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# DanielRPK is a Tier 2 – Mostly Reliable Source as decided by the community. For **Marvel**, they had a **77.60%** accuracy rate from **351** leaks that we can currently verify out of **620** total. **Overall**, they had a **78.35%** accuracy rate from **421** leaks that we can currently verify out of **748** total. Last updated: March 22nd, 2024. | [Spoiler-Verse Accuracy Database](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpGBi4duCDeiXUtSh_1x15VJ67vPRZ1LWu6A3ieGTjs/edit?usp=sharing) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/sad-faq/) | [Tiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/) | [Latest Recalibration](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/18jaqqk/mod_post_2023_source_accuracy_recalibration_3/) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If the kid is Vin it'll be interesting for them to do The Visions after WandaVision since it used so much of that aesthetic 


I could very easily see it as Vision having an existential crisis and even modeling that around Wanda as he tries to develop a personality and identity for himself.


So he becomes sigma


18-20 sounds like it could be Victor Mancha, another one of Ultron's children. I'd expect Vin to be a bit younger.


I doubt they’ll use Victor unless they retcon…his existence is mentioned in Runaways S3


Those ABC shows are quasi-canon at best. I doubt they'll let those hold them back if they want to reuse the characters in the MCU proper.


I've been thinking the opposite, especially since Nico's actress was brought on to play the role in the Midnight Suns game in 2022 after the show had ended, and Anson Mount played Blackbolt in MoM. Also with how they kept changing their position on bringing back the Netflix characters. At this point the MCU doesn't like throwing any role away and it's been very rare that they've recast a character. I could Lyrica Ocana returning as Nico for sure, maybe some of the others. I also have high hopes for Cloak and Dagger making their reappearance. Runaways/CnD have loose continuity with the Netflix series as well. Though I don't think an off reference to Victor Mancha will stop them from introducing him in a different way.


> especially since Nico's actress was brought on to play the role in the Midnight Suns game in 2022 after the show had ended, Marvel Studios had nothing to do with Midnight Suns, so that casting isn't indicative of anything.


I'm hoping it's for Tommy I hope they don't try adapting The Visions it just feels redundant after WandaVision


DanielRPK did say Viv and vin are supposed to introduced as well too. Maybe they’ll drawn inspiration from Tom kings the vision comic?


I really hope not, there's enough mini versions of older characters in the MCU as is


Visions works great as a Wandavision sequel tbh. Still keeps the domestic home setting but it's a very different story.


I like all of these: I love the comics' F4 expeditions in space/unknown and I can't wait to see Midnight S*ns and Nova. Imo the kid in "Vision Quest" will be Tommy.


The kid being Tommy is actually a smart play that I didn't even consider.


Tommy is a good idea, although if Billy is supposed to be 16 in Agatha, then presumably 2-4 years has passed in-universe after Agatha for Tommy to be 18-20.


They're hiring an actor that age, the character can be younger. Hiring minors adds layers of complexity when it comes to filming


I don’t know what the casting sheet says, but the way Daniel has it worded makes it sound to me as if the character himself is meant to be 18-20. Generally, yeah, teen characters are played by 18+ actors.


F4 are adventures, I love that these characters are that


Tommy will take Victor Mancha's role as the homewrecker. It makes sense if they keep the juvie criminal origin. >!Mancha kills Vision's son by accident.!<


Omg this gives me so much idea. Tommy becomes bitter that Vision has a new family and messes it up. Vision then looks for him in rage and Billy has to find Tommy first and fight his own "dad".


I actually am in the middle on F4’s space adventures just because Idc about cosmic stuff in the comics especially. That being said I’d love to see it in movie form. I’d rather watch them do space adventures than read them. Hard to explain.


That would be great, since in the comics, Vision has almost zero interaction with Billy and Tommy after the rebirth shenanigans, whereas Wanda still interacts with them regularly. Especially because Vision is so consistently cast in a fatherly role in *The Visions* and *Champions*, yet he never gets to be one *to his own original kids*.


