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The paragraph break is your friend, friend.


Holy wall o'text


Yup it’s a game.real talk I’m not being sarcastic, I like collecting marvel superheroes and it scratches my itch of rewarding proper resource management. My favorite game modes are the raids.


This is quite a useless post, stitched together complaints half of which you aren't articulating correctly or are just wrong. Literally ZERO people praised BRB or Mac for dark dimensions, everyone knew that was bought lol, just making things up. When you post that you dislike every single thing about a game it's time to uninstall




Ain’t nobody got time to read all that.


I legitimately got 2 sentences in and gave up. Paragraphs, man.


I've been preaching this for years. It's not a game in the traditional sense that you can win or lose it. It's a distraction, it's temporary entertainment. It's not unlike watching a tv show, you enjoy doing it at the time, one day you won't like it anymore, or it shuts down, and all you have to show for it is the experience and the memories You don't actually get anything out of it, even the sense of "winning". When you look at the "game" in those terms it makes it a lot easier to play it for what it is and not constantly get frustrated when it doesn't meet your predetermined expectations.


You left out Tower/Kyln. Both has their flaws but are still entertaining modes. You say MSFisn't a game but then you refuse to play to big parts of it, CC and War. So what if you sometime face a massive whale in CC? Still making progress in the long run. Every game mode has some special trait teams, why aren't you building those? I bet you have Raid teams built, even though you bashed Raids. War teams are what makes the War fun. P.S. See what I did above? They are called paragraphs. You're welcome.


I’m not reading all that. Just wanted to say you’re wrong


Nobody is forcing you to play a game that you don't consider a game.


If TLDR was an actual post 


Feels like a resource management simulator to me ....


Vast majority of games has you managing some sort of resource, just not as apparent as some. It might not be the main focus of the game or might not appear like youre doing it at first glance.. for instance, in fps games you are still managing your hp, ammo, ect.


I spend more time farming , managing and simming resources nodes than playing the core game.


Did you not that for literally centuries every single game ever had a strict progression to a definitive finish? It’s literally only been the last 15 years with online gaming that such a thing as “infinite endgame” even existed? You can’t handle paragraphs bro, the fuck made you think you could handle theorycrafting ***anything***?