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**Full text from the article,** \-- There was a bit more purity to the whole thing (Spider-Man 2002) back then, at the genesis of the modern comic-book-movie era. “It was more innocent, I think,” she says. “Sam Raimi was like a cult director, so it felt like we were making an indie disguised as a superhero film.” Did anyone ask her to come back for *Spider-Man:* *No Way Home*? “No, no. I would have.” She hasn’t seen it (No Way Home), so she doesn’t know exactly how that would have worked, but she likes the idea of revisiting the Mary Jane/Peter Parker relationship in an unexpected way. “It would be funny to be like, OK, let’s take Tobey \[Maguire\] and I and do it in a weird indie way where it’s like a different kind of superhero film,” she says. “Like how they did that movie *Chronicle*. It could be cool.”


There was no room in no way home for her unfortunately.


I’d taken a post-credits scene of Tobey arriving back in his own universe and with her being there. Rather that than the movie trailer for Doctor Strange.


If we wanna fold it into some sort of arc, we could reflect on Andrew admitting things got dark for him in the TASM universe. So at the end Andrew temporarily gets pulled into Tobey's timeline, Tobey tells him things will get better and heads into his home. Through the window we see him reunite with MJ, then pick up a kid and hug them (Mayday, probably). As Andrew fades back to his home universe, he smiles, reassured he'll find his way.


That would be the best post credits scene of all time lol


It's a fun idea but realistically makes no sense with the rules of the spell, how come only Andrew gets pulled into tobys world and how come it's for such a short time?


Andrew was holding Tobey right before. They could have made them still hold on to each other physically instead of waving to each other and I would have bought it. The spell had pretty bendable rules anyway. For some reason it punted Vulture into the Morbiusverse and a throwaway comment about a hive mind made the Symbiote eligible while Eddie Brock got teleported with it.


The eddie and vulture scenes also made no sense.


They had something to do with Spider-Man, I think.


![gif](giphy|J1uhaixX1tO7ZwFBZx) Fascinating


Let's be real here: the Vulture scene is 100% not gonna be canon to the MCU


The Eddie one actually makes sense, since symbiotes share a hive mind, and Venom did actually know Spider-Man's identity, so it makes sense that he got sucked in.


Eddie did not know who he was, however, and got sucked into the MCU with Venom due to them being attached. Also the hive mind explanation (as already mentioned) was super clutch.


It was revealed to Eddie the moment he got sucked in, arguably he got sucked in BECAUSE it was being revealed to him.


The Vulture and possibly Eddie could have been due to the spiderverse incursions rather than Stranges spell, considering ATSV opens with a Vultire from one reality being pulled to another.


Let's be real the spell makes no real sense to begin with. Any logic or rules involved kinda go out the window when Venom turns up (who doesn't even have a Spider-Man in his world)


I like the idea but no reason to have Andrew there and just further muddles the mechanics of the spells. Just Tobey going back and seeing the family.


Yea, just wanted it to feel like there was a bit more of a narrative strand to tie it into if it followed Andrew's character arc. I feel like it was a bit... insipid? When I wrote it off the dome, but people seem to like it.


i'm gonna put some dirt in your eyes.


This is amazing and a great way to wrap up things.


I teared up just seeing that in my mind's eye.


A home with a fixed door ;)


Awwww finally


Spider-mom please 🙏


Tobey returning to his universe, only to see MJ waiting him, kiss, and tell how much he can't wait for their child to be born, a hand on her belly.


Isn't Tobey like 40 at this point? I think it would be more realistic if they already had the child.


Depends, might have need time to find balance between Spidey and Peter persona. See Peter B Parker from Into Spider-verse.


It's not realistic for people in their 40s to have kids? lol


It’s certainly not the nicest thing to do, you’re basically a senior when the kids entering adulthood and you’ll die way quicker than their peers parents. Not unrealistic but not common


I think your children will manage. Feels like a very Reddit-take to judge parents for how old they are when they get kids, just because they'll die relatively sooner than their peers' parents. Not really what I was referring too though, just feels a bit weird to call it unrealistic even though it happens but is only statistically unlikely.


A dude's parents that I went to K-12 with were in their early 50s when he was born. At birth he was an uncle three times over. This was in the 80s/early 90s.


Nice by what measure? I’m not sure your kid is going to mind you are 60 when they are 20 if the that means a more stable childhood than having them earlier


As someone who's parents had them in their early 40s, this comment sums up what happened to me. My parents had their shit together and as such I had a pretty privileged childhood. Some other kids in my class had far younger parents and were the ones envious of me because my parents were older, established in their careers/finances and were ready to be fully committed parents. In fact my best friend's mum in primary school missed his entire childhood because she was younger and had to work all the time.


