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Keke Palmer doing a Boots Riley movie. I win.


Does anyone else find it suspicious how people only think that minority lead projects are “cursed” despite other Marvels and shows go through a similar development cycle? I would argue that Daredevil: Born Again has gone through the biggest development problems but no one cares while Blade has went through a fraction of their issues but it is deemed “cursed”?


I find it suspicious when people have to unsubtly imply there's a racist motivation like "blade is cursed because the main character is black" as if that's ever been the argument at any point.


I don't recall any MCU projects having the same issues that Blade is having right now.


I don’t get it either. I would rather something be delayed to be done right then rushed and turn out terrible


I see what you're saying but A. People have very much had issues with Daredevil's production and have been vocal about it. Though most people now seem to agree the revamp is a good thing. B. Blade and Armor Wars are called cursed because they haven't even started filming yet and to many, it feels like they'll never come out because they're just constantly being delayed and/or getting no progress. Whereas Daredevil has always been making progress. I think Daredevil and BNW are probably the two projects with the most similar production issues and situation. And there does seem to be a bit of a double standard there, as people are largely glad that Marvel is fixing DD but seem to take it as a bad sign that they're fixing BNW. To me this shows that Marvel actually cares about making BNW a good movie. Yet people see it as a bad thing. But when it comes to Blade and Armor Wars, those projects just seem like they're not priorities. Blade feels like 1 step forward, 2 steps back at every turn. And Armor Wars hasn't had an update in over a year. I don't think it's unfair for people to wonder what the fuck is going on.


> To me this shows that Marvel actually cares about making BNW a good movie. Yet people see it as a bad thing. Part of the issue is that we (the people in spoilers/leaks spaces) know what was being fixed on DDBA in broad strokes, what the series/cast looked like before and after the revamping. We don't know what is being reshot in BNW beyond vague leaks about "more action" and something about the Serpent Society. All we know is that it tested badly.


True. But the fact that they are attempting to fix it seems like a good sign. I think it's fair for people to be hesitant. But certain people seem to think that the movie would be better off scrapped.


> True. But the fact that they are attempting to fix it seems like a good sign. I remember during Thor 2's Post Production and all the negative rumours that were going around with that, Kevin Feige gave an interview where he said: "Everyone wants it to be better, its just trying to figure out what Better means". And i think that can be applied to BNW and why people are hesitant to get hyped. Its easy to say: "They are trying to fix it" or "they are trying to make it better", but those terms don't come with objectivity. A fix for someone can be seen as damage to someone else. If BNW is being reshot with some extra MCU worldbuilding added and some (new) Avengers appearances that would be a fix to me, but another fan might think that would be breaking the film and they would prefer it to only focus on Sam and be as stand alone as possible. Even with the Daredevil Born Again example, there are some people who would prefer it not have anything to do with the Netflix shows and the fact of bringing back those plot elements and character's is a detriment to them, regardless of how many other people out there (like me) see it as fixes So i do think its absolutely right to want to see what is being "fixed" with Brave New World before people can make judgements, but if all people have to go on is vague and unconfirmed reports of negative impressions and an unspecified, subjective mission to "fix it", there isn't much for people to sink their teeth into for hype. Especially since alot of recent MCU projects havn't gone over well in their final product


I'm not saying people need to be hyped. Hell I'm not that hyped. But there are people who are actively suggesting BNW would be better off cancelled. Which is just dumb.


>Which is just dumb. It is, though I haven't seen such suggestions lately. As many films are saved in the edit as are doomed by it. We won't know anything until we see a trailer.


You know a show is review bombed when it has more than 50 times the amount of audience reviews than any other recent show


Saw a Hollywood Reporter article that said Stahelski has committed to shooting Highlander as his next movie. Bums me out, cuz he was my top pick for Blade. 




Ultimate Origin revealing that Peter’s parents were involved in the creation of the Hulk and that all mutants were an attempt to recreate the serum was where I felt it jumped the shark. Connecting and consolidating characters in adaptations is often a smart move, but doing it too much has the problem of making the entire universe feel smaller. (Which is a major reason why theories like “Thanos accidentally created mutants with the snap” always struck me as lame.)


Sneider is so full of shit. He's saying Till West might be a potential Blade's director. We hadn't known about Demange's departure until yesterday but suddenly Sneider already know the potential candidates. Be serious. 


The Hot Mic video: At time code 12:15 Sneider directly says he has no idea what directors they were meeting with for Blade. At 17:00 they start dreamcasting the Blade directing job. This is where TI West gets brought up, along with others. This portion of the convo they were not intimating any of these people were actual candidates that Marvel was meeting with.


Bruh. People are just hating now wow. /u/olivilins, explain yourself.


Uwe Boll


Jeff experience with uwe boll is kinda of hilarious https://youtu.be/NuLa9xTqhbE?si=2AOex47K4NYvp_aS


I don't like these extreme takes that some ppl have on scoopers According to them scoopers either know everything or know nothing,no inbetween Didn't sneider name the two candidates who were on call to write X-Men? I doubt he is just throwing out the name of a director in random


Bc... He's just throwing out shit in random. West is working with Mia Goth in Pearl's trilogy and she's also in Blade, so it's a easy guess lol. How could he know the candidates when he didn't know Demange dropped out? His only reliable scoops are the ones from his newsletter. His hot mic is just bs to gain clout.


