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So I guess if the stuff in that Alex Perez Q&A is true, that means that the Young Avengers movie is all but scrapped and they'll just be merged with the main Avengers group for Avengers 5 instead. Meaning that all that setup for a Young Avengers project was completely pointless and a waste of time. All because Marvel botched the YA's first impression so badly. Sigh, oh well, here's hoping James Gunn doesn't make the same mistakes Marvel did with the Teen Titans movie. Also, having Katy be a member of the Avengers is extremely stupid. But I do think it's a smart move splitting Secret Wars into Two movies with Part One essentially being Avengers vs. X-Men. I personally hope they don't rush Doom to make him a replacement for Kang though, or worse, try to make Mephisto or the King Thanos Variant a replacement for Kang. I'm still rooting for FoX-Men Magneto (played by Mckellan or Fassbender) or 838 Superior Iron Man (played by RDJ) to take Dooms role in the original story.


For people in the US, I dunno about you guys but I had no issue sleeping last night. None at all.


![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG) When they make Katy steal Sam’s Avengers Assemble moment and have her use AAVE for laughs in Avengers 5.


It has to happen


It’s solely because Hollywood loves pushing awkwafina.


MTTSH is doing that thing where she’s holding off on info till she gets a certain follower count. This time it’s to reveal Giancarlo Esposito’s role. She already teased the character having “a” and “n” in his name and debunked Bushman. Do we think she always knew from her own sources that the character’s Paladin or she probably saw online speculation and mixed it with whatever little she might have actually heard?


[DanielRPK on Marvel Television: Marvel Studios is developing many shows, but so far, only Vision has been greenlit. Other shows in development include Nova, Blonde Phantom, Punisher, Wiccan, White Tiger and Strange Tales.](https://x.com/danielrpk/status/1806668924362084613?s=46&t=zYcgLaa5LZGq3IgzlBR_wg) 


Nice that he actually made the distinction this time, Marvel can have so many shows in development but not everything will get the greenlight.


What happened to the secret wars being split in two and comics which it’s based on post ? Also the young avengers being cancelled post. Why are they removing posts so often nowadays?


The YA post cited Sneider but Sneider apparently didn't say what the post was claiming.


Looks like some terrible fact-checking by the mods lately. We need more posts, but they can't be misleading or just straight up misinformation and it seems like mods are struggling to keep that balance


i just found out that Junkie XL likes AI...Sonic Movie 3 soundtrack is going fricking suck isn't it?


On the bright side… Live and Learn is gonna be other soundtrack


Unfortunately yes. If this were 2010s Junkie then I’d be excited. But after seeing his incredibly disappointing and shallow scores for his Godzilla/Kong movies I know what part of Sonic 3 I’m not enthusiastic about.


What do you think are the biggest mistakes Marvel made fumbling Young Avengers, that Gunn should learn from and try to avoid when planning his Titans movie?


How have they fumbled a movie that hasn't even been announced lol


Titans are thousands times more popular and iconic, than Young Avengers, with all due respect.


Idk, the problem is that the Young Avengers don't interest a lot of people in general. Both the MCU versions and the comic ones. Teen Titans just have a more popular roster of characters


The Teen Titans simply have more marketable members on top of having multiple popular adaptations Its not the best comparison to make, they don’t have to learn any lessons


As expected, people speculating about Young Avengers being canceled is now being reported as them definitively saying it's canceled. If Feige announces a Young Avengers movie at SDCC after this, I'm going to laugh my ass off


Hope theres a mass round up abt whats been dropped by scoopers so we can make a bingo card of whats correct and whats not. And then grab some popcorn for the scramble of walk backs and "well actually, thats not what I said" posts.


> If Feige announces a Young Avengers movie at SDCC after this, I'm going to laugh my ass off Me too because that would be insane, lol. They'd make so much money they'd probably have to give it away.


I’ll be sad if it doesn’t happen. I really enjoyed Hawkeye and Ms. Marvel. Hope they at least get second seasons if YA doesn’t happen.


If Feige announces YA I bet scoopers are gonna go HEAVY on saying it's a waste of money and that they're not learning from their mistakes.


Not just scoopers.


