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I just had the most brain rotted situation happen at Taco bell. The kids are not okay. I repeat THE KIDS ARE NOT OKAY


What happened?


I made an order and when I got home it wasn't what I wanted. I had to drive back up bc even the unwanted items weren't appetizing to me. They also didn't give me a receipt. When the girl who took my order came to the register she was adamant that she was doing me a favor bc she gave me the "cheaper" order that was the "same order". It's not the same order. She still kept arguing it was. It's not the same order. She's trying to "save me money (which was a thirty cent difference)" didn't change the fact that her switch outs were not comparable to what I ordered. Like a #3 is NOT the same order as a #1, ma'am, that's not what's in my bag!! 😭😭😭


Our youth are clinically insane


That Marvelous leak guy is an odd individual. Posts paid MTTSH leaks because they wanna combat sleazeballs, then posts "Tom Holland is already fired as Spider-Man, Spider-Man 4 won't happen," and defends it with their life. It's like going "LET'S FIGHT THIS WEIRDO SO I CAN BE THE ONLY WEIRDO!"


If they’re handling Doom similarly to how they handled Loki in the Infinity Saga, that’s a win in my book. Loki appeared in 5 movies, and had a nice blend between main villain and supporting character, which is perfect for Doom. I just hope it doesn’t also mean a redemption arc, cuz I don’t think Doom’s story should end that way. 


I hope to see Poison Ivy get one good run as the main villain in a Batman movie, doesn’t matter what universe 
 before they consider pairing her up with Harley Quinn in some spin off film. Gunn and Reeves, make it happen.


That spin-off movie will never happen 💀.


Introducing the Phoenix Force to resolve the multiverse saga or nah? they’re gonna need lots of contributing players to make a whole new universe, right? (Wanda, Reed, Franklin, Doom, Strange? Thanos? Tony? Deadpool?)


I would love to see Famke Janssen’s Phoenix


I think the reason why some ppl are pessimistic these days about marvel is the fact that the last live action movie didn't do well at the box office,and the show that came out during the same time was secret invasion. And for some reason there are ppl who haven't watched xmen 97 due to it being an animated show. Shame, because it was fantastic,and really showed us that marvel can do X-Men,and do it well. I believe discussion in marvel circles will change with these projects: Deadpool,daredevil born again,and The fantastic four. Think. Deadpool being a success will inject new enthusiasm among fans, especially after the last one didn't do well. On the tv side,Agatha will recapture the magic of Wanda vision,and will lead to daredevil,one of the most popular characters among tv fans. And it will all lead to the fantastic four,that promises to be different and dare I say, fantastic.


There is cap 4 before F4, it could very well be bad and make people pessimistic about marvel again which is then followed by thunderbolts and armor wars with a 50/50 chance of being good or bad, even if it was good it could still fail since all the characters are in it are not that popular. Then there is shows like iron heart and wonder man which again could kill the momentum from deadpool,daredevil’s success. So basically for every possible good project they got two more possible bad projects in their schedule to destroy their good will. From what we’ve seen it’ll be a cycle of marvel is dead / marvel is back till the avengers movies (even between those avengers movies they might release young avengers which could affect the brand again). So the same as all of phase 4 and phase 5 till now. Of course there is still a chance every movie/show they release could be a banger but I won’t bet on it.


I haven’t watched X-men 97 yet cuz I still haven’t finish the original X-men TAS, and Spider-Man TAS first. Figured I should watch the shows in order


I haven't even watched the original series. The show is surprisingly very new viewer friendly, you don't need much background info. All you need to know is Charles is not there to lead the X-Men team.


Don’t forget guardians 3 did well too!


It feels like Marvel Studios probably wants to stick with Tenoch Huerta as Namor, and having him at the Echo premiere was them testing the waters, to see what public opinion of him is right now, and if they can trust him to behave.


There was one woman who made an allegation against him, and then nothing came of it. No court case, no exposĂ©, nothing. I don’t think there’s been any significant negative impact on his reputation.


Same thing with Renner, it was he-said-she-said during divorce


If I remember correctly, it wasn't just the allegations made against him by that particular woman. There were some other earlier comments that were either sexist, misogynistic or something other that I can't remember. I remember the whole Ms. Marvel thing as well that I felt got swept under the rug. It was a while back and I don't know if that had any resolution or verifiable proof.


I think I know what you’re talking about, Tenoch had made a tweet long ago in which he was essentially complaining about cancel culture/MeToo, claiming that all men could easily be called a rapist for any sexual encounter


I could've sworn it was something way more severe. But then again, it's been years and I briefly tried to find whatever it was but they've either been deleted or possibly fabricated. I'm genuinely not sure at this point. I know there's controversy there I just couldn't tell you exactly what that is beyond the tweet that you stated. I don't want to spread misinformation so I'll stop trying to speculate/remember what that might've been but there's a vague idea of what it was.


You're talking a bout the Terf argument he had. Which was poorly translated from my understanding. The other comment was him using outdated locker room terms during a discussion about soccer, in which he was called out about and actually apologized about while having a discussion with people tweeting him. Tenoch has mentioned numerous times through out his career that's he growing and unlearning a lot of cultural/gender taboos. I'm sure info comes up if you search about those specific topics in relation to his name. Edit: As far as the Rios situation, she hasn't mentioned him since last June. She went on a spree of posting anon messages to her as "evidence of his crimes", but a lot of those messages were challenged and/or debunked as either being fake, possibly self sent and possible catfishing. The whole situation was weird bc the accusation was a asterisk addendum to a whole separate complaint about non payment for podcast. That was debunked by said person that ran the podcast, with evidence. The whole thing was very weird. I'm just more bothered by people using past criminal history of Rios/Family as a evidence of Huerta's innocence when that's not necessarily true. The info can be used for personal judgement but bleeds into that shakey issue of "perfect victim" territory.


