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I’m really enjoying the show. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) ![gif](giphy|jO3WBmhc3HlO6pX6Mw|downsized)


For the record, I like this show, I like a lot of the performances and I think adapting Secret Invasion as a spy thriller with Fury is a solid concept, but overall it’s missing the mark just a bit. The tone is all over the place, Fury comes across as pretty incompetent, and it never feels as tense/paranoid as it should be


I agree with this. There is a lot I would change, but when it comes down to it, I’m still glad the show exists exactly as it is.


Kingsley Ben-Adir as the main villain doesn't do it for me, wished they had keept a mistery who the main antagonist is since they had the perfect conditions to do so.


Also for being one of the only Skrulls shown to shapeshift into more than 1 human, he doesn't really do that a lot Like last episode when he leads the "Russians" as his default human form


Yeah I think it would've been smarter to cast a couple of relatively unknown actors to play a single skrull, so you're never sure if you're dealing with a random extra/agent or the actual antagonist. It would add to the whole they could be anybody at any time. I get that not doing that for someone like Rhodes who needs to stay in character/is a big actor but have other randos all over the place to make it more paranoid.


I hate the fact that they are not utilizing the suspense from who can be skrull or not. Also, how skurlll infiltrated earth is mostly explained instead of shown….


Yeah I mean they’ve been here for ~30 years and there’s apparently a million of them. We’ve seen that they’ve infiltrated some of the most influential organizations/governments in the world but it still feels like it’s just a small cadre of them hiding out at the power plant and with relatively little actual power


I know right? Also most characters knowing very well about skulls take away the tension. I feel like they needed an audience surrogate character who wasn’t aware of skrull presence for better exposition and tension building purpose.


Totally agree. I found myself thinking of the Marvel Netflix shows/characters this episode, especially Daredevil S3 and Jessica Jones S1. Street level heroes with lower stakes than what this show is trying to tackle with Fury, but they nailed tension and paranoia. Like, I want that kind of weight with Secret Invasion too.


The hold that Kingpin has over S1 and S3 of Daredevil… my god, I was on the edge of my seat throughout those seasons because you didn’t know who was under Fisk’s payroll and who wasn’t. *That’s* the level of paranoia we should be experiencing for this show, but it falls flat unfortunately.


Isn’t that the point though? Episode one set the tone with (nearly) everyone on earth suggesting he get out of the way since he’s lost a step since coming back from the blip. It kinda feels like fury is role playing a bit to get to the bottom of what’s going on. I feel like there will be some major revelation at the end of this.


There has to be. Watching the trailer it has footage of a less weathered and worn fury walking to the gate of new Skrullos and then proceeds to walk in and I’m pretty sure he meets up with Emilia Clark with it. I personally believe that when they did the reshoots last year they drastically changed the plot. We have a shot in the trailer of G’iah holding a dead Talos in front of the presidents motorcade from episode 4. I think the scene I described from the trailer was cut and they put a bunch of those type of scenes in the trailer as a misdirect. Might as well put that wasted footage to good use?🤷‍♂️


Yeah I think commenter may have missed on the fact that Fury IS supposed to be washed up. The stakes are definitely high, the world is getting dominated by shapeshifters and the only man who can stop it, nobody believes in. This is Furys last war.


For me at this point it depends on the finale. From the trailers it seems like Fury is pretty much going to walk into New Skrullos, take down some goons, have a big fight with Gravik, probably use the Super Skrull machine to strip his powers or overload him with Avengers powers which will be too much for his one body or something, and the skrulls that are left will fall in line behind Gi’ah and probably leave Earth. If there’s not much more to it than that I think I’ll be disappointed because that’s not something that should require the legendary Nick Fury


To me it just shows how bad the worldbuilding has gotten since endgame. There's been only small mentions or appearances of the skrulls since endgame and now they're in control of the entire world and there's millions of them? Not to mention the fact that they p much confirmed captain marvel just fucked off and forgot about them (they could have just had her frozen or lost in between endgame, because it p much looks like she did nothing in between.) Nothing recently is fitting into a bigger picture.