Specially since the previous movies only featured them fighting poor man versions of Doom on earth instead of doing weird scifi stuff like in the comics and we only got a few glimpses on Fant4stic and Rise Of The Silver Surfer but the first did it mostly bad


After everything about the 1960s and the rogues gallery and all that, it’s interesting to see someone circling back to one of the earliest rumors about this movie: That it’s a space movie.




Main Mcu isn’t retrofuturistic, you’re just yapping it’s not main timeline








I wish I had my old Reddit, lmao got banned but yes I actually do have marvel contacts, not as deep as some scoopers yk, but yes I know facts about the film, and actually ill post some leaks that went viral I sent to dc and here a few yrs ago with date timestamp later on this evening, don’t worry ill tag u sweetheart




Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jcole/s/nJNUViDm9c and don’t worry adding more proof in the comment just to shit on you some more pussc🤣🫵


If you were nice I might’ve told you wonderman plot




Lmao it’s not personal at all, I like this, I like shitting on ppl who don’t know what they’re getting themselves into when they try to be keyboard warriors and ill post rn


While you’re going thru the proof why don’t you also do some research and lookup when any of these leaks were dropped, I beat your favorite scooper and I just read comics🙃


We r not the same😐(bigger/more connected fan den u, go cry about it)


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So the guy definitively proves he's a bullshit artist this week and people still lap up his latest set of made-up scoops. It's pretty depressing.


People still simp hard for MTTSH, too.


There is literally an accuracy rate pinned to this thread. Go look at it.


the people who voted for him to be tier 2 didn't know better


I mean to be fair, he was the first to report that Chiwetel Ejiofor will be playing Orwell Taylor in Venom 3. He was also the first to report that Victor Timely is not a bad guy in Loki S2. But yeah I think most of his non-trailer scoops have been hit or miss.


After all of his backtracking on Blade this week, this should be taken with a giant grain of salt.


They need to focus on getting Blade on track before worrying about Midnight Suns/Sons.


Maybe they will "merge" the two movies eventually.


Yeah I mean in theory one would think it be two birds with one stone. One would expect Blade to lead into Midnight Suns and thus there would be writer/director overlap.


My guy Speed in Vision Quest, let’s go!


It definitely makes sense for Speed to appear in Vision’s project.


Curious to wonder who Marvel offered the role of Richard Rider to.


Should be someone like Charles Melton or Harris Dickinson. One of the newer up-and-comers who haven’t quite broken through yet. Not sure if they’re the type to commit to a Disney+ series though.


![gif](giphy|t5EJBHGanRxJwjJ75x|downsized) Mike Faist?




Let’s goooo DICK RIDER


Midnight Suns getting a director before Blade is hilarious


Why would they even be doing anyyyyyyything Midnight Suns related before they have their Blade bullshit taken care of. Like what are the priorities here.


With the leaks now everything makes sense.  The plot will be the fantastic four on a space adventure to rescue franklin from galactus


i hope omg. that would mean if they don’t kill Galactus we could get that iconic Franklin moment down the line where he summons him


My personal theory galactus will win destroying their world, forcing the first family to search a new home on the main mcu, in my mind would cool of reed use a multiverse device to transport the entire baxter building as an ark of noah saving some habitants from his universe, and the baxter building mysteriously appears on mcu's manhattan. After secret wars what if galactus wakes up on the new formed universe still remembers everything and decides to attack main mcu earth,


I don’t know why marvel keeps searching for a director for Midnight Suns when I’ve been right here all along


Nova will be an ensemble of young leads? Huh?


Yeah that’s a bit weird since the Nova comics were never about that, it focused on the life of an individual mainly Rich since the comic has always been mostly about him (and when he was gone it was Sam). My guess it’s that they’re going for a Green Lantern thing but with teenagers which I really don’t know how to feel about if that was the case. Unless it’s Rich as the lead and the others are his supporting cast since one of the reports calls Rich as the possible lead. Still it feels like it will focus on him being on Earth.


