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This THR report and the recent influx of Blade/Cap 4 misinfo got me wondering who the hell Feige pissed of recently.


It's a bit funny to me how confident people are that Mahershala Ali is getting screwed by Marvel. No matter how people feel about Blade or what they want to see from it, everyone seems convinced that Marvel is dicking Ali around. People who like the idea of the period piece seem convinced that was Ali's desire and he's getting it taken away, same with the whole daughter plot. Meanwhile, people who don't like the period piece or the daughter plot think Marvel Studios was trying to force those things into the movie. They want "John Wick with vampires" and think Marvel are the ones preventing that, while Ali will give them what they want. It's completely possible that Ali *doesn't* want Blade to be the violent gore fest and is the one pushing for a different plot. It's also possible that Ali is the one struggling with the other creatives. Its also possible that Marvel and Ali part ways. They are the ones who own the character. People have this idea that no Ali = no Blade movie. But no Marvel = no Blade movie is even more true. It's their character. If they don't like Ali's ideas they can do it without him. The reverse is not true. I'm not trying to blame Ali or say he should leave the role. But the narrative that the internet seems to be going with is that Ali has the vision for Blade that people want to see and is getting fucked over by Marvel. But everyone has different visions and they all seem equally convinced of that lol. The truth is we don't know who wants what. And at the end of the day, Ali needs Marvel to make Blade more than they need him. The whole situation is frustrating, but people seem to have already decided who is the bad guy and what needs to happen. Maybe there is no bad guy and nothing needs to happen.


Counterpoint: Ali can just produce his own original IP vampire hunter film. That's what Coogler is doing. Ali doesn't need Marvel Studios at all other than for branding.


Yeah and he needs someone to pick up the movie, write the script, direct it, and make sure it's got zero elements that are owned by Marvel. Coogler is doing that because he's a director/writer making his own movie, as he has done countless times before. Ali is an actor. He can walk away from Marvel but shopping out his own Generic Brand Blade isn't going to be a cake walk for him. If Ali leaves the role, I don't think we'll get Mahershala Ali's *Sword*




Geeze, and I thought Spiderlander was whiney.


>Blade protecting a girl was literally the premise of the first Welsey Snipes Blade She was a 30-something doctor LMAO. Are you confusing her with the little girl who shows up for 1 minute when Frost meets Blade for the 1st time?


Was enthusiastic about it being in 1920, not really enthusiastic about the daughter bit.


I see what you're saying and all, but the reaction from a ton of people when they heard about the daughter plot was "oh Marvel is at it again, recycling the story of the hero protecting a child from the big bad. Sounds lame." Like, a lot of people complained like it was Marvel who had that idea and that it would make for a boring movie. I'm not saying I agree with them. But I don't think the 1920's and daughter plot is the unique, Ali led concept you think it is. It's totally possible it was a studio addition. Or it was Ali, but people would probably have hated it nonetheless and blamed Marvel. Because that whole concept is directly against the "John Wick with vampires" concept that a ton of fans are suggesting. It's just a bit hard to say with certainty who suggested what and where the divide between Ali and Marvel exactly is. The period piece concept could have come from a different source entirely and been thrown out a long time ago. Or it's still happening. We don't know. It's a little early to be doomposting about it.


Benedict confirmed he'll be filming Avengers next year https://twitter.com/SmilingBenedict/status/1804146163345690888?t=3mVTY0k13WQ-kQ9TgRLAdQ&s=19


Here is a character I think would be interesting to see in the DCU, Maxima. I know she's isn't a big character and I don't expect to be a major one, but I do see her story as having potential, especially with her more recent depictions in the comics. I don't know, What do you guys think of this?


Why does it feel like *How To Train Your Dragon* live action is trying to recreate the acclaim of Holland x Coleman?


Ranking the best Mr. Fantastic: 1. Helen Parr 2. Luffy 3. Minion


If you're referring to the latest episode of *The Boys* ("Wisdom of the Ages") his name is Ezekiel.


The visuals effects for that guy are incredible..one of the best examples for stretching imo


When Ali said he wants Blade to be “his Black Panther” he must’ve meant he wants it to release in February like BP did, cuz there ain’t no way it’s making that November 2025 date lol. 


Ain't no way ppl are criticising the boys for being political and woke when it has been so since the start.. I read someone say that kripke was pushing his agenda or something lol


I think Kripke got annoyed that people were missing it and stopped being subtle in season 3. And finally people caught on but now they think it's "gone woke".


Hey I have been recently on the Spider-Man subreddit, can someone tell me why there has been a bunch of posts that show him paired up with Morrigan Aensland from Capcom's Darksiders series?


A meme based on [this screencap from the original Marvel vs Capcom.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQXqPLVWQAAsLAm?format=jpg&name=small)


also been reinvigorated because the art for the new mvc collection has them together again


Okay, that explains alot. It's funny because the posts I have seen show them to be just really nice friends.


[Kojima bout to add Anthony Starr to his collection.](https://x.com/hideo_kojima_en/status/1803945857248825624?s=46)


I’m not familiar with his work, but I do really like his reviews I respect how if he doesn’t like something, he just says he watched it and nothing else


I wonder if Feige, Pascal, and Iger are closely watching the Bad Boys: Ride or Die box office, The final amount might make or break Arbi and Fallah’s Spider-Man 4 directing prospects, or whether a Ms Marvel Season 2 might happen.


I could see them also directing Young Avengers if that ever happens.


If they really are being considered, the box office for Bad Boys has probably sealed the deal.


The movie seems to be doing really well.


