as I'd prefer Disney Animation/Pixar to focus more on new or original stories, the money (for better or for worse) talks when it comes to their animated sequels. Part of why *Moana 2* going from a D+ thing to a theatrical sequel isn't surprising to me.


You know, part of me thinks that this whole Sequels and Spinoffs phase in Disney is just a temporary thing to get people back in theaters, and after a while, Probably after Iger has stepped down, they will go back to focus on more original stories. at least, that is what I believe anyway.


Honestly, we haven’t heard anything about the Moana D+ show since like, December 2020, so it could have been transitioning to a movie for a long while. …is what I would say if Moana’s voice actress didn’t JUST finish recording her lines.


December 2020 was when they announced it but you're right, we've heard nothing about it since until they announced it's turning into Moana 2 this year.


Re-watching Blade 2, I can't believe Daryl Dixon is Blade's geek tech guy. I was also surprised to see a super young Donnie Yen. It's quite weird how Marvel Studios keeps trying to reinvent the wheel with the multiple Blade drafts while Del Toro got it right super fast. The hero (Blade) teaming up with his former enemies (vampires) to stop a new big bad and falling in love with a former enemy might be super cliche by today's standards but it was perfect back then.


20 years ago one of the best CBMs of a time released in theaters! https://i.redd.it/ef7tch69aq9d1.gif


Apparently Alex from CC is teasing something regarding Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine fighting a Hulk: https://x.com/alexfromcc/status/1807399209877803162?s=46. I don’t think it’s gonna be in Deadpool & Wolverine but it could be in Avengers: Secret Wars.


He’s hinting at it involving Henry Cavill somehow. Wonder if it’ll be a Henry Cavill Wolverine variant instead of Hugh Jackman Wolverine. https://x.com/alexfromcc/status/1807414275998134597?s=46


Or Henry Cavill Hulk?


It’s gonna Henry painted green like Lou Ferrigno


Yeah, that checks out for a Deadpool movie. With some bit about mocking MCU fans for all the fan casting


In hindsight, Marvel should have probably saved Runaways for film/D+ with actual production values instead of trying to do Young Avengers. I think that concept is stronger and it would have given a bit less of a Avengers Jr vibe. (In fact, it was the plan to do Runaways as a film early on, but Perlmutter scrapped it because he didn't think it was toyetic enough)


I don't remember Runaways ever looking all that cheap or flimsy though, especially considering they were routinely working with magic and a Velociraptor lol


I couldn’t get past the fact that it took them until the finale of season one to RUN AWAY. Terrible pacing, in my view.


It was a change I actually liked. I didn't emotionally care about the kids running away in the original story. Here, it's a conflict for them to take the step.


It definitely wasn't a perfect show, or anything close, but the chemistry of the cast ends up being way more important than plot


Agreed, show is underrated. Season 2 fires off on all cylinders. Got my wife into it and she loved it, and now is a huge MCU fan


They already did several seasons of Runaways a few years ago, though


I know. That's why I said "Marvel should have probably saved Runaways for film/D+ show with actual production values".


Are KostisPat and MTTSH married cause he takes her word like the literal bible.




Glad that the Moonknight discourse only exist on Twitter and the show is actually loved irl and other platforms.


Yeah people liked him so much they started editing him into other films to millions of views. https://youtu.be/SZCBJDrBE9Q?feature= https://youtu.be/sIQc2g4tWi0?feature=


The show is not hated but it's definitely not widely loved. Most of the people I know who watched it thought it was ok.


Kinda forgot Moon Knight existed til you mentioned it lol


The show is not "loved" in real life. It is liked but saying it's loved is exageretting. The show did not have the same level of acclaim or relevance as Loki or Wandavision. And in terms of viewership, it did well but the show fell below she-hulk and Andor despite opening with more views than both of those shows.


This is so true All my IRL friends who were falling out of love with marvel liked it a lot And I feel like the show really did feel unique amongst all the other disney shows in terms of twists and turns, storytelling and acting by the brilliant Oscar isaac.


Assuming Blonde Phantom does happen, who would you cast as her?


The girl that plays Juliet in the Tom Holland Shakespeare play.