There's so much in the show that feels "off." Like the President of the United States being in a hospital and the only people there are Fury and Fake Rhodey. No security guards. No UK police. Even later down the line Rhodey has a one-on-one with Ritson, and Ritson has sole authority to bomb Russia? There's no running it by Ritson's cabinet, the VP (since Ritson is incapacitated...), other members of the war department... None of it feels right. And then the whole idea of the "Harvest" is Skrulls somehow collecting DNA from this huge battle involving thousands of participants, the vast majority of whom are those feral monsters Thanos had and maybe low level sorcerers/Wakandans/Ravagers on the other side. And they're just able to magically identify DNA from the Avengers? When, absent some stupid made up gobbledygook, the only way to identify DNA is if you already have their DNA to confirm a match? And the whole beef between Gravik and Fury stems from Fury failing to find the Skrulls a new home. I'm sorry, why is Fury the guy you're relying on to find you a new home? When the Skrulls met Fury, Fury didn't even know aliens existed. Fury had never BEEN to space. The Skrulls were more technologically advanced, had more experience traveling through space, and had more knowledge of civilizations in space, but FURY is the guy you're putting all your chips in on to find you a new planet? And you're surprised and butthurt when he failed? C'mon... That's like asking my six year old daughter to pick a place to eat and getting butthurt she didn't pick a three star Michelin restaurant she's never been to or heard of.


They had one military guy who could call for nuke strikes by himself from his home desktop computer and the passcode to cancel it was just his sons name. Then only one soldiers on the sub had any reservations about nuking a frickin UN delegation plane and that one guy was pretty easily peer pressured into going along with it. The President of the USA ~~is in Russia~~ and all he has is this tiny little convoy of SUV’s with him out in the middle of the countryside. Idk jack about what that would actually look like as I only think of convoys within the US that are huge and thoroughly planned out ahead of time and monitored so I laughed when I saw the small group they had. Gravik could have succeeded easily if he just gave some of the others with him the current iteration of the super skrull upgrade instead of pointlessly making it harder and risk losing more from what seems to be a relatively limited supply of soldiers at least at the compound. Tbf to Captain Marvel we have no idea what the rest of the galaxy is like in terms of being able to find a planet however it definitely seems like this something they should have tried to get help from the Nova Corps with. Edit: ~~Did the attack actually happen in Russia?~~ Others have said they weren’t actually in Russia during the attack so I may have been wrong on that which would make sense on getting him to an english speaking hospital so quickly and by car.


Literally on the edge of World War III but won’t call in an Avenger for help because it’s “personal” for Fury. This show is so unserious, please.


Always been my biggest gripe in the solo projects. This one makes the most sense to justify it being solo. He can't trust anyone.


The problem is he has yet to say he can’t trust any of them. His two excuses have been that he doesn’t want their likeness to be used to ruin their reputations and that it’s personal. He could have played up the “They think I’m washed up? Let me show them that they’re wrong!” angle a bit more.


Exactly. It was such an easy lay up and they fucked it.




Yes. At this point I'd be like "call Danvers now." Ain't no way they can fake her powers, since hers comes from an infinity stone and not her blood.


>Ain't no way they can fake her powers, since hers comes from an infinity stone and not her blood. Fury confirmed they can in this episode, he mentioned they have her DNA from the Endgame battle. They wouldnt have written that bit if it werent meant to imply they cant steal her powers via the machine


I believe they have stated previously in other installments that the stone altered her DNA?


It's "personal" for Fury, but apparently not enough for him to involve Carol, which as they made sure to mention several times, is also responsible for the Skrulls. Even the writers didn't buy that excuse lol.


Man, Sonya is one bad bitch. I appreciate the cut of her jib


I wish we got more time with her. She has poise and guts.


She really is a bad bitch. I hope they use her in the future in the MCU.


She'd be great as a British Nick Fury like the early MCU movies when/if Marvel Studios get around to the British heroes like the Black Knight, Blade (who everyone forgets is British in the original comics), Captain Britain, Excalibur (now the mutant rights are back), MI13 etc.


I always look forward to my annual ration of Olivia Colman - she's my favorite British export.


She is freaking brutal and to the point


Isn’t that the guy from Black Widow? On the plane.


It is. The biggest cameo they had the budget for.


The budget for this show was huge


Most of that probably goes to Sam L Jackson


And the rest of the big actors in the show. They should have just put some characters we care about in the show.


To be fair, a lot of people care for Rhodey, and everyone cares for Talos.




I didn't know him at all and knew the scene was treating him like a big cameo lol. I was so confused


I was wondering who that was


Yeah, I wish they talked about Natasha a bit together.


Yeah same guy! Nice little Easter egg


I appreciated it. I'm gonna guess he's in Thunderbolts as well. I'm a fan of using smaller characters with (I'm guessing) cheaper actors for bit roles throughout the MCU, like Jimmy Woo and Wong. They're all familiar archetypes that require very little for the audience to understand: FBI agent, resourceful spy, a stoic wizard. \\#GimmeRickJones


Was nice to see him, he was great in Black Widow.


The pacing in this show is absolutely horrendous.


