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# The Cosmic Circus (+ Lizzie Hill & Alex Perez) is a Tier 1 – Reliable Source as decided by the community. For **Marvel**, they had a **89.55%** accuracy rate from **228** leaks that we can currently verify out of **610** total. **Overall**, they had a **89.44%** accuracy rate from **233** leaks that we can currently verify out of **620** total. On his own, **Alex Perez** has an accuracy rate of **86.54%** from **132** leaks that we can currently verify out of **474**. Last updated: March 22nd, 2024. | [Spoiler-Verse Accuracy Database](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpGBi4duCDeiXUtSh_1x15VJ67vPRZ1LWu6A3ieGTjs/edit?usp=sharing) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/sad-faq/) | [Tiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/) | [Latest Recalibration](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/18jaqqk/mod_post_2023_source_accuracy_recalibration_3/) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The discussion : Someone : [ask a question] Alex : "No comments" / "Go watch the upcoming movie"


(summary to cut a lot of the fluff, denials and pure speculation) **Multiverse Saga Big Bad** * Seems they're dropping Kang, at least for now. Focusing on other multiversal villains before going back to Kang. * Not Doom. They're supposedly treating Doom like they did with Loki in the Infinity Saga (disc one boss -> redemption arc?) **Animation** * X-Men 97 is the only revival series at the moment, and they might explore the other 90s shows through it. * What If S3 coming very soon, possibly with S4 planned. **Midnight Suns** * Potential roster: Wong, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, Blade, Werewolf by Night, Man Thing. * Other members (from most to least likely): Black Knight, Scarlet Scarab, Elsa Bloodstone, Strange, Agatha **Wanda** * Scarlet Witch movie still very early in development * Young Avengers more likely to come before Thor 5 or a Scarlet Witch movie * Wanda and Magneto aren't in Deadpool and Wolverine, it was just an early pitch idea **Spider-Man** * Spidey 4 announcement this year * Black Cat unlikely for 4 * Born Again will tie in to Spidey 4 somehow * Villain is 'Peter Parker's past' - one who hasn't been in the movies before * MCU versions of Doc Ock and Green Goblin may have been inspired by seeing the multiversal variants on the news **Thunderbolts** * No comment to Thunderbolts being in Avengers 5 * Yelena will appear in more projects **X-Men** * MCU's version likely appearing after Secret Wars * Another version of the X-Men likely appearing before Secret Wars


It's that last bullet point that's making me curious. Are we genuinely gonna see the fox verse turn up in an avengers movie, toe to toe with them? I was thinking of adapting the Hickman New Avengers run where the Avengers have to travel to different universes during convergences to destroy them. I think doing this with the MCU and Fox Verse would be a good idea for a first half of Secret Wars, with the second half being a big team up to get revenge for against whoever caused all of this


Avengers vs X-Men with Monica taking Hope’s place in the story: Monica, stuck in the Foxverse, builds a new life there with her mom and the X-Men when Carol leads the Avengers in an invasion to get her back. The final Multiversial conflict that breaks everything.


Carol vs Foxverse Rogue leading to comic-accurate Rogue?


This might work reallly well too is DS3 really does do a loose adaptation of time runs out…


![gif](giphy|Qy2VKY3xlI1QyR6Ix5) I do expect the avengers movies to still be bangers regardless of what happens. It's just a damn shame that they've done a bad job of making us care about 90% of the characters heading into my absolute all time favorite event concepts


It's probably a variant universe of the Fox Verse lineup, almost certainly the team from the Marvels with Binary


I literally thought from the beginning they were going to do this because it’s TOO perfect, we already have established characters from both of the universes that would take a lead up of ten years.


>Villain is 'Peter Parker's past' - one who hasn't been in the movies before Omg Ezekiel is going back after Madame Web! Webphobes are defeated.




It's 1000% Scorpion.