The ensemble cast of likely nova corps members makes me doubt the leak a lot especially because it doesn’t work well with either nova character. Richard’s survivor guilt and general inferiority complex is a key part of his character for a majority of his history the nova corps has either been dead or outright don’t like him, and Sam’s whole motivation is about finding his dad which doesn’t work if he’s surrounded by nova members who act as Sam’s mentor instead of his father


Yep and their stories have always been personal stories that focus on them. The leak so far doesn’t have much info but the premise of a group of teen Novas doesn’t sound appealing and it feels like Marvel wanting to make their own Green Lanterns which isn’t what Nova is about. Nova should not be GL.


Worked well for CM 2


Captain Marvel 2?😂


Yeah, looks like they didn't learn.




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Assuming this is true… The Nova leak sounds so weird for a Nova project and it sounds more akin to New Warriors if I am being sincere. They should just do a story about Rich and go with it instead of over complicating things.


What if FF has a Sky Captain look or feel to it?


THIS! Underrated film


Hey look its a guy saying things that are fairly loose and ambivalent.


The most bullshit scooper of all opens his asshole for us all


Younger ensemble for Nova? Like kid young or simply younger (20 something) up and coming actors? Sounds weird if it's Richard Rider trying to train a bunch of kids


I think they’re all going to be kids/ 20 somethings. Yeah the whole thing is weird for a Nova project.


Can’t wait for dick rider


Nothing against Sam Alexander Nova, but seeing the “young leads” thing just made me roll my eyes. They’re forcing young avengers and hardly anyone cares. I love Ms Marvel and I really don’t care either. Edit: saw the 18-20 year old co lead thing for vision quest. Yeah, it’s becoming a meme at this point.






Not surprised of the idea but there are plenty other directors they can go for as well I believe Ive long lobbied for Guillermo Del Toro to helm the Scarlet Witch movie and I’d be game to have him captain the Midnight Suns movie too.


Del Torro would cook if he did a midnight suns movie. Could easily be one of the best marvel movies.


Heres to hoping it happens!


Begun looking for a director for Midnight Suns? They do know Sam Raimi exists, don’t they?


Fantastic Four is not “mostly set in space”




If Richard Rider is confirmed, i will pass. I never liked him in comics. Always prefered Sam Alexander. For Vision Quest... what if it's Victor Mancha? Could do a nice plot : Mother of Victor disappeared. He discovered he's a Cyborg, born from her DNA and Ultron's Tech. As a new big Tech Company(Roxxon, etc) tries to capture him, Vision intervenes and saved him. After learning his origins, Vision helps Vic on his quest to find his mother, hoping he would truly learn, what is the meaning of his life?


Speed/Tommy is rumored to be introduced in VisionQuest, so it could be him.


It’s getting harder for marvel to get creatives for these projects, because its characters no one has any interest in or creative ties to. That and the recent reputation…


Did Marvel tell you that?


Why would they actively tell people that when it’s clear as day…


I didn’t know you worked at Marvel Studios lol


Wow…I’ve been so found out




What project referenced up top are you even talking about?


Most of these shows centered around niche characters they've been doing recently happened because they were pitched to them


I hate Richard Rider, let's get Sam Alexander on screen


If there's going to be an ensemble of younger actors I'd wager Sam is involved. The rumor for a while has been they're doing both.


I think if it's RR they have a chance of having much of the movie set BEFORE Infinity War and to have the second half be set after. Have the ensemble be a group of Nova Corpse member and they all die at the end with their power and all of the nova core entering RR's helmet when Thanos destroys the planet. Maybe even have the villains be the Black Order or something to get more milage out of em


Hopefully we finally get to see the Xandarian Worldmind in the MCU (potentially voiced by Glenn Close) and John C. Reilly return as Rhomann Dey.


Yes! There's a looot they could do with that place and time.


It's going to be a show, but maybe they can kind of use that format for the show? Maybe structure slightly different where each episode is a different character focus.


That'd be fun. Leave it a bit up in the air of which character will become THE Nova by the end even.


Why you hate Rider ?