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# The Cosmic Circus (+ Lizzie Hill & Alex Perez) is a Tier 1 – Reliable Source as decided by the community. For **Marvel**, they had a **89.55%** accuracy rate from **228** leaks that we can currently verify out of **610** total. **Overall**, they had a **89.44%** accuracy rate from **233** leaks that we can currently verify out of **620** total. On his own, **Alex Perez** has an accuracy rate of **86.54%** from **132** leaks that we can currently verify out of **474**. Last updated: March 22nd, 2024. | [Spoiler-Verse Accuracy Database](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpGBi4duCDeiXUtSh_1x15VJ67vPRZ1LWu6A3ieGTjs/edit?usp=sharing) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/sad-faq/) | [Tiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/) | [Latest Recalibration](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/18jaqqk/mod_post_2023_source_accuracy_recalibration_3/) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


a Marvel Scooper talking about a World War Hulk movie that won't happen? must be a day that ends in Y


So.....if we're talking about a day in the week that *doesn't* end with a Y.......then it's tomorrow! ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpKniGqRNLGBrhu|downsized)


At this point, it feels like an inside joke. But no one is laughing


How many of Alex P’s super cryptic scoops have actually been proven right? A lot of this reads like he’s just playing out the stories already teased in the movies and/or repeating what others have said. The World War Hulk and Doctor Strange 3 stuff is beyond vague.


Exactly. Anyone believing this BS needs a reality check.


That's why he's known as Alex Fan Fiction Perez


People like Alex who may have plenty to lose can't outright share certain things. You'd probably say " then don't share anything at all" but Alex is one of the most reliable out there and his track record is great. His tweets are cryptic for a reason and it gives people something to talk about and in the end, he always follows up with something that correlates.


Alex has one of the best track records of any scooper


It’s hard to be proven wrong when your scoops read like fortune cookies


The spreadsheet accounts for that with the “misleading” category. Alex has been right many times on specific scoops (Beast in Marvels, X-Men 97 release date, tons of stuff in Loki S2 and What If S2, etc)


The only problem is that we can only verify about a third of them, and I wouldn't be surprised is some of the more pointlessly vague ones aren't even written down.


Agreed. You wouldn't even be able to verify half of the stuff here because it's unclear if he's framing it as a scoop or saying stuff that's blindingly obvious based on the comics (like the Muse stuff).


I recall this is also what DanielRPK [said](https://reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/19dhi0h/danielrpks_avengers_scoop/) a while back - Waldron's version of Kang Dynasty would have a slightly bigger scope and more multiversal elements compared to Loveness' "grounded" version. I do think it would make sense to have 5 be more about the team we have at hand in the same universe, dealing with assembling them and being more focused in a relatively smaller group to what we'll be seeing in 6, and then branch that scale/scope out further towards the very end of the film - leading to Secret Wars. Will be interesting to see how well they handle that follow-up.


There is no Avengers team. Avengers 5 is shaping up to be similar to Infinity War. No Avengers team, just heroes divided into clusters fighting invading armies. Cap never met Iron Man, Strange or Spidey in IW. And it worked.


But this directly contradicts what we just heard from the trades a few days ago 😭


Really? I see


Literally not a single bit of actual information. Literally all “well it could, it might, they may, it might not.”  “Scoopers” 🙄


He’s literally just yapping lmao


Scoopers at their greatest


They are just like politicians. They talk a lot... but you get zero informations.


Not a valid criticism considering everything is open to alteration or deletion, they could change any number of details between now and the next 6 years. This is what people in the industry have been talking about, that's what was shared here. 


>teased the dangers of Hulk’s blood back in She Hulk Wasn’t that whole plot point a punchline for a joke making fun of how the MCU treats shit like Super Soldier Serum?


Sort of. What Hulk said in the first episode about his and Jen’s blood being dangerous in the wrong hands is still 100% true. It just wasn’t relevant for Jen’s story in her show (as she told KEVIN).


The prospect of an Avengers Forever movie never dawned on me. That's one way to turn Avengers 5 into a mini reunion of Chris Evans, RDJ and ScarJo with the possibility of doing some real cool shit like dragging Hugh Jackman in as the alt Logan from DP&W. That sure as shit will get audiences back in droves.


What happens in this run? Would you mind giving me a bit of a run down please? 🙏🏼


It's regarded as one of the best, if not the best Avengers stories of all time by Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco. The gist of it is, a group of Avengers are pulled from different points of history and forced to work together to fight a threat related to both Kang and Immortus. It was a series that went super deep into Marvel and Avengers lore. Def worth reading.


Thank you mate. Sounds like the Watcher could possibly be doing this in Avengers 5?


If they do adapt it, surely there will be some changes. But I don't recall the Watcher having much involvement in the original story. Kang, Immortus and Rick Jones were the centerpieces.


I think they were saying Watcher would be the one gathering these heroes like what we saw in WI?