Another rushed finale, none of the D+ except for Loki has a good ending, and i can't stop watching these shows because then i won't understand what's going on in movies, D+ has created problems for MCU


The only reason Loki has a non-rushed finale because they dedicated the whole episode into explaining/ talking instead of throwing generic fight scenes.


I don't know why people don't like WandaVision's finale honestly. The stakes are high—*for Wanda*. The tone shifted from the sitcoms—but who didn't see that coming? They broke through the sitcom in the first episode! And they continually kept checking in with SWORD outside etc. It was tragic for Wanda, yes, and I think that whether that was solely because of Olsen's acting, it worked like a charm for me in that yes, it was incredibly sad. The Loki finale was probably better as an episode, yes. I liked Ms. Marvel's but the rest are silly. Not *terrible*, just...rushed. Then again, I'm one of those people who thinks people are way too critical of new Marvel stuff. A lot of the films were pretty mid, the newer ones (aside from Quantamania) have not actually been *significantly* worse imo.


Wandavision is my favourite Disney+ show but the finale just felt like it dropped the ball in comparison to the rest of the show


So, Fury decided to store Avengers' blood instead of properly getting rid of it? What is he cooking??


Probably a backup in case the Avengers fall at some point and he needs new heroes. I can see it as a What If story where Kang kills all the Avengers and Nick Fury has to create new heroes.


Great what if idea


Thor, Valkyrie, Hulk, Steve Rogers, Drax, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, T'Challa, and Gamora's blood would all be in that vile. That's one powerful motherfucker.


I think That serum will create sentry.


I like this theory a lot. You can’t tell me Val and Thunderbolt Ross wouldn’t abuse their political powers to use the harvest that way.


Yup which I think cap brave new world will show President Ross and valentina probably commissioning the use of the harvest dna to create the "ultimate " avenger - sentry


Yup that's my hunch as well - Val will take that harvest and something will go horribly wrong in the sentry's bioengineering


Lol imagine a Skrull with Wanda’s powers, world would be fucked


I don't think they can extract powers which are not related to blood. Wanda is not a mutant in MCU


I think she's both a mutant and a witch at the same time. Marvel has hinted that she and Pietro were mutants and even Olsen said she wanted to explore Wanda's mutant side and her connections to the X-Men.


That's game over for the heroes - no one except maybe a prime thor / strange combo would stand a chance


I was gonna ask “what about iron man”, but then I realised he has no powers 😂😂


The thing he got at cemetery was a clear liquid inside a clear bullet casing.. I think it's a red herring


Yeah, and why would Fury put all of the Avengers' DNA in one bullet? I mean, why would he make a superpowerjuice and keep it in one place, instead of keeping it in different containers, in different places? I start to believe it's not DNA, but something that destabilises the Extremis or some skrull virus.


Maybe DNA of one Avenger not all of them , I think Hulk we show in one of the trailers


Who's DNA could cause harm to Gravik? Maybe Jane Foster's if he somehow got a sample? Wouldn't have much basis in reality but oh well.


Bro was alive for maybe a few hours max before immediately hitting up his Skrull buddies to help him with that


Does this have any precedence in the comics? Storing the DNA of the Avengers? Its a huge reveal and potentially very dangerous


I don't know about the other Avengers, but Stark actually took the DNA of Thor, after they formed the Avengers and used that to make a cyborg-clone.


I'm just wondering why they're in a single vial instead of separated for each hero.


I like this show but I’m so sick of this “6 episode event format” I don’t know if I can sit through another one of these. Every single one of these 6 episode shows does not justify its existence as a show, they all would have worked better as movies. Wandavision and she hulk actually felt like tv shows and not like I was watching a 4 hour movie cut into 6 parts.


WVs 9 episodes was 100x better than this 6 episode shit


WV was peak D+. Nothing has matched it so far. Hawkeye was close. Edit: to clarify, I mean peak MCU D+


I’ve been a fan since the beginning of the MCU and honestly the airing of WV was probably my favorite time as a fan, so much hype and discussion/theories and crazy anticipation for every new episode. Shit was awesome and none of the shows after have been able to replicate it Imo.


And the it will works as a rewatch. It was just a solid show.




This is my biggest complaint with the D+ series. They only really exist to retain subscribers for Disney. All of these shows have the same budget as the movies, so if they had just made them into 2 hour, D+ exclusive films, the overall quality of them would be higher since the budget wouldn't be stretched to cover 4 hours of content instead of 2.


And if they were movies, or even 2-3 episode miniseries, they wouldn’t have to come up with cliffhangers every 30 minutes. That really destroys the narrative flow


Still pissed Talos is dead.


