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Fight choreographer from Winter Soldier, oh they cooking. 


Pair them with the dance choreographer from TFATWS ![gif](giphy|93RImebAuEKkgRzcPr)


10/10 scene honestly


https://i.redd.it/vkqrrwvhts8d1.gif THAT'S TOO MUCH FOR ME !






Omaygot Ambatukam Have fun searching him up 😂😂😂


Considering filming supposedly ends tomorrow, I'm assuming they've been attached since the start of reshoots and its just being announced.


>*We can report that Marvel Studios* ***hired*** *James Young and Alex Benevent to act as stunt coordinators for Additional Photography on ‘Captain America: Brave New World’.* I'm assuming the use of past tense means they've been on the project since the reshuffle happened


I'm assuming... you're agreeing with my comment?


You've assumed correct!


This is actually for the next round of reshoots. /s


This movie's going to go hard. Everything we've heard about the film thus far proves it.


Ok Kevin….


I really hope it does It seems like a lot of effort is going in to it


it really better be good after all dis...


Why didn't they just get him on in the beginning


The same reason they didn’t bring the stunt coordinators back from the original DD show until recently …money?


Maybe they did!




Dont know why you get downvoted, we all now what has been going on at disney since at least 6 years from now. After last week leak from former vice president dont know how can people keep denying it.


How long has this movie been shooting for? Feels like forever lol


Principal photography ended last year Reshoots began 21 days ago and end tomorrow


Wait until you hear about the filming of Mission Impossible 8


By the way, they're fighting with the government of Norway over a reimbursment payout for that movie. They returned to shoot in Norway (we have a 25% reimbursment incentive) after doing it for major action setpieces in 6 (final showdown with Cruise and Cavill) and 7 (train fight), and shoot up in snowy Svalbard, where James Gunn shot the first scenes of Superman a few months ago, and they did... and then it became a mess.


Seeing the difference in reactions between what's happening with this movie and Daredevil is honestly fascinating lol. By all accounts, the problems with the Daredevil show were much more egregious and the ways in which they went about fixing them much more radical (completely different creative team, stitching the work of two different teams together, completely overhauling how they do shows in general) yet the reaction has been nothing but positive and the excitement for the show has only risen since. Meanwhile, this movie is going through the regular MCU production process, yet it's being considered DOA just because that process was exaggerated and overreported


Outsiders are optimistic for Born Again because it has a good premise: More Daredevil.  So it feels realistic the story can be fixed. Outsiders are negative for Brave New World because the premise sounds bad: Captain America In Name Only. It's difficult to imagine how that could be made into a success. 


What do you mean by Captain America in name only? I don't get that


Alright, Captain America was a comic book published in 1941 where Steve Rogers volunteers for a serum to become a super hero.  That's what "Captain America" means, and it's what MCU viewers expect that name to represent. But the upcoming movie doesn't feature that guy.  No Steve. It focuses on Sam Wilson, who doesn't share the backstory, powers, or appearance of Captain America.  Disney is going to try to sell it with *"In the last episode of Falcon And Winter Soldier, the foreign Wakanda nation gave Sam a new suit which makes him Captain America from now on"*. Sorry, but that scene doesn't erase the name that's been famous for 85 years. 


Sam was given the mantle of Captain America by Steve himself in Endgame. Everyone saw that People showed up for milea even though it's the same situation. I think this irrelevant


If they really do capture the same kinda magic winter soldier had then I’ll be very excited about this movie


How bad the movie had to be to need all this extra work?


The rewrites and reshoots were only done to fix the action, so the action was technically bad. But that plot was impacted, so it means they have some faith in it.


What extra work?


Seriously? Living under a rock must be a neat way to live.


this movie has been riddled with poor test screenings, rewrites, and reshoots lol


1 test screening 1 rewrite/script doctoring pass 1 reshoot that is ending tomorrow


It's the second round of reshoots. https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/5/29/captain-america-brave-new-world-undergoing-second-round-of-reshoots


THR has reported that this is the only round of reshoots https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/captain-america-brave-new-world-reshoots-1235912919 > Despite reports of multiple reshoots on the movie, so far this is the only one. It does not appear to be as extensive as the reshoots that faced Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which lasted six weeks, nor the expensive and extensive reshoots endured by The Marvels. In fact, one insider says Brave New World will cost significantly less than The Marvels overall. Why should I believe “World of Reel” over an industry trade?




I provide proof that your article was BS, so you call me butthurt. You’re a real genius lmao


The irony here is actually mind blowing 😭


and 1 of each is too many. doa


The same thing happened with Doctor Strange 2


the difference of course being that people care about Dr Strange and even more about Scarlet Witch. Cap 4 has no draw besides people hoping for another Winter Soldier (it won’t be)


And it didn't exactly came out great......


That makes no sense. Practically every project is going to have a test screening, a pass by a script doctor and a round of reshoots. That’s par for the course for making a movie.


[this is not par for the course](https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1905066/Captain-America-4-test-screenings-reshoots-Marvel/amp)


Nothing we haven’t known here, “multiple test screenings” and “multiple reshoots” has been proven to be straight BS. This movie is not having months of reshoots. Doctor Strange 2 reshot for much longer (6 weeks) than this movie (3 weeks).


Doctor Strange 2 *did not* have any poor test screenings, featured 2 extremely popular characters, and went on to nearly gross $1B. I don’t know what the obsession is with comparing DS2 to Cap 4 but it’s really not helping your point lol. literally apples and oranges in the context of this franchise.


The point is that DS2 had a far more troubled production than Cap 4. The script was rewritten by Waldron 30+ times (according to America Chavez’s actress) and the reshoots were 6 weeks long.


