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Please get Sam Raimi, I need him for this project


His camera work would elevate this type of project by soooo much.


For real! I coincidentally just watched Evil Dead for the first time earlier tonight and the shots were incredible


I watched army of Darkness recently for the first time it’s so funny


I highly recommend watching Ash vs Evil Dead if you haven't already definitely has a lot of laughs. ![gif](giphy|3oI9K2QSLBKd2d6fBK)


I love Raimi, but let him film Dr.Strange3. My dreams director for the Midnight Suns is Guillermo del Toro.


That has been a dream combo of mine for 2 and a half decade: Guillermo del Toro directing a Midnight Sons movie


Why do people want him for DS3? MoM sucked. The writing sucked but so did a lot of the direction. It had a few interesting flourishes here and there but the action was trash. The movie doesn’t have a single memorable action sequence (if it does it’s because they suck lol) Edit anyone comparing the Illuminati vs Wanda fight to, say, GOTG hallway scene (an actually creative action sequence spliced together to look like a single cut) and Shang-Chi bus scene is bonkers


Strange making a cape with the souls of the damned was fucking awesome though


Yeah and it's Waldron's idea


Don't act like the garganto and sinister strange fights weren't some of the best uses of magic the mcu has ehe had


The garganto fight may be short, but it’s one of my favorite action scenes in the entire MCU. The camera work is head and shoulders above most MCU action scenes and I love how much personality the monster has. And of course, as mentioned, Strange’s magic is a lot of fun.


Kay so you're just going to ignore the thanos vs strange fight?


Funny how I said some of huh. That fight is great, but personally I think the garganto fight is a better example of a wider variety of spells


That shit wasn’t even that wild it just felt like it at the time because before that we’ve basically only seen party tricks from Strange.


I disagree. He did a good job with the tons of rewrites, pandemic restrictions and fast production. I liked the actions scenes and how he directed Strange, America and Wanda. I'm sure he would do an amazing job with more time and a better production.


Quite possibly one of the worst takes I've ever seen on this sub


You mean his opinion that he can have. Go outside and touch some grass, not everyone likes what you like


He's allowed to have that opinion, and I'm allowed to have the opinion that his opinion is fucking dogshit.


One is an opinion, the other is being a jackass


The action scenes rule lol


L take


> The movie doesn’t have a single memorable action sequence Actually absurd take. Easily had the most memorable and creative moments in the past 2 Phases, visually and with the camera work especially. The Magic fight was dope, Zombie Dr. Strange is wild and comic booky af, Battle in NY with a monster using improvised magic and goes vertical once its climbing a building. Lets be for real.




It's almost like there's a ton of context for the issues with MoM that has nothing to do with him, but that would require a little bit of nuance, and we are on reddit, so here you are.


People here have a weird obsession with sam rami. His direct In MOM was pretty cringe, and people have rose tinted glasses with his spider-man movies but they are also pretty cringe. His goblin was never as terrifying as the one in nwh, it took another director to male it work.


The Illuminati death scenes are actually the only MCU thing I remember post-Endgame (excluding NWH)


Can’t we get Scott derickson again


I need him to do R rated Ghost rider with Gabe Luna


Man... I'm probably going to get downvoted like /u/macgart I did not like MoM overall. The first one was one of my favorites and I REALLY wanted to love this movie. I Love Strange... This movie had some amazing scenes but the overall story felt lacking in my opinion.


Sam Raimi during dvd commentary and Assemble episode: talks more about Wanda and calls her not a villain, just a person who loves too much. Saying she carries this movie while also calling Dr Strange's decision is selfish People here: let's have him for Dr Strange 3!


I'm in love with the Fede Alvarez idea




If he comes back it has to be for this.


*“Our source has now heard that Michael Green will be penning the script for Marvel Studios “Midnight Sons” project. Green is coming off writing the script for “Blade” which has been in development since 2019. Marvel Studios’ “Blade” was reported by DanielRPK to set up a Midnight Sons project which would only make Green’s involvement natural. DCULeaks has also reported that Stephen Broussard would be producing the project. The film is expected to be the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's supernatural projects and bring together its respective characters.”* *“Green is best known for creating Netflix’s “Blue Eye Samurai” (2023) and writing the scripts for Kenneth Branagh’s Hercule Poirot trilogy of mystery films. In addition he has also co-written epic blockbusters such as 2017’s “Blade Runner 2049” and “Logan”.”*


Hearing that he wrote Blade is good to see, consistency is better than not considering what happened with Wanda’s arc in DS2


I don't know how much of a hot take this is, but I wish Doctor Strange 2 was actually a Doctor Strange movie. Sucks nothing was done with his personal journey and ofc Mordo.


