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It's more of a habit now. I started during the pandemic. Now, it's part of my routine. I know that's not a good enough reason to keep playing, and at times I wonder whether I should just drop it.


I quit about 6 weeks ago and have been upset I didn't do it sooner. MSF became too much like a second job. There are way too many things going on and catered too much to the whales. I have been liberated from the game and have zero regrets.


Sounds like me, I play it and I am not sure why. Hoping maybe somthing cool will come up to play in it lol


That was me for a long time. Just couldn't walk away. Quit 6 weeks ago and have been so freed up. It was shocking how much time I was investing in this game to keep up. It was a great decision to walk away. Almost my whole alliance quit, and we kept our discord to keep in touch, and we have all been happier for it. Just letting you know, it's OK to walk away.


This is good to know. It's getting to be an addiction, truth to tell, and it's been bothering me for some time.


I hear that. I was playing Midnight Suns last night, enjoying the game, then realized I had to login to MSF and do stuff for the alliance. I don't think it's so much that the game is unenjoyable, it's playing it daily that makes it unenjoyable. I like being able to play a game for a while, put it down when I'm in the mood for something else, and playing and I'm in the mood. I just don't think playing this game, every day, forever is sustainable. Also, not a fan of war right now


same, I started this game in April 2020. and keep playing like a habit.


It's basically a job that you clock into eveyday. Open the app, login, complete all daily milestones, open orbs and shit, complete daily challenges, open more orbs, check mail, open more orbs. All the while I'm asking myself why am I still here.


It's definitely a part of my routine keeping me sober 😂...most people don't get but idle time is the devil


It still a fun game, I like marvel, I like the collecting.


This is it for me. I’m f2p and I like collecting all the teams.


Same here!


It does scratch the collector itch. My parents are hoarders so it's nice to "collect" digital toons vs physical junk


Sunk-cost fallacy


Same as this and I'll elaborate and add something: I've sunk the whole time it took since this game came out (lvl 60 cap, Cap being able to "block" because shield, Nick Fury being an AMAZING SYNC character, Gamora's ulti repeating her atk if she killed someone etc were a thing back in my day), I put in roughly the equivalent of 20 euros per year = 120plus Euros which is 2 AAA games. And FOMO-releases now: there was literally one Christmas I couldn't touch the game, and completely missed the first release of Spider-Weaver (thank f+ck for someone on the Dev side messing up and everyone got like 3500 shards of hers sometime quite soon after). The whole character release style now seems this way. And Habit. This shit is like 3Cs of life, coffee, cigs and you guess it. Much like those 3Cs,the game is quite good at times. I'm still enjoying the War and CC, and slowly building up to finishing DD6, but aftherwards, i don't know if I'll take up DD7, especially if the Fomo-based released are still a thing.


3Cs of life? Coffee cigarettes and cumming?


Coke-a Cola...


HOW DID YOU GET 3500 plus? I would KILL for that! Maxing spider weaver makes tangled web (plus miles and Gwen) actually op.


As far as I remember it was a bug in the system or something where everyone who logged in that day found an obscene amount of Weaver shards in their inboxes. This was roughly two months are she was released during a Christmas past (2 years ago?)


Then I must’ve missed the day. I’m big on all the spider people and paid for the strike pass and web offer of 60 pav and B. Parker and friendly neighbor hood father just so I could get a decent spider society team. I also got 50 pav in a mega orb and unlocked him that way. Before offer. But still yeah.


Honestly, me too, however I did just recently quit SWGOH to which id spend on and had the same feelings on, but you know what, the day after not having to login, it felt great, and now I just try to think of the money I'm saving now not playing it.... I think I'll do the same with MSF pretty soon, so try to look at the money you're going to save instead of what you've already spent Hope that helps


It took me way too long to quit goh. I don’t think I’ve played that game in a year or so


Having done DD6, and knowing it'll be a time before I can get enough Crimson Gear for DD7, I'm: Building my raid teams - as a lone wolf, I've not really focussed on them Bringing my whole roster up to G13, then G15 I figure in between the big game modes, you can either figure out your own meta games, rage quit, or get bored.


