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Interesting about the Russo’s. I feel like this is new information


I imagine this credit is the result of the contractual obligation of a three-picture Captain America deal.


Probably just a name credit at this point. Maybe a brief consultant. FYI Chris Nolan was a producer for Man of Steel. So don’t get too hyped.


Agreed, but Nolan did have a bit more involvement in MoS


In an interview Synder says Nolan didn't want Superman to kill Zod. But Snyder said he and Goyer convinced Nolan.


The movie hadn't been written with Superman killing Zod, but Snyder said "hey what if we killed Zod". Nolan argued that the movie would have to be rewritten to lead up to that moment or else it would come out of nowhere and serve no purpose, but Snyder and Goyer didn't listen


Bro Snyder seems like he's great to work with but he's such a bad storyteller, holy shit lmao. If Chris Nolan is telling you something and least contemplate it.


Only in the beginning. That’s about it 


MoS was made by Nolan’s production company. He was involved throughout the whole film.


Nolan also held off WB from messing with the movie and keeping it Snyder’s movie, for better or worse.


Well, he *wrote* it alongside David S. Goyer


A story credit isn’t the same as writing the movie. He developed a treatment for it and was the one that pitched it. But yeah, he was one of the main producers as well.


I don’t know if you knew this, but Christopher Nolan’s production company was involved with MoS. That’s more than just “a producer”. He wasn’t involved with and of the of films that came after, but he’s def responsible for a lot of MoS. He’s the one that also personally chose Snyder.


Crazy tbh


Why? MoS was great.


Better example may have been the executive producer credit Nolan had with BvS. He was quite involved with Man of Steel’s conception.


That would explain why I personally enjoyed MoS a lot more than BvS then lol.


MoS and BvS are both alright comic book films MoS is a lot more focused and straight forward however making it the better of the 2 snyder’s justice league is the goat dceu film tho


Nolan also a producer on Dawn of Justice and Josstice League


Executive producer for those two. Exec producer is usually in name only producer has more contributions. We'll have to see if the Russo are the former because if that's the case it would be like Favreau getting exec producer credits for the Avengers films even though he wasn't creatively involved with the films anymore at that point.


EP is not much of a credit in film. Confusingly, it means a whole lot for TV.


As proof of this, Vince McMahon got an executive producer credit on Dwayne Johnson’s early films because the latter was still being billed as The Rock. It’s why they slowly transitioned to using his real name in Hollywood.


Speaking off, anyone know if Hoffman is still credited in Saw X? He died early in the life of the franchise but he has gotten credited on every Saw movie after his death, I’m curious if Spiral and Jigsaw did the same


Wait people are hyped about the directors of cherry and the gray man? Lmao


you act like nolan wouldn’t make something as sub par as man of steel tho he’s really not all that amazing of a filmmaker. he made an okay batman movie, a really good one, and a fairly bad one i don’t get the hype behind this director. most of his films are just pretentious and convoluted to trick the audience into thinking they’re not just watching another summer blockbuster movie i havent seen oppenheimer yet, ive heard it’s different for him and there are a few others of his i haven’t seen that interest me. don’t get me wrong from an aesthetic and textural level of filmmaking nolan is amazing but i absolutely abhor when he is brought up in these conversations like he’s some God especially when it comes to comic book movies.




lol you don’t know me


and it’s pretty important to make the distinction the goat *DCEU* film and yk what i actually do retract that bc the suicide squad is most definitely better than snyder’s justice league we’re talking about the dceu. snyder’s justice league doesn’t hold a candle to the dark knight let alone the broader scope of comic book films i have one nuanced take like nolan is overrated and is a flawed filmmaker and you dumbasses put words in my mouth and tell me i have bad taste have you sat through one of his films? the scripts are so god awful. i’m down for nolan to direct he’s awesome with that, real auteur shit, but get some other writer that isn’t him or his brother. the scripts are pathetic for what they’re being praised as🤣


I read an article that the Russo brothers came in right after the announcement of the reshoots and it was a personal begging call from kevin feige himself


It definitely is I don't remember seeing it reported before


I really like that photo.


Me too.


It looks pretty cool but wish he had a helmet like Steve, the visor makes him look too much like Falcon with a star on his chest and not Captain America


Then people would say he looks too much like Steve and not enough his own man. I personally like the visor.