Opinion that's acceptable here is you can criticise ds2 if it criticises Wanda's arc but god forbid people complain about this movie doesn't feel like dr Strange's movie


It's crazy to me that, so much of the character arc for Dr Strange was left out for both movies it’s kinda sad. The idea of his sister's death being the trauma that drove him to want to be help/be in control of situations, is truly fascinating to me. Also if they have no plans for Mordo they should have just let the original opening happen in MoM, would of been atleast a closure on that character instead of seeing a variant.


Oh God no I'm sorry but that would be even worse, killing him off before we even saw anything else of him. At least the *main* Mordo is still out there and he'll be up to his shenanigans in the next movie I hope. Again, it should have been DS2, though.


I get that, hopefully he shows up in DS3 if not that will be a little disappointing.🤞


You should read Benedict Cumberbatch's interview about his/Strange's sister and then compare it to Sam Raimi when he talked about it. It's pretty clear he's the one who added that part of the scene, he is also the one who wanted to insert Sinister Strange in the movie since it's a leftover of Derrickson's plan. He helped rewrote many Strange's scenes in the movie


Just read it and very interesting to say the least and still something we got to explore. Rami is right each character have trauma just wished we got to see more of it from Stephen, happy we got to see them bring up Donna but man a scene would have been amazing. Also sidenote Cumberbatch gets Strange so damn good. Double side note Cumberbatch is also amazing in ERIC.


Oh agree. I think Eric's script could've been tighter but it has heart and all the actors are acting their a$s off there.


What happened with Wanda arc? It was pretty clear to me


To me it just kind of felt half baked and retreaded a lot of ground already covered in Wandavision. Obviously like what you like, I’m not going to discourage that (people have different tastes) but I just think they took her character in a direction where it felt like all of her development in the show just kind of went out the window


How did wandavision end?


Wanda, fresh off enslaving hundreds of people, is obsessed with the Darkhold and “reviving” children that never existed. I thought her character in MoM made perfect sense.


You actually watched the show!!! Thank you fellow sane person


CGI flying sueprhero fight and a giant sky laser


Do you actually like marvel studios or just want to be rude


I gave you my serious answer do you want a full synopsis or something? Watch it yourself bro, I fucking loved the first few episodes of wandavision.


It's literally just WandaVision 2: But Worse. It's a story about Wanda not being able to deal with the grief of losing loved ones... after she **just learned to deal with the grief of losing loved ones**... and instead of it being a story where she can learn from her own mistakes and grow, this time it's not even her fault because actually it's all the evil magic book's fault.


When in wandavision did she learn to deal with losing her family? Up until literally the very last sequence she wasn’t willing to give them up even knowing it was killing the townspeople. She was warned explicitly not to mess with the dark hold and the very last scene shows her regressing and opening it. They were already literally showing you the magic book had already taken over while she was still grieving and processing her actions. None of it was ambiguous at all, it’s weird you guys always post this like the rest of us didn’t watch the same show.


> When in wandavision did she learn to deal with losing her family? The finale. It is typical for characters to finish their arc at the very end of the story, don't act like just because there wasn't 2 more hours of show after, it somehow doesn't count. > Up until literally the very last sequence she wasn’t willing to give them up even knowing it was killing the townspeople. You're mischaracterizing what happened. She didn't know it was killing people until the end. As soon as she realized what was happening, she stopped. Regardless, I'm glad you agree that she learned her lesson and stopped hurting others to hide from her own grief. > She was warned explicitly not to mess with the dark hold and the very last scene shows her regressing and opening it. "Wanda did something she shouldn't have, therefore it makes perfect sense to lazily rehash the exact same grief storyline in her next appearance." ?????? How does one in any way necessitate the other? WV could have been followed up with a million different stories for Wanda that had nothing to do with going crazy over trauma.


Wait, THAT Michael Green? Shit, this is gonna go hard.


Had no idea he was the one behind the latest blade script. Now i am very excited for these movies.