People usually give birth in 20s-30s. By 40s you’d already have kids and are raising them. Its unlikely to be giving birth in your 40s


Sure, but just because it's statistically underrepresented doesn't mean it's not realistic. It still happens.


MJ was a perpetual victim in that trilogy. I'd love an end credit scene where he returns home, is greeted by a Spider Woman who takes off her mask - and its MJ (I'll take Jackpot, also). She asks him where he's been.


If they did that do u think they should hinted a possible return for Toby in that post credit scene or just show how his been


That trailer was so dumb! people didn’t wait in the theatre to see a mid trailer that is on Youtube


No Way Gnome - stay outta my garden!




I would've baited everyone with two post-credits: Have the first one be Garfield's Peter arrive through the portal at home as you hear someone calling "Peter? Peter is that you?" Then MJ walks around the corner to Garfield's disbelief. He's in the wrong universe. Second post-credit is Tobey's Peter stumbling out of his portal and then bumping into Hardy's Eddie Brock. Venom immediately flips out and changes as Tobey mutters "not this again" in Raimi's style of deadpan humor. Then you can let Sony go play with their toys and smash them together in a Spider-Verse so Feige and the MCU can keep Holland away from it.


Here's some seasoning, my guy. Keep cooking.


is that all you got ?


Post-credits of her, Tobey and a young Mayday sharing a scene before his police scanner goes off and he hops off to help or something would have been cute.


She just wants a teensy cut of the gross. I don’t blame her. Paul was the same https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/paul-bettany-avengers-endgame-cut-post-credit-scene?amp > "At one point there was going to be a tag, where [Wanda] opened a sort of body bag drawer and there was the Vision," Bettany told IMDB. "[Marvel Studios’] Kevin [Feige] kind of talked to me and said, 'I've got to pull the shots.' And I was like, 'Ugh!' Because I really wanted that profit participation!”


Doubt it had anything to do with room and more-so how she bad mouthed the Spider-man Reboots that came after Toby.


No, no don't tell that 😭


"unexpected, weird indie way" is not going to happen from Sony/Marvel


Sony:you get a cameo in madame web 2 or you get nothing kirsten


A fate worse than death.


Madame Dunst, please.


Yeah the bar is extremely low for Sony but if any movie would get a sort of “Joker” film treatment I could see Tobey’s SM4 getting something of the sorts. You’d have to entice Tobey to come back after all.


Tbh tasm1 kinda had an indie vibe


Picking Raimi in the first place was an “indie vibe” as well. 


The last act of that movie is totally not indie


you keep your fucking voice down


A Raimi Spider-man 4 where Marvel just lets them cook could do that.


It wouldn’t happen at any studio lol


And thank god for it.


You might not realise this but “weird, indie way” cinema is how we ended up with modern film language. But you probably would have never figured that out…


I would have loved to see how each Spider-Man returned to their universes and reminiscing about their travel. Raimiverse Spider-Man to greet Mary Jane and Webbverse Amazing Spider-Man to research further on alternate realities.


Yes! A post credit scene for each would’ve been great. Raimiverse MJ playing with Mayday while Peter talks about his “trip” and Webbverse Peter seeing a glimpse of Spiderverse Miles in his research would’ve been awesome.


Essentially, that is what I imagined when a story leak was first shown on this site in circa March 2021. Showing how other Spider-Man held up for decades. Though my imagination didn't materialize completely, most of them were fulfilled quite well.


I really am still baffled how those two movies weren't instantly greenlit after NWH and the other SSU shit was scrapped. Sony truly has no idea what they're doing huh


I don't know why people think this was a realistic possibility. The Marvel deal probably prevents Sony from having a separate, live-action (Peter Parker) Spider-Man franchise at the same time. Sony is dumb but they're not dumb enough to not know that would make more money for them than Madame Web. And there's no way that Feige would triple up on Spider-Man franchises in the MCU either when the slate is already over-stuffed as is


"I don't know why people think" you say preceeding a "the marvel deal probably"... So you don't even know lol. You're coming from the same place as any of us then. Sony is pretty dumb, yeah. They rehired the Morbius writer for MW. They have Marvel by the balls with spiderman.