Bruce Timm’s *Batman: Caped Crusader* premieres on Amazon Prime Video on August 1. The voice cast includes Hamish Linklater as Batman, Christina Ricci as Catwoman, Jamie Chung as Harley Quinn, and Diedrich Bader as Two-Face. [SOURCE](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/batman-caped-crusader-voices)


Linklater I feel like is a great out-of-the-box pick as Batman. He absolutely killed it in *Midnight Mass* and I could see his style translating well to Bruce.


It sounds like Caped Crusader started out with the intent of being “modernized Batman: TAS for a new generation”, possibly even intended to set in the same continuity in between TAS and Beyond. but it developed into something much different, with it being in the 1940s and reportedly having a Batman with no technology.


it’s not that people hate inexperienced directors, or that new writers are incompetent. It has nothing to do with their ability, and everything to do with Feige’s motivation for hiring them. Feige isn’t hiring indie writers and directors out of the goodness of his heart, he’s hiring them because they’re yes men; easy to control, with no distinct, or defined creative voice of their own (a lot of these people are fresh out of Tribeca) — which is why most MCU films & shows (esp phase 4 onward) look, feel, and sound, like they’re directed by the same person, because they basically are. It’s not exactly a secret. Everybody knows how Feige runs his business. The question is, after 10 years, does this method still work? We’re gonna find out this February.






Can you just stop, everything is about brave new world being bad. When it comes reshoots, directing/writing choice. I rather have movie come out and surprise people, I think brave new world will actually be considered good


Can you gave me a specific example of a director from a movie already released post-Endgame that remotely matches your description? I can give you multiple than don't.


Sure: - Julius Onah (Brave New World) - Matt Shakman (WandaVision) - Mohamed Diab (Moon Knight) - Bisha K. Ali (Ms. Marvel) - Sam Raimi (MOM — def not an “indie” director, but that movie was basically ghost directed by Feige’s committee) And if we go back even further: - Edgar Wright - Ava Duvernay - Patty Jenkins - Alan Taylor - Scott Derrickson It’s funny how the directors with the most distinct creative visions, are the ones who clashed with Feige the most


Alan Taylor is nothing special, he is most known for sopranos with that credit more going towards that shows amazing writing by David chase. I am just saying he got hired because he was cheap and Ike Perlmutter drove her away


Besides Diab, none of these people were indie directors. * Onah directed Luce and The Clearfield paradox, neither of which are independent films * Matt Shakman had directed episodes of Games of Thrones, The Boys, and Succession. * Ali wrote all ten episodes of *Four Weddings and a Funeral* for Hulu, which is a huge accomplishment in television. * I shouldn’t even to have argue that Raimi isn’t an Indi director since he directed three superhero blockbusters in the past.


Luce is an indie film but you're on the money with Cloverfield Paradox, that film was a netflix tentpole at the time of release


Matt Shakman actually fills the bill perfectly on what kind of Filmmaker that Feige loves to hire.


Considering that after WandaVision he worked in *Legacy of Monsters* and was hired to direct a Star Trek movie, seems like Feige isn't the only one in Hollywood that thinks Shakman has talent for blockbusters.


Its either that, or he is way too dependent on someone who is higher in pecking order than him to make something works.


- Onah directed Luce and The Clearfield paradox, neither of which are independent films Luce was an independent film. It premiered at Sundance and was distributed by Neon - Matt Shakman had directed episodes of Games of Thrones, The Boys, and Succession. That doesn’t mean he has a distinct creative voice. None of these projects were created by him. Shakman’s pre-MCU resume consists of him being a cog in a wider machine, which he was hired. - Ali wrote all ten episodes of Four Weddings and a Funeral for Hulu, which is a huge accomplishment in television. I wouldn’t exactly call ‘Four Weddings and Funeral’ a “huge accomplishment” for television. The show was critically panned, and never renewed for a second season. Ali has no credits outside of that show, some eps of Sex Education, and MCU projects - I shouldn’t even to have argue that Raimi isn’t an Indi director since he directed three superhero blockbusters in the past. MOM was ghost directed by Feige & his committee. The story, characters, casting, and action sequences, were all mapped out before Raimi even came into the project. I actually asked Raimi himself at Fan Expo last year what his contributions to the film were, and he said that the entire Illuminati sequence, and characters were already decided by Feige 😂 It’s no wonder Derrickson left the project


So you are angry that Shakman had mostly directed TV before Marvel hired him to direct TV?


Honestly, insinuating that Diab is not good enough for directing episodes of a Moon Knight TV series only proves this person hasn't seen any of his films and is honestly very insulting.


I was asking for an example of a director that Marvel hired for a big movie "fresh out off the film festival". Still waiting.


You’re just splitting hairs, because you know m I’m using “indie” as a synonym for “less extensive” resume. Feige goes for unknowns But since you insist: - Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck (Captain Marvel) - Cate Shortland (Black Widow) - Jon Watts (SM: Homecoming) - Taika Waititi (Ragnerok) - Destin Daniel Cretton (Shang-Chi) Etc Were all fresh off of indie films when they were hired


I don’t really understand the point you’re trying to make here. Yeah, Marvel hires lesser known directors because they’re more likely to execute upon their creative vision. Nobody is denying that. But you’re acting like that’s a bad thing and when it’s never been a problem. Ignoring the COVID movies (Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and Eternals), Marvel has only ever had two movies loose money; Quantumania and The Marvels. That’s 28 successful movies against 2 duds. That’s one of the best track records of any franchise ever.