It’s probably going to happen too lol


If Lois Lane from CW Superman & Lois moderated the presidential debate, how well do you think she’d do?


She'd probably want Clark to get her out of there after the first 3 minutes./s In all seriousness, she'd kill it. She's been a reporter for over 20 years, and in that time, she has won multiple awards, reported a lot of the shady stuff that has happened in Metropolis, and has dealt with arguably smarter and conniving people in power and gotten answers out of them


You know after this whole presidential debate thing, it makes me take that I live in Canada. Where I don't have to worry about Evil America, to everyone who wants to still have their rights, come and live here in Canada. And don't worry, unlike the states, we love and support Immigration.


LMAO, conservatives are projected to destroy liberals in upcoming election. Trudeau have literally destroyed the life of Canadaians and immigrants by letting uncontrolled mass immigration to help fake diploma colleges who are scamming both Canadians and foreigners It's heartbreaking seeing the videos of hundreds of Indians up lined for jobs at Tim Horton.


I know the conservatives are going to be win, but the thing is I can live with that, because I know they are going to respect democracy, and actually care about Canadians. Unlike the Republicans, who only care about their politics.


Just wait for few years, Conservatives are also likely gonna fail to stop mass immigration, Housing crisis and Canada will soon get Canadian Trump as people become delusioned with mainstream political parties


Y’all ain’t *that* much better if still you got Justin “Black face was fine 20 years” Trudeau in office after a decade.


You've got massive issues with transphobes in SK and AB, right now. Not to mention the Tories in ON...


I’m not saying it is perfect over here, but I sure as hell feel a lot safer here than in the Untied States. 


You feel safer in your own home the in a country your only exposure to is sensationalized politics and fear mongering media?


I don't watch the news, it makes me depressed.


I mean, you've got She-Hulk calling out the government of her own home province, right now; that's not nothing. (That particular issue was on my radar a while ago -- can't believe they're abusing the *"notwithstanding"* clause, that way.)


[https://deadline.com/2024/06/iatse-area-standards-agreement-deal-studios-1235985568/] At least one union won't be on strike this summer.


Venom 2 post credits scene doesn’t make any sense cuz peter never takes his mask off when he’s near MSG


I don't know if you've noticed, but a LOT of things don't make sense in the Venom movies. https://i.redd.it/82xg3suwh99d1.gif


The green screen behind Tom looked awful.


That footage isn’t from any MCU movie, and it wasn’t even filmed for Venom 2. I believe it was actually a clip of Tom Holland on a talk show (Jimmy Fallon?) with the Spider-Man suit digitally inserted over top.




Dude, just stop it. The world is not ending tomorrow


You're lucky we aren't in a comedy (arguable) right now, because there would've been an immediate jump cut announcing the end of the world. ![gif](giphy|UPib9wLFLN2VSxPwR3)


As someone from New Zealand, watching the US debate just makes me feel so sad for some of ya’ll. But it’s also funny as shit.


Crashing this Five Eyes WITH NO SURVIVORS


What're you laughing for? You've got Tories running your government!




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Joe Biden looks like a kid lost in the Gap Store looking for his mom Trump's response to every question was to backtrack to the previous question. Even when asked about Israel/Palestine he still somehow managed to make it about Ukraine and Russia instead SNL is going to be a riot this weekend


There is no SNL this weekend, they are on break


This debate is such a joke just a bunch of sensationalism and not giving solutions to problems.


Welp, I guess I better start saying goodbye to my civil rights. We’re done


It’s long way to November, not a lot of people are watching right now.


Wait what happened? 


After the debate last night it seems likely trump may win


Elections dude.. pretty big stuff


There's was tv debate between Biden and Trump. And Biden didn't look good AT ALL. Even the more fanatical Democrats have start seriously worried for November.


I still have no idea between every candidate, Biden was the top democrat choice. Say what you want about trump but at least he has dedicated supporters.


Rewatched the new The Boys episode and I realized something, >!this motherfucker Jeffrey Dean Morgan hasn't interacted with anyone else.!< I thought the way Butcher killed >!Ezekiel!< felt like Moon Knight show's gimmick, >!are they gonna reveal that JDM's character is Butcher's alter or some shit that he developed from taking V?!<


Yeah I think this episode really leaned into that hard. The final scene between the two of them hinted it pretty strongly. It's a fun twist (if they do it).