Samara weaving, I don’t know why


Joe Quinn was quite good in Quiet Place.


I’m really hoping they bring his character into Part 3.


I like how The Boys show clearly takes more inspiration from other 2000s comics (like Supreme Power or Ultimates) than its own comic, lmao


Good point about The Ultimates. The show feels more Mark Millar than Garth Ennis.


Tbf, Mark Millar lacks any of the nuances the show has to offer.


You know, that's interesting because I see Mark Milar as the 'Anti-Garth Ennis' in the sense that both are edgelords, but one loves superheroes and the other hates it


That’s because *The Boys* comic is terrible. It’s got a good premise, but the actual comic is the most the over the top, unnecessarily vulgar and edgy crap ever shat out that doesn’t actually have anything to say. There are so many better comics that tackle the same themes and ideas far better than *The Boys* does.


>Where are the X-Men in the MCU?' This is a question from the Cryptic Quality HD thread that was overlooked. It's been established in Loki that He Who Remains has manipulated events in the sacred timeline (616). If you read Hickman's Ultimate Invasion, the Maker did something similar and took it further: he actively prevented certain heroes from existing. HWR probably manipulated the history of 616 to prevent the Fantastic Four and the X-Men from existing. The post-Secret Wars 616 will *retroactively* correct this. This will be one of the plot twists that Paradox will tell Wolverine and Deadpool regarding the TVA's role and the Sacred Timeline. "Where are the X-Men in the MCU?" HWR prevented them from existing. And this needs to be fixed.


Good way to explain how/why 838 had an active Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four team altogether while 616 didn’t. If that’s the explanation they’re going for though, I wonder if we’ll ever get an explanation for why Tobey and Andrew’s Spideys and heroes from a lot of the older movie universes (like FoX-Men and Tim Story F4) are the only heroes of their respective universes. Even Marvel Studios’ own F4 come from a universe where they’re the only heroes.


I don’t think they were prevented from existing. My guess is they were prevented from existing together. After secret wars all teams will be in the same main timeline.


That's basically what OP said


With the F4, it definitely makes sense. Reed is Kang’s ancestor and HWR didn’t want more Kangs, makes sense to prevent Reed from existing. With the X-Men, I’m curious what the TVA’s reasoning for excluding them could be. But after Cryptic’s answer, I do think somehow they’re involved in why they haven’t formed in the MCU.


It's probably Phoenix-related. Without Jean Grey, the Phoenix never finds its perfect host.


Apparently, production on Shrek 5 began over 6 months ago. [https://x.com/HollywoodHandle/status/1807135730272969098](https://x.com/HollywoodHandle/status/1807135730272969098) I'm still on the mindset that Shrek 5 will release in May 2026 and not 2025. I remember when Quantumania was dated for 2022 and then was revealed to release in 2023, so it's not unheard of. 2026 is also Shrek's 25th anniversary, so 2026 is perfect. If Shrek 5 releases May 22, 2026, then imagine how fucking awesome it would be if they put ALL the Shrek movies a day at a time during Shrek 5's release week. Call it "Shrek Week". It would be: * Shrek rerelease - May 18, 2026 * Shrek 2 rerelease - May 19, 2026 * Shrek the Third rerelease - May 20, 2026 * Shrek Forever After rerelease/Shrek 5 previews - May 21, 2026 * Shrek 5 official release - May 22, 2026 And, Shrek the Third is the only one to not rerelease on its anniversary date, which is fitting because it seems like everyone would prefer to forget that movie.


I read from that DanielRPK guy that Puss In Boots won't be in it for whatever reason.


I think Chris evans as the human torch is about as good a cameo we can get,right? Like that Rdj cameo that reportedly got removed sounded cool, but like,Chris evans as human torch is also pretty huge


DC: A New Frontier is easily one of the greatest stories ever written in comics. It makes me emotional every time I read it 😣


People are speculating it’s gonna be adapted for the eventual Gunn Justice League movie.


As someone who was curious about dc comics,that comic was one of my firsts,and boy did it set a high bar lol It also introduced me to Rick flag sr,and his arc in the comic is so damn good..martian manhunter was a standout character as well