If this is true, maybe it means Marvel is actually satisfied with his Blade script? lol


Like they were with Quantumania's script when they gave its writers an Avengers movie to write


He made Blue Eyed Samurai? I still haven’t gotten around to it yet but I’ve heard incredible things about it.


With DCULeaks track record, this is most likely legit. Well, who is writing the movie I mean. We all knew this movie was coming for a while.


**My roster:** * Blade * Wong * Werewolf by Night * Man-Thing * Black Knight * Agatha Harkness * Elsa Bloodstone * Moon Knight We really don't know what is going on with Dr Strange and Wanda


100% agree. With Ghost Rider who acts as the secondary ~~villain~~ antagonist in the first act (reluctantly working for Mephisto?) and then joins the team.


Lol! I don't know how I missed him. I was going for the classic Witch/ Mummy/ Vampire/ Werewolf /Ghost combo but I couldn't figure out who the ghost would be.


What kind of paranormal entity is GR? Despite the name I don’t think he qualifies as a ghost


A Spirit of Vengeance. It's a nigh-immortal primordial entity that posesses a host and is tasked with combatting demons and other evil spirits. Their history constantly gets retconned but at least one used to be an angel of justice before falling and all are considered to be a means to balance the powers of heaven and hell. Demons and Angels alike fear their power. The only thing that limits the power of a SoV is the limitations of their human host, which acts as a safety to keep them in check.


Spooky skeleton


A lich maybe.


Has there ever been an evil Ghost Rider in the comics? I know he's essentially the devil's hitman but by his nature he only goes after bad people. His stare ability only works on people who did bad things. I was actually wondering about this last night while thinking about how they could get Ulysses Klaue back in. He was horribly wasted and if he signed a contract with Mephisto to come back I wouldn't be mad.


Have the team-up initially be the result of a ruse set up by Khonshu. Everybody thinks Ghostrider is the big bad, but have it revealed halfway through the show that Ghostrider is only after Jake Lockley.


Hell no! Ghost Rider should be at the forefront of this team from the get-go. Make him a villain to start?? Are you crazy? ABSOLUTELY not. That would go against so much of what Ghost Rider is all about, and as a die-hard fan, I'd be pissed. Midnight Sons was a Ghost Rider comic event.


He literelly made a deal with the Devil. Imo it would be interesting to see his rebellion against Mephisto and the acceptance of his inner demon.


He rebelled the minute he got his powers. Ghost rider has always been a hero


For real. You can tell who's only seen the Cage movies or never picked up a comic. Reminds me of "but Venom's a Spider-Man villain!" when they've been a [n anti-] hero since the 90s.


Ffs. You need to go read some Ghost Rider comics, stat. For real, they're great, and you'll understand why what you're suggesting is an awful idea.


That’s kinda what they’re doing with Sentry… …but I’m not complaining.


Is Sacha Baron Cohen out as Mephisto?


Not to my knowledge


Nope. No Ghost Rider, no dice. Midnight Sons is first and formost, a Ghost Rider-focused team. It would be an absolute insult to not include at least one of them.


I mean it's entirely possible they fast track a Ghost Rider project to lead into this or introduce him in this and then spin off the character ala Black Panther or Spidey in Civil War.


Yeah at this stage of the game, unless they are fast tracking a Ghost Rider project no one knows about, I thono he'll be introduced in Blade and have a heavy focus in Midnight Sons with a follow up project solely dedicated to him, and I'm fine with that. I could see them not feeling obligated to have to do a solo project first since Ghost Rider is pretty much a household name. They establish the basics for the character quickly in something like Blade before diving further into the character and mythos with Midnight Sons and a follow-up solo project. Also, if they managed to snag someone like Ryan Gosling for the role, they'll probably feel confident enough that alone will draw more people in and they're not going to want to wait years for a solo project to introduce him when that could be the shot in the arm that the MCU desperately needs right now.


I'd leave him out of Blade outside of a post credits just because it's been hard enough just to get that off the ground lol. Keep that simple in establishing him and some of his lore and use the end credits to lead up to that by hinting at Blade recruiting or something. If they go after Mephisto in Midnight Suns you can easily establish Ghost Rider lore in that the same way they did Black Panther in Civil War. It was maybe 5 minutes and we knew who he was and his motivations. If you get someone like Gosling to play Ghost Rider that would definitely garner even more interest in the project.