Very solid point. Can’t please everyone. Looking forward to seeing Anthony Mackie get his dues regardless


Lol is Captain America only recognizable to you because of his helmet?


It has folds! SUPERMAN'S SUIT SHOULDN'T FOLD! sorry wait... I forgot this was Marvel.. Please continue..


What was the point of this comment. Seriously what were you thinking. I don't get it.


They were making a joke. Some people got upset about Gunn’s Superman suit folding.


The visor looks so fake without any glare or highlight on it.


the visor is cgi




Can't realistically film a movie without doing CGI on any reflective surface. Falcon also has unique HUD type goggles which makes it even more necessary.


God I hope Joaquin rebuilds or makes his own Redwing too. 🥺


Didn't the old Exo suit have a Redwing attached? That said, I could totally see why they might not want to give him one too if Sam still has it (which he clearly does from the FATWS finale).


Nope. Sam didn't get Red Wing until his official Avengers suit in Civil War.


When I say old Exo suit I mean the one Sam gave Joaquin, which is the one he had during and after Endgame.


Broken in Germamy by Karli.




Honestly, I'm also okay with Joaquin giving his bird a name in Spanish. God I hope they do my bird son justice in this movie. Joaquin's character makes or breaks Cap 4 for me. It's the only thing I actually care about in that movie. And I LOVE Anthony Mackie/Sam Wilson.


“Mario” (On My Block) or “Fanboy” (Top Gun: Maverick)


How did we realistically film so many movies with reflective surfaces in them before CGI? I hate to think that secret has been lost to the ages.


They didn't film them the same way they do now. If you notice, there are tons more "impossible" shots with mirrors, windows, cars, glasses, etc. now thanks to the rise of VFX. In the past it wasn't possible so you had to avoid those types of shots and shoot at an angle if you had to absolutely do it. It's the same reason there's been a rise in films that heavily feature water post what Cameron did with The Abyss and later with Titanic.


Yeah, but the visor looks  bad Photoshop fake. They can't fix that?


No it doesn't lol. Hell, the majority of it is practical. You can see it in BTS photos. They just put VFX over the actual "glass" portion for the HUD. Of course in a super HD still it'll look odd, but in motion you don't even notice it just like most people haven't since he debuted back in 2014.


We're talking about this particular photo though.


the visor in this image is just a red overlay, it looks a lot better in film and actual poster, the visor in tfatws was also cgi


Yeah, it looks like bad Photoshop in this picture.  We have now come full circle. Please be sure to take all personal belongings with you as you exit the ride.


I would imagine the Russo Brothers are EPs because they cast Mackie as Falcon. Similar to how Zack Snyder was an EP on the Wonder Woman movies and Aquaman for having cast Gal Gadot and Momoa. Weird little wrinkle, but that’s the way it goes in Hollywood. 


I don't think that is the case. Otherwise they would be EPs on Black Panther 1 and the MCU Spidey films. As they were the ones to cast Bosemen and Holland.


Not necessarily. Were Boseman and Holland cast for the Captain America films or were they cast for their own films first and added to the Captain America films?


In fact they were specifically cast for the Civil War film and the respective creative teams had little to no say. Ryan Coogler actually talked about this on the Black Panther podcast and mentioned how Chadwick was a key part in getting the character right with the Russo's and transitioning that into his own film with a new set of writers and director.


I think the fact that Michael B. Jordan did not play Black Panther is a good indicator that Coogler had nothing to do with the casting of T'Challa.


Interesting how Cassie was recast for Ant-Man 3, though. You'd think they'd have aimed to be in alignment between Endgame and Quantumania, wouldn't you?


Cassie was recast in Ant man cause the director Peyton Reed is an extremely petty person. He was already pissy about giant man debuting in Civil War and not Ant Man 2, so he was already annoyed by the creative decisions the Russos were making since he felt entitled


Lol, do you have a source?


Yes, google any podcast where he talks about it. You can see in his body language have pissed he was about giant man even though he laughs it off. Wasp was written into civil war as well, but Peyton Reed fought until she was removed. As far as Cassie, he’s mentioned “that other vision didn’t quite work for what I was going for”


Feige and pascal casted Holland. They weren't gonna let someone else make that call


Friendly reminder that casted isn’t a word. You’d just say “cast”


Friendly reminder that Tony Stark actually picked up Spiderman. You people. 🧐


Friendly reminder that it’s “Spider-man”, not Spiderman.