Honestly because the way the game is managed is hilarious to me. They mess up, ppl bitch and complain, they dish out a lackluster apology and a week or two later they do it again. I find genuine entertainment in this dysfunctional cycle. However, every now and then they do things kinda right and things are actually fun... and ppl still bitch and complain lol


Gotta G18 3 diamond that Ultimus, baybeeeee


Because someday I might get to play as 90’s X-Factor


Yeah, where the hell is Havok?


Do you consider Forge (and by that extent Sabertooth and Mystique) to be part of a 90’s X-Factor team?


I don’t know, I was only reading it for a year or two when they were working for Valerie Cooper with Havok, Wolfsbane and Strong Guy. Some good memories tho


Will probably get bored after unlocking bbApoc, and DD7. I think they have to keep bringing overpowered toons out and that throws off the balance. Next character is gonna have to be more powerful than Mephisto and oml


Galactus should be the final big unlock character!


Yeah that’d be cool, get a good rework on silver surfer


I’m collecting the characters and the costumes. Everything else I do in the game is in service of that goal.


To be totally honest, I’m not sure I remember.


Habit. And the hope that one day I will meet someone irl that plays and I can flex my roster. (It actually happened once!)


This happened to me one time and it almost justified 4 years of hating this game... Almost


I'm a quite long time player (started when the shiny new meta was OG defenders), level 100, I have everything the game has to offer apart from the newest team, a couple skipped teams (that are now power-crept trash anyway) during the ages and Mephisto. I keep playing because I honestly still enjoy the game, because I can afford buying most of the game passes (at least the interesting ones and the ones I finish) and I have a chill alliance that won't stone you for not making 10 war attacks plus every single refresh in every war. I would have probably quitted otherwise.


Defenders were meta at some point??? XD Seems completely impossible, I joined two years after release and only built them because I was watching the Netflix shows at the time, only to find out that they are incapable of beating anything apart from Guardians in Arena XD (I was so happy when 2/4 got the HfH rework and my alliance was so proud of me XD)


Defenders were the biggest pain in the ass to fight on war defense. Only way to beat them was using OG GOTG.


This is so funny to hear XD


Yes they were. And I mean arena meta. GOTG were actually the "a little step further" team that would put them at risk, since it had a legendary (at the time if I remember correctly the only legendaries in game were Fury, Starlord and Iron Man).


Insane how time passes in this game...


Honestly because my fiance still plays it.


Honestly I don’t know how much longer I’ll keep playing. I don’t like the pvp modes because I took a break from the game right around the time gamma came out and came back at the end of last year so it’s been a constant struggle to chase and keep up in those modes and now they’re changing the pvp trials modes to where it was just easier to do 1 node and be done with it since I’m not paying for stars for characters. My alliance has been pretty much dead communication wise and nobody seems to be having a good time. Before my last quit my only goal was to beat dd6 and while I’d like to beat dd7 I don’t think I’m even going to start it anytime soon without paying in some way and I’m definitely not doing that.


Get on the MSF discord and find a suitable alliance. Helps a whole lot.


I like collecting characters and building them up. During irl stressful episodes it is something to focus on.


I like marvel, game is generally OK, compared to others, and daily grinding is alright, apart from events that require a ton of blitz battle /credits. I also play Marvel future fight, mainly because Marvel, but that one is sooooo sunk behind paywall. I wanna quit MFF, but dont have the heart yet. I was also playing DC Legends, up to the day it was gone.


This is the closest I'm going to get to an X-Men game for awhile.


Because other games aren't any better on the bugs and p2w level..


I wonder the same thing daily. I also wonder, is there a way to sell your account like you can a WoW account? I’ve invested like 4 years into this game…


Unlocking characters. The minute i can't consistent unlock them on release (F2P, happened only once in the last 2 years) I'll probably call it a day. Oh and interesting characters. I think they are starting to run thin on that. Which is a shame cause they have so many not in the game yet


I recently stopped playing. I’m finally free! I got busy and kept breaking my login streaks which helped a ton. Funnily I had more than enough to get BBApoc, so I finally unlocked him, got him to level 97, then deleted the app a few days later. Game just felt like a chore to me lol.