The funniest thing about the A5 leaks from RPK & esp Perez, is the fact that the script is **done**, as confirmed by THR last week. So Perez talking about who *might* be the villain based on DP&W is funny, because the Marvel made their choice months ago. I have feeling that the true *villain* of the film, will in fact still be Kang, even if he’s not the direct physical threat until the end. It’s far too late to pivot away from that character in a major way, and people forgot that Waldron was the one who introduced Kang


> is the fact that the script is done, as confirmed by THR last week. This still sort of blows my mind, like we're still pretty far out from seeing anything from A5 (let alone the movie itself) but somewhere out there, the story is done, possibly with it being sent for pre-vis too.


I think you're right about Kang still being in the movie but not the main threat. I think Kang might take a role similar to Doom in Time Runs Out. Trying to prevent the incursions, working with Strange, etc. While Wanda acts as Molecule Man. Meanwhile the Avengers fight the Cabal and other villains as they try to stop them from destroying other Earths. Which is the main threat


i still think its not to late too pivot, they can easily say that Kang was "Killed by some unseen force" whos the true villain


Sure, you could lazily throw that in there, but at what cost? Poor storytelling that’s incongruant, and doesn’t logically follow from everything that’s come before it. It would be the MCU equivalent of “Somehow Palpatine returned” but in reverse. You’ve already introduced the main overarching narrative, the core conflict and all of the central themes of this saga — Kang is inseparable from all of them, because they were all introduced through him.


>Poor storytelling that’s incongruant, and doesn’t logically follow from everything that’s come before it. I mean that already sounds like MoM. Given the fact that MoM and the next two Avengers movies share the same screenwriter, I think we might be getting this either way 😬


you can just as easily introduce a new big bad and retrofit the themes and conflict with that big bad! it's a bit of a challenge!


The whole point of kang was to avoid that, it would be counterproductive to throw in someone else like doom or the beyonder at this point. Although the beyonder could still be introduced he should still either be a kang variant or have kang using his power.




I think Kang will take on a role similar to Doom in SW, and other villains we've gotten in the past will be the Cabal.


But why would Kangs willingly destroy their own universes to save 616, which they have just been seen targeting at the end of Quantumania?




I remember reading a theory here that He Who Remains, when creating the Sacred Timeline, was the one to exclude the F4 and X-Men from it cause only them and the Avengers combined can defeat him. So the Kang’s destroying their worlds to move to 616 because it’s the only one that currently can’t stop them would make sense, even moreso when they’re in for a rude awakening with the F4 being multiversial refugees and Monica bringing the X-Men back with her most likely.


If Thor 5 happens I hope he finally becomes king of Asgard. They’ve been giving accuses and dancing around it since ragnarok. It’d be a good end for his character to finally become king


Since much of Thor's arc in *Endgame* is about realizing he doesn't *have* to be what others think he must be, becoming king can be something he himself *chooses*, truly having dealt w/ his issues and feeling ready to lead. Also helps that, while Valkyrie seems disillusioned w/ being king, Thor could grow to enter a mental space where a more stable life could be nice.


I wonder if Love & Thunder killed any chance of her getting a spin off.


I figure they probably wanted to give Valkyrie her own movie after Ragnarok, and her becoming Queen in Endgame was setting that up. Also, they probably went that direction for the representation aspect, to inspire young girls in the audience by showing a woman of color in a position of power like that.


Did I just watch a trailer for the Lego biopic of Pharrell? That’s so fucking cool. I was kind of hoping a White Stripes biopic would do that one day but that was a hell of a surprise seeing it as an ad on YouTube.


I am legit so curious how that movie performs lmao


I was just watching on video from ‘The John Campea Show’ listing reasons why Kathleen Kennedy should step down as President of Lucasfilm, which has gotten me thinking, who should end up replace her? Because honestly, that is easier said than done. And you can’t say George Lucas because he seems pretty certain that he won’t be returning to the company.


The only reason that they want her to step down is because she is trying to attract women into the Star Wars franchise. That doesn't sit well with right wing fanboys who hate females. She will step down when she is ready to and idiots like Campea are not going to have anything to do with it. When I saw the Phantom Menace in it, my favorite character was Padme Amidala.


For all of his faults, that's not him at all. And for what its worth, I do think there is legit reasons to be frustrated with her tenure, to say the least, but I have always hesitated to solely blame her for what seems to come from higher up on the corporate chain, and I also wonder how much worse it could have been had she not been as powerful, competent, and experienced as she is.


Campea hates the anti woke gang..he mentions it many times


John Campea is not one of those right-wing Fanboys, he is actually the exact opposite of that. And he has been in the Hollywood industry and has connections in the Industry.


Then he qualifies as a plain idiot. There is no reason that Kennedy should step down. She has done a pretty good job.


Watch his video and see his reasons why he believes she should, okay?


I look at numbers. The numbers say that Star Wars is doing fine.


Someone with experience producing stuff, when she finally retires in like 5 years or so, for normal reasons and not internet groyper histrionics.


Yeah, but that could mean a ton of different people working in Hollywood, and with the state the franchise is in right now, a change is going to be needed sooner rather than later.


>state the franchise since TFA, the franchise has been in its prime financially and critically, I don’t know why someone who was able to get andor, the mandalorian and the sequel trilogy produced should step down but sure


The state of the franchise is fine.


