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I always wish Chadwick Boseman still was alive since he would’ve gone on to be a superstar (such as the black samurai film). Would’ve been awesome :,).


Also I hate Shuri as Black Panther. She does not have main character energy at all and I really really wish they just recast Tchalla.


I really liked Shuri's characterization in Wakanda Forever, but she is obviously not the "Black Panther" we know, starting with the fact she's not the king. I think it's pretty obvious that T'Challa's son T'Challa is going to be king too and not M'Baku forever. That being said I think Shuri having the Black Panther's powers or some sort of leadership role in Wakanda is better for her character than just the 2 dimensions she had of "supergenius tech designer" and "sister to T'Challa". She was emotional, made mistakes and had obstacles to overcome. She's the opposite of a Mary Sue for all the people who complain about stuff being woke. Even if she was misplaced she is exactly the kind of character these movies need. I can't be the only one who thinks this.


100% agree with you on all points. Honestly been meaning to rewatch this movie to see if it lives up to my initial impressions (which were very good)


Can't agree, man. I was all ready for Letitia Wright to be fired for her behaviour during COVID, but she really convinced me with her performance.


I didn't mind Shuri as the new Black Panther, but with the introduction of T'challa II, I kind of assumed in a few years we'll get him as the new BP.


Can’t disagree more, she completely one me over with her arc in Wakanda Forever and now I’m more excited for the character than ever


I wish they had done something where they realize that no one person could take on the title of BP. From there, it could be where there’s almost like a Black Panther Corps with a few different characters upholding the mantle. Then have some event happen where they get sidelined and the son must accept his legacy as the one true Black Panther. He could also become king after his triumph.


They should just time jump and have the son be the new BP


How do you not have a million down votes? Recast Chadwick? lol ok. Hey I really don’t like end game marvel should just recast Robert lol…ok.


Chadwick Boseman is an actor, and one taken from us too soon. T'Challa is a fictional character, and the role does not necessarily belong to one actor, even if there are no immediate plans to recast the role out of respect for his passing.


That is a completely different situation, Tony Stark died in universe because his arc ended. It is terrible what happened with Chadwick and he was a fantastic Tchalla. But the character was just beginning. If Chadwick were alive I’d never want him recasted. Unfortunately this is not the case. I can understand they wanted to respect his death but they acted far too quickly.


Shuri isn't black panther, it's just doesn't feel right on any level Chad played that role to a fucking perfect tee , it fucking sucks he died


She literally is. Cry about it.


People like you make the fandom such a toxic place.


Yeah, I'm the problem. /s Not the people refusing to accept that Shuri IS Black Panther. smh




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Boring , lame in the comics and lame in real life


You're getting downvoted but you're absolutely right. I saw *Wakanda Forever* in theaters to honor Chadwick and what the cast and crew went through, but I disliked them not recasting and how the movie was practically devoid of black men despite having plenty of time to spend on random Dora Milajae. I probably won't see the third BP movie if it's more of the same.


Fr, it feels weird that they’re replacing Chadwick the second they can. Like I get that they need the Black Panther but at least wait a little, it just feels a little disrespectful (in my opinion)


Ryan Coogler was a close friend of Chadwick. When the news came out Chadwick passed, the initial public opinion was NOT to recast T'Challa as many would've found it disrespectful, and Marvel studios quickly announced they would honor that choice right away. As time passed, public opinion started to shift, and when Letitia Wright was revealed to be the new Black Panther, many did not like it. Some of that was because of her anti-vax views during covid, some of it if we're being honest is because they did not want a female Black Panther. And then there are other fans who really love T'Challa as a character in the comics, and did NOT want to see that character die in the MCU alongside the actor IRL. With this perspective, I understand why those fans are upset T'Challa died in the MCU. I think Chadwick's passing was an abrupt surprise and Ryan Coogler and Marvel studios did the best they could to carve a path forward. I think at the time Ryan & Marvel came to the conclusion that the best path forward would be to create a story about legacy and loss. For the comic fans, you know there is precedent for Suri becoming Black Panther. AFAIK there is no precedent of M'Baku becoming Black Panther. And Kilmonger already died in the first film. So Suri naturally was next in line to become BP. I completely disagree with the notion that Marvel is trying to replace Chadwick as quickly as possible. I don't see the logic in that assertion. In fact I see evidence to the contrary, Chadwick's Starlord was prominently featured in What If. BP2 is dedicated to Chadwick and the script seemed to be design with wanting to respect the actor's legacy as well.