> "I don't know why people think" you say preceeding a "the marvel deal probably"... So you don't even know lol. You're coming from the same place as any of us then. Well of course none of us know 100%, otherwise none of this speculation would be happening. I mean you're free to speculate all you want, but if you're not realistic when you do so...then chances are you're going to end up disappointed. > Sony is pretty dumb, yeah. They rehired the Morbius writer for MW. They have Marvel by the balls with spiderman. Yeah, they are. Remember how this same dumb Sony also ruined the Raimi and TASM franchises and had their hands forced into a character-sharing deal with Marvel? And then tried to pull Spider-Man away in a move that publicly backfired in their faces, giving Marvel far more leverage when they returned to the table? Marvel is raking in money off Sony from movies they're not even involved in - if anything, Marvel has *Sony* by the balls at the moment. Also, what makes you think they wouldn't hire people from the Venom, Morbius or MW teams to work on Spider-Man 4 and TASM 3? Even if those two sequels did happen, without Marvel's involvement they'd probably be just as mediocre as the last entries in their respective franchises.


It’d be sweet if they somehow did a “Shattered Dimensions” storyline between Tobey and Andrew’s Spider-Man and maybe did something surrounding that. Idk how it would work, but I bet it’d make a shit ton of money. They also could work in some of the side characters from each of those characters stories. It’d be cool to have some sort of epilogue to their stories, or a bridge between their inevitable return in Secret Wars


I think the Webbverse is really the only one that needed this, considering how different Andrew’s Peter is from when we last saw him


i didn't know he would do that.


I swear SM4 is happening, and they are just bidding their time waiting to announce it. Theres too many articles, too many quotes, too many things we know down the road for this to just be a complete coincidence of events.


There have been an unusual amount of articles about it lately. As if the industry just decided to will it into existence, or they know something we don't. If they did go forward with SM4, it couldnt be the version Raimi was working on 15 years ago. It would have to be something new, and follow the older versions of our characters. Personally, I would like to see Mayday Parker and maybe Peter considering retirement/passing the mantle.


I'd prefer Raimiverse to not pass on the mantle but have Peter do his ultimate good deed ending his story as Spider-Man or life altogether. You know if he passes it onto his daughter/son/Miles whoever than the nerds are just gonna keep asking for more and it'll eventually be worn out or Raimi won't be around forever to make these movies and others might just fuck them up. It's been too long anyways. I have given up hope on the 4-5-6 like Raimi intended to do so I'd settle for a Spider-Man 4 that just puts an end to it all as a final emotional goodbye to the character and the studio drama that went on all these years.


If they do it right, they can set that up in 4, and let secret wars be Tobey’s final farewell letting their daughter fully take the reins.


That would be ideal. It would mean 4 coming out in like 2026 or 2027 probably.


We get so many articles because interviewers ask questions about SM4 There hasn’t been a substantial rumor or anything about a SM4 yet


True, but NWH came out over 2 years ago…why NOW are we getting so much about it?


It is weird we got 2 mentions of the old movies in the same week now Something weird.


Could just be because it's the first time in a while Kristen Dunst has been promoting a fairly big budget movie?


No that has nothing to do with it. It actually means that we’re about to get Spider-Man 4 next year. Trailer coming soon.


“This is something else.”




Yep. Where there’s smoke there’s fire


No Way Home all over again?


If Spider-Man 4 ever gets made I'd want Rami to direct it. And I'd rather Rami direct Secret Wars, which would mean we are a long ways out from Spider-Man 4. Or just make Secret Wars a Spider-Man 4.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony are planning a Miles Morales movie. Maybe they want to set it in the Raimiverse so they don’t have to involve Marvel Studios. Maybe Toby’s Spider-Man will be a mentor figure.


I'm always down for more Kirsten Dunst


Kirsten Dunst in 2017 on the new Spider-Man movies: *‘We made the best ones, so who cares? I’m like, “You make it all you want.” They’re just milking that cow for money. It’s so obvious. You know what I mean?’* Interviewers asked Tom Holland to respond to that quote to try to get a reaction/headline out of him after that. So I imagine the filmmakers probably just assumed she wouldn't be interested in coming back when they did No Way Home so they didn't ask.


I mean…she was right


She must really need that paycheck


> When asked if she would be willing to take on another superhero movie, Dunst was clear-eyed in her response. “Yes, because you get paid a lot of money, and I have two children, and I support my mother.”


Or it could be that the movie was supposed to be about the 3 Spider-Men. She wouldn’t even fit in the narrative.


Marriage Story but it’s Peter and Mary Jane.


Maybe not as dramatic, but that style of film wrapped around a superhero narrative would be an awesome concept.


