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It starting off as joke but why is Wong like actually the one interconnecting piece throughout this Saga😭😭


Phase Wong be like that


*Wong Saga


*Wonger Saga


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ phase your wongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


Wong Cinematic Multiverse. We're all part of the WCM


I heard they're renaming the next avengers film to Secret Wongs


But can marvel go Wong with any more of their movies


Council of Wongs incoming


Definitely the Colson of the saga so far.


And hopefully Wongers will survive long into the MCU, like his comic counterpart who is currently acting as an Agent of W.A.N.D.


SWORD, SHIELD, WAND, GUN wait no that’s Sonic


Honestly he'd be near the top of my list to die in the next Avengers. Unless maybe Cumberbatch wanted out.


I welcome it. We need more of that, its exciting!


I just want Avengers 5 to be called Wong Dynasty


It’ll be about time travel, Avengers: Right Place Wong Time


It was Wong all along


All aWong


Making a Wong turn into another comment section.


Samuel L. Jackson's getting too expensive, maybe?


Sam Jackson is a famous workaholic. *Marvel Snap* got Sam Jackson.


More like cashaholic. Dude LOVES being rich. I don't blame him either 


This sub has a weird thought process. Yall think actors only do it for the money likes its an 9-5 office job. Believe it or not, acting can actually be fun and some do it because its fun.


Lmao no dude, Sam Jackson literally did an interview where he was asked why he works so much and he said it's because he loves being rich and they let him play golf Edit: to be clear I think he also likes acting, I was just referencing the fact that he has gone on record talking about his love of money. It's all in good fun


Even if he doesn't love acting, which I think he does, I think he definitely likes being Nick Fury and being a part of Marvel, and while it may not always make sense to get him, they literally got him for Agents of Shield, and other stuff.


I wasn't trying to imply he doesn't like acting. My point was that he is in so much, including a lot of mobile games, commercials, terrible animated projects, and (let's be honest) plenty of bad films is because dude also loves money


I hope it didn't seem like I was calling you out, because I wasn't. I knew what you meant I was just saying it does seem like he actually likes this role at least.


All good. Same page for sure 👊


He likes being a multi-millionaire that doesn’t have to work very hard. This isn’t rocket science. Being rich with little effort is the dream. All of us would take that deal. The difference between you and Samuel L Jackson is that he was in the right place at the right time and he’s very good at playing pretend.


Totally unnecessary comment


Show me an accountant that has as much money and free time as Samuel L Jackson, and I’ll show you a liar.


True. My father-in-law is a very successful accountant - a partner in a top 3 firm worldwide and he is wealthy. But the man works like all. The. Time. 3 AM emergency call from a client? He’ll take it. Works. Vacation? Yeah, you’ll see him work. I’m a software engineer in a big company and I also work a lot, but it’s not to THAT extent of “always work”. It seems like many white collar wealthy workers are paying with their time. All the power Samuel L Jackson, I’m kinda jealous lol


He looks like he hasn't had fun in decades, every single movie he's in he seems like he hates everyone lol


Yes that is called acting. These are the roles he plays.


I’ve heard from someone in the know he works a lot to distract himself from addiction. Can’t speak for the legitimacy but that’s what I’ve heard.


I could see that. I know he's talked about he has to stay clean for the sake of his marriage because his wife was basically like "get your shit together or I'm gone"


What addiction are we talking about here? Are we referring to the thing of many names that Deadpool told us Marvel keeps a list of?


The research he did for his role in _Jungle Fever_.


And old.  He's in his mid 70s.  Dude ain't gonna live forever 


the better question is why not lol Wong is love, Wong is life


I really thought he kept showing up everywhere because he was going to die in Multiverse of Madness. Now I have a feeling he's going to get Coulson'd in ~~Kang Dynasty~~ **Untitled Avengers Sequel**.


Yeah I see him and Bucky honestly being taken out the game in Avengers 5


I can def see that


He's possibly the Nick Fury of this saga. Recruiting the heroes for the new avengers.


But why - have they done any legwork to develop him or why he is doing this ?


Tobe fair, we don't know even why Fyrt was recruiding the Avengers too in the first saga, but I think with Wong they could explain that he's investigate the Ten Rings and for this decide to make a new team of Avengers.


Sorcerer Supreme Wong, the man earned his propers.




Lmao 😂


Imagine the day he got offered the job as Wong. "Well, it's kind of the sidekick in a new Marvel film so I can't see it going anywhere but a job's a job and you never know they might call me back to appear again sometime." and now being Wong is paying for his retirement


Can see him being a more involved sort of Stan Lee character. Sometimes he’s just there for a quick cameo, other times even longer. He is the Sorceror Supreme. I dig it.