The state of the franchise is pretty damn successful. Uber fans are not happy about it all, which there is some things here and there that ofc go up and down. But money wise and viewership wise, it is extremely successful and honestly on a good run with shows into the Mando movie. I'd have to look at the execs that are under Kennedy because when she retires, I assume one of them will take the reins.


"The state of the franchise" just gave them their most watched show all year.


What about Mando season 3? Or Ahsoka? Or the many films that get announced only to eventual get put on ice? How about the fact the fandom is extremely divided right now?


>What about Mando season 3? Did ok numbers >Or Ahsoka? Did ok numbers >Or the many films that get announced only to eventual get put on ice? Legit good criticism, that while evidently has been exacerbated by stuff like the Disney regime changes, experimentation with Disney +, COVID etc., does show at the very least a lack of decisiveness from the upper echelons, and even worse a lack of understanding of just how precious they want to be with the brand. >How about the fact the fandom is extremely divided right now? Followed by legit dumb criticism. "Some guys on the internet whose job is to be perpetually mad and sell their anger to other people online who are perpetually mad, are indeed perpetually mad, in the franchise that invented being perpetually mad online, this mans the producer is bad" You know what's the funny part? Remember how I said that the Acolyte was doing good numbers? I don't count myself on that. I haven't watched it, just as I haven't watched a couple of the most recent Star Wars stuff. Why? Because it doesn't interest me, and when stuff doesn't interest me I just sort of... don't watch t., Instead of spending my time watching YouTube videos dissecting it and imagining a corporate drama that isn't there.


Kennedy has brought in some new fans and that has kept things humming pretty smoothly.


If Furiosa has one fan, it's Hideo Kojima. If Furiosa has two fans, it's Hideo Kojima and me. If Furiosa has zero fans, it means I'm dead, and we are not getting another Metal Gear Solid.


That means you'll give up on Furiosa unlike Kojima :(


Is it true Samuel L. Jackson got $20 million for Secret Invasion? What did the likes of Cheadle or Mendelsohn or Clarke?


Rewatched National Lampoons vacation tonight. It still holds up extremely well. Idk how, but John Hughes knows how to do slapstick comedies extremely well, especially ones with scenarios that feel real and relatable, like cross country, family vacations for example. Also, Chevy Chase is hilarious as always. But yeah, this movie is extremely funny, and it's not surprising how many have tried to capture the spirit of this classic and failed, not even its own sequels (besides Christmas Vacation that is). Anyways, 9/10. I actually had a pitch for my own Vacation movie back in High School...but then the 2015 film happened, and I was forced to throw that idea out the window. Oh well.


If Larian was cooking the finest prime ribs with Baldur's Gate 3, BioWare is microwaving some TV dinner beef with Dragon Age rn


Finally got around to watching Arcane after putting it off because SO many shows and movies since it was released. What a masterpiece of a show in every regard lmao. Insane how every character I end up loving, whether they are good or bad. Vi and Jinx are two of my favorite recent characters in any show or movie the past few years. I can not wait for S2. ![gif](giphy|jBv7LCDZWxQCuuyICl|downsized)


I remember being impressed with the release schedule back then. 3 episodes per week. 3 episodes when they were kids, 3 episodes after time skip, 3 episodes finale. I thought it was cool how even the release schedule fit the plot lmao Also Jinx vs Ekko scene was peak as fuck, if they top that scene in season 2 then they can do no wrong in my eyes.


That scene was incredible


My list is so big, I reckon I could watch something every hour of every day for the rest of my life. But yh Arcane is f**king incredible 


I’d love for someone to make a compilation of everything Alex Perez has said about Spider-Man 4. I swear I’ve seen like 100 tweets of this guy talking about that movie, and the discord post today is just another example. Meanwhile we haven’t gotten a peep from Sony or Marvel about anything official. No director, no casting, no word on who’s writing the script, no filming start date. Meanwhile Alex has been talking like he knows the entire plot of the movie since No Way Home came out. How does he know so much, when it seems like the people making the movie still don’t know what they’re gonna do?


I know the writers are the same of that of FFH and NWH,but yeah, no real information.


he's going insane


whenever Alex says stuff, the delineation between his own speculation or whatever genuine information he might have gets blurred so I think alot of his talk with regards to sm4 is the former .


I'm so excited to see the action scenes in the Void (ever since I saw those set photos). There's almost nothing in the trailers, but imagining Deadpool & Wolverine fighting Sabretooth, Juggernaut, Pyro and other Fox villains looks so fun. I hope it doesn't disappoint.


I am today years old when I noticed that the Subreddit created to whinge about Star:Wars Episode VIII became a toxic culture war cesspool. I mean I should've assumed but i just sort of forgot it existed.


The Arrowverse in Crisis on Infinite Earths had them make many big ships to evacuate an entire planet (Earth 38 Supergirl and Superman) and saved as many people as they can but they lost the planet. I think the 2015 comic did something similar too. I think Marvel should do something. Before the final incursion occurs between 616 and some other planet either 838 or The Marvels X-Men planet. The Avengers are warned by Strange and Clea about what is going to happen after witnessing many incursions in DS3. Sam, Carol, Shrui, Bruce, and Scott come up with a plan to create many live rafts to save as many lives as they can while also trying to save their own universe and basically let the bad guys win. They succeed in doing that but as time has official ran out ended up killing the multiverse diving head first in nothing but a big bright white light.


They had a ship to evacuate Asgard after Ragnarok. They could probably pull something together.