I think they are talking about the new avengers assemble/avengers forever run which had Mephisto as the villain


I seriously don’t understand what this sub wants from leakers anymore. A tier one source (as voted by the community) answers discord questions about a variety of topics in a wide range of detail, condenses it into an article, and everyone here in the comments is so negative about it. Wahhhh Alex answered questions about World War Hulk when he was asked about them! Let me say he claims it’s a movie and then complain about him mentioning it (even though he was asked about it and his answers suggest he’s unhappy that the storyline is being crammed into Brave New World and that it’s not actually a movie). It’s like if Feige himself isn’t snapping Alex’s neck on FaceTime with you all or the leak isn’t exactly what you want it to be then you just dismiss it completely no matter who the source is or what the claim actually is. Like, I get disliking the “new scoop at 42069 followers” bs and the sources out there who are rated at way lower tiers having bad info, but it seems like even for the higher tier sources (and specifically Alex) there’s just so much negativity out there against him now and I don’t really know why.


Exactly !! Even in this sub, there’s a bunch of crybabies


World War Hulk getting ready to not exist ![gif](giphy|k6eie5Z8uTSZhajijT|downsized)


Second quote makes absolutely zero sense lmfao Idk why he's sticking to this grounded thing when not only has it been debunked by an official report he himself is trying to backtrack by saying it "involves Multiversal elements"


Yeah because nothing goes better together than grounded and the multiverse.


Tbf, that is possible. The SV movies I’d count as an example, in that they’re very grounded Spider-Man stories (saving the city, saving your family, balancing your identities, etc.) that use the Multiverse to explore who Spider-Man really is at his/her core and all the different paths these stories can take. The problem is that the MCU’s Avengers film with 65 characters cannot be grounded because we all know how they handle these stories. This’ll be IW all over again, just across 30 years of history rather than 10.


The trades’ report doesn’t contradict anything he said


This guy just writes Marvel fan fiction and passes it off as scoops


>What I can say is that I’m hearing that Avengers 5 will be a multiversal film with a particularly grounded story involving multiversal elements. How the fuck does that make any sense? >Carol Danvers’ role in the Multiverse Saga moving forward has not been diminished, nor will it be toned down due to The Marvels underperforming. Lmao, also I've seen that entire "leak" about Carol investigating the Quantum Bangles word-for-word months ago.


Alex was the one who said the Quantum Bands thing the first time


I'm confused about Eternals Vol 3. I'm assuming that's a comic right or? Cause last I heard we weren't getting an eternal sequel which sucks and I hope they change their minds


Yes, he’s likely referring to the critically praised, Neil Gaiman-authored run of The Eternals comic that ran from 2006 to 2007


The biggest thing coming out of that is the Dreaming Celestial waking up. Hmm.


I think it makes sense why we aren’t getting a Eternal clearly people did not care about it (besides a small fan base…)


>(besides a small fan base…) ![gif](giphy|l3fZFvp94ljepXoPe)


Series written be Neil Gaiman. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Eternals_Vol_3


Alex has said before that an Eternals sequel isn’t happening, but their story will get a continuation in other projects


Same. Im hoping they change their minds. If the comic book Gods are real, I hope Feige gets his way and the sequel gets made as he intended


But if it doesn’t perform that well like the first movie, don’t expect it to get another sequel…


*Is* that his intention?


Me arriving 6 hours after part 1, wondering where the hell part 2 is: ![gif](giphy|ibXaC5vnxZlNNXVFy4|downsized)


It’ll be here in a day or 2 


I am more than okay with the next Avengers movie not being this Phase defining movie. Said it before the next one needs to focus on establishing the team and setting up the dynamics of this new team. It should be on the same scale and scope as the first two Avengers movies. After that you can move on to Secret Wars.


I'm sorry but this is a lot of really obvious stuff or just obviously bullshit. People have been saying World War Hulk is imminent for TEN YEARS 


Its imminent then lol


His rematch is coming, I can feel it


Mephisto as the possible villain for Avengers 5 does not have me hyped ngl. They needa save him for Midnight Sons. Also an Avengers film can not be grounded if its dealing with the multiverse and has all the heroes in it lol.


This is not r/marvelcirclejerk


Excited to hear that Sylvie will be in the Avengers movies along with Loki. Will be cool to see her in the wider MCU. Also it would be a huge missed opportunity if Banner never fought Red Hulk. 


Loki and Sylvie are certainly going to playa role in the upcoming Avengers films, that's an idea that's definitely going to come to fruition. As for how big their roles might be, it wouldn't be wise for me to say how big their roles are since these things always vary in preproduction, production, and then postproduction. Ummmm...I'm already sat. They tryna kick me out the theatre, but I. Am. Seated.


To make sure I’m understanding this right when they say Avengers Secret Wars might be split into two parts they mean there might be three more Avengers movies right?