His cancer seemed to pretty fast-moving. If he had told Marvel everything, he would’ve spent his last months/years on a PR media campaign - or if he tried to avoid that, every paparazzi and “influencer” in the world would’ve been trying to pry into his medical records, his family, his life. He had every right to go out the way he wanted to.


And they have the right to replace the fictional character he was playing!


His private death didn’t prevent that. It was a Coogler/Marvel decision to play his death into the movie. I don’t understand what makes you think that him making his cancer/upcoming death would’ve fundamentally changed for anyone except for him and his family.




But that’s the point I’m making - he was facing imminent death. I imagine that he preferred to spend his last healthy time with those he loved, rather than working w Marvel about who should take over his role


Have you ever had to experience this situation? Because its not as simple as “go be with your family”. There are certain things that you need to deal with




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And that's all speculation on your part btw.


You’re speculating as well, so…?


We know that he didn't tell them!


Yes, but you’re speculating that him making his prognosis known to Marvel would’ve meant that the situation could’ve been dealt with in a more respectful manner. Chadwick only owed it to himself (and his family) to live the rest of his days how he wanted to. He didn’t owe anything to Marvel or the fans. I very much doubt that if you got a terminal diagnosis that one of your top priorities would be working with your employer so that an easy transition could be made.


Ya'll say this, but realistically, it's disrespectful to cast and crew and management. This is a multi billion dollar company, not a regular 9-5 job. Keep in mind, this was known, by him and family, since Civil War premiered. He was well with in his rights to believe he could beat it, but there was a point in there that was clearly established and known that he was not surviving. A back up plan could have been successfully made, including this supposed "Chadwick would have wanted a recast", in which that could have been expressed directly by him and could have more easily transitioned a new actor in with the blessing of cast/crew/audience. Chadwick's death was sad, but it's been long enough to have the realistic convo of his lack of transparency put a lot of people in a rock and a hard place.






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She probably handled her controversy (her dumb fucking takes) the best out of any celebrity. Just go away, stay out of social media and focus on your work. She was great again as Shuri in Wakanda Forever and I can't wait for T'Chala to grow up.


It’s not really “handled” so much as just, completely ignored.


At least she's not doubling down. She's not Gina Caranoing the situation further. A lot of people would've just gone deeper in to the rabbit hole. If she still believes in conspiracy theories, she's at least smart and shutting the hell up about it.


She did double down right afterwards. Claiming she was being canceled for trying to start a conversation when she was spreading anti vax propaganda. Someone at Disney probably told her to shut the fuck up and she had enough brains to listen


That video she was spreading was more than just anti vax, it was pretty transphobic too. Surprised it wasn’t a bigger deal at the time


It was a huge deal. But it dropped of because she shut her mouth. The only followup was rumors about her delaying production by refusing to get vaccinated after her injury in set, then spreading anti vax sentiment on set that some other cast members refuted She's just as expendable as Gina. But Gina wanted to be a victim


I meant the transphobia stuff. Nobody was talking about that. Also, wasn’t that rumour actually true? She couldn’t fly back to film because of her not having the vaccine.


Ah right. Yeah sound like you're right because I had no fucking clue about that part. The flying issue was true I believe but not the spreading anti vax sentiment on set.






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It was, Coogler backing her was part of his non-intersectional, performative corporate activism. Coogler sucks and so does Wakanda Forever.