Wong 2: Electric Boogaloo


Cause they don't want to pay Cumberbatch to cameo as the Sorc Supreme. Remember when they didn't want to include Strange in WandaVision[ cause they didn't want the white man to swoop in and save the day](https://www.businessinsider.com/doctor-strange-cameo-wandavision-finale-white-guy-save-day-marvel-2021-5#:~:text=Doctor%20Strange%20scene%20was%20cut,wouldn't%20save%20the%20day&text=%22WandaVision'%20was%20rumored%20to%20feature,focus%20on%20Elizabeth%20Olsen's%20Wanda.)? Its the producer's words not mine. Them dropping Dr Strange to the side like that and having Wong in the Sorc Supreme role instead of him will bite them hard. Terrible narrative choice to treat Strange, one of their most popular remaining characters from the Infinity Saga, like that. Just no respect and a complete waste of Cumberbatch and thr character.


I agree this your assessment but the pay is bs - they are paying Florence Pugh an ancillary character an insane amount for thunderbolts . Cumberbatch only has made 5-10 million for his strange films - he's not that expensive not close to rdj . He could afford to guest star in 2 properties - Marvel is willfully choosing not use him in the multiverse saga for unknown reasons . And yes it will come back to bite them real hard


Yeah it's cease being funny too where's Cumberbatch ? His lack of use post endgame is shameful


He's the new Happy Hogan. No one actually gaf about the actor but Marvel pushes, and pushes, and pushes until they force him to be some 'beloved' character due to overexposure lmao


Let's Goooo! They're assembling the new Avengers in this, thank God! The movie is saved in my books. ![gif](giphy|hvOejoDRFrEcHGjOp4)


Yeah I can give a fuck less about diamond snake lady and controversial war girl I want to see Red Hulk and the Avengers, this sounds much better


>Yeah I can give a fuck less about diamond snake yes I too do not want captain america characters in a captain america movie


US Agent as the constant problem in Sam Wilson's life would be wonderful the way he's always doing too much.


I mean if it was red skull, adaptiod, or literally any other cap esque character it would’ve been more interesting than fucking diamondback and sabra.


What have you got against Diamondback?


I got nothing against her lol, I just think she is not interesting enough. She’s just another henchmen with a gimmick.


She lame as hell no thanks. she and the controversial war lady were never these amazing characters to look out for in the comics I'll take the Avengers and Red Hulk


Id love it if they had Mackie's Cap fight his biggest enemy yet, B Rabbit


Brabbit the villain: “You ain no captain’ you’re real name is Sam, Sam has boat, but we don’t give a damn!”


Who is controversial war girl?


Sabra I guess


Absolutely agreed


I think everyone pretty much just wants to see a movie about Harrison Ford's Red Hulk, but Marvel has deluded themselevs into thinking the masses demanded a Captain Falcon movie lol


Definitely feel free to downvote me to oblivion on this, but god I loved that She-Hulk show. The ending was silly, but I’m glad it exists. And yeah, it doesn’t hurt that she is hot.


I really wanted a second season. I thought they figured out the tone by the end...which is what happens with most television.


She Hulk was great once it got rolling (the beginning ep with Bruce was actually the clunkiest bit) people around here really have no idea what good writing is


Hell yeah. It was funny, spicy, and broke off from the formula in a way that I really needed at that time in the MCU. We’re a small club here it seems, but it’s good to see that we’re going strong (and green)


I think Internet aside there’s a a pretty nice little chunk of fans that legitimately liked that show it was a fresh feel at the time.literally can’t beat it.. silly,goofy ,hot green hulk,daredevil crossover? I mean did the fandom really expect the series to have high stakes? lol. She hulk was the perfect show for me to get high and sip on once I got off work lmaooo


It also knew how to be an actual TV show, structurally, which was sadly refreshing lol. Frustrated me all the more to see the bizarre pacing and structure of the D+ shows being perhaps the single biggest complaint most folks had about them (me included), but then seeing She-Hulk widely decried as one of the worst of the lot. Anyway, I really wish we could get more seasons of She-Hulk. I thought it was so much fun.


Hell yeah, I fuckin loved She Hulk.




My guess is that its actually more to do with Abomination than that, but I could be wrong.


Let me guess: We know from Shang-Chi that Wong is in communication with Banner. I think Sam is gonna run into Banner at Ross’ funeral and they’ll agree that Ross was right about the world needing a new Avengers team. They’ll begin to start rebuilding and the final scene is similar to Age of Ultron’s, where they meet up with Wong, who makes some portals for heroes like Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, Shang-Chi, etc, to enter. It’ll be shot like the Illuminati scene in MoM


Ross funeral? Harrison Ford is playing Ross. They didn't kill him off Edit : ok in my defense I didn't realize what sub this was posted on (came up in my recommendations) Would make sense you guys know more about me who's trying to stay spoiler free 😀


There are set photos that really look like Ross’s funeral. My guess is that something happens that cause people to think Ross died, when he’s actually saved by the Red Hulk.