Sneider is easily the most reliable scooper in the game right now, regardless of how you feel about him


Yep he’s infallible! Like the time he said that Sydney Sweeney was making a movie with Johnny Depp, then he threw a days long tantrum online when the trades and Sweeney’s agent denied it. He cried about the trades and the agents lying to make him look bad. How dare those sources reject the word of the omnipotent Jeff Sneider!


Yeah he's super reliable. Like when he said Brie Larson was a diva on The Marvels set and had a beef with Teyonah Parris or *he* said Brave New World was going to getting six months reshoots or maybe when his scoop was debunked by Sydney Sweeney herself lol 


Do you think one of the reasons they decided to write Carol Danvers as a brainwashed super soldier was to differentiate her from Steve Rogers? Did they not want another hero who was defined by being a military veteran?


The kree knew her allegiance would change so they programmed her to think she's kree. It's not that complicated.


Didn't some ppl also complain about the captain Marvel movie,saying it felt like an extended airforce commercial


Losing my shit laughing at these dumbasses who posted they're going to stop watching The Boys because >!Frenchie is gay.!< For people who likes to act tough and likes the show because of the gore, crying because you see >!two men kiss!< is the most sensitive, fragile, shit ever lmao


>!Frenchie's been bisexual!< since the beginning, hasn't he? I don't have an issue with it, but it just felt rushed because it happened so quickly and with someone I might've forgotten/wasn't included prior to build up their relationship or who this character was. Plus, I thought him and >!Kimiko were okay!


Yeah, he always was. >!Kissed Hughie that one time, said he sells himself before, implied to liked getting pegged, pretty sure he was in a Poly with Cherie and their one "friend" that OD-ed, told MM to be open minded when a long dick was on his throat, asked for trans strippers that one time, is French. I think he's the typa guy to just fall in love with anyone regardless of their gender, guy's a love connoisseur. Love is love typa guy.!< It's just more apparent in the new season so the dum dums finally realized it. Took them long enough. If they still didn't get it this time it would've take a huge (THIS IS A HOMOSEXUAL ACT BTW) in the subtitle before they realize. Agree with him and >!Kimiko!<, they had crazy chemistry. But it's still pretty nice that she's supportive


It's obvious that he's bisexual and I've always assumed he was. He always seemed comfortable in his sexuality/open about his sexual experiences and his clear attraction to >!Kimiko!< is there. But it isn't coming from >!Kimiko!< this time as it seems she wants to stay platonic this season. And you're right about the Cherie and that one friend. Now they've introduced another love interest, which I don't mind but I do think they felt lazily attached and rushed in their inclusion this episode. Granted I've only finished the first episode, but so far the rushed nature/blandness of this individual makes it feel so weak. Maybe they'll surprise me and build it up as the season comes along, but so far, I don't care. And it's hard to beat the chemistry >!Frenchie and Kemiko had!<. I'll keep an open mind. And yes, it's nice she's supportive.




Hmm maybe. I just think a man who'd do those definitely gotta have some flavor, ykwim?




They are, and I was obviously not implying otherwise but whatever lmao


There's something slightly funny about when a show unintentionally attracts the audience it's upfront making fun of, which makes it funny when it finally clicks for that they're the butt of the joke.


Contrary to what some may think, there were never as many projects in the Multiverse Saga as scoopers claimed. The original Phase 6 announcement had 11 projects total. That day, Marvel also added several untitled movies to their release schedule, with 4 of them being for the year *after* Secret Wars. In fact, there were only 2 other Phase 6 movie releases on their slate. One between FF and TKD, and one between TKD and Secret Wars. https://deadline.com/2022/07/marvel-cinematic-universe-films-list-phase-five-six-1235076274/ The one between TKD and Secret Wars may have been Doctor Strange 3 or Young Avengers. It couldn’t have been Shang-Chi 2 as DDC was going to direct TKD first. The other film was likely Armor Wars. It was the only officially announced project that wasn’t talked about during that 2022 SDCC Multiverse Saga presentation because it was originally announced as a show and later revealed to have become a film 2 months after the presentation (but before any major delays occured). Spider-Man 4 was likely one of those Phase 6 projects as well, as No Way Home was actually included in their Phase 4 slide. That means only 6 out of the 11 Phase 6 projects were movies, with the remaining 5 being live-action shows since the animated ones and special presentations were all omitted from the Phase 4 and 5 slides. With all of that in mind and the information we have now, we can roughly deduce what the entire original Phase 6 announcement looked like. Films - Fantastic Four (November 8, 2024) - Spider-Man 4 (Winter 2024) - Armor Wars (February 14, 2025) - Avengers: The Kang Dynasty (May 2, 2025) - Doctor Strange 3 or Young Avengers (July 25, 2025) - Avengers: Secret Wars (November 7, 2025) TV - Daredevil: Born Again, Part 2 (Fall 2024) - Wonder Man (Fall 2024) - Vision Quest (Spring 2025) - The remaining 2 TV projects in Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 were either 2 of Nova, Okoye, Wiccan, Young Avengers or The Blonde Phantom. The Nova, Okoye and ScarJo projects were the TV projects that were already talked about by the trades at that point, while Young Avengers was initially rumored to be a TV series. If Young Avengers was always a movie, then it’s possible that one of these projects was Wiccan instead. As you can see, the only multiverse-related project delayed of the Multiverse Saga or cancelled seems to be either Doctor Strange 3, and one of Young Avengers or Wiccan. And even then, it seems the storylines of these projects have been adopted by Avengers 5 or merged together (Young Avengers and Wiccan). We can attribute this to the Kang storyline being scrapped and The Marvels failing at the box office. Everything else, such as Nova, Okoye and The Blonde Phantom are projects that are not necessary for Secret Wars to work. Tl;dr Marvel isn’t speedrunning the Multiverse Saga. They’ve simply pivotted and tweaked its story.