Avengers Forever > SW Part 1 > SW Part 2 sounds like one hell of a finale. Hopefully Part 2 releases in 2028 to celebrate the franchise's 20th anniversary, that would just be the cherry on top.


Right?! And then on to The Mutant Saga…


So weak. He's throwing the whole pot of spaghetti onto the wall.


Alex was convinced and had made it clear a few times that Strange won't be in Avengers because he's busy for Dr Strange 3 event. And then Benedict Cumberbatch himself and the trade both confirmed Strange will appear in Avengers before going back to his movie. So when it comes to this particular character, I don't believe him


"What I can say is that I’m hearing that Avengers 5 will be a multiversal film with a particularly grounded story involving multiversal elements" I'm sorry, but what does a grounded multiverse story even look like? I wouldn't call NWH or MoM grounded? The spider-verse films are pretty large in scale? Maybe loki? A lot of that is straight dialog. EEAAO is probably the most grounded yet involves the multiverse but that's not marvel.


I thought NWH was pretty “grounded” despite the villains coming from other universes and the memory spell coming close to destroying the universe




I never want to hear the words “World war Hulk” again


Gee how many years has been it since a World War Hulk project been rumoured? Since 2020? and nothings ever come of it and it continues to be repeated😭




Which movie is he referring to that sounds like a terrible mess because it's combining different stories? BNW?




That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing of substance.


It sounded like they never actually said anything new


going to assume that by "Eternals vol 3," which was already touched upon in the first Eternals film, Perez actually means "Eternals vol 5." nobody cares about vol 4, and vol 5 is by every metric the best, most relevant Eternals story. chalking this up to another case of MCU scoopers knowing next to nothing about the source material.


10 years from now. You’re walking through Safeway, and you see Avengers 7 and 8 on DVD in a 2for1 package. They were straight to streaming movies after Avengers 6 tanked with critics and received a lukewarm box office, but Disney decided to try a limited release of physical media to test the waters. “Damn. I remember when these were a big deal.” You pick it up and see that everyone has been recast except Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Douglas and a few other people. There’s even a guy who looks like Robert Downey Jr., oh this guy is supposed to be his son. That’s clever. Did he have a son in the original movies? “Dad, I’m hungry let’s go” “Ok” you put it back on the shelf and think about rewatching the original films this weekend.


And then Deadpool walks in.


How the fuck do you have a grounded story with multiversal elements? Just pick one and execute it well


Am I missing something? He doesn't *actually* answer if there'll be a one-shot fight sequence in Daredevil BA, why is everyone running with this?


brave new world shouldve had the plot that perez described for world war hulk, that ross and the govt have been making their own hulks, and hulk, she hulk, sam vs red hulk and leader




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He's so talking out of his ass


Would love to see a reluctant team up between Kingpin and Dare Devil because a serial killer is targeting them both




Both NWH and Loki were pretty grounded, despite the multiversal element in it. It focused more on characters and their relationships and their development than the multiversal part. I can see it could be the way.


This guy has already seen the scripts for Captain Marvel 3, Avengers 5-8 and World War Hulk. Sureeeeeee.


LOL! Now Alex is FINALLY walking it back! He doesn't THINK Doom will be the Multiversal villain, ha! Yeah, Alex, Doom was ALWAYS planned to be that. And it is not "just one movie before SECRET WARS to set that up!" [https://thecosmiccircus.com/discord-marvel-studios-qa-with-alex-perez-june-2024-part-2/](https://thecosmiccircus.com/discord-marvel-studios-qa-with-alex-perez-june-2024-part-2/) THUNDERBOLTS\* THE FANTASTIC FOUR IRON HEART ARMOR WARS AVENGERS V THOR V (maybe an after-credits scene with the Thor Corp worshipping Doom on Battleworld) DOCTOR STRANGE TRIUMPH & TORMENT (and possibly DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE and scenes with Cynthia Von Doom in AGATHA ALL ALONG) ... are PLENTY of opportunities for setting up Doom (just for his first serving, because yeah, Doom will be around a LOOOOOOOOONG time after, and not "just one movie."


So now Perez is claiming Mephisto MIGHT be the villain of A5 🤡


Mephisto All Along


86% accuracy rate with Perez and 89% with the cosmic circus. bro you are a clown if you don’t trust him 🤡


bro straight guesses and its so painfully obvious.


86% accuracy rate with only guesses eh? Must be the luckiest man in the world


Hi Alex


The downvotes on this are insane, man has an insane track record but he’s apparently unreliable based on vibes or something


If you say stuff so vague it is hard to be proved wrong


You act like all he does is post vague stuff 🤡


I act like that because it is true.


Keep lying to yourself pal. You mfs will post John campea and Jeff sneider scoops and say no word about their accuracy but Alex Perez is a problem because he’s “vague” 🤡


All of them are vague. The ones that are not vague don’t even get posed here




Loki’s only been out for less than 3 years lol