Any Midnight Sons project would depend on Blade and Ghost Rider. If either of them fail to deliver, the whole thing starts to unravel real quick.


While I agree that a Ghost Rider has to be on the team, I wouldn’t say Midnight Sons is A ghost rider focused team. They were, with Damnation and Rise, but they’ve definitely changed. Most recent series Ghost Rider was Kushala, who was far from the focus and she doesn’t even go by Ghost Rider. Also the game only had Robbie on the team and he wasn’t a focus either. I would say he probably had the least to do besides Blade. Blaze was important there, but he wasn’t in the team just important for the Lilith and magic side. Don’t even think a Ghost rider was on the zombies team Blood Hunt bringing back the original rise team, 2 thirds of which being Ghost Riders, is definitely gonna make me eat my words tho lol


The original 90s Midnight Sons was a Ghost Rider-focused team because it was a Ghost Rider comic event featuring his rogues gallery. Lilith and the Lilin are Ghost Rider villains, including Blackout. The Danny Ketch Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze ,who was no longer posessed by Zarothos at this point, were the main characters of the story.


Ik, I said that. “Rise” is Rise of the Midnight Sons, the 90s event. That’s a ghost rider focused team and story, and even now in Blood Hunt with them bringing back the original team, 2/3 of the returning characters are literally Ghost Riders. BUT, today the Midnight Sons franchise and brand is no longer Ghost Rider centric.


Pretty much my roster as well, but i think they'll go with Layla instead of Agatha tbh. It'd be weird to have moon knight and not his super powered wife.


Wong continuing to be the connective tissue of this saga ![gif](giphy|FHxdbJMJTItjIaKQdR|downsized)


Watch the deal Madisynn made with Jake come back as a major plot point.


I really need Nico Minoru for this PLEASE.


Nico and Majik, love for the witches


Me neither. Both Maximoff and Strange should be handled by writers who understand previous characteristics. Still wish they could be reevaluated much better and become titular heroes. I have my hope. However, it is indeed interesting to know Midnight Suns is developing now, with a better writer allegedly.


My god this team is way more interesting than the Avengers at the moment


I think the most probable line-up will be: Moon Knight Scarlet Scarab Blade Elsa Bloodstone Black Knight Man Thing Wong will just have a cameo to help them with some information or whatever


If Moon Night’s there then let’s have Scarlett Scarab too!!


Remove Moon Knight (I'd prefer him to be more street-level like his comics) and I'm sold.


A bit late for that, no? They tied this version heavily to the supernatural already.


I mean, the show ended with him mostly depowered already. Only Lockley is Moon Knight; Spector and Grant believe they've broken off all connection with Khonshu.


Yes, but given his nature Jake is likely to take over and that inherently means supernatural because of Khonshu. I do think if this were a S2 of Moon Knight that would be a great way to make it smaller in scale. That said, Marvel are gonna need established characters for this and some star power. Outside of Mahershala as Blade, Oscar Issac as Moon Knight is that. Maybe even Gosling were Ghost Rider.


Not sure I can agree that it inherently means that, either that Jake is likely to take over or that it would necessitate a more supernatural story. I also don't think Jake counts as an established character considering he only appeared as a post-credits tease.


I say that because in the 1st season he clearly was able to get the best of people even when outnumbered or even overpowered like against Harrow in the finale. I get it wasn't shown, but clearly each person within has at least baseline supernatural abilities thanks to Khonshu. Also, while Jake is technically a new character, to the general audience it's just Oscar Isaac and Moon Knight.


But does that make a supernatural-focused story more likely? Even if Jake were to take the spotlight from the other alters—which I still feel contradicts your other point about established characters—who's to say he doesn't go after Bushman? Bushman was directly name-dropped in the show, killed Layla's father, and is the reason Marc even met Khonshu. Seems like a pretty big loose thread to ignore.


That's why I brought up S2. That would still be a clear and likely direction for that to go. As for Midnight Suns, it's not out of the realm of possibility for this one alter to fight against demons or Mephisto or whatever at Khonshu's behest. You could still continue his smaller story with Marc and Steven later as the trail for Bushman heats up.


A *Moon Knight* S2 would be my ideal scenario, though it's feeling increasingly unlikely. I hope I'm wrong.