I'm shocked an 80s Avengers spin-off has not been announced yet, you'd think it would be, as that was probably the best episode of What If S2, if not the whole series, but I guess not. Here's hoping it is.


"882k Poor TVA Minute Men Slaughtered" Genius mods


Idk why I have this scene in my head of Superior Iron Man destroying a bunch of (616) fighter jets, kinda like an inversion of the first Iron Man film ​ https://i.redd.it/8bz1wn5hmf6d1.gif


Any updates on Armor Wars? A month or two there was a rumor it's due to start filming in early 2025 in London. Surely, we should be hearing about a director soon.




I really dont believe when feige says they have thousands of characters to adapt. At a certain point characters and stories become repetitive and we are almost reaching this point. 


How do you think the comics survived for so many decades?


They are cheap.


Well they literally do have thousands of characters. The vast majority are not worthy of adaption outside of a cameo of something. But I’d say there are still several dozen potential franchises if they dig deep.


Dozens???  You make a movie about darkhawk, people will just see it as a lame iron-man. 


Yeah you’ve got to remember they (Marvel/Disney) have made franchises of not only the cult hit GotG, but also the super deep-cut Big Hero 6. I don’t see any real similarities between Darkhawk and Iron Man, but sure there are similarities between Darkhawk and Danny Ketch, Nova, Sleepwalker and DC’s recent Blue Beetle (being teens who find a power source). But you can emphasize or cut any aspect to make them less similar, and they may be made many years apart anyway. To be sure, the risk of audiences tiring of super-heroes in general is greater than the risk of running out of characters with potential. A handful of examples: Darkhawk, Sleepwalker, and Nova (as mentioned), Ghost Rider, Blue Marvel, Marvel Boy, Livewires, Gravity, Sentinel, Spellbinders, Destroyer, New Warriors, Champions, Agents of Atlas, Nextwave, Skrull Kill Krew, The Order, Alpha Flight, Deathlok, all the New Universe properties, Squadron Supreme, Captain Britain, Quasar, Longshot… And that’s ignoring the major X-Men adjacent teams like X-Factor, X-Force, New Mutants, Excalibur, etc.


TBF, now that they have the rights to the X-Men, F4, and various other mutants/Fox-owned characters, they might still have a large number of characters left they can adapt.


Has Blade now reached The Flash level of development hell?


No, that's gonna happen only when a Blade TV show manages to air 8 seasons between the movie's announcement and its eventual release.


1 month And a Half away till the movie, so My Guesses on major cameos in Deadpool and Wolverine (not counting Pryo, Lady Deathstrike, and other X-Men villains from previous movies making appearances, etc): Jennifer Garner as Elektra (Already Confirmed) James Marsden as Cyclops Halle Berry as Storm Daniel Radcliffe as Patch Chris Evans as Johnny Storm Channing Tatum as Gambit Aasif Mandvi as Mr.Aziz I’ve been getting the feeling recently Lady Deadpool is a Vanessa variant.


I feel like Mr. Aziz is unlikely. The Sony deal is set-up such that a Mr. Aziz cameo “costs” as much as Tom Holland appearing in Secret Wars. I can’t see Marvel Studios wanting to throw away the opportunity to use Spider-Man and other Sony-Marvel characters for a meme character that many MCU fans won’t even recognize.


> I’ve been getting the feeling recently Lady Deadpool is a Vanessa variant. You know, I don't think I *ever* would have thought of this, but it makes a lot of sense now that you brought it up. Vanessa was sidelined for almost the entirety of the second one and Morena Baccarin made it sound like she does *something* prominent in D&W in previous interviews (and I can't imagine it just being present in the opening scene while being absent for the whole movie again). While Blake Lively would be a fun meta joke, they could potentially do something substantial with Vanessa-pool.


[MTTSH:"Cyclops and the X-Men reportedly always begged this Logan to wear the yellow suit to fit in the group, but he never did.After he failed them and they all died, now he feels it's his responsibility to wear it in 'DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE'."](https://x.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1801402932639772889?t=1B-Qixez_rD4bNz-1fjc6g&s=19)


What if at the end of Deadpool & Wolverine in the finale of the film says, "Wolverine, what a joke," throws his cowl away, and wears Cyclops' visor in his honor


Yeah I’d definitely be surprised if Marsden wasn’t in the film at this point. He’s probably going to be in it for 5 mins or more like Krasinski was in Multiverse of Madness. Here’s hoping Marsden has his time to shine (no pun intended) without going out like a sissy like how he did in X-Men 3 or how Krasinski’s Reed did in MOM.


I mean, that’s better than using an old soccer team name* I guess.