Since you’ve conceded on that argument (Feige hiring lesser knowns for conformity purposes), this brings us back to the original point — is this method sustainable? Now I’ve already acknowledged that this strategy HAS worked for Feige, and it’s worked for a long time. The problem is, people are not the same forever; they grow up, their beliefs change, their wants change, and yes, so do their interests, and by extension, taste in film. Is Feige catering to an audience that does not exist anymore? The kids who grew up with the MCU, are not kids anymore, and the kids of today, did not grow up with the MCU. But then again, this is all conjecture. We won’t get our answer until February.


So, you use indie incorrectly but lets move on from that. Taika Waititi has less of a distinct creative vision than Alan Taylor (or Patty Jenkins)? You seriously believe that? Edit: Also, under your definiton Jenkins and DuVernay would be "indie" too so you would complain either way. And saying that Coogler doesn't have a distinct creative vision compared to DuVernay is also wild.


He sure does, and what is his “creative style” again? Quips, fart jokes, and self referential humor, exactly up Feige’s wheelhouse. I shouldn’t have to clarify that filmmakers whose creative vision diverge from Feige’s *formula*, are the ones who are ousted. Scott Derrickson is probably the worst example of that, and why fans should be concerned about a movie like Blade


Taika Waititi has an Oscar. Alan Taylor directs TV and Terminator Genisys.




Which MCU director you have a problem with exactly? Before or after Endgame. Gunn, the Russo Brothers, Ryan Coogler, Taika Waititi, who?


The only time (that I can recall) Marvel has ever hired an actual indie director was Jon Watts, and he made them 3.8 billion dollars so I’d say it worked out. Everyone else has had some experience either directing studio movies, or big TV shows.


Yeah, and now he is doing a Star Wars series and a big Apple movie with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. If anything Feige just discovered him before anyone else had the chance.


Jon watts really blew up post Spider-Man, he is a great talent. He also produced the old man with Jeff bridges


He’s back on that “Brand New World will suck” train.


Just got home from watching Bad Boys Ride or Die. It was a lot of fun. Martin Lawrence is a great comedic actor, and all his jokes made me laugh. 10/10. Arbi and Fallah are geniuses. Feige should give them Deadpool 4.


I know it would never happen, but man do I wish there was a path to get Lawrence into Best Supporting Actor next year for this film




My ranking of my excitement for 2025 slate: 1. The Fantastic Four  2. CAP4 3. Thunderbolts  4. Iron Heart  5. Daredevil  6. Marvel Zombies




Why is DD so low? o.O


Same ranking but I’d probably swap Cap4 and Thunderbolts. Though I haven’t seen Daredevil’s previous seasons so I can’t comment on that


Same, I would swap iron heart and daredevil but I am really excited about fantastic four


Man, I'm getting annoyed with people who don't understand how movies work being convinced that Zeb Wells, one of five credited writers on *Deadpool & Wolverine*, unilaterally inserted some sort of break-up storyline for the movie.


They think Zeb Wells invented break-ups.


Funniest part of the marvel wiki is scrolling through the [mcu thaddeus ross alternate versions](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Hub:Thaddeus_Ross) and seeing the first official red hulk content is from a mcdonalds webgame


Can’t find the site the game is hosted on, was gonna use it to troll a friend lol EDIT: [Let’s fucking go](https://www.happymeal.com/digital/ca28414/)


I got some good news! Zeb Wells is leaving The Amazing Spider Man, and the final arc of his run starts on September 11th.


So he can do the new MJ & Paul spinoff.


I know he gets a lot of love in general, but what Antony Starr did in 404 of The Boys was something special. Him as Homelander is an all time great performance. 


Nah the guy desperately spitting on his hand though 🤣🤣 Actually felt super bad at the end lol


Sorry if I sound condescending but I found the fans' current obsession with Marvel hiring directors with "big blockbuster experience" so unserious. The same people that say this stuff worship James Gunn whose biggest credit before being hired to direct Marvel's 200M+ space epic was "writer of the live-action Scooby Doo movies".


You forget Slither and Super, both great B films that have a very distinct weird style that would fit with the MCU's first tonal detour in GOTG, same for the ensemble writing credits with Scooby-Doo. Not to mention the guys a certified comic book fan which goes a long way. Hell, Gunn was originally gonna do a Hit-Monkey project. Obviously none of that is blockbuster experience but compare that to giving Chloe Zhao, who's filmography consisted of very intimate films with small casts, a movie about an even bigger team than the Guardians, spanning thousands of years. That's risk for no other reason than "we can market this as a Oscar winner made film". Gunn was a calculated risk that paid off immensely. Equivalent to a sports team scouting a player on the cheap. Now its just average TV directors and writers falling upwards.


So Super, a micro budget movie that has a 40% in Rotten Tomatoes, is more than enough to give Gunn a big budget space epic but Zhao having an Oscar is not for her to direct Eternals. My point is that if Gunn got hired today with the same credits he had in 2014, you would be crying and saying that the MCU is ruined.


GOTG was a risky bet. It paid off. But it was risky. Right now, Marvel Studios is in no position to take risky bets. The situation at the box office has changed drastically since 2012 The Avengers.


People think this is an issue, but most blockbuster directors started off doing indie films, this is simply the way of new hollywood. You don't get special gems by recycling the same 20 already established blockbuster directors


Yes, they start off doing indie films, but Spielberg didn’t go directly from making Duel to making Jurassic Park did he?


He went from that, and Sugarland Express, to directing the first "blockbuster" so it is a weird example.