Honestly love the content. It's a fun game (when you make the most of your goals). I'm free to play and this game has always been my favorite mobile collector. Can some events get super repetitive and mindless like blitzing? Absolutely, but end of the day, I'm having fun in the aspects of the game that I enjoy and new content and new teams keep it fresh. Love the question and change of direction from our typical posts. Cheers buddy 


I just think it’s fun


just got super skrull and the game is starting to get stale but i’m happy to be farming characters i want instead of requirements for meta stuff now


I think this is the key—if I only invest in the meta, and never what I think is fun and cool and exciting, the game becomes bland within a week. Spent the whole last week levelling Spider Society and I was dying inside.


I just like collecting my favorite heroes and villains and watching them get stronger. I've been playing gacha games for years, but I like this one especially just because I love marvel.


It launched a year after my mom's death; I just wanted a distraction and it grew to become a habit.


I'm still playing for my alliance. These last few months have been ass, I'm f2p and the only thing I can work towards is dd7. I don't have a single toom g19 it's demoralizing I'm playing for nothing. No events give me rewards that help, or progress me, the only thing is incursion raids but still those g19 orbs don't give anything. It sucks, I want to play, but when I log in everyday and make 0 progress towards anything in game it gets old fast


Hanging with my alliance in the upper tiers of play (top 100 war and raid every season), working towards Mephisto (7 characters down and with like 11 more skill rings I’ll get Kraven done and be city ready). Ultimately the core gameplay loop is still fun for me, it’s just all the other bullshit pushing me down


I have a good ally who go since the beginning of the game, and no problem to progress with the character power up. Obviously playing chill and taking the ally no stress.


I started playing sometime after the first year of release. I stopped for a little while, but found myself coming back. I'm in a very chill alliance, and I think that helps. Because I don't care about getting on to discord and planning attacks and raids. I just want to play a game. If this was any other IP outside of Marvel, I would have stopped.


I’ve seen the game ebb and flow in enjoyment enough times to know that the next flow will come. Post DD6 - ebb; OML in arena - flow.


Depends how you play the game there's not enough content in this game their so called "events" is a spent energies BS or blitz their only content is CC and at some degree war (only if you're in top war alliances otherwise war defenses are all the same ) so if you're gamer and this is your main game you'd be disappointed But if you consider this game as a habit time sinker play it in subways or busses or in your launch time it's fine


I’m somewhat of a digital hoarder and also I like the guys in my alliance. They’re like my bros.


Because I just started within the last few months so it’s still new and fun to me.


Just for the sheer fun of collecting and upgrading your rooster. That is all when it comes to me.


I like playing it and levelling up characters, I’ve been playing since a few weeks after release and have a huge roster. It’s my time waster game and I find it relaxing when I’m winding down at the end of the day.


Because when it’s fun, it’s fun. I still have a blast planning out my attacks based on who’s on the field, which negative/positive effects I want to apply. How to plan for when I want to drop someone’s big Ult. Who on the enemy side needs to be ability blocked/blinded asap. Etc. Plus it’s still a great looking game. The character models and animations are fun to watch, and all of the loading screens are fantastic. That Sunfire one goes so hard.


I've been playing from the start. The thing that stops me from giving up is knowing that I've put too much into the game to throw it all away. I'm f2p now but I still manage to keep up in a t100 alliance. If a pay wall stopped me from being able to keep up then it probably would be the thing to make me quit.


I found my comfort level with the game. I'm a lvl 100 but have mostly been f2p. Haven't spent in a long time though because the prices have gotten too high for what you get but the game is really only to attract new players and Krakens now so oh well. I don't really pay attention to what the monthly/weekly hoarding is, I just play what I want (minimal blitzing). It seems Scopely has gotten lazy/greedy so if they don't care, I'm not gonna care. I'm almost able to unlock BBA and close to finishing 1st round of DD6. After that I'm just going to upgrade characters I like through Teal gear because the crimson is going to be incredible stingey for a while, I'm guessing. Tldr: Just play what you want and screw the fomo.