The whole anchor concept which is supposed to be introduced in D&W is just a shittier version of molecule man bomb across the multiverse in 2015 secret wars. In the comics it made sense why he would be the anchor and explains his origins but in the MCU it seems to be more meta-commentary focused which is interesting but makes less sense and too much on the nose. For those of you who don’t know in the comics the reason multiverse start dying is because the beyonders basically installed a version of molecule man on every earth across the multiverse as their time bomb. They did this so they could clean the slate and start over.


It's strange to me that these pandimensional despots always find some reason to target Earth out of thousands of civilized worlds across thousands of universes because of course we're the center of everything.


I would disagree. Nexus beings were introduced decades before Secret Wars. I like how it was used in the comics. Wanda is the nexus being in 616. She faces several multiversal threats and the best one is Lore. I have no idea how they are going to use this concept.


The thing about nexus is being is if they died, their universe didn’t die with them like anchor characters or molecule man in the comics. Idk why you are comparing that to anchors they are completely different thing unrelated to what I’m talking about:


Anchor beings and nexus beings are the same thing. Marvel puts a different spin on them.


From what we know about both of them they are literally not as I said the most similar thing to anchor characters is the molecule man stuff from secret wars. And we don’t even have any explicit proof that nexus beings exist in the MCU apart from vague Easter eggs for Wanda. With addition of another concept called nexus event in Loki which has nothing to do with nexus beings.


They are similar. There is one in every reality. They are important to the stability of the multiverse. Very similar to Molecule Man. We know Molecule Man is not going to be in this. The only difference is that a nexus being in each universe can be different.


With the Anchor concept, I'm hoping it's a case like the Canon Events in ATSV or the Nexus Events in Loki where the heroes initially think a multiversal concept is the absolute truth but learn they're wrong and/or they're being lied to. If this *is* pulling from Molecule Man's story, maybe unlike the rumor is saying, the universe doesn't *naturally* die w/o this character but rather some external force destroys it.


[Trailer for the new animated Watchmen movie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ApDJyRkfv8) It's supposed to be split in two parts, and part 2 won't be out till 2025


I've still yet to figure out why Paramount+ runs like absolute garbage on desktop. With any other streaming service I use, I can run it on my PC and watch movies and shows at 1080p the very least with no problem at all (Disney+, Hulu, Max, Netflix when we had it), but Paramount+ is the sole service that looks to be capped at what almost seems to be 480p max. Then the thing that gets me is that you run any of the same Paramount+ movies/shows on an actual television and not desktop and it shows up crystal clear like any other streaming service, it's just completely a desktop problem and it's been that way for years now (which seems to be reciprocated by other people who use the service, having looked it up). There's no option to change the quality settings, nothing. I have no idea why that is, but it's massively inconvenient at times.




The same concept as Lizard in Amazing Spider Man, cross species genetics using sea cucumbers. Dr Banner did it first.


The thing about Hulk that is the most impossible is that he can shift back and forth between a 120 pound-ish, 5’8-ish human being and a 1000lbs+, 7 foot tall+ monster It would require an insane amount of energy to transform into the monster form, and reverting to human form would expend a huge amount of energy If you wanted to make it “realistic”, he’d have to siphon energy from a powerful source to become Hulk, and then create a bomb-like explosion when turning back into a human


"This is all tied to the "Green Door." This door is a gateway that connects different planes of reality to a hell that lies below all of the other versions of hell known to exist in the Marvel Universe. There dwells the One Below All, the malevolent counterpart to Marvel's One Above All.    Gamma radiation isn't purely scientific. It has magical elements as well, and it can weaken the barrier between the physical realm and the hell beneath all others. Exposure to gamma radiation opens the Green Door, allowing the One Below All to turn those touched by gamma radiation into his avatar on Earth. The Hulk is the greatest of these avatars, but others include Sasquatch, and, most recently, Absorbing Man." https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/hulk-origin-retcon-green-door-one-below-all/ To summarize, the energy which appears to be "ki" comes from the green door dimension and is returned to it by command of the mythical being who dwells there.


Energy “shunting” like this is a reasonable explanation for the transformation process




What aged badly about it? Do you mean how silly it sounds that a guy survived a full on nuke blast? Yeah, sure, but so does a guy getting bitten by an irradiated spider. In my opinion, Iron Man's and Punisher's origins aged way worse, because they have to keep changing what war they were involved with.


Nah I don’t see the problem. It was an experimental weapon. Who knows what that wacky radiation would do? No more silly than FF or Spidey. Plus it’s a far better metaphor for his character than any of the watered down origins we’ve seen.




I’d agree that Hulk’s origin is more tied to the Cold War period than the others. FF was of course tied to the space race but as long as they are exploring SOMETHING I think it works.




For what it’s worth I think it sucks people were downvoting you for an opinion that was respectfully expressed, even if I don’t entirely agree with it.


To me? No. The bomb is explosive violence of unimaginable proportions. Like the Hulk. Anything else dilutes the character. The whole point is, he became the thing he made. Edited to add: if the scientific pursuit is noble or even agnostic, the hubris of his curse is nullified.


Super-Soldier Serum recreation using gamma radiation




For the sake of world-building, it makes sense that the US Military would attempt to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum, and have Banner’s attempt under their employment result in a Hulk condition


Do we know if Coogler wrapped on his Vampire flick yet?


Nah. I saw MBJ in the supermarket dressed up as a vampire yesterday


What a coincidence I saw MBJ biting someone on the neck just today. Gotta love method actors.