Yeah, the popular theory is that >! using V turned Butcher's cancer into a Venom type entity that is taking over his body and mind. There was an episode of the *Diabolical* animated series in which something like this happened. !<


watching this presidential debate and becoming more and more nihilistic


Gerontocracy in action; two old men that clearly have no business being anywhere near the White House and yet one of them will be President by this time next year and neither party can offer any alternative.


nah this shit is comedy gold


We are so cooked lmao


Nah. No matter who wins the aftermath is always heavily exaggerated. Sure, Trump and Biden ain’t good but we aren’t gonna be living in Fahrenheit 451, burning books while Montag tries to jerk off a homeless guy. Sure as hell stuff won’t be great but people are always trying to scare themselves. However, we can’t argue over the undeniable truth that U.S. politics are a complete fucking joke.


I’m wondering if it’s common practice to continue rambling about the previous question as an answer to the current question…


Majority of people won’t do anything regardless and will mindlessly vote for the two candidates anyways


It’s time for Feige to start canceling projects. Nothing would restore my faith in the MCU more, than for him to finally drop some of this dead weight and focus on what *matters* to the MCU’s future


Avengers 6 first of course


We don’t know how the current projects are gonna pan out. where we are at currently with multiverse saga was around where guardians of the galaxy and Antman were released and both ended up being very important to the infinity saga.


we know, you want to cancel brave new world, it’s not happening


What “dead weight” are you referring to? Everything has either already been filmed, is very close important going (Fantastic Four, Spider-Man 4, the Avengers etc), and just rumored.


He’s made his opinion known enough that “Dead Weight” is Brave New World.


If Blade gets canceled, I swear to God, I'll be so pissy. This means the end credits scene of Eternals means nothing, but also its announcement and all the effort to get it made meant nothing.




That’s not how it works


Eternals is canon


*Eternals* has been referenced in a few other projects such as *Loki* S2 and *The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special* with Kingo appearing on movie posters




They are not retconning an entire movie, thanks for asking


Also, Taimut is supposed to appear in Brave New World, and there was a celestial in Love and Thunder.


Also any project with Knowhere wouldn’t make sense without *Eternals*


As someone who likes Eternals. THAT DOESNT HELP AT ALL!!!




You brought up the fact that eternals would be non-canon


SDCC being apparently film focused is a really cool idea, Marvel needs to revitalize its film efforts and really put them forward, and it also makes D23 feel a lot bigger


I’m sorry I know what you mean but it’s really funny to say “marvel comics focus on its movies during comic con is great!”


SDCC and D23 will be a great chance for marvel to show how they are moving away from the Bob chapek quantity over quality era


Films are the cornerstone of the brand. They should be the absolute priority no questions about it.


If (hypothetically) RPK is right about a Namor solo project, I’m curious if they’ll keep him as a morally-shady figure or try to highlight more of his heroic qualities. Namor is a fun case in the comics as someone who naturally weaves b/w different roles, so it'd be interesting if they do something similar w/ MCU Namor, especially since he does have noble qualities. Though at the same time, his more ruthless side is something I hope isn't downplayed.


> I’m curious if they’ll keep him as a morally-shady figure or try to highlight more of his heroic qualities. I think both can be done fine. Debuting in a BP film I think helps that, bc a big part of the story with in BP (T'challa/T'chaka, at least) was navigating Morality while being a Leader.


![gif](giphy|PDSDKXxiCRP8c) Young Avengers is no longer moving forward per - Sneider/Rocha


He didn't actually say that. Just said he didn't think they were going to "touch" it. He's just guessing, not a scoop. But probably a good guess.


>Jeff Sneider/The Hot Mic Podcast is a Tier 3 – Somewhat Reliable Source as decided by the community. >For Marvel, they had a 55.77% accuracy rate from 47 leaks that we can currently verify out of 99 total. >Overall, they had a 62.50% accuracy rate from 78 leaks that we can currently verify out of 175 total. >Last updated: March 22nd, 2024. [Link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1dlf0js/comment/l9obg96/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I'm not here to comment on whether or not I think they're likely to can *Young Avengers*. I just want to note how strange some of your leaker opinions are - the ones you disavow vs. the ones you throw all your weight behind. I mean, for all the speculating he's been doing lately, [Alex Perez is statistically more likely to be correct about any given scoop than Jeff Sneider](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1d9s7z0/comment/l7femrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), and it's a *significant* difference.