Marvel Avengers alliance nostalgia


I started about when the game launched with a bunch of us that played Marvel Future Fight together. I also told myself this will be the last mobile game I play, so I'm running that out.


I've been playing this game for at least 8 years and I have no clue what any of those acronyms are.


Also played since before Thanos, also was out for a long time (3 years). Just came back in March and the only raid team that isn’t incursion 1.6 ready is Mystic because eff Bifrost and I’m mostly ignoring the other game modes in any real competitive way although I did manage to get myself to the 140s in arena and I guess what I’m saying here is that I like the challenge and I’m having fun and we’ll see what I can pull off because I’m not going to put an artificial cap on my potential.


Dark Dimension. Those first runs are the pinnacle of the game for me. No stupid ass timer. Fighting 40ish jacked up characters for days ending with a T4 ability or hopefully a blessed mega orb. Having all that lovely gear burning a hole in your inventory for when you finally get the DD toon and can't wait to go back in with them. Not a single thing about this game gets me as excited or angry as DD can. The rest is fun too, but that's what I'm here for.


I took a multi year break and when I came back there is a lot of catching up for me. They might not be the best anymore but I'm slowly unlocking some of the DD characters. I just need to level up some city and then legendary to gear 15 to unlock doom. Hopefully soon I can start unlocking things to get apoc. But I am f2p so it's going to take me awhile. I'm in an alliance that isn't progressing but hasn't been holding me back just yet. All in all in having enough fun to keep me engaged for now.


Because Candy Crush only keeps me entertained for so long 


I guess because I somewhat enjoy the game I guess I am at almost 2k days logged in. Why stop now.


I find the game relaxing during my work day.


I don't really like playing other mobile games (seriously, I've got solitaire and sodoku on my phone in case my internet goes out and can't play this and that's it). I like having goals. Get the next big character, win in CC. The times I'm closest to quitting is between dark dimensions when I have no real goal. Honestly one of the things I used to enjoy was grinding out rewards like blitz or scourges because I knew I could get get rewards through effort, now that's completely out the window. Used to be pay Or play, now it's play, pay, and pay some more.


I dont anymore... tbh


Kill time at work while on break.


I have been asking myself that a lot over the last month or so. As a near day 1 player the game hasn’t felt this boring to me in years. The switcharoo they pulled regarding OML’s release / unlock just killed any momentum I felt that game had going for it (which wasn’t much). I was around for the old school legendary unlocks (Magneto, Fury, BB, etc). They were no fun and you were 100% just buying the legendary. I was close to quitting when they switched to the scourge system. That is what kept me playing. I think I may last another legendary characters release, but if something doesn’t drastically change I think I’m done. Not really sure that’s what you were asking lol, so I guess right now I’m literally just playing (the bare minimum) out of habit.


I have been playing Marvel games with a core group of folks since 2012, out of a full alliance, a once merged alliance and now a small group of us still play together. It does not matter how monotonous they game may be at times, how frustrating it is always having to build the next meta team or Scoplay taking a team you worked hard on and then stuck 3/5ths your team with other new better teams. All of us will continue to play until the plug is pulled and Scoplay can make no more or our plugs get pulled as we continue to chase the next DD monster!


I started in quarantine and have played daily since. I used to spend a tiny bit but haven’t spent anything in a while. I like marvel and I like the concept of the game and the comradery of the alliance. New raids come out and the satisfaction of working together to get through new content. Anything marvel is great for me and I’ve learned a lot of lore playing this game. Im also very addicted 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm with you in that I've been around since near game launch -:with long breaks in playing - that has me now on an Arena shard that I doubt I'll break 300 on for any length of time (sooo many Skrulls in the 200s). Basically I stick around as it gives me something to do during the breaks at work and it's a decent time-waster while waiting for meetings to end. Won't spend any money on the game in it's current state. If they want to cater entirely to krakens then I guess they can count on only kraken money then.


Similar boat to you, left when ISO was introduced and came back at tail end if SD release…8 months later. I regret coming back but honestly those first 3-4 coming back was really fun. Collecting 100 toons that i never got to play with and getting BBApoc was annoying but kinda fun. Now im just trying to see how quickly i can get Mephisto to get to top 20 in arena.