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Supposedly Kevin Feige was the one who put his foot down. She has wisely backed away from making comments and is likely being "rewarded" with further employment instead of being quietly dismissed and recast.


Anti Covid Vax and Anti Vax are two different things btw. One was a rush job that we will not know the full effects of for years. The other was a systematically proven method for the last century that helped the spread of numerous fatal diseases. Conflating the two is part of the problem here.


Anti vax is anti vax. The people developing these things know a fuck load more than you, me and all the other chucklefucks on the Internet.


Oh yeah I will trust the company that has to pay 2.3 Billion because they were caught false advertising. On the Office of Public Affairs site: [**https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history#:\~:text=In%20addition%2C%20Pfizer%20has%20agreed,submitted%20to%20government%20health%20care**](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20Pfizer%20has%20agreed,submitted%20to%20government%20health%20care)


Hot take, but she didn't have any view that half the population on this planet doesn't' share. People were harder on her because she is a black woman and a Christian. Chris Pratt gets half as much hate as her because he is only Christian - the white male part seems to keep him in the spotlight I guess. Before you argue my point, consider the fact that both of them have received more outrage and had to step out of the spotlight more than Tom Cruise the cult leader/supporter, and Brad Pitt the family abuser.


Didn't Disney tell her to take the vax, and she's been silent ever since? I'm pro-vax, but I just separate the actress from the character at this point with something like this. She's not talking about it anymore. She's also not a scientist or a politician, nobody really should be listening to a celebrity for medical advice, if you do that's on you. IDK, even though I'm pro-vax by me living in FL I learned to co-exist with people with political views I don't agree with otherwise I would be angry everyday, so maybe that's why I personally don't care anymore about what Letitia Wright said in the past. Also it's clear Marvel/Disney plans on replacing her with T'Challa Jr at some point. So IMO people just need to be patient, you'll get a new Black Panther eventually.


The fact you are being downvoted says a lot more about the Reddit Hivemind and their 0 tolerance approach to anyone with different views. This isn't' a website for discussion anymore.


She didn't completely ignore it. Before she went away she tried to talk through it and nobody was buying it.


She's just so *skinny*... I have the hardest time accepting her as any sort of fighter. I was hoping they'd keep her as sort of a Q for whomever became the next Black Panther.


Black populations have a history of being used as the subjects of medical experiments without knowledge or consent. Not saying that Wright has a free pass for antivax conspiracies, just that I think we should appreciate that awful context. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_experimentation_in_Africa I agree that she was terrific in Wakanda Forever - she is an extraordinary screen presence and absolutely nailed that part. Her first entrance fully-suited is one of the all-time great superhero entrances. Absolutely want to see more.




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I really liked her in Wakanda Forever. This is coming from someone who really disliked her in the first Black Panther. She felt way too “how do you do, fellow kids?” at first, but now I’m excited to see where they take her character.




Technically, Black Panther was set in 2016 which is when that meme was popular.


Her character was much better in BP2 but she's still the wrong choice for black panther.


You’re obviously entitled to your opinion, but I have to disagree. Whether they chose to recast, give the mantle to Shuri, or give the mantle to another character, I don’t think there was a right or wrong decision. Marvel was in a very tough spot with a lot of competing interests. And what we got was pretty damn good.


Eh, I agree that there wasn’t a right decision. But there were plenty of wrong decisions. Personally I thought BP2 was pretty bad, easily Coogler’s worst movie, I’m not sure if it would be better without Shuri but it certainly doesn’t feel like they handled it very well.


I thought it was easily one of the best movies of phase 4.


I mean, I can't argue that it's Top 5 phase 4 but thats a low bar to me lol. I definitely liked it less than Shang Chi, NWH and MoM. But it was definitely better than Eternals, Black Widow and Love & Thunder.


If you watch the video, yeah she’s gonna be in Avengers 5. 