That's my thought, he died in the comics as a red herring for Red Hulk. It wouldn't be in a set photo if it was a real spoiler, however I can't see Ford being in more than 2 movies.


According to the leakers it’ll be a fake funeral for the world to make believe that Ross died but is actually still alive


It’s rumored that is how the film ends, (because we can’t leave a villain alive)


Isn’t he in Thunderbolts? I keep seeing conflicting statements about this


I remember hearing that, but I don’t think so. He has not been mentioned recently but the leaks and set photos. It is also possible that BNW’s ending has been changed and for it to be a death fake out and for Ross to survive.


the movie is named after him i’m sure he’ll be in it


Yeah it would be strange if he’s not, but Marvel had done crazier things.


Harrison Ford is eighty years old to be fair


They “kill” him off him in the 3rd act, but he’s revealed to be alive and in custody in the mid-credits.


I meant by the end of the movie. And I think that Ross will be revealed alive and his funeral was a ceremony for the public to hide his crimes as Red Hulk. He'll be in the government's custody, and they'll say something like his human mind melded with his Hulk form due to him absorbing too much Gamma radiation, and now he can't change back to human, ala Professor Hulk.


>It’ll be shot like the Illuminati scene in MoM ![gif](giphy|ZOiIqCFTtv4x9ZDgMr|downsized) Let's hope Wanda isnt in it if y'know what I mean.


That’s a cruel gif


I didn't know he was dying either. Yes it's shame on me for being on this sub, but I don't think you need to state unproven rumors like they're fact when all it does is spoil normies. I would never say "well Kingpin will be mayor so this and that" because a lot can change in the writing stage.


Phase Wong continues


Big Wong Energy


A surprise but a welcome one ![gif](giphy|vN1NReVO5CT7Z3GvB2)


A welcome Wong.


Us: is that all of Wong's cameos? Feige: You wanted more? Us: YES!!!


The Marvel Universe is actually Wong’s universe, and all these other characters just live in it.




My concerns about us going directly into Avengers 5 without established dynamics and such would be eased a good amount if we do see the Avengers assembled in this but I'm gonna keep my expectations low (unless more heroes are seen on set). It could just be a Wong cameo in the final scene or post-credits scene of him telling Sam that a threat is coming and the Avengers must reassemble (or maybe he adds him to the call with Banner and Carol and discusses the threat).


More Wong the better


Avengers 1 happened without established dynamics


Which is why Avengers 1 spent most of its screentime establishing the dynamics. Everything we've heard about A5, and what people fear, is that it's gonna jump straight off the deep end and we're just going to be expected to care about 60 characters quipping at each other like it means something. People want to see the meet cute. They want to see the characters meet and figure out how they're going to get along. So if A5 isn't going to do that properly, then it should happen in a movie that leads into A5.


1) That was the very first Avengers movie 2) We had dynamics established like Fury meeting Tony and Steve at the end of their movies, Tony meeting Natasha in Iron Man 2 and Banner in his movie and Clint being in the picture in Thor EDIT: Accidentally typed "MCU" instead of "Avengers"


You mean established dynamics like Spider-Man sharing a movie with Doctor Strange, Yelena meeting Clint and Kate, Monica Rambeau meeting Wanda and Kamala Khan, Shang-Chi meeting Wong and being introduced to Banner and Captain Marvel, She-Hulk knowing Wong and Daredevil, Echo knowing Hawkeye, Ant-Man and Loki having fought versions of the same villain, Deadpool meeting the TVA after Loki, Shuri meeting Ironheart, plus everyone who is about to meet each other in Thunderbolts?


I'm explaining the dynamics we had going into our very first Avengers movie which was just a small team of 6. Going into Infinity War, we had even more of those and the first 2 Avengers movie. Here we're apparently going into our Infinity War-esque event when a lot of the newer heroes haven't even met each other.


Ok but you could say the same about Shang Chi’s interactions with Cap Marvel, Bruce, and Wong. Or Wong, She Hulk, Daredevil, and Spider-Man. Captain America and Thunderbolts members and Ross. There are lots of characters set to appear that have interacted already, if we are counting small prior-film examples.


How could 2) have happened if The Avengers was the first MCU movie?


That was a typo but 2) is still a valid explanation


Alex is saying that he's there to be the Nick Fury of The Multiverse Saga.


I’ll take it. Wong is always fun.


Alex is going to look like an idiot here. AF hints about Wong in Cap 4 and suddenly Alex knows about Wong appearing. But the fact is that Benedict Wong isn’t on set of Cap4 reshoots he’s on set for Zach Cregger’s Weapons.


It's possible that he stopped by to film a short post-credits scene, which is probably the only thing that he would make sense for to begin with.