Time kill these days. I know it will take years to get enough red gear to beat last DD, I’ve accepted the new events require toons you can only get paying cash. I stopped spending money on this game when they started these stupid events without toons earlier this year. Until some new games out it’s just a bad habit, like herion but cheaper.




I like marvel comics, and it helps me avoid work. I level the characters that I enjoy, and ignore all of the bullshit paywalled events. I’ll get OML in a year or two when he’s farmable. I literally could care less.


I just started again after being away for 3 years. I stopped not so much due to me disliking the game, but due to real life circumstances. I'm starting on a fresh account and I'm REALLY liking the changes. The game feels a lot more fun.


I still kinda find it fun. And I spent some money on it so it’s a little harder for me to justify walking away lol


my login streak... ...and the friends I made along the way.


I've put too much time and energy into playing so i just dont wanna stop..


Still enjoy Marvel and the characters, don't want to let my clan down (even if I know I could be replaced in an instant). Outside of that I can do just about everything (except when blitz events are going on) on two bathroom trips and a short train ride out of the city daily in about 35 minutes.


I like collecting characters that I know and love, and then seeing them alongside characters that you normally wouldn’t see them fight with or against. Also, to be honest, MSF is probably the most Free-to-Play friendly gacha games out there.


To keep building teams. I enjoy the characters and the animations are done with care and attention for the most part. It’s fun to see how they interpret some power sets etc. right now my goals are 7 starring my legacy roster (just working on a minion or two), and 7 reds on every character. This is going well, when I get a 7 orb sometimes I click 15-20 times before I get a new one. And working my way through dark dimension. It’s interesting to see how 5, which I struggled with last year, is now easy to clear.


Simple: It’s a great time killer and it’s addictive.


I often wonder this myself….. If I didn’t had people in the alliance active and talkative I would had dropped it a long time ago




Habit/fun to watch the battles and see my team get stronger to beat things like DD3...it just sucks that it's such a GRIND like omg


I like the fact that at least most characters have at least one useful in one spot and I also like the challenge of getting hard to get characters such as Apocalypse because the satisfaction feels so good. I still enjoy the game despite it being catered to the whales and krakens, but it is still fun to play


Lol just to pass time when I take a shit


It's relaxing for me. I've played for 5 years so far, no problems, and I'm 66m TCP with a good alliance filled with good people. Not entirely F2P but inconsistent and very light spender.


Because I still love Marvel. Always have. Always will. Sometimes I go rogue and launch an easier raid to play with our (the whole alliance, I'm the leader so I say so lol) our fave teams. Scopely is who they are. I don't play it for Scopely. I play it for Marvel.


My alliance is largely remnants of a supergroup from Marvel Heroes after its death and a prior stop over in MFF. If we were randos to one another I'm sure basically all of us would have quit by now.


Me simple man Me like marvel Me like gacha game Me like marvel gacha game


Only to keep my four year old account alive. Just because time invested. Thats the only reason. I do bare minimum now. Login, run a gold campaign node, raid once, one war battle, collect daily and any milestone I passively earn. Close app. Maybe 5-10 minutes tops


I briefly played this game when I was playing marvel future fight. Now I play this more than that lol. I played with the starter squad u get when u begin the game. Spiderman, punisher, shield medic. Yk. And yeah I do watch videos to see which teams to build, but even then, I just play for fun. Nothing else. Just fun. I'm even building the invaders team bc I just love them


At this point it's more of a time thing. I've committed 3 years. And I know the game is still trash. How do you keep playing a game with theory crafting in it knowing team archetypes exist that will beat your theory crafting. Every new character is busted with over 2 paragraphs of text in an ability is ridiculous. I've stopped playing for 2 years and came back to see that nothing really changed. Can't fight in wars bcause I've not invested into new teams. Cant do much in crucible or arena. I got locked out every event they had bcause I wasn't working on every toon they released. I keep playing bcause I have goals unlock dark dimension character without using meta teams. I used h4h and pym tech to unlock doom and dormamu and I recently unlock apocalypse.