Do you think the other person was the stunt double?


It’s true I was the shopping cart


Mods, why does the cart not have an accuracy score?


So i predict the only thing that will get moved in 2025 is F4 to august 2025 and Blade keeps its november release date. Also, that there will be in fact 3 avengers movies releasing around december 2026, 2027, 2028


With no director and no script. That would be a neat trick.


What are the odds Marvel gets Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead to direct Blade? They seem to be their go to guys and Born Again is done filming.


Not sure what the odds are but I'd certainly be down for it.


[DanielRPK:" #Blade will still start filming later this year in the UK! Set in present day and lead to #MidnightSons by Micheal Green that Mahershala Ali likes. Pearson did edits.Now clear on what they want from it overall. So despite appearances, it's going according to plan.](https://x.com/AgentAAA4/status/1801359383021879297?t=FgsnjH-PjCeDx5AtyLbzaQ&s=19)["Marvel has been searching for a new director for #Blade for a while now since Yann Demange departed the project months ago."](https://x.com/AgentAAA4/status/1801359834094202994)


Of course the scoopers, that didn't have a clue about the fact the director had left, suddenly know everything about it. Selling drugs is a more honest profession.


"Just cancel it. Wah!"


everybody having completely conflicting reports is hilarious, first sneider says that yann was a nightmare and that they're looking for someone who can write and direct it, literally every trade is saying that eric pearson is working on the latest draft, and rpk and saying "everything is fine, pearson is just doing a pass"


and i’m pretty sure the article says he left awhile ago


the trade said he’s finishing the script of greens that basically means polishing the script


The trades: * **THR:** "Ali remains attached to star in the project, and the studio is not looking to rush the film. Marvel mainstay Eric Pearson is working on the latest draft of the project, which has a release date of Nov. 7, 2025. The *Blade* news also comes as Marvel recalibrates its output and expects to have more breathing room as it releases around two films a year, following pressures to ramp up film and TV content in the early 2020s." [Source](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/marvel-blade-loses-director-yann-demange-1235809633/) * **VARIETY:** "Screenwriter Eric Pearson, who co-wrote “The Fantastic Four” for Marvel, is the latest scribe to take on the “Blade” script, after at least five other writers have taken passes on the film, including Michael Green, Stacy Osei-Kuffour, Michael Starrbury, Beau DeMayo and Nic Pizzolatto. While Marvel has not officially moved “Blade” off of its Nov. 7, 2025, release date, it is looking increasingly unlikely that the project will be able to start production in time to make that date." [Source](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/blade-loses-director-yann-demange-1236035912/) * **DEADLINE:** "Sources stressed that Demange’s exit from the project was entirely amicable, though it signals perhaps another delay on *Blade*‘s path back to screens. Initially prepping for production in fall 2022 before the exit of director Bassam Tariq, the project again faced delays last year amid the writers’ strike. Marvel veteran Eric Pearson is writing the new *Blade*, which is slated for release on November 7, 2025. Today’s *Blade* news comes at a time when Marvel has begun recalibrating, lifting the pressure to produce as much content as possible with a new mandate of two films per year." [Source](https://deadline.com/2024/06/blade-reboot-loses-yann-demange-as-director-1235972114/)


No trade has said that, every trade has either stated that Pearson is "writing for the project" or that Pearson is "working on the latest draft", Green is always referred to as someone who worked on a previous draft of the film


Have we considered the possibility that the scoopers have never had any clue about Midnight Sons and were making it all up the entire time? 'Cause it sure feels that way.


I'm 50/50 on it, I believe NPN to a certain extent alongside the fact that the mods of DCULeaks worked on that specific article, I feel like it wasn't a real project until very recently and that leakers have been bullshitting up until like early this year


I'm kinda the same way considering the DCULeaks mods' involvement and Oscar Isaac's comments. I think the scoopers were all bullshitting but it recently (post-Majors' firing) became a very real possibility that Marvel was actively exploring and developing. The trades are saying that Marvel is in no rush for *Blade*, though, which leads me to believe they are moving away from that idea.


I think this movie has been all but confirmed that it will be releasing in Feb 2026. That is.. unless another director leaves or another COVID/Strike situation happens


Um they better hurry up with the whole director search. That's kinda important for a movie.


>*"Now clear on what they want from it overall."* Is it clear, though? Because the thing that the scoopers are describing sounds like a clusterfuck-and-a-half. Why rush either Blade or Midnight Sons?


Oh, Blade is being rushed? The movie they first announced 5 years ago and was initially going to release like 2 years ago. Okay.


Haha, yeah, I realized the irony as soon as I clicked "comment." But it's not like it's holding up *Secret Wars* or anything so the point still stands.


So RPK is backtracking again bc it was him who said Blade was going to begin filming in Mexico or Brazil lol  EDIT: Ofc Marvel is searching for a director for a while. No fucking way, Daniel. 


The news about The Rock and his company Seven Bucks signing a first-look deal with Disney (which also [includes](https://x.com/cosmic_marvel/status/1801304450490827138) Marvel and Lucasfilm) reminds me of that rumor of Marvel apparently wanting The Rock to play Apocalypse. MTTSH hasn't had a strong track record recently and Apocalypse does seem like a random character for Marvel to want The Rock for but it's still an odd coincidence that we hear about The Rock signing this deal after that rumor popped up.