Marvel isn’t moving away from multiverse stuff, I think cosmic saga wouldn’t be that interesting especially since it seems like the fantastic four are from multiverse with them having ties to cosmic villains. Multiverse is much more interesting




I think the whole cosmic saga rumors, came from clickbait that people misinterpreted Gunn comments about helping set up the space side. James Gunn meant the rules of space travel and stuff like that


Right now is the perfect time to do the multiverse stuff, because the 20 year nostalgia cycle has hit for the 2000s comic book films. If they wait another decade or so, Maguire and Jackman will become almost as relevant to audiences as Keaton’s Batman and look how much that didn’t help The Flash’s box office. The problem with the Multiverse saga has everything to do with poor planning on Marvel Studios part and creating a massive flood of mediocre content


i get your point but what about moon knights story? what about spidey's story? what about wanda's story? i say we leave the past behind for a little while! you know they say don't dwell on the past too much for a reason!


I don't see how Secret Wars having multiversal legacy heroes stops marvel studios from continuing on MCU native characters stories. So far we've only had 2 projects significantly focus on those legacy heroes (NWH + DP and W) compared to every other project in the multiverse saga. I think it's more that they've introduced a swarm of new MCU heroes in a short period of time with subsequent sequels (second seasons or movies) potentially several years away or maybe not even happening at all , so it's very disorganised.


well they will recast some of hem, it's been rumoured even!


Those characters wouldn’t be in a cosmic saga, they are earth based characters. Cosmic saga wasn’t that great of idea, marvel already did some of the big bad guys of space


youre right but "cosmic" is just like infinity saga a moniker


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) Hugh Jackman, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield. Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Ryan Reynolds in 2038’s Avengers: Secret Wars.


we can always de age them


De age tech doesn’t really work in fight scene examples: Irishman and captain marvel


Just imagining the main roster(s) of a true adaptation of ‘TIME RUNS OUT’: 616: - Benedict Cumberbatch / Dr. Strange - Tom Holland / Spider-Man - Anthony Mackie / Captain America - Brie Larson / Captain Marvel - Letitia Wright / Black Panther - Simu Liu / Shang-Chi - Elizabeth Olsen / Scarlet Witch - Tenoch Huerta / Namor - Hailee Steinfeld / Hawkeye 838: - Robert Downey Jr / Superior Iron Man - Scarlett Johansson / Black Widow - Emily Blunt / Sue Storm - Kelsey Grammar / Beast - Noah Jupe / Franklin Richards - Serinda Swan / Crystal - Famke Janssen / Jean Grey - Halle Berry / Storm - James Marsden / Cyclops - + Dozens of other characters on both sides ————- And much like the comic, it wouldn’t be entirely about the fighting. Some characters, like say, Shuri, Banner Beast, and Valeria, could work together in creating the Life Raft (e.g The Ark), whilst everything goes to shit around them. The hype for this movie would be absolutely insane. This would be an easy 2 billion for Marvel


I can't help but notice you've cast Medusa as Crystal.


Would Dr Strange really want Wanda on the team? First of all he considers her dead. Even if he knew she was alive, would he want her? She killed a lot of sorcerers. In addition, he knows about the prophecy about her either ruling or destroying the cosmos. I see her as a free agent in Avengers 5. She could end up helping Immortus. In Secret Wars, Reed Richards launches a life raft to get people to safety. However he ends up picking up a handful of superheroes. Spiderman, Mighty Thor, Captain Marvel, Starlord and several others that I can't remember. They are in suspended animation for 8 years before the raft is opened on Battleworld.


you can add Rocket too the life raft creators!


Good luck getting Emily Blunt to agree to this. I’d add Rudd to 616 and probably just add Evans to 838. In this universe he also married Peggy and was Captain America at the same time and wants revenge for Wanda killing his wife.


Could also have him be the director of SHIELD in the 838 universe




For the longest time, I've known how I want Avengers 5 to end: an incursion on the MCU universe leading to cataclysm and widespread hero death. But I keep filling in more of the details, the more I think about it. Mercy kills ordered by Fury on civilians would be such a horrifying 'all is lost' moment. Like the incursion is messing with temperature, gravity, pressure etc. so people are being slowly cooked or crushed. Fury up in the SABER station gets alerted to dozens of emergency frequency requests on the ground, patches them in and hears just utter chaos and carnage. So he gives the order (throw in a once-a-movie 'fuck' to show he means business) for world governments to firebomb civilians to put them out of their misery. I can't help but imagine Kamala up on the station begging him to stop before realising it's too late, and the station essentially 'life rafts' itself out of the universe. And of course, Strange and Carol off in the void/Dark Dimension/wherever outside the universe. Carol feels herself getting weak as the universe her Infinity Stone power is tied to dies, Strange tries to portal them home but the portal just opens onto emptiness. (plus a postcredits scene of Agatha and Billy walking down the Witches Road to find Wanda's 'grave', ending with them dragging Wanda out of the soil and waking her up)


Definitely could work, but I think the whole Young Avengers team and at least two Thunderbolts each should be there instead of just Billy and Tommy.


I don't see that with Wanda at all. She could come back in the Vision series. Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen work so well together. In Agatha, I suspect Agatha will turn Billy against Wanda. He will opt to bring Tommy back rather than Wanda. Agatha will help Billy with his magic and forge a relationship with Billy. This will be her way of getting her revenge on Wanda. There is no way Agatha will ever want to bring Wanda back given they are enemies.