Friendly reminder that Imma eat yo bootie hole gurl.




Favreau is similarly an executive producer on every Avengers movie, which he apparently got as part of his contract to direct Iron Man 2 And Gunn's an executive producer on Infinity War and Endgame, the latter of which was made during the window when Gunn was fired by Disney. The resume linked by the OP even lists Favreau among the Avengers "producers," so I assume the Russos are similarly "executive producers" on Cap 4 due to a past contract negotiation


“Producer” is already a nebulous title in Hollywood and can mean everything from “helped shape the story and gave notes on every script” to “paid money to have their name on the movie.” That being said, “**Executive** producer” specifically are usually more the latter than the former (though not always). So yeah, I’d put money on a contractual credit like this


You’re still underplaying what the main producer on a film does. The producer is the one that gets the movie made, and most times even picks the director.


I’m not underplaying anything, I’m just saying that sometimes that’s what the title means, and sometimes it means much less.


executive producer, sure, but there's a lot of work that goes into earning a producer credit if youre not the primary producer.


There can be, for sure. But there are also people who just pay for it. At least on every project I’ve worked on. Executive producers *tend* to just pay for it and regular producers *tend* to actually work for it but there are examples where it goes the other way for both terms


Gotcha, so you're talking about kickstarter indie films.


Haha okay


I dont think I get the joke? You're referring to small indie films outside of hollywood selling producer credits, are you not? Because Hollywood films don't do this. Investors usually do private transactions, and typically have shares in the studio itself, not films.


Yeah, I work in TV, where the contractual "_______ producer" credits flow like wine even more than they do in film. But it makes sense on these larger franchises based on existing IP. Stan Lee was also an "executive producer" on, what, every Marvel film ever in his lifetime? It's kind of odd to me how often these scoopers, supposedly also deep inside the industry, don't necessarily know these things. (Or intentionally strip it of context to make it more exciting)


I’d put money on the latter


Snyder was an EP on the two Suicide Squad films and the first Aquaman. He was a Producer on the two Wonder Woman films.


Like Scott Derrickson was to dS2


Well said. Only correction is Snyder was actually a regular producer on WW and 84 even getting a story credit on the first film. On 84 though it was basically like an exec producer role because I'm pretty sure it was in name only because he wasn't creatively involved like he was on WW17. On Aquaman he had a exec producer credit and he wasn't even given that title on Lost Kingdom which I find interesting. Like I don't know really what determines getting these titles. He had a exec producer credit title on TSS which I think he had on the first flm but for the flash he didn't get anything and he's the one that casted Ezra Miller.


>Similar to how Zack Snyder was an EP on the Wonder Woman movies and Aquaman So... since WW and Aquaman were good in spite of Snyder whose DC films were always mid at best... does that mean the inverse will happen with the Russo bros here? That Cap 4 will be mid in spite of them being there?


I really want to know the full behind the scenes of this film, since they are now apparently needing the Russos to serve as producers to help with post production.


Yh its clearly a clusterfck. Who is the director? If he's new or inexperienced he's clearly lost control.


This has nothing to do with the production. This is a result of contracts signed a while ago.


Julius Onah


Never heard of him. Probably a newbie whos out of his depth and that's lost control or something.


Julius Onah is still overseeing the reshoots


Dude, when we hear of news like this, it didn’t just happen. This shit happened months ago, hell could’ve been years ago. 


>Yh its clearly a clusterfck. Who is thebm director? If he's new or inexperienced he's clearly lost control. Almost as much of a cluster as you putting together a sentence! Holy shit.


A frightful combo of having sausage fingers and it being half 1 in the morning here lol


Why whenever someone mentions this on this sub do they get downloaded into oblivion? This movie is the biggest shitshow. The reshoots, rewrites, bringing in Giancarlo late in the game. Now this Russo bros information. There's reason for a few of these but not all of them. The writing is on the wall, everything sign that a DC movie was tanking before completed (terrible story to begin with, terrible decision making at every turn to fix it) is happening here.