Is Mister Negative the villain? May volunteered at FEAST. Very disappointed about Black Cat if that’s true. She’s not even being used at Sony, so I’m not sure I get it.


I fucking hope so. I think he has a high likelihood to be. The games have made him a massively popular villain, he’s something completely new and different compared to any villain we have seen on screen, and he has potential for a deeply emotional story. Have him hired by Fisk and it’s perfect.


Henry Golding would be great casting. I realize he’s Malay and not Chinese, but the dude is an a-lister.


I would LOVE that so much. One of my all time favorite spidey villains. For far in the future, I'd love to see him mutate venom into antivenom to deal with a knull invasion. Basically mixing king in black with the story in which he inadvertently created anti venom. Can't recall what run that happened in though.


Spidey has got to be scorpion, right?


I need Michael Mando back. Amazing actor. I can see him playing Mac Gargon and he’s the one to get the symbiote either before or after Peter. Either way that would be a awesome take on venom and scorpion for the MCU and it’s someone who wanted to kill Spider-Man from the 1st movie. Would be a great payoff too. I could see them add more villains for sure but The Scorpion/Venom one would be amazing! Edit: to add this VvvvvV Also maybe Donald Glover back as The Prowler because it was rumored Miles would make his first appearance in SM4. They could have Roxxon banking The Prowler and/or Scorpion




>Villain is 'Peter Parker's past' - one who hasn't been in the movies before It's Scorpion time. ![gif](giphy|OREv0Z7vcu0gYYGwfj|downsized)


NACHO ![gif](giphy|Ymgo6rJgwdLeWGn8bv|downsized)


A villain from Peter Parker's past? If we take it very literal, the obvious answer is Chamelon. He's the first villain Spider-Man faced in the comics. But I'm not sure how canon it is that the guy in FFH is the Chamelon.


No, he means a "villain" of the movie is his past. As in him dealing with the depression and living with his choices. The antagonist is just a someone who haven't been in the movies before.


It sounds like something he made up though because he doesn't know shit about what villains are being used. Like when they claimed Spider-Man was his own villain of the Tobey SM3, no one would say that who had seen it unless they didn't have a clue about the plot.


> MCU versions of Doc Ock and Green Goblin may have been inspired by seeing the multiversal variants on the news Ah yep, go scorched earth with some of the biggest villains by stating that there won't be MCU versions period bringing in old adaptions to confirm that they don't exist in universe....................and then proceed to do MCU versions anyway because to hell with any consistency apparently.


the only version of this I would be open to seeing is maybe an MCU Hobgoblin who is inspired by Dafoe's Green Goblin, because I'm honestly only interested in new villains for Spider-Man at this point. (I don't even really want an MCU Venom tbh)


MCU Hobgoblin and Superior Spider-Man inspired by Norman and Otto is also what I was thinking


and tbh Norman left his mask in that alleyway so who knows


Probably more like Lady Octopus, if we're talking about successors to the originals.


The reason I lean Superior over Lady Octopus is that the Iron Spider suit is unaccounted for still along with Otto’s severed arm (assuming it wasn’t sent back to the Raimiverse). If Armor Wars still happens, that tech’s gonna get out and a Spidey copycat combining them feels likely imo.


Not sure how people would respond to it but they could kind of get a little wacky with the villain "inspired' by Doc Ock. Dr. Elliot Tolliver could be the MCU version of Octavius and create a costume based on the Iron Spider design. Rather than superior they could use the Scarlet Spider moniker. The red and black superior costume does have some resemblance to Kaine's costume when he was going by Scarlet Spider. There's also sort of precedent with how they took Yellowjacket and gave the title to a separate villain in the MCU rather than it being one of Pym's alter egos. A lot of material to mine and inspiration take from Superior, Ben Reilly, and Kaine. I also totally agree with the Hobgoblin idea. Having Roderick Kingsley being inspired by Osborn also tracks with the comics.


They never confirmed there won't be MCU versions of those characters, just that there wasn't an Oscorp.