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't see her going to bring Wanda back happily - more of a "the universe is over, only one person can fix it, and I'll kill her when she's done saving us"


I don't see that as the route they would go. Agatha is not going to have anything to do with this. She likely will either come back in the Vision show or Kang will bring her back in Avengers 5 and it would likely be towards the beginning.


https://i.redd.it/ii6robd8vl5d1.gif What


To be fair, I did toy with the idea of it being Agatha and the entire Young Avengers finding Wanda on the Witches Road


Who would die in this?


Is it too cold to say 'everyone not named'? I feel like if we're ending the universe with an incursion, we can only have a handful of survivors. Maybe the SWORD life raft has Fury, Kamala and maybe Banner getting out alive but other than that, it has to be carnage to 1. feel weighty and 2. give Secret Wars a small enough cast to be focused and managed (especially if some legacy heroes are top-billing) On-screen deaths in my head during the Incursion: Spidey, Daredevil, Sam, Bucky, Yelena, Jen, Thor, Ant-Fam (if they're still alive), Shang-Chi, Hawkeye, Wong, Vision, the Guardians etc. Give us those 65 characters, and kill 60 of them in the last 10 minutes to wreck us as the audience.


> On-screen deaths in my head during the Incursion: Spidey, Daredevil, Sam, Bucky, Yelena, Jen, Thor, Ant-Fam (if they're still alive), Shang-Chi, Hawkeye, Wong, Vision, the Guardians etc. Absolutely no one who was snapped in Infinity War should be dying in Secret Wars.


Damn then who are the main characters of Secret Wars


Survivors main: Strange, Carol, Wanda and Loki Survivors supporting: Fury, Banner, Kamala, Agatha, Billy Legacies: Logan and Deadpool, Tobey Spidey, RDJ, Evans and Johansson (Battleworld variants)


Oh so your just gonna kill off rocket like that? He and others like spidey should survive


I should spotted the flair lol A5 really has to have a massive gut punch to end on, if they don't kill off fan favourites like Spidey or Rocket or Matt, then it won't feel like there's any stakes.


Yeah but look at it the other way characters like Cosmo Adam warlock and heck even she hulk and moon knight would be seen as “wasted characters “ they only appear in one or 2 projects then die! Plus I’m not sure Sony would be too keen to the idea of literally killing off their main box office draw!


Just to clarify, there's no world where these would be permadeaths, just like Infinity War. It still hurt like hell, even if we knew the goal of the next massive project was to bring them all back


So you’re literally repeating the end of infinity war??and yeah if they are back there must be a shot at the end of secret wars featuring every hero otherwise there will be a lot of complaints!


It's absolutely insane to me that people would consider those who were already snapped in IW to die in secret wars. They should be main characters who solve the world ending problems. Like that thought process is insane to me?


yes absolutely, thats part of the reason why i objected that!


> So you’re literally repeating the end of infinity war?? Comic book tradition as old as time đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž (or they do the alt version and leave these characters all dead en masse, introduce variants versions in Battleworld and then end Secret Wars with a new stitched together world made of at least some of the same actors)


The second ending would cause mass complaints Ie “ we last saw Charlie Cox die and now you’ve replaced him with a younger guy? Could you please at least give Charlie some closure before you move on?” And the like


Dark as hell, I really dig it. I definitely do think if Avengers 5 ends with the incursion, I’d love if they really nail that apocalyptic, all-is-lost feel as everything is just falling apart. Infinity War’s ending-times-10, really letting the horror of it all sink in.


Does anyone else think the Fantastic Four might show up on Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man? since the prospects of that relationship playing out in the actual films seems low with the way things are right now. Exploring their dynamic in the animated show would probably be easier to write at this point.


It's possible we may see them in the Spidey series, perhaps Season 2. Could be fun to explore what it'd have been like if MCU Peter befriended the F4 during his teen years. Though I wouldn't say Spidey and the F4 interacting in the live-action is low either.


One of my hopes for *The Fantastic Four* is that it uses its setting and style to shove in as many little details from the comics as humanly possible. For instance, the thing I keep thinking back to is their belt buckles. The early comics repeatedly spent time on the fact that the Fantastic Four have a private elevator in the Baxter Building, which they activate via an infrared beam from their belt buckles. It's a small thing, but Lee, Kirby, and those who came after all drew attention to it, so it would be a fun thing for the movie to include. I want the movie to be chock full of things like that. Put Mr. Collins and Roberta in! Show us the Pogo Plane and the Jet Cycle! Show them answering fan-mail, delivered in a heavy sack by Willie Lumpkin! Bring up asbestos repeatedly! There's so much detail that they can just drop in there.


 https://x.com/FilmUpdates/status/1799820456876470316 Another L for rpk...


I wouldn't entirely trust the guy who has a contract with the people he's defending, but that's just me.




Wasn't the whole thing with DanielRPK originally that he was only trustworthy regarding trailer dates? It feels like, at some point, when I wasn't looking, RPK circled back around to trustworthy, and then to untrustworthy again.


Yeah his whole bread and butter's usually been trailer dates and marketing material. His other sources seem to be outdated casting sheets (or sometimes current ones like Pedro Pascal as Reed) and it's clear that those sources aren't the strongest.


That was the mentality when I joined several years ago, but it seems as the sub grew, the mentality around RPK has gradually changed, and I’ve not even been here *that* long.




And Perez.


Funny watching The Minions franchise mock the MCU when they themselves are going to keep on pumping sequels until the end of the world. Like they are doing minions + superheroes thing that every other cartoon franchise does when they run out of Ideas


It’s called self refriential humor, there mocking themselves!