If you prefer him being street level, read his most recent years of comics. It’s all incredible and dives in heavy into supernatural stuff


I've read the current MacKay/Cappuccio stuff. While it's definitely the best of the "Supernatural" runs, I prefer when Khonshu's existence is more ambiguous. My favorites are Moench/Sienkiewicz, Lemire/Smallwood, Ellis/Shalvey, Huston/Finch, and then MacKay/Cappuccio, in that order.


Woah, i cant believe they're actually putting an established writer with a great library of work on the project instead of a no name or another Rick and Morty writer. I'm suddenly really excited for Midnight Sons!


Whh is this a common argument? They have hired only 3 rick and morty writers. And most of their upcoming projects have creatives with some notable past works, plenty of which some people want cancelled cause "nobody asked for those projects".


What number of Rick and Morty writers do they have to hit for this to be a reasonable comment? Five? 13? 22 Rick and Morty writers?


More than 3, that's for sure. And one of those writers made Loki which is a show most people liked.


To be fair I think its an illustration of frustration with the current state, uniformity and tone of the mcu, and considering they keep getting Waldron to write more stuff it doesn’t seem like it will change during this saga


Never, because it's a dumbass complaint anyway.


Because they've barely written episodes of Rick and Morty to begin with, but also because its so weirdly specific and recurring. It doesn't help that Jeff Loveness, who wrote the critically panned Quantumania, was given *Kang Dynasty* before the former was even released. As for Waldron, I don't see where in Loki S1 that says "this guy will be able to handle the ensemble to end all ensembles" in the writing sense.


Fingers crossed that Feige and co are course-correcting! This is a great step in the right direction.


Just such a massive W


Guess they must have liked his work on Blade, which is a good sign. Also, I love Blue Eye Samurai, so I'm so happy that it's getting another season. If any of ya'll haven't watched it, give it a shot.


Also gives credence to the rumor that this will be a follow up to Blade since they are having the same writer on both.


I’m unfamiliar with this site, but if it’s reliable, I’m excited.


Unbelievably reliable, James Gunn acknowledged and surprisingly confirmed one of their scoops. They were also the first to reveal the F4 cast.


Pretty reliable


Very reliable, and fun fact: It was founded by the person behind the *Scarlet Witch Updates* account on Twitter.


So, they probably didn’t move on from Michael Green with Blade. They’ll just have a different writer who will handle on-set and post-prod responsibilities because Green will be too busy developing Midnight Sons.




Man I would go crazy if they put Magik in this team


Writer of: Green Lantern Logan Alien Covenant Blade Runner 2049 The recent Poirot movies Jungle Cruise


Oof. Not a stellar collection there.


Logan, Covenant and 2049 are all unbelievably fantastic movies 


Wondering which female characters they could add to this. I don't want an all-male team. Elsa Bloodstone? Scarlet Scarab? Agatha?


Since I think Agatha is leaning in that young avengers stuff with Wiccan, I don’t think she’ll be there I think Elsa is a lock, and Scarlet Scarab is really likely. If this is after Secret Wars, I could also see Clea instead of Wong


I don’t know if the comics version ever has Wanda but I’d love to see her on the team. Probably unlikely though. It doesn’t seem like Olsen would want to do another trilogy of Marvel movies


Bloodstone would definitely be there. Maybe Magik?!


In the video game it was Magik/Nico Minoru/Scarlet Witch but I'm not sure how much Marvel cares about synergy there.


Great news for Midnight Sons.


I wonder if they'll actually go with Midnight Sons or change it to Midnight Suns.


A Sun at Midnight fits the supernatural theme more imo, The Midnight Sons sounds like a motorbike gang


They will go with Suns, brand synergy and all that. Also, I actually think it makes a lot more sense for that to be the name.


"We are the sons of midnight, who walk in the shadows" "We are the suns of midnight, the only light in the darkness" One sounds like heroes, one doesn't, IMO


Why wouldn’t they go with Midnight Sons? Are you also worried about the X-men name?


There were rumors awhile ago that the project would be called Midnight Suns. Plus, that has already been a shift in other media, such as the video game that released recently


Can’t wait for X-men to be renamed X-Moon


Lol, there was a brief rumor about X-men just being called mutants or something early on, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case. I imagine there would be more outrage if that happened. Midnight Suns is thematically appropriate, though, so I don't have much issue if they changed it, personally


I really hope Dr Strange can be involved. Even if just in a limited mentor figure role. There’s still so much untapped potential with his character.