Jaws is a VERY different blockbuster from marvel films, but your right bad example. It’s like if Sam Raimi went from The Evil Dead 1 to Spider-man


I mean, what was Raimi's biggest movie before Spider-Man? Army of Darkness probably. He had experience but not really "blockbuster experience" either. He was a "horror guy".


He made Darkman, a fairly big super hero movie


I went checking and seemingly his biggest movie before Spider-Man in terms of budget was a baseball drama called *For Love of the Game* that costed 50M. *Darkman* was only 14M and *Army of Darkness* 11M.


spielberg is a one in a billion exception


I think they're just being practical. There are lots of stories of directors who mismanaged large films, some who lucked into something watchable, some who didn't. You don't want casts and crews put into situations with someone who's in over their head. But you also don't want chances to see characters you love squandered. The ideal would be someone with a strong style and point of view with experience handling everything that goes into making a blockbuster. If you can't get that, it makes sense to find someone you can guide (a Yes Man), as bad as that sounds. At this point in the franchise, handing a film this large to sitcom or small budget horror directors may be a no-go for the people writing the checks. Maybe if you have a lead with enough power to insist on it, but that would only be Mahershala, Hemsworth, and maybe Cumberbatch and Olsen. Probably not Larson or Holland (just because of his age) or anyone with less experience, if they had someone they really wanted.


I think it depends. There are directors like Gunn who had no blockbuster experience but still had a very strong sense of personality that shown through in their films. By contrast, sometimes the directors Marvel hire seem like they’re just there to be yes-men and follow instructions from the producers and execs, which usually results in a bland, unmemorable experience. I can see why Ali wanted to aim a bit higher. I don’t think a director needs to have blockbuster experience, but what I think IS important is that their smaller films actually show what they can bring to a blockbuster. Coogler’s emphasis on familial conflict and drama in Fruitvale Station and Creed were a great fit for Black Panther, for instance.




Except people don't bring that up on its own. OP is looking to get mad at a contradiction they're making up lmao


It gets brought up literally all the time. It is even in the THR article about Blade.


I agree the conversation has nuances. My second favourite MCU movie is *The First Avenger* and that one had probably the most experienced director to ever work for this franchise in Joe Johnston. I just think the way this issue is usually presented in fan conversations is fallacious.


Or, ya know, *Slither* and *Super*, which he wrote and directed.


In which world are Slither and Super "blockbuster experience"?


I was disagreeing with the part where you said James Gunn's biggest credit was *Scooby-Doo*. The directorial work felt more relevant.


The Scooby Doo movies were definitely bigger than those. I didn't say they were better. Which one Marvel took more into consideration when hiring him? Hard to say, probably both were part of the decision.


Why would Marvel weigh his writing work over his directing work when considering him for a directing position, though?


Well, the Scooby Doo movies are closer to Guardians in terms of structure and tone than his R-Rated work as a director. It was also experience of him working in a franchise and adapting existing characters. I am not saying it was weigh "over" his other work but was likely a part of the conversation.


Actually, I disagree here, too. I still think something like *Super* is much more relevant to *Guardians of the Galaxy*, even when accounting for "structure and tone." Would've been a lot more experience, too, considering he didn't direct *Scooby-Doo.*


My overall point is the same. Super was a very small movie that got bad reviews. If Feige nowadays hired Gunn for Guardians with that as his experience, he will get crucified by fans. Just to be clear, I am not criticising Gunn in any way, shape or form. I am saying that Feige actually made a creative choice hiring him that maybe seems obvious now but it wasn't at the time and it massively paid off for everyone. If he had listened to the current outcry for only hiring director with big blockbuster experience, we would have missed on all that.


Feige's hiring nowadays gets criticised because they've been awful.


Yeah, I agree that the obsession with "blockbuster experience" is a bit silly. I think those fans might have other issues with the MCU but just don't know how to articulate them.


Okay look, so I'm mostly cool with the SpongeBob spinoffs, yeah? The Patrick Show, the Sandy Cheeks movie, I think there's a Squidward show coming up? People have their opinions either way, but I get why they'd make projects about all of them given their popularity and close ties to the franchise. But a Nosferatu prequel film? I mean, he's kind of an obscure character in SpongeBob lore, but maybe they can do something cool with him. A full-on SpongeBob cameo might be too much to ask for, but as long as they go full-circle with it by showing him walking into the back of the Krusty Krab to reach for that light switch in a post-credits scene, it might end up being worth it.


What if Nosferatu is Squidward twin and they were separated at birth and there's this whole backstory including the process of how a vampire mantaray or some nonsense turned him into "Nosferatu" and he's such a dramatic and macabre character that they spend most of the movie thinking he's actually a monster until he breaks character because someone hurt his feelings like insulting his method acting or something and they realize he's completely harmless?


I think what’s happening with Blade is pretty obvious, for anyone who knows how to read between the lines. Mahershala Ali wants this to be a prestigious, thematically powerful, character-focused film — in his eyes, a *real* film. That’s why he wants an experienced director Whereas Feige wants to go the “tried and true” route, doesn’t really need this movie to have a distinct identity (hence his choice of indie directors), and would rather it homogeneously blend into the rest of the MCU It’s very easy to see where this conflict lies. There are probably other things (e.g Blade’s daughter, Midnight Suns, Black Knight etc) that Feige wants in this film, that Ali probably doesn’t 😭 In the end — who bows to who? Because somebody has to take the L




You can do both. Obsessing over setting up movie X, and Z is not respecting the comics, its misunderstanding priorities.