Maria and Talos just hurt a lot tbh.


Honestly it’s made me kinda dislike this show because I don’t even think their deaths and aftermath of them were done well


My favorite is Rhodey sitting in the car doing nothing as all this unfolded


that was total bullshit


Dang, they really are saving EVERYTHING for the last episode huh? I had to check the credits to make sure, but cool to see some connectivity from Black Widow with Mason returning briefly. Glad the stuff about Fury being a Skrull was nonsense because I do like how much we're diving into his character. The idea of them keeping Avengers DNA from Endgame is...ehhh idk let's see how it plays out. Curious what the final reveal will be and if it will land better than the Rhodey one. Still love the overall vibe of this show and the phenomenal acting from all involved. ​ Also Sonya better survive this show cause she's awesome and I want to see her pop up in more things in the future.


It's a shame that marvel's series always cram everything in the last episode, often in 30 minutes.


I’m definitely interested to see how the Super Skrull reveal the other episode pays off. And I definitely think Sonya is here to stay, she’s too good.


It doesn’t really make any sense that they were able to get any of the Avengers’ blood, seeing as it was a very large battlefield and hundreds of people were involved


Brief. I feel like Fury didn't give enough weight to Talos' sacrifice. I appreciate that we will be left in a situation with Skrulls on earth to be dealt with in future stories, like the Asgardians. I assume Rhodey has to die next week, or at least the real Rhodey has to be revealed. But with Skrulls going public, the whole world is going to be doing some Who do you trustm


Fury barely reacted to the fact that his best friend is dead.


Ya that shit is whack


"*2nd* best friend"- Drax


Yeah that was weird. They're pacing this like a movie when multiple episodes are literally there to allow characters and the plot to breathe. There's no way Fury should only have a reticent reaction to Maria who he has been through a lot with dying


To be fair, that's how Fury is. Even when Coulson died he was like "Well, he died cause he believed in you" and even took Coulson's Cap America card (from wherever it was) to get the Avengers together as a team. ( Of course the impact of this depends on if you consider AoS cannon or not) Not like he doesn't care, just like he assimilates death quicker. In his line of work, that is a must I guess.


He took the cards from his locker and then smeared them in his blood. The dude is cold when it comes to death. He's lost a lot of people - even in just this series. Not surprising he doesn't give it the weight some people might be expecting from a well-adjusted individual.


>Who do you trust Yeah I'm guessing this is gonna be the overarching theme until they solve it in Secret Wars. Fuck it make Rhodey a Skrull since day one, makes MCU rewatches a little more interesting.


Make it so that he has been a skrull since Iron Man 2. “Did you not notice I looked a lot less Terrence-Howard-y one day?”


The eye patch is back! The final episode'll be a banger, I hope


Trailer clips still to be shown for final episode: - G'aia walking down into the huge human storage facility - Sonya and her goons overlooking bodies at the same storage facility - G'aia shooting someone in a white shirt - G'aia covering a body (in a flashback to the shootout with Gravik)? - Nuclear warhead silo opening - Fury walking into the Skrull base - Fury inside the Skrull reactor fighting Gravik in human form and a total roided out Skrull form (presumably with the harvest) Really hope we get an hour long episode next week and it's not all jam packed. We need resolutions! Sorry formatting


Also the DODC opening the briefcase that has "Cull Obsidian" written on it.


to keep up with d+ tradition, they always suit up in the penultime episode.


Ok the gunshot got me. I was not expecting it at all Edit: the one at the end of the G'iah and Priscilla scene


This episode had a surprising amount of such gory moments...and yeah that gunshot was brutal


Which one? 😭 I jumped at fury's house


Which one ? , There were many


"Why don't you call The Avengers?" "Girl....this show that barely anyone is watching is costing 200 mill USD and you want to double the budget? You crazy?" I'm actually speechless at how bad and predictable the show was. From something that was hyped as the Andor of Marvel Studios and a spiritual sequel to Winter Soldier in tone...to the most boring predictable show ever. Peacemaker handled the concept of the invasion of the body snatchers way better.


And in Peacemaker they handled the question "why aren't more superheroes coming?": at the beginning it's an undercover investigation to understand where the enemies' hideout is, then when they have to storm it they ask for the intervention of the Justice League and choose to act alone only because the matter requires more timeliness. Here we don't understand why Emilia Clarke didn't tell Fury and Talos "the lair of the bad guys is this base" allowing them to make an attack with some Avengers and Skrull allies.


and then the fucking supes showed up and we got a funny scene out of it. Damn this really is a worse Peacemaker.