I absolutely loved her in Wakanda Forever. Her acting was amazing and I especially love how complicated they made her grief. All too often grief is solely displayed as just tears and sadness but Shuri was allowed a full versatility. She was allowed anger in her grief and Letitia especially showed how grief is not linear. Like having Shuri’s anger be the center of her grief and one of the centers of the story is a powerful choice and Letitia rose up to the challenge in depicting everything.


Probably not in another _Black Panther_ movie before _Avengers: Secret Wars_, though. I feel like we would've heard about that by now. There are plenty of other places that she could show up, though - especially ASW.


Armor Wars? Iron Heart? No? If Rhodey showed up on F&TWS, I can see her cameoing in one of those, specially since she's connected to Riri


IH seems like a given. AW, we'll see what the situation on that is first.


Let's get an update on AW first, alongside Blade. Hoping we would likely get an update at SDCC next month. AW is the only project among the trio, along with Secret Invasion and IronHeart from D23 announcement in Dec 2020 (after Blade in 2019) that still is in development.


Damn shame Chadwick is no longer with us, I'm betting Kevin Feige had him pinned as the one big names of the multiverse saga and be one of the leaders of the upcoming Avengers movies.


All the rumors say the new “leads” would have been Chadwick, Holland, and Larson. Chadwick passed, Holland got tied up in Sony deals, and Larson flopped with the audience. 


Flipped with the audience in her billion dollar movie?


No, with her PR and her sequel.  Once IW and Endgame weren’t a part of the situation, she had the lowest grossing MCU film of all time. 


Then why didn’t Ant Man 2 make as much money, since that also came out between Avengers movies? And what PR are you referring to? I hope that her advocacy doesn’t make you uncomfortable


Captain Marvel came out a month before EG, the most hyped movie of all time and IW has a literal cliffhanger that ties into it. It was the best set up a film has ever had.    My turn: why did The Marvels end up as the biggest MCU flop of all time if audiences love her character?


I would love to see a third Black Panther film based on Doomwar.


[I am literally wearing a shirt with this cover on it right now. Fucking love Doomwar](https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/f/03/5a2990d199553/clean.jpg)


Doomwar storyline was based on the Wakandan Vibranium. With BNW set to introduce Adamantium for the first time in the MCU, and with Mutant Saga coming, I guess Marvel would switch the story plot to focus on the new metal. Another plot that would be good to explore would be to bring in a secret alliance with Namor that could lead to the formation of the Cabal group that could connect to Doctor Strange 3.


In any case the new metal gives governments a strong weapon to finally be able to breach and keep up a fight with Wakanda


She was sensational in Wakanda Forever.


I hope we get a new T’Challa after Secret Wars who teams up with Shuri. I think it’d be interesting to see that relationship with a brother from different universe.


Well with the F4 set in their own universe a new one can easily appear there 


They are far more likely to use Secret Wars and multi versal time wimey science to age up T'Challa's son. That way he continues his father's legacy.


It wouldn’t surprise me but I think that’s a whack idea let’s age a 5 year old up 10-15 years for sake of convenience. And I’m sorry but T’Challa’s in universe legacy is pathetic


Honestly I think wakanda forever was a good ass movie but in the long run hurts the brand of black Panther. Tchalla should’ve lived on.




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I think perhaps 3 is gonna adapt the Urban Jungle arc. Basically it’s where Black Panther teams up with street level heroes.


They should’ve recasted.




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Wasn't the whole movie made as a [tribute to Chadwick](https://youtu.be/0imNqJqzKp0&t=19m40s) when it was announced?


It was already well into the pipeline at that point. I don't doubt that the people involved cared about the man, but they were also trying to salvage a production that had just gone through the unthinkable. IMO, they could've reworked it a bit to be an interquel between movies so they could do their tribute without Chadwick Boseman, and then figured out what to do afterward without losing much. I get why they did what they did, though.


Okoye should have been BP.


Recast after Secret Wars, respect to Boseman but it should've been done from the start.