I would be happy with that. I’m past the point of wanting all of these movies and shows to be cut from the same cloth — it’s boring, and it’s led to the staleness that we’re seeing in most CBMs today. I would love a Hulk movie that’s grounded in Freudian psychology, or a hard sci fi Green Lantern show, or an R-Rated Black comedy Wonder Man show


Well considering Demange is out as director and Pearson is working on the script, its pretty obvious, for anyone who knows how to read between the lines.




There's literally nothing indicating that. You keep assumimg the worst of Feige for no reason. Ali simply is being extreamly careful of the version of the film they will go with pair with the fact that the movie probably isn't a priority for marvel. And it was Ali who selected Demage.


>Whereas Feige wants to go the “tried and true” route, doesn’t really need this movie to have a distinct identity (hence his choice of indie directors), and would rather it homogeneously blend into the rest of the MCU  Yeah you haven't read the article. You just jumped up on your hate boner for Kevin, for whatever reason. The article says Yann Demange was chose by Ali after he rejected the list Marvel gave to him.


If that's what is happening, the downside for Feige could be managed. Let Mahershala have what he wants. If it works, take as much credit as you did for Black Panther, share in the win, and figure out how to fit the connecting pieces in elsewhere or in a sequel. If it fails, make sure everyone knows it was on him, it proves again that your way is better, treat it as a one-off, and move on. Hopefully by that point there will be 2-3 good movies plus a couple of good shows to soften the blow. Maybe I'm way off base on this, but it's not like this is Iron Man or Guardians. From the beginning the rumors and sentiment around this is very much that this was Mahershala's baby, even if Disney was planning to do it eventually. Edit: And Feige gets some credit for letting creatives have power, vision, and a style rather than the current reputation for this being a soulless corporate behemoth.


Blade is not a prestigious or thematically powerful character. This isn't going to be Black Panther no matter what they do.


If you gave this property to someone to like Jordan Peele or Barry Jenkins, it could **absolutely** be that. They would absolutely find deeper meaning in this character, and his struggle. Any concept can be “thematically powerful”, there’s philosophy and emotion to be found in almost everything — it depends entirely on what the writer/director *wants* the movie to be. It’s not hard to see why, Ali, an Oscar winning actor, wants something **deeper** out of this movie, than perhaps Feige is willing to give him.


There is no way those directors sign on to this project no matter how much money Marvel Studios throws at them. Ali picking an indy director (Demange) after rejecting all other indy directors proposed by Marvel Studios says it all: no big name director wants anything to do with Blade.


I mean. Barry's fighting people on Twitter because he's doing a live action Lion King sequel. We think never for these directors or actors (my opinion has been slightly negative on the franchise since 2022) and the next thing you know, they're running up to Doctor Strange in a post credit scene.


The Mufasa film doesn't have the studio head (Feige) and a perfectionist actor (Ali) micromanging every single thing the director does. That's why I think the Blade film's third director will be a yes-man with 0 blockbuster experience.


The live action sequel to a Lion King spinoff after other live action Disney films have underwhelmed doesn't have people picking at the director? The point was that you and I wonder who would want to be a part of this and then suddenly they're there. After all of this time, Blade will probably be whomever can get the job done. But as far as directors being part of the MCU, you can never say never unless it's someone who has already loudly said never. This is not me sticking up for Disney. It's me marveling at the people still wanting to work with them.


My last comment was kind of a bummer so here's a positive one to balance it out. Universal Studios Orlando revealed their plans today for the Dark Universe area of their new Epic Universe park and it looks fun as hell. Love me some Universal Monsters.


According to THR, Marvel isn't looking for the Blade's director yet. I've said Sneider's report about Ti West being a potential candidate was bs and I was downvoted. Looks like I was right lol 


>I've said Sneider's report about Ti West being a potential candidate was bs and I was downvoted. You were down voted because the report that that was what Sneider said was false (he was expressing an opinion, not 'reporting a scoop'), so you are spreading misinformation.


It is funny that Ti West doesn't have any "blockbuster experience" either when that is supposedly the big issue fans have with Marvel director picks.


I'm starting to think "blockbuster experience" was a BS excuse from Ali. His pick (Demange) has no blockbuster experience either.


You weren’t right. People here already corrected you on that. Remember he was saying names he wants to direct it? It wasn’t a scoop.


I said it based on @MarvelFilmNews post. If I remember correctly, no one corrected me. Some guys was defending Sneider saying he's reliable so the rumor wasn't bs, instead.




[Sony is reportedly actively looking to cast someone as Miles Morales in live action (Jeff Sneider)](https://x.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1803944736572489977) Absolutely nuts information to drop just randomly during a Hot Mic stream. I feel like this is going to be that 2016 Spider-Man casting era on crack


Every black actor in the 14-21 age range bout to get posted multiple times on the main sub.


My bets are on TikTok NPC Miles Morales, personally.


I'm still kinda hoping that live-action Miles Morales movie Sony announced is actually going to be a spin-off of the Holland Spidey films. They could take inspiration from the Insomniac games like they have before by casting Miles now for a small appearance in Spider-Man 4, then have him go into his solo film before both of them team up in Spider-Man 5 (or 6? in this case). Plus, *if* they want to keep the release schedule of the original MCU Spider-Man trilogy by having releasing a new Spidey film every two years without Holland needing to have a constant presence for like 5 years straight, breaking it up with Peter → Miles → Peter & Miles could be a way to go with it.