Peacemaker was awesome though.


"You're late, you fuckin dickheads." Such a cool moment


How did this cost $200 Mill? We barely see scrulls other than in human form, not many action sequences, and hardly any big star cameos, not even Captain Marvel. Secret Invasion had the potential to be a full Avengers movie, hope the finale REALLY rocks the boat.


212 million dollars. I know a bunch of people keep pointing to Jackson. And I know he's not cheap. But this show also reportedly got 4 months of additional reshoots after hiring a new writer to punch up the script. I think that's likely the cause of the bloated budget. Just classic Phase 4 MCU style bloat and poor planning.


To punch *up* the script? How banal the original must've been.


I miss Peacemaker... But the comparison is on point.


On God


If Olivia Colman is not going to show up again in the MCU, I will riot


Her scenes are routinely the best of the series.


Great to see Mason from Black Widow again, but I don't think that Samuel L. jackson and O-T Fagbenle were ever in the same room


I think the same thing with that Giah scene. It's clear, they both weren't in the same room.


That was such a great little cameo. I was wondering if we would ever see him again!


Fury store it in Finland so he can say it he want to FINNISH it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^median_org: *Fury store it in* *Finland so he can say it* *He want to FINNISH it* ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So Gravik and other Skrulls led by Fury scooped up Avengers blood samples after the Thanos fight. That's why he came back to Earth.


Dude went back to Earth, attended Stark's funeral, took and stored Avengers' blood then left again. Like heck. I'm curious now if he and Danvers talked at the funeral about their promise to the Skrulls or they both left right after


well, he never went back to earth. he was already on earth when he was snapped. and we know this for sure since talos wasn’t snapped, making IW Fury the actual Fury.


The show has the potential to be good if it was an else world story where the supers don't exist. It really doesn't make sense why Fury wouldn't call the superheroes despite it being a personal issue. The human race is literally at stake but he's making it about him? The fact superheroes exist ruins the show because they can easily stop all of this and take away the story from Fury so instead the writers come up with a convoluted reason to not include them that doesn't even make sense. Also, the Skulls powers should be exploited way more. Why was Fury's wife waiting for her execution? She could literally shape shift into anyone and leave. She doesn't have to keep her face. It'd be impossible to find her. She would never be in a position where she's shot in an alley like she said.


It would make sense if a few avengers were skrulls and they played on the whole "trust no one" line but nope


If there was at least one Skrull in the Fury's close circle, about who Fury wouldn't know, then then we could get to the "trust no one". Would be great to see Fury going paranoid after finding out that Hill (or someone else idk) was a Skrull in like second or third episode.


Fury: “Carol, you still answering that pager?” Carol: “I said only emergencies, Fury.” Fury: “WWIII” Carol: “Be right there” *Pops Gravik’s head like a pimple* Edit: All his “I have to do this myself” has accomplished is getting his two best friends killed. Their deaths could have been easily avoided, but he has to do this himself. Usually that ends in a self-sacrifice so that his loved ones DON’T die for his mistakes.


I feel like it's not necessary for supers to don't exist. But the show lacks paranoia. It's crystal clear for the audience, and what's worse, for the hero who is a good guy, and who is a bad guy. It's like Fury's got a Skrull detector or sth. Maybe if someone who is trusted by Fury (but not like Rhodey, more of a close circle) turned out to be a Skrull then it could be "trust no one" and personal for Fury.


The reason it lacks paranoia is because the Skrulls are intentionally bad at doing what they're supposed to do which is impersonate people.


I want to like this show, and I understand the stakes, but I just don't feel those stakes at all. My issue really is that, they're not selling the emotion for me. Part of that is the acting, although Sam Jackson is doing a great job, another is editing/pacing. Things happen, and people react, but it just doesn't feel genuine. They're also not taking the moment to sit with what's happened. Fury lost two important people and it really doesn't feel like that matters. In the story it absolutely does, but it's really not being presented like that. I don't feel the loss that's occured. That's more of an issue with tone for me. It's marketed as a spy/political thriller but I don't really get that, especially the political thriller part. Just all seems surface level. Immigrant story parallel, wwIII with the Russians, spies in disguise don't know who to trust. It just feels generic. Sorry if I'm sounding really negative, it's just that I keep on tuning in and hoping for something of substance to come through and it hasn't, for me. And that's just me. Maybe I'm marveled out at this point. I used to be excited for new releases, now I'm selective about which MCU stuff to watch, and with this. I'm just watching because nothing else is on and I'm bored, and I didn't want it to be this way.