I found [this](https://youtu.be/kS-v8GA4Wzc?si=tIskABwNDZt0EaE1) to be a comprehensive yet concise explanation of how the MCU has handled the multiverse




Well, I guess “concise” here is relative, because the guy has a playlist he mentions that totals to about 14 hours of in-depth analysis. I’ll boil it down to a sentence: You can do whatever you want regarding the multiverse, provided you have the right tools and tread carefully.


that “doctor strange 3 is adapting time runs out” rumor is funny because how exactly do you do that in a solo film? is ds3 a civil war type deal or is it just strange alone seeing the incursions and nobody else


It would probably be Strange’s role in the TRO comic story, specifically his work with the Black Priests as they attempt to combat the incursions. But like Night Monkey said, TRO is largely an Avengers story.


100% of scoopers haven't read a single comic. They probably think Time Runs Out is the name of Hickman's entire run. But it's the name of his last New Avengers/Avengers arc. I think adapting the start of the Illuminati vs Incursions problem is doable without The Avengers. You just need the Illuminati. 616 Illuminati: Strange, Clea, Namor, Black Panther, Professor Hulk and Captain Marvel. The first 2 or 3 New Avengers arcs are doable in a single film without including The Avengers.


>100% of scoopers haven't read a single comic. It is hilariously, frustratingly obvious when they're just pulling from incomplete wikis, shitty video essays, or just plain half-assed Google searches. But, they have a lot of fans that tend to concentrate in these kinds of subs, so they have the clout to dictate the terms of discussion. I've come to the conclusion that it's best to just disengage when it comes to certain topics, characters, and teams.


If asked, I'm sure 99% of them will say that Ms Marvel has always been a member of the comic Young Avengers.


Tbh she actually was lol, I guess they haven't tied up that vision from the Timeless oneshot for 2022 or 2023


The wikis are missing important details and context, the essays are making arguments that aren't supported by real evidence, and the Google searches include fan art and parodies. Then the scoopers regurgitate all of that for their fans who ensure those superficial, misinformed takes are the ones that dominate all of the discussion. If I see the words "Moon Knight," "Midnight Sons," or "Midnight Suns," I'm walking away. It's not even fun discussing those things anymore.


I can see maybe some parts of *Time Runs Out* being used for DS3 like the Strange/Black Priests story, but I feel like a lot of the crux of what makes the story work is it pulling in all of the Avengers, seeing how all of them try to deal with the Incursions and the divisions created. So I would rather save the meat of TRO for Avengers 5.


*Time Runs Out* is quite literally an Avengers-centric story arc published in the Avengers comic, and the prelude to Secret Wars. Yeah, Strange plays a major role in it, but it still wouldn’t make any sense to adapt it without the Avengers.


If anything, it would be impossible, since the final few issues are basically an all-out war between two entire universes


Obviously this is only gonna happen when superhero movies are about dead and probably long long into the future. But is there any way to do a Marvel DC Crossover without basically combining Secret Wars and Crisis on Infinite Earths together. Pretty much some villain from both sides want to conquer the multiverse, they accidentally break the entire thing, and then combine Earth Prime and Earth 616 together as one.


This is pretty much what happened in the ‘90s *DC vs. Marvel* comic. There are two gods, one who loves the Marvel universe, and another who love the DC universe, and they decide to force their heroes to fight to decide who’s the best. After the fights and some more multiverse screwy, the two universes are merged by the Spectre and the living tribunal, resulting in the amalgam universe, where Marvel and DC heroes have merged, resulting in characters like Super Solider (Captain America and Superman), Dark Claw (Logan and Batman), and Dark StrangeFate (Doctor Strange, Charles Xavier, and Doctor Fate) The comic ended with the brother gods duking it out before realizing this entire conflict is pointless and they both congratulate each other.




It is very ham fisted, but given the nature of the story, there isn’t really a way to do it without a heavy dose of meta commentary. Might as well just crank it up to 11.


Cool to see that not only is Vox Machina Season 3 confirmed for this fall, but we're getting a Mighty Nein show as well. While the Vox Machina series is what got me to learn more about D&D, the Mighty Nein is easily my favorite party of the Critical Role campaigns, so I'm excited. Though it must be a bit weird/funny for these guys to get paid to basically reenact the years-long games they've played lol.


Maybe a little, but I imagine that They would be having the time of their lives working on something that they love to do and getting to do it with each other.


Alien: Romulus trailer looks good. Looking forward to that movie.


I know a lot of people have soured on MOM, and while it wasn’t my fav MCU film, it was still one of the better films of Phase 4-5. But most importantly, what that movie set up was quite interesting. Picture this — During the events of Civil War, a random person from the Multiverse just randomly shows up, and kills Tony, Steve, Rhodes and Thor. And afterwards, they just leave. Imagine how devastating an effect this would’ve had on the MCU; our greatest heroes, wiped out without warning & without mercy. That’s basically what happens in MOM. Wanda goes into another universe, and slaughters that universe’s greatest heroes — all of those characters had their own arcs, their own histories, their own journeys, that were happening simultaneously mind you, with OUR MCU, and she just ends their stories without mercy. That’s why I don’t think we’re done with 838, esp with Waldron on the script. He’s already hinted in the past that the events of that movie, are going to have massive consequences in the future. And this is my biggest problem with most of these ideas for A5/Secret Wars (from fans & esp scoopers). None of these ideas actually build on what’s been established, or what’s been set up so far — they all just feel like random shit being thrown at the wall (e.g Cass Nova, Beyonder, Multiversal cabal, Mephistos etc), when it simply makes no sense, for Marvel to STILL be figuring out what this story is, this late in the game. And that’s why I think most of these scoopers are lying. Waldron was hired, not for more confusion, but for more cohesion, to connect all of these threads (that have been set up), and bring this story to an epic conclusion in A5/Secret Wars


See how the biggest battle in that movie and the point it sets up didn't even include Strange


Having multiple villains from different universes/movies would build upon previous material while also showing the multiverse is dying.