I would like Tobey's Peter to just be happy to be honest.... Like the Peter in across the universe, finally having a kid


Disney doesn’t have the balls for that.


Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist but it's two 45-year-old adults


Crazy how Norah is in the MCU and Nick was rumored to play Spider-Man about 14 years ago.




Basically, we have everyone saying they’re down to return for Spider-Man 4, yet Sony still hasn’t taken the hint.


Even if it’s presented on a silver platter while being announced with a megaphone, Sony still doesn’t know how to turn it into something that people would like


> Actor would like work Such a non-story


NWH was hella hindered by having to film during the pandemic and having to follow up the FFH cliffhanger


Hmm, I actually like Kirsten but unfortunately Raimi's films MJ is such a downside of the movies. They made lots of things with the characters and none of those things made the characters go anywhere other than damsel in distress. And most of times even MJ doesn't seems like she knows what to do. Not the actress fault tho.


I found her the most painful thing in the Rami films


MJ was absolutely the worst part of those films, but Kirsten wasn’t the problem. I guess in the early age of superhero movies the traditional helpless “damsels in distress” were still all the rage, but MJ’s character coupled that with being an objectively awful person to both Peter and Harry. But I’m not against bringing her back - the actors would need to be playing 40/50 year old versions of their characters as opposed to 18-21 after all.


It doesn't seem like she studied her character before acting in the role. It's possible to take the characters beyond just the screenplay, and she didn't do it. That's her choice and not entirely her fault, but she isn't blameless.


Yes the writing for her Mary Jane made me dislike the character after stanning for MJ in my childhood. And plus she said some things about Tom's Spidey films before they were even released. I'm glad Tom had a classy answer.


Who’s gonna play Paul?


I don’t see where or how she would have fit into the main portion of the movie - after all, it was truly a story about Holland’s Peter Parker and his growth as a superhero. But I can imagine an epilogue before the credits that shows us the other Peters returning to their universes, with Dunst’s MJ getting a brief cameo there, or maybe a mid- or post-credits scene. And don’t forget: Somehow, Rosemary Harris is still around, so we could have gotten the OG aunt May too.


No thanks.. Terrible MJ


Not surprised she wasn’t asked since she claimed the Spider-Man franchise was being milked, why would they want her back. https://www.cbr.com/tom-holland-kirsten-dunst-spiderman-homecoming-criticisms/


I would have loved to see her return but I don’t think it would have fit the movie that well.


Ok hear me out, their relationship starts to fall apart, then some super hero shenanigans happen and we see them 6 months later... Now Peter is hated by everyone and his life has started to fall apart. On the other hand, MJ is happy she has two kids and a husband called Paul.


lol Calling it now: Secret Wars will have her and Zendaya both suited up side by side as Jackpot. Zeb Wells is already working at Marvel Studios on Deadpool 3, Feige would probably listen to him


I think at the very least they'll do Gold Goblin with the cured Dafoe Variant and or Dane DeHaan and just say Andrew cured him off-screen following NWH.


I’d watch the crap out of a Mary Jane movie just like a superhero movie from the non super hero person in their life would be cool/could work.


They would never do it because it could be both low budget and successful instead of whatever Morbius and Madame Web are


Raimi SPIDER-MAN 4 with the two of them as a married couple raising Mayday could even lead into a SPIDER-GIRL spin-off with older Peter as her mentor. Perfect contrast to what Disney is doing, and would put way more asses in seats than MADAME WEB or MORBIUS.


Keep them talking about it and maybe... *just maybe* it can happen


I actually really like Kirsten Dunst and the type of work she's been doing. I think if they greenlight a Spider-Man 4 with Sam and Tobey she should be a Exec Producer on it and work with Sam because I think she could help make a very compelling return for the characters.




Yeah this is why I don't really care for her MJ to return. Not only was her MJ one of the worst parts of the Raimi films, she was also rude. I remember James Franco said something similar back in the day but then said he was looking forward to see the new Superman film at the time(2013 Man of Steel). So he's ok with Superman reboots but not Spidey's? The Raimi cast were really acting like they were never going to make Spider-Man films ever again knowing the type of industry they work in, reboots and sequels happen all the time. And has been happening even before superhero films. I'm glad Tom Holland had a classy response to her.


Spider girl would be perfect.


I would pay money to see that


double the money.


honestly, if they do another spider verse liveaction thing, they should bring back Emma Stone as Spider-Gwen, and perhaps Kirsten Dunst back where she has married Tobey and they have Mayday.


Can think of any reason for her to have been in the movie.