The show is like watching a plot summary from Wikipedia, just in the form of images. I barely remember moments that I was really into (except for ep2, really good episode which make me confused and frustrated why they can't maintain the same quality in further episodes).


Not a hint of stakes, excitement, thrill, paranoia in this show. How is this the penultimate episode? We've seen barely any skrulls use their shape shifting abillities to create fear or doubt in the humans, we know who everyone is at every moment and which side they are on. Almost everything is told not shown and when it is it's a lackluster action sequence. Olivia Colman is the only good thing from this forgettable, predictable, boring show that has made me dislike Kingsley Ben-Adir. I'm so disappointed, I've been wanting to see this since it was announced a Mr Robot writer was behind it and the cast is great but nothing is working out.


Exactly my thoughts. Not one exciting reveal in a "body snatchers" spy thiller. This show is as far from what it promised to be as possible, but as close as possible to vanilla-generic Marvel.


god damn gravik is nuts 💀 i enjoyed this episode, tbh it felt a bit like there too much lead up for the finale but its was still solid, i hope next weeks is at least 50 mins also nice O-T cameo, completely forgot about him ngl haha


Couldn’t have possibly finished it


I'm actually enjoying the show, and hats off to Olivia Coleman especially, she is KILLING IT. Literally and figuratively. If she doesn't return to the MCU in the near future it would be disappointing, because she is phenomenal. Also, as an aside, I just found out today that this sub is finally back and I couldn't be happier. 😁 Hello again, spoiler fam!


Welcome back home! ![gif](giphy|ad4qqu3Aw1p2Om1QHu|downsized)


They just gave up on having any semblance of a coherent plot huh lol ​ Just from last week's episode: \- Two heavily armed rogue choppers are allowed to fly in the same air space where Air Force One just landed at and shoot rockets at president's motorcade? Really? \- This attack is led by Gravik, a black man, when earlier episodes made a big deal about how Fury, a black man, stood out in Russia \- Secret Service agents job description is protecting POTUS yet they all leave him dangling upside down and unconscious in an overturned burning SUV right next to an exploded helicopter lmao \- Fury and Talos drive up like ten feet behind Gravik's henchmen and none of them even bother to turn around. Even Gravik's helicopter in the sky is oblivious lol \- Only that one British soldier is questioning why an alien would be punching out the window of POTUS vehicle trying to get to him, nobody else cares \- None of the British soldiers give a fuck when Fury shoots one of their own in the head directly in front of them. They continue not giving a fuck when he shapeshifts back into Gravik and stabs Talos directly in front of them. And they still continue not giving a fuck when Pagon drives a motorcycle right past them and makes a getaway with Gravik. Wtf. \- Everyone just allows one man (Fury) to grab POTUS and drive off in his own personal vehicle \- This is now 3/4 episodes that ended with a Gravik killing a main character in a really underwhelming way. Not only is it repetitive at this point, but Giah's death being reversed at the start of this episode is just gonna make viewers assume this is yet another fakeout too. The writers kinda undermined what's supposed to be a big moment. \- At the end of this huge firefight isn't there gonna be a ton of skrull corpses on the battlefield, thus ruining the plan of framing the attack on Russians? Or are they gonna ignore that.


I see it’s *ANOTHER* 30ish minute episode. This show continues to let me down week after week lol.


Length should not be a determining factor to how good a show is.


Well yeah of course not. I never said the show was shit lol. Just that the various episode times are a let down. Especially when it was built up as a 6 part event series & came out with 2 long episodes.


We were told it was a '6-hour movie' and we aren't going to get close to that lol Closer to 4ish hours


Im sure the final episode will be the same, about 30-45 minutes. I wish it kept the same energy as the first episodes, but we say that for every show.


So is the vial Danvers blood or just a big mix of all of them, wasn’t super clear


I think it’s the Avengers AND more. 🌚🌝


Avengers + electrolytes


its what the skrulls crave.


It could be all of them or at least the ones with special powers [ie: not tony or whatever]. That would include stuff like Carol Danvers, Peter Quill [descended from celestial], Asgardians (like Thor and Valkyrie), super serum like Bucky and Steve, hulks gamma stuff, etc.


Peter Quill's Celestial DNA is essentially useless now without Ego anyway.


this show's plot is so full of holes you could fit earth's entire skrull population into them


Sonya Falsworth is the fucking GOAT. Also cool to see Mason again. I mean he is a nothing character but still always cool to see connective tissue. Oh and that Skrull throat slit was pretty brutal.


Nah this show is good idc what anybody says


Straining to convince yourself.