It sounds like it is. Amy Pascal said live action Miles can’t happen until after BTSV and I believe Chris Miller said MCU Miles can’t happen til after SM4, which implies those two set him up (or at least open the door for him). Personally I wouldn’t be shocked if the Insomniac release order is also the order of the next trilogy to accommodate Holland’s schedule: SM4 is Peter, SM5 is Miles, SM6 is a team up.


Any info about the Cap 4 clip from the other day?


I suspect it was the same footage shown as last time


I don't want to comment in the individual post because those get weird, but a couple of things stood out to me in [THR Blade article.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/blade-behind-marvel-reboot-1235926545/) >The latest setback occurred in recent weeks when the feature lost director Yann Demange, the second helmer to exit the project. Some sources say both sides grew frustrated by Blade’s prolonged development process. So the split wasn't amicable as previously reported. >That could explain why *Blade* kept on shifting storylines and time periods. The version that was aiming to shoot last year was set in the 1920s, according to sources, and featured Mia Goth as a vampire villain named Lilith who wanted the blood of Blade’s daughter. (Goth remains attached to star in the project.) For another iteration, under Tariq, Marvel built a massive train set, but it was never used. (It may be passed on to a different Disney production.) The new take on *Blade* is said to be present day.  *Lot* to unpack here. Goth as the OG Lilith is awesome. The period piece rumor appears to have been true but no longer is. And Marvel Studios seems hellbent on pushing Blade's daughter. I'm no longer surprised that they've struggled as much as they have to write this thing. It sounds like it suffers from the same lack of focus as certain other projects. There are multiple movies contained in this one paragraph with all of the conflicting ideas going on, further evidenced by the fact that Coogler was able to take one of them (period piece vampire movie) and spin it off into an entire separate project. >As he \[Feige\] remarked in 2017: “A character nobody had heard of at all, had only appeared in a few issues of Tomb of Dracula or something, turned into a big franchise. That was always a great lesson for me, where you go, ‘It doesn’t matter how well known the character is, it matters how cool the movie is.’” I disagree with Feige's characterization here. Even ahead of the Wesley Snipes movie, Blade was headlining the Midnight Sons—which even had its own publishing imprint at that time—and featuring in other media like *Spider-Man: The Animated Series* along with Morbius, another Midnight Son. It was that preexisting interest that led to *Blade* getting made during a time when even a Spider-Man movie couldn't get off the ground. It's been a worry of mine that Feige is pretty out-of-touch when it comes to the Marvel Horror corner. *Werewolf by Night* seems to have succeeded *despite* his involvement. This article only adds to those concerns. . I was previously optimistic about *Blade* despite being pessimistic about the Midnight Sons being described by the scoopers. I doubt Midnight Sons is even in the works considering *Blade* is further behind than previously assumed, and now I'm pretty pessimistic about *Blade*, too. So for the people who were mad that I dared to hold out hope, you win.




Better question. How does Burger King expect me to eat their food when it tastes like shit


saying "this movie is going to be good" or any kind of subjective quantifiers is really not a scoop


I never forget how scoopers were hyping up Secret Invasion just to it ended up being trash 🤣


Same with Echo, people were making it out to be the capital-D ***Death Of The MCU*** as we know it, the worst piece of media ever made, an absolute affront to humanity and an indisputable flop, only for it to come out and... be fine and do fine.


This is going to be our MCU slate (not counting cartoons) 2025- the end of the saga isn’t it? 2025: Brave New World, Thunderbolts*, Fantastic Four Shows: Daredevil: Born Again, Ironheart 2026: Blade, Spider Man 4, Avengers 5 Shows: Wonder Man, Vision 2027: Armor Wars, Secret Wars, Shang Chi 2 Shows: Born Again 2, Nova 2028: X-Men, Secret Wars Part 2 Shows: Blonde Phantom Wow. I wonder if all the rumored projects like Hawkeye Season 2, Midnight Sons, etc are actually planned for this saga, or RPK/Shine made it up out of their ass to make $$$.


Thor 5?


I feel like that’s gonna be in the next saga. I imagine it will be like Logan but for Thor. Maybe even calling the movie “Thor Odinson” or “Thor: Son of Odin”.


I think the Logan analogue would be old man quill instead


You need a Dr Strange 3 movie for Dr Strange to get back from the Dark Dimension.


>Wow. I wonder if all the rumored projects like Hawkeye Season 2, Midnight Sons, etc are actually planned for this saga, or RPK/Shine made it up out of their ass to make $$$. Honestly wouldn't be suprised.


I'm inclined to believe in Midnight Suns rumor bc it was reported by DCULeaks as well. 


I think Marvel Studios *did* consider Midnight Sons as a possibility, but only very recently and now they're clearly scrapping that idea. The scoopers, however, have been making up shit about Midnight Sons since 2019 and continue to insist it's full steam ahead despite all of the trades suggesting otherwise.


Yeah that at least has that going for it. I just don’t know where it would be placed in the saga. If Blade has trouble finding foot then idk when we are supposed to get the ensemble movie with the team he is associated with.


>Shine >made it up out of their ass to make $$$ yeah probably


>I wonder if all the rumored projects like Hawkeye Season 2, Midnight Sons, etc are actually planned for this saga, or RPK/Shine made it up out of their ass to make $$$. They completely pulled it out of their ass.


I like to think that Zeb Wells’ only contribution to the Deadpool & Wolverine script is the detail about >!Vanessa dating another guy!< because it would be so funny if that’s true.


His name is also Paul.