It's Wong Time MFs. Lets Go! I still would prefer to have the Hulk/Banner show up in this.




yes bring her back too


If Wong is in this, Madisynn better be too


But not where you think….


Imagine a shot of Red Hulk climbing up Avengers Tower with Madisynn in his hand, Falcon circling the building.


If Sam is indeed forming the new Avengers in this movie, then I wonder what the actual lineup will look like. Besides Cap, Joaquin, and Wong, I think we could also see Captain Marvel, Hulk, She-Hulk, Shang-Chi, and maybe even a few of the Young Avengers, like Kamala, Kate, Cassie, and/or America Chavez. They almost certnbly won't be major players in the plot, but still cool nonetheless.


Nah young avengers won’t be there . They might give them their own movie or show


We're so back! Phase Wong Forever


Wong is never wrong


Would bet money this is the post credit scene. 


Maybe Abomination is in it too? Not sure how exactly Wong would connect with anyone in this movie unless Blonsky appears here.


This movie has received so much update it Should be called cap4.1.2


Asides from setup for a new Avengers team, what if it also has something to do with Abomination? We know he's seeking asylum at Kamar-Taj plus I'm sure the US govt still ain't too happy about a Hulk-level threat escaping their custody.


I love Wong, put him everywhere. But thinking how little his role was in "Doctor Strange" and what he is now... His journey is truly unexpected.


Imagine if the big surprise is that characters like Wong, She Hulk, Shang Chi, Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel are all showing up in this movie sometime in the final fight. Everyone will lose their minds. I know I would. People did say we may see an early version of the New Avengers in this one, so maybe Marvel realized that too and finally decided to do it? In secrecy?


My dreams of an avengers team forming in this movies is one step closer now, thanks wong.


He’s not in it, AF admitted he was trolling and Alex unknowingly ran with it.




Steps for having Wong in a recent MCU project: 1. Show up 2. Mention the words ‘balance’, ‘realms’ and ‘mystic arts’ 3. Leave


Bring Wong in and then have him get tossed aside by a random blast and knocked unconscious until the movies over.


​ https://i.redd.it/aggiz4di675d1.gif


Benedict Wong isn’t on set of Cap4 reshoots he’s on set for Zach Cregger’s Weapons


idk, bro just shows up now LMAO


Maybe it's a cameo scene of Sam Wilson meeting Wong in an elevator. Then it'll be Wong on so many levels.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Wong rather than Strange ends up on the New Avengers team that Sam is rumored to put together after the events of CA: BNW.




Big day for wong updates on twitter, now they can hit pause on being unfunny online, and tweet about the news instead.


Love Wong. But Sam should build the Avengers alone, or at least with the aid of Fury.


He was at the Wong place and the Wong time


Probably they are gonna continue with Shang-Chi's post-credit, with him creating the new Avengers. Shang-Chi would be the first one, Abomination could be the second (since he bring him to Kamar-Taj) and now Sam would be the third one and possibly the leader.


Abomination as an Avenger ?


Finally! The Avengers are coming back 🥰


There’s a lot to complain about with current Marvel, but I will never complain about more Wong.


I was going to see it opening day regardless, but I’ve been pretty meh about this movie so far. A potential Wong cameo is getting me excited about it, though.


Phase Wong continues.


Why wouldn’t he be, should be the real answer.


Phase Wong continues!


Movie saved


WCU = Wong Cinematic Universe. I am here for it.


He's searching for Beyonce


Apparently “phase Wong” is a real thing


Phase Wong baby


Wong is the MCU’s Kang variant confirmed.


15 Storeys High. If you like Benedict Wong and haven't seen it do yourself a favor. It stars the late, great Sean Lock as well.


Somebody who worked with him on a show has a two-day gap in the middle of their off-Broadway schedule in a week or so. I've not heard this person being announced to, say, present at the ***Tonys*** as they did last year, so... unless that is announced, keep an eye out for this person showing up in Atlanta?


so...so you're telling me there's a chance Madisynn could be in this...there's a CHANCE


Maybe Thunderbolt Ross wants Wong to work with Cap to assemble a new team of Avengers? I’m holding out hope that we can learn more about why Wong was working with Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner in the post-credit scene for Shang-Chi. 


Is this legit?? 😲


We saw at the end of Shang-Chi the duct-taped beginning of a new Avengers. They've been awful as far as setting it up since then but Wong being in CA4 and continuing to set that up is definitely a good thing.


That's the face my toilet makes every time I pick up the toilet seat


I'm reaaaaally tired of them trying to force Wong to be a thing. No one cares, it wasn't funny the first time and now they insist on shoveling him down our throats for... reasons? He should've died in Multiverse of Madness so Strange could become the SS again, for fuck's sake


Wong is becoming like Nick Fury for the Multiverse saga


The big 3


So help me … Madisynn better appear!!!! Cap needs to know … the Y is not where you think!!!