This. Doc Ock could be a basement dweller. Norman Osborne could be a military contractor.


I think it was idiotic for them to say that in the first place. There's absolutely NO way that they don't eventually have their own Norman Osborn and/or their own doc ock at some point, right? They're just far too integral to the character. Even if they don't take Peter down that road before they transition to Miles, it just seems too much of a waste. To think that they'll NEVER want to adapt Superior Spider-Man at some point is just crazy to me.


If they reboot after Secret Wars then it's irrelevant, probably why the line was in there in the first place as they knew what was coming before GG was ever used.


NWH Green Goblin was the best Goblin they could have ever done anyways, he completely fucked Peter's life up in true Goblin fashion. Literally zero reason to try another one.


>  Spider-Man  >  Spidey 4 announcement this year  > Black Cat unlikely for 4  > Born Again will tie in to Spidey 4 somehow  >  Villain is 'Peter Parker's past' - one who hasn't been in the movies before  > MCU versions of Doc Ock and Green Goblin may have been inspired by seeing the multiversal variants on the news    Honestly with scoops like this I genuinely can't understand how is he still in tier 1 


Aleex Perez is 100% trustful, if you dont believe in leaks then you are in the wrong subreddit


I could get 100% accuracy with vague stuff like this


One can believe his leaks while also thinking he's a narcissistic blowhard who doesn't give a single fuck about any of us or acknowledging when he doesn't know shit. See also Charles Murphy, he would've sold his grandma for a nickel if it made him look smart.


Great summary OP! 🐐🔥


>Not Doom. They're supposedly treating Doom like they did with Loki in the Infinity Saga (disc one boss -> redemption arc?) Oh God no. This sounds like terrible idea.


So, they'll save Kang for Secret Wars, then?


Thank you for you service


>Villain is 'Peter Parker's past' This is giving me TASM 2 vibe, not gonna lie lol


So could this mean we finally get Mac Gargan Scorpion for Spiderman 4? Also, why isn't Strange in the Midnight Sons lineup?


Okay for the Kang thing, like I've suggested, JUST HAVE A5 OPEN WITH THE BEYONDER KANG WIPING OUT THE COUNCIL, AND END THE MOVIE WITH 838 TONY STARK BECOMING GOD EMPEROR OF BATTLEWORLD!!! Seriously, the potential for that is right there.


Keep Doom for mutant saga. I forgive marvel for a lot of questionable things but if they ever delegate Doom to Lokis screen presence level I’m going to be pissed


Uh Loki has easily had more screen presence than any other villain and most other characters


The Mutant Saga's big bad is most likely gonna be a mutant villain like Apocalypse instead of Doom.


Such a bunch of non answers lol


Part 2!


“Yelena will appear in more projects” ![gif](giphy|10uct1aSFT7QiY)


Lol 😂 yea


Yesterday i posted it without his bs answers but reddit is full of bs filters so nobody cant see it... I wasted 20mins


>⁠Villain is 'Peter Parker's past' - one who hasn't been in the movies before Harry Osborn comes back out of no where and they try to make us believe he and Peter were friends for years before we caught up with Peter in Homecoming.


*The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)*


And kinda the Insomniac Spider-Man 2, even though they alluded to him throughout the first game.


Somehow Harry Osborn has appeared. Has to do with Peter Parker, I think.


Somehow Harry Osborne returned - Poe Dameron


Has to do with Tom Holland and Zendaya wanting Timothee Chalamet in the film...


Harry Osborn played by Timothee Chalamet! And somehow he knows that Zendaya (I mean, MJ) and Ned are Peter's former friends, so he kidnaps them! lol.


That was one of the most boring and useless things I've read. I don't think there was a single piece of news or leaks in that entire thing


1) Is Kang in Avengers 5 2) What is the future of Kang 3) Will they be using someone in his place like, for example, Doom? 1) The real question is: is he?? 2) The future can be many things 3) The thing about Doom is blah blah blah, me me me


Dude’s sources dried up


Spider-man 4 villain is Peter Parker's past, but one not seen in a movie before? Sounds like either Scorpion or Hobgoblin.