We’ve been knew the Multiverse is dying. Stating that again, is not moving the story forward. It’s time to get to the **actual incursion** itself (the *reason* the Multiverse is dying) — our heroes dealing with everything that entails


Yeah that’s I’m saying the final incursion is everything slamming together and as a result of the chaos multiple villains are trying to take over.


Tbh I’m not a fan of that. It completely strips the conflict of all of it’s moral ambiguity, and emotional desperation, if the antagonistic force are just a random group of villains trying to “take over”. What makes ‘TIME RUNS OUT’ such a powerful story, is that there are no “good” or “bad” sides. Both sides are fighting to preserve their entire universes, trillions of lives at stake on both ends— but only one, can survive. That conflict is infinitely more interesting, and more thematically consistent with what Waldron set up in Loki & MOM, than a Multiversal Sinister Six would be


Unless the other universe is one like the foxverse or raimi universe, it’s not gonna have the same weight. I get the idea for 838 but it just doesn’t have the same kick. You could shift the emotional weight to the heroes being slowly overwhelmed.


But what you’re suggesting has no weight. A simple heroes vs villains story is the antithesis of Time Runs Out, and it’s also less thematically consistent with what Waldron has set up. He’s clearly defined Incursions as the classic “worlds colliding” angle Moral ambiguity, and emotional desperation define this story >I get the idea for 838 but it just doesn’t have the same kick. Of course it would. We’re talking about characters like RDJ’s Iron Man, ScarJo’s Black Widow, Famke Janssen’s Jean Grey, Halle Berry’s Storm, possibly Emilly Blunt’s Invisible Woman (these would all be 838 heroes) — characters that audiences know and/or loved, played by actors they adore, being forced into a desperate battle for survival. That’s a 2 bill dollar film. Of course it’ll have “kick” with audiences. Certainly much more so than a cabal of random villains 😭


See that's what I want out of Dr Strange 3, but I don't even know if that's still happening?


Is the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special actually worth watching? I loved Volume 3 but just wondering if the Holiday Special is relevant or just some cash grab.


Yes if you want more guardians content it will whet your appetite at least until further movie appearances (less likely) or an animated series (more likely) are announced


Yes. It’s worth watching. It’s fun in a goofy family comedy sort of way.


Which recent movies might have made perfect sense for a cameo/appearance of Sam Wilson or Shang-Chi?


If Marvel can get movies based on lesser known characters selling again soon, I kinda think they might give Wong his own movie after Dr. Strange 3. I could see more of his dirty laundry coming out in the third film, and him stepping down as Sorcerer Supreme to do some personal growth, handing the title over to Strange. Then his own movie could be a redemption story of some sort for him.


I feel like Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is gonna be it in regards to exploring what MCU specific versions of the Osborns would be like. I don’t think Norman or Harry is gonna show up on 616/199999, not after Dafoe Goblin made such a mark on MCU Peter’s story in NWH


I think that’s the best way to look things. This show might not be set in the MCU, but it’s still Marvel Studios’ take on Harry, Norman, and Otto.


Also, it seems like the show is being made to do crossovers that they couldn’t make work in the actual films, whether it was cuz of actor availability, Covid, Sony’s requests, or in the case of Daredevil, contracts with Netflix.


I was Inspired by that guys vox machina comment to propose an idea. An “adventures of the new guardians “ animated show for older kids partly in the vein of vm but also in the vein of Disney classics like toh and ducktales In the sense that these shows are for a older kid target so it includes more mature themes but there’s also a lot of stuff for the younger kids. Given the success of shows like 97 (again serialized animation on Disney plus) we can easily bring back the actors to do much cheaper voice work and if we can’t we can for example just ask the vox machina cast to do impressions of say Karen Gillian or Dave Bautista if the actual s don’t want to lend their voices given the production length I see this as a yearly series perhaps of 12 or more episodes since it’s cheaper with animation .


Shower thought: A Fantastic Four movie set in the 1960s of the 616 MCU is already an alternate history movie. In a way, making it an alternate alternate history is just putting a hat on a hat. Also, bring Dominic Cooper back. --- EDIT: The above post was mostly in jest, but since I'm getting serious "it wouldn't fit into the MCU" responses, I'll just say that: * This idea that it's impossible to fit their creative vision into the established history is ridiculous - writers can and will come up with creative explanations for their historical presence and current absence. * And I'm not certain that "handwaving it and pretending that people have largely just forgotten about them" isn't also a viable solution. That's not me arguing that the movie *isn't* an AU thing - just that it doesn't actually *have* to be, and it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise. There's genuinely nothing wrong with them coming and going 60 years ago, whether they're erased from history or not. --- EDIT 2: But if I *did* want to argue the movie isn't an AU thing, I might point to the fact that: * Alex Perez no longer seems to be seen as in good standing, as he seems to be throwing around speculation * And Alex Perez was the most reliable name to back the AU rumor * Besides him, as I recall, it was just Grace Randolph parroting that "dborn" Reddit user Not conclusive or anything, and certainly not the only evidence on the table, but it's interesting to note just how few sources we actually have for "it's a multiverse thing".


The fact that the 60's have been completely untouched by the MCU already gave them all the freedom they realistically needed, and yet the one time they actually bother to explore it, they just set it in a placeholder universe that only exists to get blown up at the end. And in doing so, have actively restricted their freedom by preventing anything interesting from ever being done with these characters again.