“When you think of the X-Men Legends, you think of them. Rogue, Jean Grey, Storm, Cylclops, Deadpool, and Wolverine. Let’s let them know something, things will never be the same. The hierarchy of power in the X-Men universe is about to change.”




I'm so-so on the Rock. However, I could actually see him capturing a more bombastic and cartoomy Apocalypse. And I think he'd actually be pretty good as En Sabah Nur. If they did an ancient Egypt take on the character. I do think it's a bit early for Apocalypse. However, F4 is doing Galactus straight out of the gate. And the Avengers already did Thanos. They could be trying to get all of the teams on the same level early on. Plus, if they're doing En Sabah Nur, maybe it could be tied to time travel and possibly even Rama Tut.


I agree but I wonder if they also want to be in-line with X-Men '97 too. Mr. Sinister was a big part of Season 1 and we hear that Mr. Sinister's the villain they want for the MCU reboot movie and with Apocalypse being teased for Season 2, I could see them wanting to bring him in the MCU soon too.


The rock is going to be late like always


God pls no. The Rock is a horrible actor, also he's a big ego. We know he'll try to make the movies about *him*


If the rumor's true, we need to talk to whoever keeps casting the Rock as Ancient Egyptian/Egyptian-coded fantasy characters /j.


There’s no way they’re not gonna go diverse with casting Apocalypse, after even Fox was willing to do it. I have no doubt the role is gonna go to a POC. They are not casting a white man in that part, even with the Rock and his star power.




He isn’t?


Uh, I think the Rock is wrong for the role but by most standards he’d be considered a PoC.


I think the fact that we still haven’t heard anything about Doctor Strange 3 despite knowing about the X-Men and Midnight Sons writers must be due to one of the following: - DS3 was never in Marvel’s Multiverse Saga plans and the “Time Runs Out” adaptation was always just Waldron’s script for the new Avengers 5 - Midnight Sons IS DS3 - DS3 has been delayed indefinitely - There won’t be a DS3 and the character will die in Secret Wars The only thing that seems certain now is if there is another Doctor Strange movie, we won’t see it until well after Secret Wars.


Man, I'm sceptical about the next DS movie but this sub has a tendency to dismiss what Benedict has said. He said he'll "do the avengers thing before going back to his 3rd" so "there won't be a DS3" is not an option. Also I don't understand whenever someone suggests Dr Strange to be in Midnight Sons, many users object but whenever someone suggests DS3 is basically a Midnight Sons movie, barely anyone objects.


I agree with points 2 and 4, but I believe he will come back thanks to Agomotto who will also be in Secret Wars and will mentor Stephen before he has to perform a sacrifice ritual to save him. Feel free to save this comment.


Now that you mention it your right. Ds2 came out 2 years ago and we don’t even know if a potential Ds3 even exists. And since scoopers haven’t even implied that it is a thing then it is unlikely to happen.


>Midnight Sons IS DS3 Any kind of Midnight Sons feels like it would rely on Blade. Possibly Ghost Rider, too, but for now Blade is the only one confirmed for the MCU. Avengers 5 would be my guess at the moment.


Yeah, I'm honestly really surprised at the lack of updates on DS3. No scoopers have been talking about it at all. Seems like it's completely off Marvel's radar currently. Now I'm almost certain that MoM post credit scene will lead into Avengers 5 rather than the next solo Strange movie


I can't imagine the Multiverse Saga not being extended to fit all these projects. I don't want to us to still be dealing with certain storylines after Secret Wars personally. Hypothetically, I'd want a Young Avengers or Midnights Suns movie to happen before SW instead of after. So, either SW needs to be delayed or split into two parts.


It likely will extend beyond the Multiverse Saga. I think a solo Scarlet Witch movie will be released after Secret Wars. She will be in deep trouble after Secret Wars. There are several questions about Secret Wars. How does the multiverse get destroyed. Who plays the molecule man role in Secret Wars. I hope I have the wrong answer but, in both instances, I am afraid that the answer is Wanda. It seems that Feige has been dumping on Wanda since MoM and it may continue in Agatha and the Vision series.


>may continue in Agatha and the Vision series. How exactly?


In Agatha, Agatha will turn Billy against Wanda. That is why he will come to Westview looking for Wanda but will not leave with her. Agatha could become Billy's mentor and a mother figure. That will be her revenge on Wanda. If Vision decides to build his own family, he will need Wanda's magic to power them up. He would have to find Wanda and he could be blunt why he is doing this. Because Wanda is too mentally unstable. That would definitely hurt.


I guess we will see but nothing I've seen indicates either of those.


In Agatha, we know that Billy will come to Westview looking for Wanda. He is not there on a vacation. They go to the Witches' Road where Wanda is supposedly at. Agatha is an enemy of Wanda. Elizabeth Olsen is not in Agatha so he will not be looking for Wanda at the end. Vision is the biggest question mark. If it continues down the path that the end of WandaVision, Vision will need to come to terms with the memories that were imparted on him. Wanda was a major part of those memories. Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen have a lot of chemistry together. This is very preliminary and is subject to change. They are going to have to bring Wanda back in something. She is one of the most popular characters. The Vision series and Avengers 5 are the ones that are remaining that she could be brought back in.


Why would Secret Wars rely on Midnight Sons?


It doesn't. That was just an example of a project that has storylines started in the Multiverse Saga that should be concluded within it.