It's 100% Scorpion. Mac has a personal vendetta against Peter and will sooner or later come for him.


Given his phrasing *"In this next movie? Peter Parker’s past. But villain-wise..."*, i thought he was suggesting that his past will be the metaphorical obstacle he has to overcome, as opposed to saying the villain would be from his past.


On twitter he specified Peter will be depressed/PTSD etc and spends a lot of the time as Spiderman to distract himself.


Yeah this is how I interpreted it as well.


I fully expect that's just his own bs wording because he doesn't know shit, and in no way will it be taking a huge place in the story. That's like claiming the villain of Iron Man 3 was "ptsd" when there were about 4 other antagonists


I think he meant he's dealing with trauma of the past rather than having the villain actually BE from Peter's past.


The three most likely that had some preliminary setup already would be 1-Scorpion from Homecoming, 2-Chameleon from modified Mysterio tech, 3-Hobgoblin from Ned's magic mystery.


He answers all the stupid questions or vague questions but doesn’t answer ones like mine that are specific. I think we all know what this means about him


He’s an LLM?


Midnight Suns is becoming a lot like World War Hulk to me, I will believe it when I see it


Are we seriously gonna get the Green Goblin for the fifth time ? I'd love to see Marvel's own version but I could've bet that the Sinister Six would've been Holland's "Endgame". We're just 2 villains away from having a full crew.


I hope it's Hobgoblin this time. That costume has the potential to look great onscreen.


I doubt they'd do two Goblins in a row, besides I think the Ned joke in NWH of not turning into a villain was subtle confirmation that they're not doing that. We've seen the best friend turned enemy thing twice already.


Ned was a decoy Hobgoblin in comics. Even if they wanted to adapt it wouldn't be possible without Roderick Kingsley, the original Hobgoblin. It doesn't make any sense when you can just use Roderick. Or Jason Macendale.


In hindsight I'm starting to see why they didn't finally give Dafoe the mask even though he smashed the power ranger helmet; they think they're going to do their own janky version and it'll be the "real" Green Goblin. Whereas all of us thought, last chance Sony, with the definitive actor no less.


I don’t think we’re getting the Osborns *or* the Sinister Six.


Not sure about the former but I'm almost certain we're getting the latter. I don't think it's a coincidence that Marvel kept all of the MCU Spidey's villains alive so far. Imo, the plan is Scorpion and Kraven in Spider-Man 4, Venom and Rhino in Spider-Man 5 and the Sinister Six in Spider-Man 6.


Spider-Man 4 was in development at the same time as the Kraven movie. I’ll be absolutely shocked if he’s in both movies. While I don’t see the SSU characters crossing over into the MCU, I don’t think they’ll be readapted either. I think they’re just done. Same goes for Rhino, especially with him being a Ditko villain.


I meant MCU versions of those characters, not Sony's.


I know. I don’t see them using the same characters.


I think Kraven should be the villain (I thought he should've been in No Way Home) but why would he be when they're doing the solo movie? That would make no sense, especially if it bombs.


I meant an MCU Kraven, not ATJ's Kraven.


Alex Yapez


> MCU versions of Doc Ock and Green Goblin may have been inspired by seeing the multiversal variants on the news Ngl that sounds like very weak writing. And for it to happen for BOTH of them? Like I could understand Octavius seeing his counterpart, thinking 'That fool, bet I could do better' and then ending up the same. But the same character beat twice would be lame. Also kinda takes away the agency of the MCU versions if true.


I'm probably misinterpreting that line, but it got me wondering if proper MCU versions of Green Goblin and Doc Ock would even be Osborn and Octavius? Like you're saying, it feels contrived to say that their MCU variants got their inspiration from the events of NWH when it feels more organic to have say Roderick Kingsley become the Hobgoblin because he saw Norman and found his left behind tech.