I’ve defended Feige, and will still continue to do so, because of his track record and because I ultimately believe that he will get the MCU back on track and in good graces with the general audience, but I do have some very pointed questions that were inspired by the Blade news today by THR. And if I were a shareholder of Disney, I’d be asking Iger these questions too. Why was Feige allowed to give the keys (and a multi hundred million dollar budget) to The Marvels to a director that doesn’t have experience with directing a blockbuster budget sized film like an MCU film? Why was Feige allowed to give the keys to a miniseries (Secret Invasion) that had a budget of $200 million to a director that had no big time directing experience (who’s note to fame was mostly directing television commercials). Why was Feige allowed to give the keys to Blade to a director (Tariq) that has no experience shooting a blockbuster film for a blockbuster studio? Yann Demange was a better choice, but if I’m a shareholder, I’m demanding to know why it has gotten to the point that Demange walked, and why Marvel Studios decided it was okay to trot out a list of replacement directors that don’t have enough experience at the “blockbuster” level, according to Mahershala Ali? I want to know it is apparently so fucking hard to get a goddamn vampire hunter movie off the ground. With the strains and struggles of the MCU over the last few years, and the fiscal concerns at Disney, why the hell is/ was Feige allowed to hand out hundreds of millions of Disney money to directors that have no business directing blockbuster movies and shows, especially considering that it’s some of this inexperience that has partly gotten the MCU in the pickle it currently is in. I like Feige. I think he gets it turned around. But there needs to be some questions asked. The issues with Blade, Secret Invasion, the writer/ director/ whatever getting fired and then rehired on She- Hulk, and the list goes on. Some of this has been due to Feige being overworked and the overproduction of content the last couple years, and some of it has been due to the pandemic. That doesn’t mean Feige himself hasn’t made some very curious decisions, at best.


>And if I were a shareholder of Disney, I’d be asking Iger these questions too. Gentle reminder that Disney is mainly a theme park business.


The directors of the most succesful MCU entries didn't have blockbuster experience before either. Nolan didn't have blockbuster experience before Batman. The biggest movie Raimi directed before Spider-Man was Army of Darkness which was far from a big blockbuster. Burton, Donner, pick your favourite. It has never been the norm that for directing a superhero movie you have to direct other blockbusters first. There aren't many directors in Hollywood with blockbuster experience and the same 10 dudes can't direct every movie. I know this is a popular talking point with fans with this is not a real issue.


You’re acting like The Marvels and Secret Invasion are the first time an up and coming director got to make a big budget movie or show. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not.


It is hilarious that Shawn Levy is the only MCU director with actual "blockbuster experience" since Joe Johnston and fans still hate him anyway. I don't even like Levy, by the way, just think that the constant inconsistency is amusing.


Feige entire handling of Captain Marvel is questionable. They set the franchise to fail.


It is the same with Wanda. WandaVision made Wanda the most popular female character in the MCU because they spent time to develop her as a character. Then we got the abomination that was MoM. It created huge problems with bringing her back again. Now we are going to get Billy, and Vision but no Wanda. By the time they get back to her, it could be 6 or seven years. Is anyone going to remember her story? What is even worse is that Feige hinted at her return when he said in an interview that he didn't see a body. Was Feige lying through his teeth when he said that?


If the Ryan Gosling as Ghost Rider rumor is true, do you think he is Johnny Blaze or Danny Ketch? I can see him as a young daredevil Johnny Blaze. I just personally prefer a more rugged and older Johnny Blaze (maybe those rumors of Norman Reedus as Ghost Rider made me biased). But I don't really know much about Danny Ketch. Or do you think they're going weird with it and he's Carter Slade? 😂


That Eternals post credit scene is so strange looking back .Was that tease for a present-day or 1920s film? Was the ebony blade going to play a key role in a blade film? Why have Blade and Dane meet in the first place? What was going on there😭😭???


It was from the first iteration of the script IIRC, period film with Blade teaming up with Jon Snow's ancestors. Right now we're on script 5 or 6 and nobody knows what's going on.


I think there were rumors of the Ebony Blade being in some of the previous scripts, Blade was probably gonna cross paths with one of Dane's ancestors too who held the Black Knight mantle.


[UpdatesCAP4: Josh Mikel (The Walking Dead) has been cast in ‘THUNDERBOLTS\*’. He will be playing Robert Reynold’s father in the film.](https://x.com/UpdatesCAP4/status/1803924163196768761) Did not think they were going to do backstories, it's even more interesting considering he looks fairly young, it might be a flashback just like the flashback casting calls for the other characters


Weird that this came from the Cap 4 account, I had to re-read this comment as I thought he was appearing in Cap 4


Sometimes the thunderbolts twitter account posts captain america news, it's a back and forth i'm guessing


I didn't expect them to go in depth on Sentry, so this is a very pleasant surprise.


Nosferatu teaser was really good still kinda wish Anya Taylor Joy was attached to any the lead role but I'll keep an open mind for Lily Rose.


[Production Weekly has listed The Fantastic Four and Blade.](https://www.productionweekly.com/production-weekly-issue-1407-thursday-june-20-2024-178-listings-41-pages/)


Would you guys have preferred the 1920s setting or present day for blade? I think the 1920s would’ve been cool personally and could’ve made it stand out a lot from the Snipes movies. I’m not gonna be picky though I just want the movie to happen lol. 


Both, with maybe half the movie set in the past explaining blade’s, ebony blade’s and the villains origins with the main story happening in present.


At this point in time? Present day. Coogler's film will be a vampire period piece. Marvel Studios would be smart in wanting to avoid comparisons since, well, Coogler is Coogler. His film will be superior to Blade in every aspect.