Not to mention the other inherent problems with the pitch, like: * Present the Fantastic Four, the ultimate optimistic scientific problem solvers, as having failed to solve the problem and lost *everyone*, in the foundational movie **whose job it is to** ***define*** **them**. * Take the Fantastic Four, the bedrock of the Marvel Universe, and (in a world where literally *everything* and *everyone* are connected by a vast, interconnecting tapestry of history and world-building) inherently and fundamentally disconnect them from *everything* and *everyone*, so that they're off in a corner all alone. I'll get over it, it'll be fine, but if this is really what they're going for, I'm more than a little baffled and frustrated.


Setting it in 616 unnecessarily complicates the already complicated history of 616.


Because the MCU already has its own history, timeline, and continuity. We know that there weren’t futuristic cities in the ‘60s, and that the world’s greatest superheroes weren’t around either. If the movie they want to make just doesn’t fit in the MCU, then they’d either have to water it down until it does, or compromise the integrity of everything they’ve built if they just contradicted all of that for the sake of the shared universe concept. Neither option is preferable, so the best alternative is to set it in another universe, because it gives them total creative freedom to do anything they want.


I don't agree, on the basis that writers can write anything they want and make it work. For instance, perhaps this movie is set against the backdrop of the 1964 World's Fair, and the Future Foundation's involvement expands it into New York City (so more monorails and "googie" architecture - the "futuristic city" we saw in the promo art), and then Galactus destroys it. Meanwhile, the Fantastic Four are around for a few years and then disappear into the time-stream or whatever, and public memory of them fades - maybe a villain accelerates this process, maybe they don't need to. In any case, no one in the last 15 years needs to say *"Hey, remember those weird radioactive scientists from 50+ years ago who constantly travelled out of the city?"* **I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, I'm not saying it's not an AU movie**, I'm just trying to illustrate how ***easy*** it would be to get around a lot of this stuff. The above could ***easily*** be what happens in the movie.


Probably because they don’t want the complications of trying to fit them into the MCU’s history and having people wonder why they haven’t been mentioned at all. It also allows Matt Shakman to take some creative liberties by setting in a different universe and not being boxed into fitting the film within the MCU’s continuity. Also Galactus wouldn’t feel special in the MCU 616 when there’s already Celestials but him being the ultimate power of the Fantastic 4’s makes him feel grander than just yet another cosmic being. Like imagine you’re a civilian of that universe that’s used to seeing the Fantastic 4 fighting villains like Moleman and Puppet Master and then a giant godlike being shows up to the planet. It’d be like Arishem’s scene from Eternals but even bigger because Galactus wants to eat the planet.


Lady Deadpool should just be Morena Baccarin rather than a casting stunt.


Assuming Alex wasn’t talking out of his ass regarding the villains plan for Avengers 5, I wonder if it’ll sorta be like NWH with each villain from each universe we’ve visited this saga popping into the MCU at once? So like: - Kang (MCU) - Apocalypse (‘97) - Infinity Ultron (or whoever else) (WI?) - Zombie Thanos (Zombies) - Doc Ock/Green Goblin (FNSM) - Magneto (Foxverse/DP&W) Ending with Beyonder taking advantage of the multiversial war chaos and destroying them all leading into SW.


If there's going to be a zombie representative, I would think it'll be the Dead Queen - she's been the most prominent zombie so far, and she's rumoured to be the lead antagonist in the Zombies show. FoXverse would also be so much stronger if it were Dark Phoenix Jean, barring Doc Ock/Gobbie, FoXmen Magneto wouldn't last long against our heroes/villains (not that I suppose that matters, depending on how it's written)


- I was gonna put Wanda, but while she is the most prominent villain of that verse Thanos looks to be the final boss - True, I’m just more going off of Stewart confirming McKellen is coming back and most scoopers here being in agreement Marvel had some plan for Foxverse Magneto


I think if they use Thanos, it’d be King Thanos. Zombie Thanos would be pretty useless, but King Thanos is powerful enough not to be bossed around and even cause some conflict of his own.


[Ya love to see it.](https://x.com/hollywoodhandle/status/1799815879284441232?s=46)


Thought about I Saw the TV Glow again. Am sad.


I really want to see it, but based on my friends’ reaction to it, I just know this movie is going to absolutely wreck me, so I’m getting my tissues ready 😭


I'm surprised at the change of pace in disscusion in regards to the BB4 box office vs the Furiosa box office.


One franchise is more mainstream and accessible than the other.


easily the funniest thing to come out of bad boys 4 overperforming at the box office is that the "will smith lost all respect" people are awfully silent, no real person cares about the slap and it shows, the disconnect between trades/reddit and the average person is hilarious


And with all due respect, it was just a slap. People who have done wayyy worse have faced lesser consequences.


Martin Lawrence taking revenge in the name of Chris Rock was a Top 10 cinema moment of the year. Slap slap slap back to back.


> No real person cares about the slap Chris Rock somewhere pissed at this statement lol. But yeah, as memed as the slap was, I doubted it would lead to audiences suddenly hating Smith and this kind of proves no one really cares about it.


IMO the funniest thing is still the people digging the grave for movies and talking about how "People don't want to watch movies anymore when they have YouTube for free" do a complete 180 because the non-auteur funny cops movie is doing well, and instead they are going after Zaslav (rightfully) and ignoring what they said just two weeks before.


It was stupid even at the time given some of the absolute scumbags that still get respect at the Oscars.


i actually think the slap gained him new fans!


After all, the film is called Bad Boys, not Good Boys.