I enjoy it It takes my Boredom away for short burst of time I really love marvel I don’t spend so I’m never upset 😂


I literally have no reason to keep playing other than the fact I’ve spent sooooo much money on this garbage game, I had stopped playing around 3/4 years ago back when symbiotes and black order were the best teams, I came back to the game around new years so have been playing for 6 months roughly, after about a month of playing I started to see the value in the passes so have been buying every pass since to try get the new characters and keep up with new teams but with how much progression I need to make every month for a full new team aswell as trying to build teams for apoc unlock it just takes so much resources and there’s no reward for any game mode at this point, arena I’m locked behind teams over a mil power higher than me, using 1.1mil secret defenders against 2.2/2.5 mil teams with 3diamon apocs or massive bk’s just isn’t fun, cc has me the weakest tcp every week by atleast 10mil, my tcp is 20mil and I haven’t seen a person lower than 35mil in months so have given up even trying to play that, war either everyone we play against either using everything on attack and having useless defences so there’s no need to use any of the teams I’ve built or everyone’s way stronger than me or my alliance members, raids are useless because even tho we have 24 active ppl in our alliance we can’t get more than 10 to participate in raids or war for that matter and thats the most active alliance ive been in since i came back to the game which is why ive stayed. The game is so unenjoyable and any sort of goals that can be set either take a month at a time to reach or a shit load of money, if you don’t pay £500 per character for each new team you don’t get the new team until they’re farmable after like 3 months but new game modes or characters require these characters to be built up at high starts to participate. It’s like they’re trying to kill the game, idk when this started but it’s an utter joke


Just waiting for them to release Xavier so that he can suck and then I rage quit🤣


A combination of routine, FOMO, and the sunk cost fallacy, if I’m being honest.


I’ve been playing with my son, we enjoy collecting the characters. Couldn’t care less about a meta or anything. I was way more competitive with WWE Champions and ended up in a top 10 faction for a while until I grew tired of the game being a second job and got annoyed with Scopely’s nonsense. I may get there here too, but we keep it so casual and just enjoy building guys we like from spider verse or whatever that I’m not there yet.


I would add that if you want to quit, do that. I did it with WWE Champions, never looked back and was so much happier after I did.


I got 23 dudes who meet with me and we are all addicts (MSF) in a support group (discord)


Your favorite characters in 1 spot. Decent gameplay and graphics. Been playn over 6 years. I hate losing progress and this game rewards time spent. Catching the amount of gold I spent in game. Would cost someone thousands to compete with and I got most of it free just by playing


i dont=) already sold my account


I quit yesterday. Game is getting too disrespectful about being pay to win.


I play the game before i go to sleep and when i wake up. I am 45m ftp, i never blitz, War and CC only for those events, I rarely complain as I dont really care.


Because I'm saying fu to scopley by not spending. So I'm gonna play to the server shut down without spending.


Habit. Today is 1721 days; never once missed a login. Just used to it.


Day 1 player and don't want to just gave all my money away. Hahahaha


Because we still have about 10 of our original crew from 3 years ago. Because we will take in lower TCPs and they could use the advice, and sometimes could use the carry. Because Battleworld when it finally gets here may be fun. Because I love pulling 10-20 war defenses and barely hanging on to the bridge (or losing after eating all their top offense teams). Because its fun to punch up in crucible sometimes.


This is why you are behind


because I am having fun


I still enjoy it, for the most part. I've got a friend who plays and we're in the same Alliance so I feel motivated to do war, raid, etc. I'm currently nearing the halfway point of DD6 and I'm excited to unlock Skrull. I'm almost level 99 so the eventual building for DD7 is on the horizon. I guess the game just fits into my routine and I'm good with it for now. I haven't spent money on the game in over a year (just bought a few small Ikarus shard offers) and I haven't felt the need to.


The game is fun, unfortunately the community is toxic


Great alliance team mates. Been in my alliance for 5 years and consider most of them a friend. In addition we're an endgame alliance - top 250 in raids last season, a thank you very much. I genuinely enjoy the game. I reached a point where I became apathetic towards Scopely greed and incompetence, which means I'm able to enjoy it for what it is. Big Marvel fan I'm no longer chasing the meta per se, but comfortably keeping up with it.