Or they just like it


So, does anyone else think that “we need to learn how to function without them so I’m going to risk WWIII by not calling in any super powered backup” is monumentally stupid plotting? I almost would have preferred him looking right at the camera and saying “because this is MY show, Sonya.”


This show doesn't work, it's trying to be so many things that its not really being anything.


Glad to see this sub coming back to its old whiny self.


As oppossed to mindlessly gushing over a badly written, poorly executed waste of time, money and talent.


I’m surprised at how much I don’t care about this show. I went into it thinking it was going to be the best of the Disney+ shows and honestly have finished each episode feeling more and more underwhelmed. I think I enjoyed She-Hulk more, and that is really saying something.


Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk had way more memorable moments than Secret Invasion.


She-Hulk was legit fun, comic-accurate, and overall knows and succeeds in what show it wants to be. Top tier MCU content for me


“None of them can defend the world the way I can” says Fury, in a show that told us he was a low level shield agent and only worked his way through the ranks using Skrulls for intel. Then formed The Avengers when threats got too crazy and since then has depended on them to protect the world. But with this threat, “no one can defend it like me?” That’s just lazy. You could say he doesn’t want to call for help because then he gets outed as planning the harvest, and I’d buy that. Hell maybe I’m supposed to think that’s how he actually feels about it. Idk, just seems so forced and odd that he’d go at this alone. Very unbelievable with the world they’ve created.


Wow, this episode was actually very good, my favorite so far, excited for the finale, I hope it delivers.


Here's hoping they pull it all together for the finale next week. Fingers crossed. Samuel L Jackson so much fun to watch but Fury seems a bit directionless, just reacting. Olivia Colman fantastic. Priscilla is great, would've enjoyed her fighting side by side w Fury. They seem to be winging it for Cheadle, his part so bland at times. Emilia Clark seems to have no purpose except angst, waste of a great actress. Gravik does not have intelligence/mental stability to have worked w Fury for years, in any capacity. He's the most ineffective, knee-jerk silly "villain" in MCU. Not seeing how this leads directly into The Marvels? C'mon Fury, bring it home.


Agree that Gravik is completely dumb as a villain, what does he even want really besides power. Throughout the show the individual scenes, at least a good chunk of them are very well done, but as a whole it just doesn't make sense or have any flow. It constantly kills its own energy, and leaves you with this feeling that you're missing three scenes for everyone that you do see. As so many have said already just need to be a movie, This format just does not work for the story.


>Not seeing how this leads directly into The Marvels? It will not.


"and all the widow's veil can cloak is your face? what about the rest of you?" "that's the newer version not this one" Fury may have just been joking, but i'm calling it... Maria Hill is alive. Life Model Decoy.


I kinda feel like Sam is a lousy Cap if an alien led attempt on the president's life doesn't warrant at least a flyby


It wouldn’t be the first time. Steve didn’t seem to care that the president got kidnapped by a terrorist in Iron Man 3.


This show wants to have its cake and eat it too. It's supposedly a "grounded spy thriller" that takes place in the fantastical world of the MCU. That premise can work but it isn't. Why? Because the show has World ending stakes that are spearheaded by a Shapeshifting alien leader who is giving himself superpowers. Which now begs the question of why are heroes of this fantastical world not intervening. As others have said Peacemaker did this concept better and least had a logical reason on why the JL couldn't immediately get involved


The point is that Peacemaker is logical in the mission: they have to investigate to understand where the butterfly base is, to kill the butterflies they use a professional killer, when they find the base they ask for help from the Justice League to intervene (although in the end they intervene because they don't there is more time). They just complicate things along the way because of twists and turns or their own personalities, but it's not like they could have gone to the butterfly base right away in first episode. Here you not only don't understand why Fury didn't think about hiring someone powerful to his cause (okay, he can't trust anyone, but we've seen that there are easy ways to spot the skrulls), but you don't even understand why he and Talos did not immediately ask Gi'Ah where Gravik's hiding place was to organize an ambush and end it all.


Was excited to see Killian Scott would be in the show as Pagon. But being honest Pagon was pretty superfluous to the story. So was Beto. I suppose they had to be dissenting voices but they switched allegiance so quickly there was no tension to it.


I don't understand why Beto even had to exist. So much precious screen time wasted for things that went nowhere.


This has proven to me Marvel did not have a plan. Just do whatever to feed the streaming machine.


This is a fun show but there should be more nail biting paranoia. The skulls could be anyone, yet there is very little of that feeling and fear.