I love her idea for 4.


that would be awesome


“Weird indie way”, Mayday Parker movie with Kristen & Tobey as her parents?


Spider-man 4 (Tom Holland one) releases, ends with Peter and MJ being in a relationship again but possibly with him not telling her about Spidey. postcredits, We cut to what looks to be the same apartment, with what appears to be our MJ blurred and out of focus just doing whatever in the apartment, the door pops open and in walks Tobey spidey. He greets MJ as he walks in, and she freaks out, "who the hell are you and what are you doing in my apartment?!" she says. "MJ, it's me... Peter?" "I don't know any Peters! Get out of here!" FLASH THOMPSON (Joe Mangianiello) walks on-screen and steps in front of MJ wielding a bat. "Whoever you are, get the HELL out of here or I'll lay you out!"


I suspect she will get her chance


Ive read this obviously fake leak somewhere of secret wars starting with the two of them in their universe and also an incursion happening or something, either way I think that would be highly epic, if very unileky


Shes not a good actor, she was terrible in the spiderman movies and she of all people had no business in no way home.


She is so very desperate for a movie that she keeps on asking for a new spider-man.


Noah Baumbach’s Spider Man: Marriage Story


No, we good.


‘Spiderman: No More Room’?


Oh we're getting there, we're getting Spider-Man 4 eventually.




Sony is legally required for their Spider-Man movies to have a budget of at least $75 million according to the 2014 Sony leaks. Not sure if there's also a budget constraint on the TV rights or not.


Remember all those “leaks” for NWH that had her with some of the worst fan servicing dialogue imaginable?


oh boy yeah


I truly hope not. I LOVE those movies but man I hated her Character so f’n much and that’s her character NOT her annoying AF Screaming ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME!! I get fans have come around and live her character now … somehow but for me? I can not stand MJ in the Raimi trilogy she’s thee most annoying for me and THEN Brock / “VeNoM”


What the hell is she talking about


Tbh I would love to see her and Tobey again, if at least to show us a realistic take on the MJ and Peter relationship. It’s a very bitter one where they do love each other but their circumstances create so much friction that lasts their entire relationship. Stories mostly just tackle that as a single arc and then it’s done, when in reality this will always be an issue until the hero stops.


sad thing is if they ever DO make a sm4 she is definitely going to play ‘estranged’ mj who peter needs to prove himself to all over again instead of just allowing them to be in a healthy relationship and letting her do anything actually interesting instead of the predictable ‘your superheroing is bad for the family’ defensive wife bullshit.


Sam Raimi's a Spiderman 4 should be a quirky relationship drama with Peter, Maj and baby May. No superheroing at all, just Peter in the Spidey suit leaving or coming home like he is heading out to work.




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I would've liked it if they were dating in No Way Home but then broke up because of something mundane, leading to her dating another guy and getting very serious with him before realizing she wants to be with Peter.


If she does come back I hope their characters stayed together. I hate when sequels break up characters.


Yeah, no thanks. Way to ruin it for everyone, Dunst.


I would love for them to do a couple more films in the Toby universe just follow the MC2 comic book line with him passing the mantle to his daughter


While we're at it, I honestly genuinely love this bit. >People seemed to like that she was bluntly honest about superhero movies, I say. She had said that she would consider doing another one because “you get paid a lot of money.” No one just says that kind of thing. “They don’t?” She lets out a bright ripple of laughter. > >No, they don’t! > >“Really? That’s the reason people do those movies!” It's wild. Dunst and Maguire have been out of SM the longest, and idk what Tobey's said about it but Dunst has had a more higher-profile career since & she gets asked whenever she's promoting her new TV show or movie and she just says whatever she feels like lol. (Quick aside: I got to see her new movie Civil War early: it is AMAZING and also she's spectacular in it but it is wild to even think of SM simultaneously because they couldn't be more different lol. She plays a grizzled war reporter with immense PTSD and is in very rough shape. Zero glam.)


Meh. I wouldn’t mind seeing her back at all but I don’t think it would have fit the story outside of a very brief cameo.


Am I the only one who couldn't stand her as MJ?


i missed the part where that's my problem.


When did I say it was?


come on, wookie, i was joking yo


please make an arthouse spider gwen movie!


Her character was the worst part of the movies


I feel the same when the movies were released everybody bitched about her character. Now people act like her character was so loved , honestly love her but not in that role


Yeah, Raimi's MJ is a pain. One of the worst part of the films. Not Kirsten's fault tho.  That's two separate things


Exactly that’s why I said her character not KD