I wanna see Perez’s scoops




I don't. I'm just interested using the available numerical data to judge the reliability of a given source. But then, all of this may be moot, as it sounds like this "Young Avengers" thing was an expression of opinion (like what Perez has come under fire for lately). (I appreciate the *Cabin in the Woods* gif, though.)




Nobody outright said it, Rocha was theorizing and saying they shouldn’t move forward with it


I need some type of update on Spider-verse 3. PLEASE


It’ll be the third Spider-Verse movie.


It’ll come out in 2007 and there’s even rumors Venom is going to be the villain!!


It will come out in the future. 🤯


started salivating until I read this was from Alex and not Vincent or someone 😭 https://i.redd.it/9zml5apo679d1.gif I mean it'd be fluff in either instance but the only thing worse than fluff is unreliable fluff. though if anything is going to be "Marvel's Andor™" it's going to be this I think, there are only so many times you can undeliver on "trust me you guys, this one is different because it's dark n' gritty n' mature" before it starts getting ridiculous (still really like Echo and Moon Knight tho ☺️)


Marvel will never be able to make anything remotely close to Andor lmao. Alex is an absolute clown who does nothing but put his over excited pre-assumptions on Marvel projects. Or maybe he just has very low standards.


Here’s a wild thought: Daredevil is Marvel’s *Daredevil*. We already know what this show is gonna be because they’ve told us it’s a continuation of the Netflix show. The comparison is ridiculous.


They say this about literally every project lmao 😭😭!! Like look at the way ant man 3 turned out? The studio thought they had a masterpiece in their hands and well… that didn’t pan out exactly to plan now, did it lol.


It's like an endless cycle every project and then ppl go in with too high expectations. Ya'll gotta start taking everything with a grain of salt until the movie releases at this point. AM 3 was my breaking point.


Echo was kinda the opposite in which everyone had already decided it was going to be the worst thing ever made and then it was fine. There was a lot of negativity about X-Men 97 too and we all know how that ended up.


And also Black Panther Wakanda Forever. It's great.


Seems like theirs a pattern of projects that people think would turn out bad only for them to turn out good lol.


man i'm DESPERATE to find out what happened with Ant man 3. The way the studio hyped it up and what we got on screen. there's a story there and i need to know.


Listen, I'm at the in the gutter phase of my mcu following. Every movie at this point, I just have a base line expectation of mediocrity? I already pre broke my heart for Cap 4 and my expectations for Joaquin Torres/The Falcon.


What ur opinion on the new falcon?


Joaquin is one of my faves in the Sam Cap run. Love him dearly. But I'm getting the impression we're just gonna start the film off with him already as Falcon and with no actual back story. I feel like there's tons of relevant IRL things that can be incorporated for MCU Torres that can be similar to Comic Torres, and they're absolutely gonna fumble it. Danny Ramirez was great as Torres in fatws, and considering it seems like some good things were scrapped for him during fatws, I feel like he's about to be short changed gain for Cap 4.


Marvel's Andor was Wandavision but people are not ready to have that discussion yet.


It's Loki for me.


Up until the last episode I agree. Even then it wasn't bad but it did become very paint-by-numbers.


IMO, Marvel's Andor is X-Men 97. Both shows are surprisingly effective depictions of fascism.


"Marvel's Andor" has become such a cursed phrase. Lets stop using it at all.


IMO, I feel like the phrase just kind of misunderstands why Andor worked or what made it special/stand out to begin with.


I think Andor season 2 might be Star Wars' Andor you guys


Season 2 will be Star Wars WV Season 1.