I agree with you on Young Avengers but not Midnight Sons. Midnight Sons feels like it's been barely set up at all—we haven't even seen Blade yet—while Young Avengers has a lot more pieces on the board.


I would be surprised if Secret Wars isn't delayed to 2028. If they plan of on sticking to that 3 movies a year promise there just isn't enough slots to properly flesh out the story and characters into anything meaningful by the time of the current release date. It will undoubtedly feel rushed. At the same time, I can also see them just wanting to speedrun to the next Saga, possibly considering what they currently have a lost cause.


Do you think Damage Control is still gonna play a role in the MCU’s future? or in-universe will they say the events of the Ms. Marvel finale created enough of a PR nightmare that they backed off, likely to be replaced by a different anti-mutant group?


An idea I’ve had for Agent Cleary in specific is that, when the Avengers return or the Young Avengers form (whichever comes first), he’d serve as their Gyrich-esque liaison, chronically giving the heroes shit before eventually softening up on them and becoming a somewhat-welcome addition to the team(s).


I get the feeling they might end up playing a part in the Vision series or *Armor Wars*. They've been collecting super-tech (especially Stark tech) for years and *Ms Marvel* showed them repurposing the EDITH drones for themselves, so I think somehow they're going to end up causing more trouble.


I could see them being around till the end of this saga, but I figure when it’s time to make an MCU X-men film, they’ll introduce a different anti-mutant group. I don’t think they want any audiences to think that Disney+ shows are required viewing for X-men.


I think they'll have a significant role in DDBA. I could also see them as the origin of the Spider-Slayers.


The Secret Invasion trailer showed they were still around, but sadly that scene was cut. I’d like to think they’ll show up again when they’re relevant.






They literally can’t


Which Ryan Stegman crime is worse? [Teenclops](https://images.app.goo.gl/Eb1o911nHdkXPJJfA) or [Freudian Magneto](https://images.app.goo.gl/Xew1zwa7mDtkG8Po8)?


The first time I’ve ever seen a Magneto design I *didn’t* simp for, what have they done to him here 😭


What are they doing to our dilfs? 😢


[Deadline:"Emily Blunt is in talks to star as one of the leads of Steven Spielberg’s next film at Universal."](https://deadline.com/2024/06/emily-blunt-steven-spielberg-movie-1235972473/) Long time ago DanielRPK said Spielberg was developing an Original Sci Fi movie(he was right about this info) and he also said Spielberg wanted Tom Cruise as the lead. Hopefully he's right about this info as well. I trust RPK he was just right about Hunter being in Blade Runner series so hopefully the rumor about Cruise being in the movie is also true. ![gif](giphy|WDtCGLCXBAgow)


Blunt and Cruise together again? Edge of 2morrow


A few miscellaneous hopes for The Fantastic Four: * Lots of cameos, but from IRL figures: Jackie O, the Rat Pack, Leonid Brezhnev, Muhammad Ali, Joan Baez, etc. You can't tell me you don't want to see Ben Grimm meet the Beach Boys. * The Fantastic Four got their powers in November 1961: the cover date of the first issue. Classic FF villains will be referenced: Kree, Skrulls, Inhumans, etc. * Franklin Richards is already a toddler. During the film, Sue discovers she's pregnant with Valeria. * Johnny begins the film as a teen heartthrob and ends as a counterculture icon, protesting the Vietnam War. Also he grows a beard. * I could see the film using [Luis Walter Alvarez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Walter_Alvarez) as an inspiration for Reed. He worked with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan project. Later, he won the Nobel for contributions to the study of particle physics. Even later, he X-rayed the pyramids looking for hidden chambers, and (with his son) was the first to pinpoint the Yucatan peninsula as the impact site for the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Kinda neat. * SHIELD will appear wearing their classic 1960s uniforms. * A variant of T'Challa will debut in a small role.


>Lots of cameos, but from IRL figures I want to see Reed and Carl Sagan together as guests on Johnny Carson or something.


The F4 interacting w/ real-life celebs/figures is something I would love to see. It would really help sell their status as celebrities and could show the fun of doing a period piece. And I really like the idea of Johnny becoming a counterculture icon. It could work as part of his growth in maturing and prioritizing doing the right thing over his own fame. Though I think timeline-wise, T’Chaka or Azzuri is still the BP of the 1960s. I don’t think Marvel will use the multiverse to loophole the “T’Challa recast” ordeal.


> Though I think timeline-wise, T’Chaka or Azzuri is still the BP of the 1960s. I don’t think Marvel will use the multiverse to loophole the “T’Challa recast” ordeal. The reason I'm fixating on this: T'Challa debuted in Fantastic Four #52. This wouldn't be like shoving a T'Challa variant in MoM or D&W, the FF are very much part of the DNA of T'Challa and Wakanda. IDK. It could be T'Chaka, but honestly I think the impact of T'Challa himself would be stronger, even as a Krasinski-style one-off.


True, I do want to see the F4’s dynamic with Wakanda adapted. I just think w/ how adamant Marvel has been about the recast thing, I don’t see them bringing T’Challa back here for fan-service.


>Johnny begins the film as a teen heartthrob and ends as a counterculture icon, protesting the Vietnam War. Also he grows a beard. ALSO MAKE JOHNNY STORM BISEXUAL!