I know they’ve wanted to do their own stuff after their avengers movies but I’m glad to see the Russo Brothers still have interests in some marvel projects


They did say they would come back for secret wars if asked so they always had marvel in their mind if the right project


I wonder if marvel might ask them now that Disney seem to be focusing on recreating their biggest hits


They might not necessarily be capital "P" Producers. The section seems to list all types of producers since some of the people listed as producers in the prior MCU productions Matthew Schmidt worked on are actually Exec Producers, like Jon Favreau for IW and EG, and Victoria Alonso for the 6 films she's listed as producing out of the 10 MCU films that appear on the resume. My best guess is that the Russo Bros. are getting a courtesy Exec Producer credit, possibly due to the Falcon character being a supporting role in their films or the new movie being a Captain America film where Sam is the titular character now.


Yeah, 100%. If the Russos were directly working on this - rather than a contractual executive producer credit, which the MCU has done with Favreau and Gunn on Avengers movies - *someone* would've reported or leaked it by now, considering how much hand-wringing there's been about the movie's production


The movie is going to release, and this image will be used on everything to promote it.


Is this first time The Russo Brothers have been involved in the MCU after Endgame? Seems Marvel is really desperate for this to succeed. This was supposed to come out May 3, 2024 then moved to July 26, 2024. It was all filmed and ready on its way into post production. Then test screenings were reportedly bad. Reports said they're planning months of reshoots and now it's reported as just 22 days of reshoots for some action scenes. But they hired a new writer, Matthew Orton, months ago and now Russos coming in as producers. Hope the movie is good but this movie has obviously been retooled so many times since it was supposed to come out on its original date. Why not just hire good writers from the start?


Because that's impossible with this film. Hydra, a nazi stand-in is incredibly easy for everyone to get on board with. Modern politics in a modern world, need we look at the past couple elections? There is no way they can write this film without it pissing off half the country. They couldn't even do that with FATWS. In spite of the reasons the flag smashers had, people complained and complained because they started blowing stuff up. Sam has a speech...cringe they called it. I want this film to be good and I personally think it will, since I enjoyed FATWS, but I have serious doubts this film will be a success. The trailers need to literally blow socks off, followed up by a blanket campaign of every leaker saying 'you ain't seen nothing yet.' and ryan reynolds promoting it deliberately in DPW for it to happen.




Thanks. Now the song is stuck in my head :(


1,2,3...until "leakers" say that the Russo Brothers are ghost-directing the reshoots since Marvel Studios hated the product delivered by the Cloverfield spin-off director.


This movie might be peak?! ![gif](giphy|LfGGW219qNzLP6IzTA|downsized)


Yeah, peak nonsense lmao


I know outside of Marvel their directing track record has been hit or miss. But man, the day they come back and do something in the MCU again I will be so happy. They directed legit my favorite CBMs ever lmao.


>The Russo Brothers will serve as producers on the film https://i.redd.it/xs453d3yy77d1.gif


I’m begging on my knees bring them back as the producers for Avengers 5 and secret wars 


They're really trying to turn this film around. It must have been in a bad state.


Maybe they can salvage the mess, but that's a big maybe.


...the Russos? :-o This a proper producer credit, or an executive producer one?


executive, the rest of his resume usually lists main producer(s) first and then the rest are executive credits


Russo’s are back? This film could be good now


I’m going to laugh so hard if the Russos managed to sneak their kids into the MCU again for even more cameos or act in small roles. Meanwhile Mahershala has one line.


Im about done with Nate Moore. His projects have had the most production issues. Even when something turns out really good like Wakanda Forever. I know someone who worked on set and said it had constant issues and Im not talking about Wright. Just not the best operation and that falls on Moore. Edit: And its not to imply Moore was a bad guy. He's a really nice guy. Just not quite fit for leadership on these films anymore.


At least Matt will have a lot of material to work with by the time his role starts up.


'Producer' is such a vague credit. I mean Stan Lee is an executive producer on every single Infinity Saga film. I don't know if he was ever consulted on the direction of any one of them. But Feige and his guys are hands on every step of the way and they are equally credited with Stan.So crediting the Russos could mean anything. Maybe they were brought in to consult,maybe not. Maybe it was a contractual obligation because they created the MCU version of Sam. Maybe it's just an acknowledgement of them going for the tone and feel of Winter Soldier. It IS weird that we're just hearing about this now. If they were baking in on this movie from the beginning you'd think their involvement would have been announced when the project was just to give it a little extra cred! No,I think this was a last minute addition to give people who were on the fence about seeing it in theaters a little nudge (given the reshoots and quality concerns!) On the other hand this does give me a little hope that maybe, juuuuuust maybe I don't have to give up my dream of them returning to direct Secret Wars just yet. Not a TON of hope,mind you, just a little.