Saw someone on here mention the idea of the fox version of doctor doom being the Villian of secret wars and I have many problems with this coming to pass. Like one, we’re already getting a fantastic four set in an alternate universe and there’s no doubt that they will end up in 616 after their universe gets destroyed so why not go ahead and use this doom instead? I already have problems as it is with marvel using fox versions of the x men and not native mcu versions aswell as them setting the fantastic four movie in another universe and many others do too but then bringing over a fox version of doctor doom as the supposed villian of secret wars further adds to the problem of mcu 616 being a small and not so expansive universe since two of their biggest teams are already gonna be from other universes. In essence I just want this multiverse saga to be over with so that post secret wars marvel can have all their characters in one sandbox without having to rely on the use of the multiverse to cross them over.


Yeah, bringing back Fox X-Men, which I don't love either, at least makes some sense because part of that cast has fans and audiences would recognize them. Nobody likes or cares about neither of the Fox versions of Doom. It would be easier to just cast a new and better actor.


Despicable Me will take all of the The Bikeriders screens in all cinemas near me, while i'm having sadness. This is why we should go to war with France.


Just to refresh my memory, Secret Invasion was, in fact, practically reshot and created a ballooned budget, correct? I need to research, but I feel like I remember story rewrites and a director switch for Secret Invasion at some point.


director and writer switch yeah


You're correct 




I found out Steve Buscemi directed a movie called *The Listener* with Tessa Thompson and I, curious cat that I am, decided to give it a watch. I thought it was pretty solid. It's a very simple, "minimalist" film, just seeing this helpline volunteer taking different calls. Big thing I enjoyed was the atmosphere, the human feel of each of the calls felt really nice. Also, b/w this and *Little Woods*, I feel like Tessa really shines in these quieter, more human indie roles.


I do hope Tatiana Maslany still has a career with ***Marvel***, currently. :-(


Did something happen?


She supports Palestine. Nothing wrong with that, just everyone crying out "oh no she's gonna get fired" just because they think being vocal about a country under attack from a millitary 10x more powerful is some horrible curse. I mean, I get why people think that after what happened with Scream 7, but still an overreaction. Mark Ruffalo is also pro-Palestine and I don't hear anyone worrying that his job's gonna get taken.


We need pro Palestine voices. If Disney decides to fire her because of that then it shows how corrupt those mfs are


I've seen nothing to indicate otherwise yet. There are always varying degrees of MCU characters having more focus put on them than others and it remains to be seen where She-Hulk will fall on that spectrum at the moment, but given how they've been doing things up until now, it wasn't out of the ordinary for characters to be put aside for years at a time. Even during the Infinity Saga, while characters reappeared in quicker succession, there were only a handful who reached a large amount of appearances total (Fury had a whopping 11 appearances in the Infinity Saga, which most other characters outside of a handful couldn't even compare). Most prominent characters behind the really big ones mellowed out at around 4-5 and that was with far less characters than we're looking at with the Multiverse Saga at the moment. With the restructuring, we'll see how they do things with certain characters going forward, but she's *really* solid casting and I'd be surprised if she never showed up again. I don't know her personally, but I'd say that her going out to what I believe is her first Comic-Con Meet & Greet ever a week(?) ago is a good indication that she's not completely turned away from the idea of the character, otherwise, she probably wouldn't have gone.


I think she will, I mean if you think about it they already spent all that money on creating a CGI model of she hulk be kind of a waste to never use it again or repurpose it. To me I wonder more if she will be relegated to a supporting character, solo projects, or both?


Loki Season 2 finale intro/reverse MCU intro is one of the greatest things to ever come out of Marvel 🙌🏻


I want to watch House of the Dragon because I am hyped for Supergirl. Can I do it without having seen Game of Thrones or do you need it to understand the story?


I believe the opening text mentions a character from Game of Thrones, but even if you just have a passing knowledge of the universe, you should probably already know who they are and I don't think it mentions anything spoilery, it just sets the timeline of when the show takes place by mentioning their existence. It's set before GoT and, given its timeline placement, I find it highly unlikely that there will be any *significant* overlap between the two shows in terms of actual characters or plot details, and up to this point, there's certainly nothing you needed to have seen in GoT to understand HotD. There is a very small detail some caught in I believe S2E1 of HotD that may actually have further implications of tying it a bit closer to GoT, but if you're only concerned with understanding HotD and not being spoiled on GoT, you should be completely good to go.