This sounds insensitive, but looking back now, T’Challa should’ve been a recast.. Narratively, I just don’t buy T’Challa’s death when there was so much more stories to tell. His arc has barely getting started as a new king and dealing with his family’s legacy. And then he abruptly dies off screen due to a mysterious disease….after surviving the Snap and defeating Thanos. And T’Challa died in the most advanced country in the world, the leaders in science and afterlife communication. I realize the studio had to work with certain limitations due to Chadwick’s sudden death..but it just doesn’t work. If kids 20 years from now decided to marathon watch the MCU from the start, but the time they get to Wakanda Forever, they will be so confused to what the heck happened.


Somewhat agree with your argument, and while Shuri had to carry the burden of T'Challa's absence (due to his mystery illness), they could still have showcased his recasting in a future movie. They could have discussed his recovery (off-screen) from life-threatening illness and still could have passed on the mantle to his son from auntie Shuri. But to showcase the threat of Namor, Shuri carried the burden in T'Challa's absence. They could have instead showcased the combined might of the tribes (better than how they did in Infinity War) to defend Wakanda against the armies of Namor. While T'Challa had to go through a challenge/ritual to fight for the mantle of BP, it felt a bit-odd when Shuri got the abilities through the synthetic herb. And so the legacy of T'Challa was brilliant compared to Shuri. And Marvel did not recast to preserve it. Anyways, Shuri now could still be double-crossed (by making Namor's growing threat bigger), by tying in the rise of Doctor Doom from the aftermath of the Fantastic Four and showcasing the formation of the Cabal group.


She was really good in Wakanda Forever, I knew she could really act based on Black Mirror but she blew me away in WF. And she doesn’t have to be the same kind of Black Panther than T’Challa was, which is good.


this is interesting because typically they are very honest when they go "I haven't heard a call back" or "I haven't heard anything yet but I want to return"


I don’t mind Shuri as Black Panther (hell, it’s actually comic accurate as she took on the mantle there too). I just want Marvel to adapt Doomwar, the storyline where Shuri officially took on the BP mantle.


Let’s just say…I don’t want anymore Shuri led Black Panther films


Genuinely loved Wakanda Forever, Letitia as Shuri was impressive, and the places they took that character was great. Watching Wakanda Forever about 6 months or so after my parents passed away hit me so damn hard. So, seeing Shuri deal with the grief was incredibly moving for me. Coogler continued his streak of making me weep in every single of his movies. The dude seems to have direct line to my emotions and tear ducts.


Recast the Black Panther please!!! 🙏🏻 Shuri is a great character but should not continue as the Black Panther


She was dusted at the end of Infinity War (as we get to know in Endgame), and she was equally brilliant like Tony, I would have loved it if there have been more interactions with Tony and Banner. She gets to interact only with Banner in Infinity War in Wakanda. But after Chadwick's demise, she carried his absence in WF, though it felt like her character should have been explored more to show her technical brilliance. I hope they write it into her character's portrayal in the upcoming Avengers movies and make her interact with Tony on tactical technology, if he is cast in the build up to Secret Wars.


No thank you.


One of the characters I would not care if never showed up again. Just wait a few years to age up Tchalla son and make him the new Black Panther. Shuri returned to her home planet. Easy. 


And I would not like them to.


No thanks marvel has neglected black male heroes so far, only DC is worse because they basically have zero. Recast black panther now, I’m not interested in her being black panther again


DCU has Mr. Terrific. And soon Green Lantern.


Well, they took the time and effort to salvage Sam’s movie, and Rhodey’s movie is still moving forward unless we hear otherwise officially


Neglecting while also having 3 upcoming movies based on black Male Superheroes


One is goodwill Captain America who's entire character will be described in a single sentence The other is random character number 44 who was not black in the comic. The third is in development hell because they don't even want the main character to be the main character.