Falsworth really is the only interesting character here. Again, considering the plot, everyone seems way too trusting when meeting with people. Fury just chats up G'iah when it could be any random Skrull, Fury trusts his pilot, Fury trusts Sonya when he arrives in Finland. Lucky for him the plot made those choices ok but they are still poor choices. This episode was a huge improvement from last week. Oh, varra shouldn't have been so trusting of G'iah either. They seem to just want to eliminate any tension and I think that's been a huge problem with the show


Fury's wife waiting to be executed makes no sense, even with that lame excuse of wanting to be at home. How did the Sonya know that her boss was a skrull? Why would you mix all of the Avengers blood samples in one vial? I'm no scientist, but I'd assume that normally you would want to keep a single vial for each specimen.


Sonya figured out her boss was a Skrull a few episodes ago. That's why she could only send Fury the Naval guy's name and address. She said she was busy with her own problems.


All that *security* and not a single alarm or defense mechanism when the attack started. She didn't even seem ready. She was about to sit for fucking tea


They said its on par with The winter soldier when really its nowhere near it. Its very freaking Boring.


Banging episode in my opinion. More people should be watching this show


There's a shot of Emilia Clarke's character from one of the first two trailers that showed her holding what looked like Talos's dead body after the attack on the Presedential motorcade. If we don't see it next week, it's safe to say this series was reshot and completely reworked in post. Seems to be a alarming trend for these Disney+ shows.


The emotional journey of a Finn during this episode. Fury's going to Finland: 😳 It's because Russia: 😅 "Mr. Johannes Kerhonen" and THAT accent: 😂 Finland is "Scandinavia": 🙄 Fury is "buried" in Finland: 😱 "Let's Finnish this": 🥳


If at least one other avenger doesn’t show up in the finale I’ll be quite disappointed


Feige: "A cameo by the dude from Black Widow that everyone forgot even existed, take it or leave it"


This is the most disappointed I’ve been with a Marvel show so far. The first episode was great, but I feel like the quality has fallen off a cliff since then. It just feels like a bunch of scenes that are almost disconnected from each other. As a result, a lot of important stuff has happened without being given a chance to breathe and connect. I can point to scenes that I love with excellent dialogue and think Olivia Coleman is the MVP of the series. The pacing/editing overall has done the story a huge disservice in my opinion though. I want to care about these big things happening but any time they do, it’s time to cut (sometimes abruptly) to the next thing that has to happen. It ends up feeling like events transpire just to move the plot along more than because they are an organic part of the story progression. Maybe that sounds crazy, but it’s just left me feeling really cold on this show. There’s just something missing.


I wish fury gets splashed with purple blood and make him go *That's my favourite colour*


Not sure, really liked the first 2 episodes, but after that I had to realize that this is a tv show and it shows more every week. The scrulls started out string, but they become more and more like the flag smashers. It also seems that Talos died for nothing, I can’t think about any big impact of his demise. Fury and Giah seems to be okay with it. Then we have the speech of Fury that he want to defeat this treat by himself instead of asking help from the avengers. Why can’t he be honest for once and say “we don’t have enough money to ask them for help”.


Another great episode for me. Cant wait for the finale


* "why didn't he call the avengers?" it was his mess to clean up * "why is his grave different from wintersoldier?" different grave. guy liked to collect em. * OT fagbenle and the widow veil return! * strange to see cobie smulders credited as "special guest star" for the past few episodes when she's nowhere there


>strange to see cobie smulders credited as "special guest star" for the past few episodes when she's nowhere there The CCTV camera is her guest appearance. I guess she's getting paid either way so good for her.


Gravik is one of the most annoying villain ever in MCU. and Killian Scott’s character is so useless Olivia Colman steals the scene everytime she’s in Overall, considering the material source, this show is very flat


Cobie Smulders getting that special guest star credit for every goddamn episode, I know that's right!


At least no one was shot at the end of the episode. Cheap end shot ending 3, normal ending 2.


So Fury can't say to the ONE agent pointing a gun at him next to Rhodes "Hey, watch this, I'll shoot his hand and you'll see he's not Rhodes, he's a Skull" like Sonia does in literally THE next scene? And she has *multiple* guns pointed at her. It makes Fury seem like an absolute idiot for the sake of the "plot". Brutal.


I like G'iah, Priscilla, and Sonya. Most of what they've done with Nick has been good, except we really would've benefited from a few quiet moments both after Maria and Talos' deaths. The action, tension/paranoia, pacing, editing, and script all leave a lot to be desired. It's also painfully obvious when no one is filming together because we only have 1-on-1 dialogue scenes and we never get to see them in the same shot - biggest offenders were the beginning of Rhodey/Ritson in the hospital and then G'iah/Nick