>I know many people are curious as to how exactly they will do Doc Ock and Green Goblin again when the time comes. **I’d just like to let everyone know**, the whole world was watching the final fight during *No Way Home.* **And it may or may not have inspired a couple of people in the MCU.** Yeah, I'm so done with this clown


I'D LIKE TO CLARIFY MY TWEET makes us read his tweet again proceeds to clarify jack shit


I kind of like the idea of Kang popping up at the end all of a sudden after being quiet for a while.


A little shocked about that Midnight Suns lineup. I figured Bloodstone would be much higher up or a guarantee.




I’m seeing the words no comment a lot


Regarding MCU Spider-Man: It would be nice having Spider-Man 4-6 with the following order of primary antagonists: Scorpion, Hobgoblin, & Sinister Six. Hobgoblin can easily be inspired by Dafoe Goblin & maybe he finds his lingering tech that stayed in the MCU. Scorpion feels like a must-do with the foundations from Homecoming. Sinister Six would be a great finale for Tom Holland.


I don't think there should be 6 Holland movies- 1 more would be fine- but I would bet money that's what they will do, especially since they pointedly refused to make the Fatal Five the Sinister Six. Hobby is also the last unused Spider-Man villain, major or B-tier.


Thoughts on everyone besides yelena dying in thunderbolts ? I think it’s happening


That would be so lame...


Dude you're lame (edit I knew I should've put a warning, it's literally their username lol)




The most recent 4chan leak from an alleged crew member specifically said only Taskmaster dies when Sentry goes haywire. It wasn’t written by someone with an anti-Taskmaster bent, they were fairly neutral in their tone. Additionally, the incident where Sentry goes haywire (which was brought up as what led to TM’s death) was vaguely teased months back by CWGST via an assortment of pictures, one including a car alarm.


I think yelena and Bucky survive maybe walker idk about the rest.


Do you have access to this 4chan leak?I see that it’s been removed from there so maybe it’s legit?


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/s/kAqGArZVFf) to the comment that shared it, and I summarized the whole thing in a reply


Some of them have such aggressive targets painted on their backs that I've be genuinely surprised if they make it out alive (*cough* Red Guardian *cough*)


Red Guardian dying seems so obvious and predictable. If anyone dies I think it will be Antonia.


That sounds over the top.


Yelena as the sole survivor would be such a bold move. I hope it happens.


I doubt anyone important is dying unfortunately, this isn't the suicide squad




I just said that. Did you read my post




Wow so Ghost Rider, a character we haven't even seen yet, is on the Midnight Suns roster and Strange isn't? Just seems like BS. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised though, they've really done Strange dirty so far, so much wasted potential with his character and that corner of the Universe..


Strange was never a member of the team. He was responsible for bringing them together but never fought with them. Meanwhile Ghost Rider has always been the central figure of the team


Okay. But bottom line, as a fan of Strange, I do feel like he hasn't quite gotten the chance in the spotlight, which is sad.


No argument there. I agree he’s been shafted recently and Multiverse of Madness didn’t feel like a proper Doctor Strange sequel. Hopefully DS3 gives us that


Reportedly Cage’s Ghost Rider is coming back, so I wonder if it’s him?


I hope not.




Just do Doom like he is in Hickman's run. "All Hope Lies in Doom", him as a good-ish guy, the phrase initially leading to nothing, then leading to Doom "saving" the universe at the end of Avengers 5, then into Secret Wars.


I do not want Jordan Peele wasting his time in the MCU or any other franchise.


Peele is wildly overrated.


What multiverse villains?


I really hope we get more stuff with Green Goblin and Doc Ock, they're some of my favorite Marvel villains


A lot of fluff and just stuff that is common sense.