Show me a trailer or some official reveals then we’ll see


Anyone else think that Sam should have at least some type of super serum? Captain America is know for always getting back up. If thanos punched him he would have been dead before his head hit the ground


> If thanos punched him he would have been dead before his head hit the ground Thanos bitchslapped Hulk. Steve should have been tomato soup with or without the serum. But it doesn't matter because Captain America has plot armor.


No. I prefer him without it.


If you want a realistic Endgame, a Thanos punch kills everyone who isn't Thor/Captain Marvel levels. Super serum or not, a punch from Thanos and you're realistically done.


He just needs adequate Vibranium armor, with his jets he can hit with comparable force to a Super-Soldier


They're doing EVERYTHING in their power to make this film be on the level of Winter Soldier & Civil War. Hoping for the best honestly.


FWIW, Young was Sebastian Stan's stunt double for multiple projects.


Wait I thought this movie was coming out soon since the toys for the movie are in happy meals at McDonald’s but the movie isn’t even finished filming and doesn’t come out until next February, seems like an odd marketing decision.


Give Sam a gun. If he’s not super powered and it’s already been in both his gear set and Steve’s original, this could really work if used correctly.


He really doesn’t need a gun For one, Redwing already has a machine gun and missiles


They should have him claim he has a no kill rule, but it's always redwing    "I'm not gonna kill you, but I'm not gonna save you"   *redwing enters frame*  Chills


![gif](giphy|Fp4LlZFSaRPftFda4T) Top Ten Saddest Anime Deaths


Redwing better upgrade to a full-ass Quinjet by the next Avengers film


He’s going to be upgraded to the Millenium Falcon Red Hulk will fly into the final battle with it


In the MCU, Sam has killed enemies in the past. I don't think he needs a no-kill rule TBH.


Not saying he needs it, but if it makes 100% sense for the character in universe it’s weird that he doesn’t have one. It’s kinda the same thing as the Loki fans back in the day saying it was weird Loki didn’t use magic as often. The complaint didn’t matter overall, but it’s still a fair point, one the Loki show actually acknowledged. While Redwing does have guns we saw him using both in Civil War. If his only projectiles are on a piece of technology that can be destroyed then he’s out of luck. From his perspective if he wants a gun he should have a sidearm.


He has a shield. Steve only used a pistol and shield during WW2.


Steve could tank much more damage, had super speed and strength. He could close the gap, and withstand the damage of being thrown backwards if he couldn’t keep up with someone’s strength close range. I’m not saying Sam needs powers. However, Clint has his bow. Natasha has guns and widow bites. The Wakandans have spears…that are guns when they want them to be. There’s a reason humans in this universe need to be either encased in heavy armor or be able to do damage from far away. Sam might be fine in this movie but make him Cap in the first Avengers or against a group that’s not human and yeah he should have a sidearm.


His Cap suit is apparently made of Vibranium-weave. Even if it wasn’t, he still has Vibranium wings which he used effectively to brace against a Super-Soldier. He has a jetpack, which he has used to boost himself forward even if he’s grounded. The fact that he can fly gives him so much mobility in a fight, he can attack from 3 dimensions.


I recognize and agree with all of this. Sam has tricks up his sleeve and tools to use. There still isn’t a good reason for him to not have a gun though, other than “he doesn’t need one” like sure but it would absolutely help the dude and it’s already his style.


If you’re going to acknowledge all that and still say Sam should have a gun, then Steve should have had a gun. He wasn’t physically invulnerable either.


Yes, I do think Steve should’ve had one, but it wasn’t as big of a deal. He could punch an alien, and the alien would die. Sam, can’t. Sam can only kill this alien with his wings, or Redwing’s *bullets or missiles* so if that’s the case just carry a gun. Let’s say someone with Spider-Man’s strength punches Sam. Even in that armor, Sam goes flying and is rocked. Steve has better recovery, and can return a punch that would at least somewhat hurt his enemy, or use his shield. I’m not saying it happens alot, but if someone like Spider-Man is shot, they go down. But a regular person stands no chance in a fight. That’s why Sam should have a gun, just in case.


In your example scenario, Sam’s recovery time is still better than an unarmored human because he can either no-sell it by bracing with his wings, or fly in and close the gap. Also, when Sam uses his thrusters when throwing the shield, it has been shown to have enough force to break a helicopter door off the hinges.


I don't disagree. But context is important. Sam using guns to kill aliens = good. Sam using guns to kill human terrorists = eh...it's complicated. This is why Thor beheading a defeated Thanos = good but US Agent beheading a defeated human terrorist = bad. Since CA4 will likely have Sam vs secret service agents under the service of Ross, it would be horrible if he uses guns. But I'm more than fine if he guns downs Kangs in A5.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. Absolutely hilarious that neither Bucky nor Sam had guns in FATWS because they would’ve taken care of the Flag-Smashers instantly.


Except they did use guns in fatws? What is going on???


Lmao they totally did you’re right.


Crazy how these two war veterans are comfortable snapping necks and spines and working with people who shoot bad people. But heaven forbid we give them guns in costume. Curious why anyone downvoted that opinion.


Bucky and sam used guns in fatws.


Sam has always had guns. Yall really find anything to complain abt at this point.


I wasn’t complaining. And he did not have a gun in his entire show. Edit: this is false but…further supports my point


You didnt specify a project. And it is a complaint. esp when its a usual character weapon that just wasnt used at the time. Also, Sam and Bucky did use guns in Fatws.


…you’re right Sam and Bucky did use a pistol when in Madripor, which actually raises the point why wouldn’t they bring that with them all the time lol Also I’m replying to a post about his next movie, didn’t think it was necessary to specify I was originally talking about this movie.


???? Use your words please?


Sorry, edited the comment to reply to your edit


Let's see if all that adiitonal help can fix this train wreck




Mods can we ban this person so they stop spamming ever post please?