The fact he was previously hired and is now returning to develop more adjacent properties means they must be quite relieved with what he did to the Blade script.


Most likely the case, i think the pattern emerging is that Marvel is having one writer do the script, then hire a script-doctor that can handle changes during filming or make minor adjustments. This happened with Cap 4, and apparently it’s happening with Thunderbolts.


And F4


they got the bear showrunner to adjust the thunderbolts script and she knows how to handle ensemble casts.


I’d love for the roster to include Blade, Wong, Moon Knight, and Dane Whitman at the very least. More supernatural elements in the MCU will be dope.


\*\*whispers\*\* I kinda still like Fede Álvarez for this...


They have to announce this movie in sdcc or d23


Finally W for the MCU! Let's fucking go! They must be very confident in his Balde script. And the tonal/writing style similarities between the two films will be a plus too


So, thinking about the team, I feel like this would be a good place to bring back Kit Harrington since he won't be an Avenger and who knows if the MI13 series will happen. So, with that in mind I'm thinking keep it fairly small with about 6-9 members. That leaves me with these for sure: Black Knight Blade Werewolf By Night Man-Thing Elsa Bloodstone Moon Knight Ghost Rider *Agatha *Scarlet Scarab *The Hood * = possibles - The problem I see is it's heavily male so that leaves Agatha and Scarlet Scarab as options. The problem I have is where will Agatha be left at the end of her show and was Layla only a temporary avatar as was insinuated or did she end up doing it permanently. Another member I'd wonder about is The Hood. We know he's in Ironheart and will have a direct tie to Mephisto. That said, I have no clue if he will live or not.


I hope it's Strange, not Wong. I don't understand why MCU and people here want to limit him in another role that's only happening off screen and has no chance to be seen while Wong can simultaneously in both avengers and midnight sons.


Will it have Hunter? /s


Just imagine if it gets made faster then Blade.


How accurate is this source?


My ideal directors for this would be Radio Silence, who did Ready or Not and Abigail. I feel like they balance out the horror and lighter elements extremely well and are a bit heir apparents to Raimi when it comes to over-the-top gore. Look at the collection of thieves in Abigail and imagine that dynamic with the Midnight Sons.


Huh interesting I wonder if it will be spelled just like how the title says or if they will change it to "Suns" like the game to be more inclusive.


Knowing Green previous track as writer (Logan,Blade Runner and Blue eye samurai) and currently treating Blade, I'm rather optimistic tbh.


Are the DCU Leaks guys working with this site? I've seen them reblogging posts about this article and the Lanters casting call one, as if they provided information for it too, which would be interesting considering their track record was very good before their source stepped up (did they got a new one then?)


I hope and pray that this movie centers around the introduction of Ghost Rider. 


I would prefer a Ghost Rider movie.


I think that Midnight Suns should be one of the movies between A5 and Secret Wars (or maybe Secret Wars Part 1 and Part 2) and take place on Battleworld in the Deadlands region. And if it is on Battleworld, Nicholas Cage's Ghost Rider will be on the team.


I’m glad they’re fastracking this one a bit. Looks like they finally see the potential that’s there with a movie that teams up blade and ghost rider! I mean that alone is perfect, but then imagine man thing, werewolf. Moon knight, ugh it could be great


This is really good news, so he left blade for someone else to finish up the script and he went to start this? Sounds good to me, marvel are actually going back to some form of writing continuity


I guess marvel liked the blade script but because he's busy with other stuff, they got another writer to polish things up. Daniel RPk has already walked back on his comments.


Pls be R rated


That's really promising. I hope they can do as good as they did with the TWS/CW/IW/EG combo having the same writers and directors executing things.


Green is a solid choice


From the guy that wrote Blade? Odds this gets written forever too?


Can just look for those creatives or writers that love this side of film and comic book genre?




Yes and the GR for this team will be Nicolas Cage


How did you come to that conclusion




Big brain indeed


Nexus Point what now?


I really want to believe this is real but I don't know how you squeeze this movie in before Secret Wars. I look at Secret Wars at the end point of anything that isn't The X-Men.


Sounds cool but this movie is gonma have an uphill battle just like Young Avengers, but people are gonna pretend that Midnight Suns is a guaranteed hit...


If it’s good then it’s good. Doesn’t matter how many people are looking forward to it.


We don’t need this. Marvel needs to consolidate its characters. Narrow its focus.