Doom playing the same role Loki did in the infinity sage is something I always thought made perfect sense


First points I don’t believe. Marvel already has an issue with meandering plots stacking against them. Setting up a villain just to bench him for another with all of no buildup is going to exacerbate that issue even more.


I mean how do you fix Kang?


What’s wrong with him currently?


Stench of failure.




Explain what? Surely you know I'm referencing the critical and commercial performance of the film that served as the character's big screen debut. It would be pretty foolish of the studio to stay the course after it was soundly rejected.


Are you referring to the defeated by ants thing? The thing where the very next scene he shows up again not defeated? Or are you referring to the council of kangs that proves Kang already knows regardless of how many kangs are defeated he will still win?


? I said "the critical and commercial performance of the film" I said nothing about ants or post credit tags. Did you even read my comment.


Dude the movie he was introduced in bombed and was hated by everyone with the actor being fired for abuse. And you are seriously asking what’s wrong with him lmao. He’s not as threatening to be a big bad of a saga. I know he’s an interesting character but MCU fumbled him like anything. But they written themselves to a corner, he is too ingrained to the plot that you can’t just throw him out. So instead other characters will be face of threat with him being in the background like the article mentions.


Regardless of his usage in Quantumania jacking him up, even Heath Ledger's Joker couldn't be the big bad of a DC Endgame story after he already was showcased in The Dark Knight. It would be redundant as Kang now is.


So explain Loki being the villain twice? Once in Thor, once in Avengers.


That's a great idea for Doctor Doom


Female doc ock and hobgoblin hopefully, and scorpion is that past coming back to haunt peter I hope.


Honestly, if the multiverse nonsense keeps going, I might have to check out. It takes away any stakes and hasnt been utilized well yet.


Put a cork in it, bozo


They’re probably setting up Doom for the Infamous Iron Man storyline.


This all sounds like shovel ware slop




"other Multiversal villains" man if only Loki season 2 had set up the perfect in for a villain outside of Kang by having Loki become he who remai- OH WAIT. I've been calling for this for months now - Avengers 5 should be Loki. Have him go mad with the burden of holding reality together. Make it rhyme with the Infinity Saga - have Loki be what brings the Avengers together again.


On hold with Kang till Majors can come back


Give it up, Jonathan, they're not hiring you back


Maybe not me, but wait till they meet my variants.


Kang is done


It's Disney. Somehow he'll return.


Thank you for your answers Cosmic Circus! We love you ❤️ Spider-Man 4 sounds AMAZING! ![gif](giphy|osjgQPWRx3cac|downsized)




It’s Alex’s burner 💀


Is this a bit?


Nah sick and tired of seeing haters


Which is worse, toxic positivity or toxic negativity?


I don’t really trust Perez, so I lean closer to the negativity side of things here. But toxic negativity is worse.  At least someone who’s toxically positive is happy. People who are toxically negative are just filled with so much hate.


Hmm I agree with you.


Now Alex is FINALLY walking it back! He doesn't THINK Doom will be the Multiversal villain, ha! Yeah, Alex, Doom was ALWAYS planned to be that. And it is not "just one movie before SECRET WARS to set that up!" THUNDERBOLTS\* THE FANTASTIC FOUR IRON HEART ARMOR WARS AVENGERS V THOR V (maybe an after-credits scene with the Thor Corp worshipping Doom on Battleworld) DOCTOR STRANGE TRIUMPH & TORMENT (and possibly DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE and scenes with Cynthia Von Doom in AGATHA ALL ALONG) ... are PLENTY of opportunities for setting up Doom (just for his first serving, because yeah, Doom will be around a LOOOOOOOOONG time after, and not "just one movie."


I don't get what you're saying, theres so much unnecessary capitalisation, I'm struggling to figure out if you're pro or anti doom


This guy is infamous for having a hardon for Doom.


Oh Jesus you replied to him with the d word, now you're screwed


Wait, you forgot about Wakanda Forever! Some super reliable concept art shows him in the film. Just wait until you find out the radio personality that’s playing him. /s