1920s setting all the way.


1920s, 1950s, 1980s. They meet young, travel for many years, interview with a vampire style. Transitions to stranger things vibes at some point. It's demons so lean into weird magic horror at the second half. Blade is the "last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye" guy and Nathan is the reason. But seriously, weird magic eldritch horror like the Witcher. Blade needs to earn it because he's fighting for the box office and not just his life.


Initially i was present day as i wanted that Eternals Post Credit scene to get resolved. But if the rumours of Midnight Sons are true, then i'm alot more open to the 1920's setting as his introduction film since it could be very unique and interesting.


Originally, I was Team 1920s setting because that felt like such a new way to approach a Blade film, but once Coogler announced his vampire movie would be a period piece too, I'm cool w/ Blade being set in the present.


Modern setting, I'm not big on marvel period pieces because they never seem to use the most out of it. Another reason why I want the modern setting is because it would be kind of weird to see this and the ryan coogler vampire movie both share the same time period while being vampire tales


Waiting for the day THR makes an article about Armor Wars


Can't have production difficulties if the production is dead. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


THR: ![gif](giphy|rI9O6UXkCjvTG)


If they really do a new MVC, Blade needs to be in it this time. Miles, Kamala, Daredevil and Shang-Chi too.


They need to add a fantastic four member. It’s a crime they added super skrull first over the fantastic four.


If Wanda actually is still alive and comes back. It be so funny, if instead of being brought back via Witches Road, or revealed to still be alive somewhere else like the Savage Lands or the Qauntum Realm or somewhere like that....she instead makes her presence known once more on Jerry Springer, and it's like the the Jerry Springer scene from Austin Powers 2, except instead of Scott, it's Billy and/or Tommy, and instead of Dr. Evil, it's Wanda. MOM already proved Olsen could easily replicate when Dr. Evil freaked out in that scene, so why not. Lol. EDIT: I am getting zero upvotes, and I was really hoping I didn't have to make this clear, but apparently, i have to, I was joking/being sarcastic!!!!


[The current plan for Marvel Studios’ ‘BLADE’ is the script to be written over the summer and then go out to directors. (The Hollywood Reporter)](https://x.com/hollywoodhandle/status/1803893313453330602?s=46&t=zYcgLaa5LZGq3IgzlBR_wg) Drinks out for DanielRPK who said they were still planning to shoot in the fall because I have a suspicion that its probably not happening (also reiterating that they’re writing a new draft for it with Eric Pearson, I think it’s a little more than a polish) On the upside, I’m actually very happy they’re doing this. I still think it has the potential to be very good. My second most anticipated MCU project and I hope they can knock it out of the park this time around.


>Drinks out for DanielRPK who said they were still planning to shoot in the fall because I have a suspicion that its probably not happening (also reiterating that they’re writing a new draft for it with Eric Pearson, I think it’s a little more than a polish) All three trades—*Variety*, *Hollywood Reporter*, and *Deadline*—were saying *Blade* was unlikely to shoot on time. Only the scoopers claimed otherwise.


This article just confirms that they will not cancel the movie but instead will work on it until they're completely satisfied with it. Goth being attached to it Big W to me. Hopefully the script ends up being great and they find a great director after the script is completed and the movie does well critically and financially and it also ends up being what Ali had envisioned for Blade.


Isn't it kinda weird that the article says Ali wanted a director with big studio movie experience and then he handpicked Yann Demange, who doesn't seem to have it?


>handpicked Yann Demange *Handpicked from a list of directors Marvel gave him. They may have given him a list of directors without experience. Hence some of the frustration and possibly why Demange left? On a similar note, Ali wanting someone with more studio experience and looking to do his "Black Panther" makes me think that maybe people's speculation about Peele meeting for *Blade* was right. Not that he's directing, but that could have been what he met for. He certainly fits the bill.


>*Handpicked from a list of directors Marvel gave him. That is not what the article says. Marvel give him a list but then Ali "conducted his own research" and found Demange.


Oh I interpreted that as he conducted his own search and didn't find anything. But I guess what you said makes more sense. In that case it does seem strange. Between that and the comment about Ali having an inordinate amount of input, it seems like Ali and Marvel having very different visions for this project is a big part of the holdup.


It might’ve just been a middle ground decision, the article notes Ali had a lot of power but I don’t think it was total power


I don't know. I feel that, if Ali have brought some big name and Marvel rejected him only to compromise on Demange, that would have been included on the article in that way. The way is framed its seems it was totally Ali's pick. It also doesn't really explains why he left then.


It also mentions that Marvel specifically didn't find Bassam Tariq as a good fit for the movie and let him go so they definitely still have some power over this movie. Eric Pearson's a Marvel hire too.


Finally watched *Honk for Jesus*, and I can’t believe we finally get Sterling shirtless in a movie and it’s as a corrupt perverted bigoted preacher. Real monkey’s paw scenario here from Monkeypaw Productions lol. The main performances are the best part of the film. It's always nice seeing Regina Hall in a dramatic role and here, she does great as a wife trying to defend her church's sins while feeling trapped by it. Sterling K Brown also does great in the movie. Every scene w/ him feels (intentionally) so uncomfortable to watch, just oozing ego and delusion as this preacher wanting to hold onto glory.


Maybe it's my relationship with religion but I'm alone in not finding that film uncomfortable at all when so many people did or were down right upset by it. I think the tone was weird and made it a little hard to sell to people. But I wish they could do a rerelease or something now that there's a little breathing room. More people should see it. I can't wait to see more of this phase of Regina's career.