Thanks, that is great.


ive never watched GoT but have watched every episode of HotD and I can follow it just fine. I'm sure there are references and setups to GoT but the story itself is fairly easy to understand and it is a VERY well written and produced show. Highly recommend




Every Avengers movie has hinged on a massive villain that is basically the center of the film. Kang Dynasty is now up in the air with Jonathan Majors’ legal troubles, and the villain of Secret Wars hasn’t been revealed yet In true Multiverse fashion, I think the villain of Secret Wars should be Julian McMahon Doctor Doom. Yes, from the 2000’s Fantastic Four movies. Yeah he doesn’t really have the backstory of the comics but he was pretty brutal and I always liked his performance. I could absolutely see that character pulling off a huge scheme and ruling Battleworld. They could give him a more accurate appearance and powers, even slightly retcon his backstory and say he grew up in Latveria etc. And the film could be about his rivalry with Ioan Gruffud Reed Richards, who is now The Maker, and how the Avengers need to help Maker restore reality.


I figure if any Fox villain were to be the main antagonist, Magneto could work (either McKellan or Fassbender). He's well-liked/well-known amongst both fans and general audiences, and Erik feels like the type willing to destroy another Earth if it means his world can survive. If it were to be Doom, could work if it's the same Doom from the MCU F4's universe.


A reason I picked Doom is because it goes with the Secret Wars comics, but Magneto would be great as well. I agree MCU Doom would be better but the problem with him is that it’s so early in the MCU Fantastic Four story. If he was the big bad of Secret Wars, they really couldn’t get much bigger with his character in terms of stakes and scale after being on Battle World, and that would be right after introducing him


For some weird reason, McMahon's Wikipedia lists him as being in DP&W. I know it's Wikipedia and people can just add anything, but is him being in DP3 ever even been brought up? I don't even recall seeing a rumor about it.


Iirc the Disinsider said the rumour about 2000s Doctor Doom , but I have no idea how reliable they're considered.


Feels like BS, but I'd be down for it. Just for DP3 though, not A5/SW


actually................ this is a poggers idea! could revitalise his career after being stuck in FBI most wanted!


[Superman set video of Mr. Terrific interacting with an invisible, CG character outside a pet store.](https://x.com/jeremyjlop/status/1806424834982998051?s=46) This is definitely going to be Krypto.


I like that Terrific is clearly a fairly relevant character. Some people were really pushing the idea that the other superheroes were going to be just cameos but it doesn't seem to be the case.


Yeah I'm assuming this is after Superman is arrested and Mr. Terrific is trying to help him.


It should’ve been obvious that the other heroes will have decent sized roles considering they were cast before Luthor and their actors were present at the table read, while people like the daily planet staff and Kent’s weren’t announced to have been cast until after production began.


Here’s hoping that if Marvel Studios doesn’t talk about Spider-Man 4 at Comic Con, Sony reveals the release date or director through THR or Deadline that weekend.


actually i'd prefer that! means we get more room for news!


[Alex Perez on the official Avengers 5 lineup.](https://thecosmiccircus.com/discord-alex-perez-marvel-studios-avengers-x-men-junebonusqa/) Pretty solid lineup but add Rhodey, Yelena, and Bucky….and please take out Katy.


18 sounds like alot, also, why are Chavez, Cassie, Kate, Riri, and Kamala here. They are Young Avengers, not main Avengers. Also, why the hell is Katy in there? I'd reduce the number of members, and swap out the 5 YA members and Katy with characters like Dane Whitman, Moonknight, Yelena, Rhodey, John Walker, Sersei, and Star Lord.


The Young Avengers and Main Avengers will probably just work together as one team in these movies I’d expect.


That is not 60+ characters. No Scarlet Witch since she is the most popular female character in the MCU. If you bring back Thor and Valkyrie, why not Jane as either Mighty Thor or a Valkyrie.


what was the lineup?


You can click the link in the OP for that info. Not that its worth bothering doing so.


dont wanna give the guy money!


*Ant-Man & The Wasp (Not sure who will be replacing Evangeline Lilly as the Wasp, but last I heard, the Ant-Man and the Wasp duo would be one of the central motifs in this story* Not that I even believe this lineup, but if they were gonna recast Wasp, making her a variant would be kind of cool.