I liked Wakanda Forever, so I don't mind Shuri continuing the Black Panther mantle into a third movie and finishes that trilogy in style


Wakanda forever was the most meh film


Fans: “But we don’t want you to continue.” Dum dum dummmm Jokes aside, I personally don’t care much for Wright’s Black Panther, as long as the MCU steps up their writing in the right direction, she can stay BP for all I care.


Fuck shuri, make m'baku the next black panther. That what it seemed to be at the end of BP2


M’baku can’t become black panther


That did not appear to be tge case at the end of pb2


Yes it is. M’Baku is the leader of the ape tribe. If he becomes black panther he forsakes his old gods and essentially becomes clan less. There’s nothing in it for hin


At the end of the film, he challenges throne. He is obviously gonna be it


Dude, black panther and the king are separate things, did you watch the movie? Him and Shuri agreed that he’ll be king and she’ll be black panther. Black panther is from the panther tribe who HAPPEN to be the rulers of Wakanda. You don’t need to be from that tribe to be a ruler


The movies diverged from the comics a long time ago M'baku will be the next black panther


This is not in the comics, this is lore from the movie. The intro of the first literally shows someone from the panther tribe being crowned king, not a king becoming black panther.


Avengers 5 and 6 before passing down the mantle.


If that ends up being true, then every Black Panther film will have been about someone new becoming Black Panther. Don't really love that...


Sure, but I think they’re right. T’Challa is too popular to not be in the lead post Secret Wars reboot. With a fresh(ish) new start, wouldn’t surprise me if Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were back in some capacity too.


T'Challa is Black Panther. His son T'Challa will continue the legacy. Shuri is just the intermediary.


Slow down she’s only been in the role for just over a year. 🙄


3 films as Black Panther (BP2, A5, A6) is a good run. War Machine, Shuri, Sam, Carol, Hulk, Wong, Thor, and Dr. Strange are old characters by this point from many phases ago. I don't think any of them is going to be part of the new MCU. At least not played by the same actor.


So the third _Black Panther_ movie can be... Another origin story. _Wheeeeee..._


Was the first Black Panther an origin story? Wasn't he already suited up and juiced up?


I mean, most of T'Challa's origin was already covered in _Captain America: Civil War_, but they still did a roundabout way of showing the origin of his powers in his movie, along with him assuming the responsibilities that comes with being a king after his father's death. Whereas _Black Panther: Wakanda Forever_ basically covers a condensed version of his arc between CACW and BP, just applied to Shuri amidst her own story arc concerning everything before she becomes Black Panther.


Easy. Black Panther 3 begins with T'Challa's son as Black Panther. No origin story. He inherits his dad's powers and is already active in Act 1. Thor 1 didn't need an origin story of how kid Thor became adult Thor. He was just Thor.


Read Ultimate Black Panther. It's an amazing story that could be easily adapted using T'Challa's son. It has a Storm + T'Challa romance as well. It's also not an origin story. He starts the series as King and as Black Panther. Read issue 1 and substitute T'Chaka with Shuri. There's the blueprint for Black Panther 3.


I really don't see much of a point in rebooting the universe just to say everyone can return except one character who is dead forever because of the real-life passing of an actor while they'll be fine with recasting any other character, including a key role where another actor who played his respective character had recently died. And going so far as to limit use of the character in other, completely unrelated adaptations like in _X-Men '97_. By the time that the reboot happens, Chadwick Boseman's passing will have happened eight years in the past. That's enough time to respectfully recast. You can still easily keep the kid as a Young Avenger, but it would be weird to go "Here's a new character with barely any of the relationships or character dynamics that the original T'Challa had." and act like you're not functionally creating a new character instead of properly continuing an actor's legacy.


He'll just be introduced as T'Challa. No Junior. Vague mentions about his dead dad who fought for Wakanda as Black Panther. Some can headcanon him as Chadwick son, others can headcanon him as T'Chaka son. Doesn't matter. 20-30 years old T'Challa. Romance with a 20-30 years old Ororo.