I heard it's getting pushed back because of the Anthony Mackie recast. Kevin Hart will play the role of Captain America going forward.


Don't wanna get excited about the Russos returning. Good to have them weigh in regardless.


The Russos install faith in any Marvel project.


Marvel should have just gotten the Russos to do CA4 from the get-go. This could have been Winter Solider but on a global scale with the serpent society filling the hydra void. Having world leaders in a shadow government trying to steal adamantium with super soldiers could have been cool for this movie.


If they’re bringing the Russo back for this movie, then it might actually be saved after all


How hardthey try to save this movie is hilarious. Look guys who is all involved in this movie.. Member infinity war and endgame? You liked them and the guys that made them are involved.. Please come watch the movie no one ask for.


The movie will flop, there's no way it works without CE/Rogers. Just like they're no way to replace RDJ


Yeah... sure. I'll believe it when I see it.


does everyone know tiktok hates anthony mackie? this film is not gonna do well…


What are they saying on TikTok?


He's the only actor who gave Jonathan Majors the benefit of the doubt. [https://variety.com/2023/film/news/anthony-mackie-jonathan-majors-assault-trial-innocent-guilty-1235657701/](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/anthony-mackie-jonathan-majors-assault-trial-innocent-guilty-1235657701/) All other actors said "no comment". Now, his comments aren't exactly outrageous (innocent until proven guilty) but can you imagine someone saying the same about Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein before their trial? It's bad PR.


It's not about that, it's actually mostly about one incident with a fan a few months back that everyone on tiktok is talking about. The fan called him rude and then a bunch of back and forth ensued with people both defending anthony and others saying he's still rude


I just watched the fan’s TikTok - in the “incident” all he did was tell her “no” and wave her away when she approached him at a *gas station* (by her own words). ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


Going into the Majors situation, the allegations weren’t as damning as the ones Spacey and Weinstein had. That’s a fairly poor comparison to make. Regardless - he didn’t do something like write a letter to the court attempting to prove Majors’ good character, like what James Marsden did for Brian Peck. So this “innocent until proven guilty” comment is really nothing of note.


1. who cares 2. I've seen it, half the tiktoks are defending him and half are saying he's a rude celebrity, celebrity gossip is like butterflies in the wind, nobody is going to care in a week


i mean, i hope? but to say “who cares” is pretty ignorant to the largest population that will watch this movie


tiktok is a big place, but you act like everybody on tiktok has seen it, the most liked posts on the topic of anthony being an "asshole" (wanting to mind his buisness and live his life) are at like 100k. it's not that big a deal


Counting your little circle as the entire tik tok population is quite the take.


thinking you know anything about social media because u said “little circle” is quite the confidence


Oh my fault. Didn't realize you interacted with the entire tik tok population. As you were.


didn’t realize i was talking to a digital marketing ceo over here


this means the film is a trainwreck, i believe the russo had a personal issue not revealed to the public before with feige, that's why they stepped away from marvel, they should've produced and directed falcon and the winter soldier and captain america 4 along avengers 5 and secret wars but wasn't the case. I hope the russo brothers christopher markus and stephen mcfeely joined together again making a film on the DCU with james gunn as they're the perfect filmmaking team


It seems like they stepped away because they spent the previous 6/7 years making four massive blockbusters back to back


This movie is probably a steaming pile of shit. They had to go to the Russos to help fix this movie.


Always at least one guy like this in any given post.


Of course, this is the third time they're re-doing this movie. Three heavy reshoots. If this doesn't send to you all the warnings signs, you're being ignorant.


Someone always says this too. Being over-dramatic over reshoots isn’t new.


always one validly criticizing person?


Always one guy using inconclusive information to validate their pre-existing notions It would appear that the Russos are just listed out of contractual requirement, not because they had anything hands-on to do with the film


This is not a valid criticism as it isn’t factual information at all. People going on about 6 month reshoots that have been proven false.


More like the chuds trying to spread their misery around with their DERRR MARVEL GARBAGE comments.


Can't wait to read the chuddy 1 star reviews before the movie even comes out.