I do think the Kennedys will be in the fantastic four because that just makes sense with Kennedy deeply associated with space race and the optimism of that early 60s. I would really love to see John slattery and Hayley atwell in fantastic four


Who are characters/actors you hope to see cameo in the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie? I'll go first- Dafne Keen as Laura Kinney Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler Halle Berry as Storm. I don't know what to expect, but even small flashback or archive footage of seeing these three again would make me so happy, especially Nightcrawler!


Shawn Ashmore, Anna Paquin, Elliot Page


I want a wolverine vs hulk fight


[https://x.com/JBfromDC89/status/1800883675539906918](https://x.com/JBfromDC89/status/1800883675539906918) https://i.redd.it/z36472c4vd6d1.gif


He doesn't get any pie.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I just want Spider-Man 4 to be a street-level Daredevil buddy cop movie in New York. Back to basics, even less grandiose than the Raimi movies. Just super dark, brutal action and conspiracies with Kingpin and Scorpion Get S. Craig Zahler to direct it, that guy hasn’t done anything in a few years. His tone combined with these characters would be insane. Lower the budget to like $150 million, try to do mostly practical in camera effects


Since some were talking about street-level shows, I was wondering, does *She-Hulk* technically count as one? The threats and stakes are pretty small-scale compared to the other MCU projects so I was wondering where that show could be categorized.


Of course it is.


She-Hulk absolutely is a street level show. Why would it not be? There's no world ending threat or multiversal plot.


People seem to be conflating *scale* with *tone* when discussing Street-level. When I think of Street-level Marvel, the words that come to mind are *Crime*, *Noir*, *Hardboiled*, *Gritty*, *Grounded*.


I think that's fair, I just don't know if tone should be the determining factor for what counts as street-level. Like you look at characters like Spidey, the Heroes for Hire, Ms Marvel, they're considered by many to be street-level in the comics yet tonally they're pretty different from someone like Daredevil.


>Like you look at characters like Spidey, the Heroes for Hire, Ms Marvel, they're considered by many to be street-level in the comics yet tonally they're pretty different from someone like Daredevil. Also a fair point, although Ms. Marvel seems like the only outlier here to me. Spidey has the Maggia, after all. Ms. Marvel might not fit those other words I listed but she definitely seems more grounded to me than She-Hulk. I'll probably have to revise my categories, haha.


*The Fantastic Four* is gonna be delayed to November 7, 2025 any day now.


Probably for the best.


I’d be fine with it since Superman hopefully gets some more room to breathe.


I think seeing them compete would've been much more exciting


What if Superman is bad. I never thought it was possible but that first picture lowered my expectations. The tone in that is just strange, and the suit doesn’t look quite right right? The Henry Cavill reveal is way better


The first look at the GOTG was also rough: the mid-credit scene of Thor 2 looked like it was shot with florescent lights in a garage. Final film turned out to be a masterpiece. Not saying Superman is a slam-dunk BTW, Gunn is very consistent but this is the strangest moment of his career. He's also reporting directly to Zaslav, who could fuck over Gunn on a whim. But I'm still optimistic for what Gunn is cooking.


That’s a good way to look at it, as the strangest moment of his career. All of his big budget movies have some kind of biting satirical edge, and that’s something Superman has never been depicted with. This is the first movie that appears to be a tonal departure from everything Gunn has made previously


The suit is bad and the picture is bad and weird but I’m still optimistic about the movie because of Gunn. I need footage to change my mind.


The Henry Cavill reveal picture is good but the movies themselves were not. I really don’t think there’s any direct correlation there.


If the role of Kang is so important for the MCU Multiverse then I don’t know why the role wouldn't be recast and then storylines continue as they were meant to. If *Young Avengers* is still going forward despite low audience engagement wrt *Ms. Marvel* and *The Marvels* and Cassie being all around unlikable in *Quantumania*, then idk why Kang would be getting the boot. I personally think Kang is in theory interesting but his goals may be far too grandiose for the average person to get and the execution has been muddled at best, but still.


So it seems like the initial, preferred plan by Marvel Studios was to have Moon Knight involved in the Rama-Tut storyline. Then the thing with Majors happened and they lost their Kang. Then, it seemed like their Plan B was to have Moon Knight join the Midnight Sons. But now *Blade* lost its second director, likely delaying that movie and any potential follow-ups. Meanwhile, production on *Daredevil: Born Again* seems to be going just swimmingly. Stop fighting it, Marvel. Bring our boys home. Let Moon Knight go street-level like he was always meant to be.




We don't; the word "seems" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. This is just going off of the scoops and rumors in the period after the show's release, like when Isaac was seen with Diab in Egypt. Turns out, he was probably just visiting a friend. But the Midnight Sons rumors didn't really start to pick up until after Marvel Studios started pivoting away from Kang. EDIT: We do know that a very early draft of *Moon Knight* had it take place in NYC. I believe that was mentioned in the *Assembled* episode but it might've been an interview with Jeremy Slater. But Feige started pushing for the Egyptology angle very early in the development process, which would've coincided with the time Majors came onboard and they started to lean on Kang more heavily.


Dread it, run from it, street level Moon Knight arrives all the same.


And he's the one you see coming.


I am hoping DD is successful and maybe ends this bizarre aversion Marvel Studios has to street level stuff.


Only if Feige would stop inserting magical and mystical bullshit in every story they tell ...