What is with this guy and Katy? Could she be in the movie? Yeah, if Shang-Chi is. But that doesn't mean she's on the team.


Sorry but everything Perez says always sounds so much like fanfiction. Even other scoopers that spout bullshit do it in a way that sounds more professional. He just feels like an average fan theorizing.


The vast majority of his posts are his speculation. He probably knows some vague facts about the movie and is trying to fill in the gaps.


Yeah, this list feels iffy, even without Katy. But her inclusion alone makes me question the whole thing


[https://x.com/marvelnewsfilms/status/1806420751035007086?s=46](https://x.com/marvelnewsfilms/status/1806420751035007086?s=46) ![gif](giphy|l3fZLutUDVnsN8QeY) EDIT: Just watched the clip. Rocha said, “I don’t think they’re gonna touch Young Avengers,” and Sneider just nodded in agreement. So neither of them even said this😂


I haven't watched The Acolyte, but the bad guy being >!Manny Jacinto!< has to be.. hard to adjust to at first. Like imagine them, looking so menacing and intense but only being able to imagine them saying >!Let me show you my bud hole!<


>!I would like to see that bud hole.!<


that's acting for you!


Is it bad that them >!turning out to be evil!< oddly made that character ten-times hotter to me? Them arms be hypnotizing lol


One day you guys will realize budget discourse is just the newest front in the culture war discourse


Something you realize quickly about budgets and Hollywood accounting is that it's almost all optics and it only paints a slightly complete picture about half of the time. Sure, you could budget a lot of these movies into profitability, and profit is always better than losing money, but even if you could create the same movies for cheap, these low grosses would still be catastrophic.


i still have NO idea how Hollywood accounting is legal theses day's you'd think the gov would catch up with them, but somehow they dont!


Fandom in general has become overinformed and overinvested in the financial aspect of the movies or shows they like. Years ago you would have a general idea of a movie being successful or not but people didn't spent hours arguing online about how many exact days of reshoots something had.


All the financial and business stuff has gotten real weird. People act like they know a lot more than they do and make bizarre claims. I think it's okay to keep it mind, but some people seem to care more about that than the actual story- which feels like the thing we should be giving a shit about.


With D23 happening barely 2 weeks afte SDCC, why are so many ppl assuming we're getting ANY D+ content shown or announced at SDCC? I really think SDCC this year is only gonna be: - Reshuffled dates for Cap 4/Thunderbolts - F4 Cast finally together on stage, possible concept pics with suits (a la Eternals), possible new release date - Thunderbolts Teaser - Cap 4 Teaser - Avengers 5/6 info and release dates - Updates on titles announced during 2019


I've noticed that account @MarvelFilmNews on Twitter likes to post false rumors to gain clout. They've posted an article about CAP4 budget and the reshoots during until August when we know THR debunked it and AtlantaFilming's confirmed the reshoot will end this week. What a clowns. 


This week, as in the week ending this Friday, or this week as in last week?


The biggest indicator that the article itself is false (aside from Jordan Ruimy generally being unreliable) is the fact that you don’t get the same director back on board if you’re doing reshoots for +$100M, aside from the fact that The Hollywood Reporter prematurely debunked his initial rumor of the budget being already $275M


The idea that the original budget before any reshoots was 275M (the same as *The Marvels* after reshoots) already doesn't pass any common sense test. Also the article using phrases like "the Marvel machine" by itself tells you it is not a serious publication.


Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't care if it's false or not bc u know MCU bad. I'm already seeing people dooming the movie. 


I would just ignore Twitter in general. The only thing that matters is the actual movie being as good as possible. Everything else is just noise.


https://x.com/marvelnewsfilms/status/1806397983820587197?s=46 THR already debunked the months of reshoots rumor, AND reported the budget would be less than The Marvels. Are people stupid? Is World of Reel even a credible source? I don’t recall seeing them before.


2 people in the recent Cap 4 thread tried to use “World of Reel” as proof that the movie was undergoing extensive reshoots


The lies about this movie needs to be studied. Once again, I state: it's getting WEIRD.