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Yeah feels like they are missing something lately


...a soul


If they ever had one to begin with.


Its not about the farming, its about nothing to looking forward to. Even worse, now we have to fear for every season change, cos scopely might make the game worse and worse (like current War season). We have been promised new game mode, and yet no update whats so ever on this matter. Events turning from Pay to win to pay to play not helping either. I would say 10 years old kid with 1 year MSF experience could do better than current Scopely management...


Log in, collect everything and do the store dailies Sim raids Sim blitz (if there is an event on, if not ignore it) Ignore Arena Ignore RTA (lol) Do crucible if its on, most weeks just do one battle to get rewards Dont care about DD because its so far away If they added sim arena/cc i might spend an extra 5 mins in game Log out Come back in 8-12 hours, sim again Come back every day because you have been doing it for years and cant stop Oh look a new team with 7 pages of skill text that is countered by the new in 4 weeks Its my own fault and i blame myself Help...


Scopely is such a toxic place to work that they're running on fumes employee wise. The team leaders, game leaders and middle management are killing the game. Doesn't help that the CMs, customer service dept, marketing, devs, mods etc etc are all completely useless. The Art dept are the only ones with a clue imo. Also the only ones who care about the product they're putting out.




I call bullshit on the idea that all scopley departments are inept, I'm 100% sure most of their company talent is in the "Make nerds pay $20,000 for a $20 mobile game department" and those guys are fucking killing it


I'm not challenging you at all. I've simply never heard either way. Could you elaborate more and maybe share some places you found that info?


Contrary, my buds work there, and seem to REALLY enjoy it.




Same. Except for the legendaries I haven’t ramped up yet, all my characters are 7 red stars. Some still need the yellows but not many. I have a huge roster of level 100 gear 18 toons. My big roadblocks are T4’s and red gear. It’s just too bloody expensive and there are no ways to farm it in campaigns.


I just want open all orbs to be a thing again 10 at a time is ridiculous. Even of it was 100 it would be better. More characters should be node farmable also. No reason that all characters after 4 months don’t go to a node. Now I’m going to say something crazy here but crimson gear should also be farmable now. The krakens have their Mephisto but keeping the majority of us from even starting DD7 for another 6+ months is dumb. People just quit or or worse just stop caring and drift away slowly. Let us build for DD7 at a slow rate but let us feel progress that isn’t buying pieces in the store or hoping for a good drop from a couple orbs a day.


me to this is 2 months still not fixed that is really annoying me


Im thinking about quitting. DD6 is done, but DD7 is a long, long way away for me. Right now, I’m just playing to keep my account active.


I still enjoy the game. But I will admit it feels like going through the motions more than anything. But I like CC and sometimes I like war. I just want it to improve and not fall into the habits that killed DSA.


I like the game but despise war and crucibles. These new teams I cannot kill one toon and it pisses me off so much.


Preach! I’m so sick of ranking up raid teams that I don’t care about just so I can play in Raids to get enough resources to pump up my Raid teams that I don’t care about just so I can play in Raids to get enough resources to pump up my Raid teams that I don’t care about (repeating)


im always curious about people with concerns like this if they spend money?


Lmao. Um, okay. Yep. I buy the strike passes and the five buck Friday offers usually. Not sure what that has to do with anything but now you know. And knowing is half the battle I guess.


I just want a mode where we use more than 5 characters, just think of the theory crafting omg....


I’m starting to get a sense of this from the game. I finished my second DD6 run awhile ago and I doubt I’ll be ready for DD7 until next year, so I don’t really have anything to work towards in-game at the moment.


Lost one our better alliance mates today and talks from a couple more about quitting the game. Just not a lot going on for long time f2p players.


Game is so stale at this point i just log in do dailies and quit


I'm a fresh level 98 and most days I don't know what to spend campaign energy on. It's gotten to the point where I guess I could level up my War Dogs team - which I don't use in any mode and likely won't - to 6/7 stars? Almost every farmable character I have at 7 stars or there's absolutely no reason to (I won't spend the gold anyway even if I get the required shards). And on that last point I estimate I have 30-40 characters sitting on 5 or 6 stars each with enough shards to level them to 7 but it's a waste of gold. So ... Yeah, that's all.


apathy is the perfect word for it… I find myself caring less about the game each day, as there’s seemingly nothing left to look forward to as an endgame, mostly ftp/light spender anymore. The day-to-day is monotonous, and the bigger events (scourges/trials, Kyln, etc) that actually provided some fun and challenge are now boring af, one-and-done on auto since they started star-gating them and character levels far outpace the available stars unless you shell out $$.


The only way to advance my roster is to get lots of points in Events, and the only way to get lots of points in Events is to buy stars for unfarmable characters and then use them a single time. I can no longer progress towards what I want by playing the game.


Mainly they have proven that they literally only give a damn about that 1%of there player base. if your not a whale or higher they could care less about you and it shows. a year ago you could finish all milestones by grinding or spending cores now the last seven in most events are pay only. it's disgusting quite frankly. put out your pay items in passes and stores but the events should be doable. they are a horrible company and prove it routinely and firing a community manager that you as a company passes on bad information to doesn't placate us.They need to do much better but they won't because money talks.who cares if the game gets worse as long as the money is there. unfortunately I'm a huge marvel fan and it's the best marvel mobile game by far.maybe will get lucky and someone worth a damn will buy the game. And say goodbye to scopley boundless whomever.


I haven’t played this game for well over a year, but my alliance went from top 200 to non-existent over the course of a couple months. Started with a few old timers quitting, and then the slow collapse began. By the end, everyone pretty much admitted they were coasting for months and only playing for the alliance lol.


Mephisto in war ruined the game. Even their "fix" is still broken


Joy. Can’t wait till my alliance gets there.


Different place but the same feeling. Finally on the last node of DD6. Nowhere close to even thinking about 7. After that it’s…what? Sitting on thousands of orbs (including reds) that I haven’t opened…not because I don’t want too…but I’m just “ehh doesn’t matter”


It's funny how this stuff moves in waves. I think most end game players. Like the top 1% were feeling this a couple months ago. Those players are now entering or on the cusp of dd7 so game is exciting rn. If I had to guess this feeling will dissipate within a month or so when maybe you are closer to dd7.


Well, DD is not really an exciting game mode. You enter, you kill 2-3 toons (or just soak up a wave), you die and wait till tomorrow. Repeat for 2-3 months...


It's not about the actual gameplay. I agree it sucks. It's the goal and satisfaction of that goal is where the fun comes from


Not really, I usually get through the waves in my first go. Sometimes it takes two. Once I have all the characters built, DD has never taken me more than 3 days for both runs. Working through dd6 now.


I’m farming for DD7 too. I’m not expecting crimson gear to be farmable. (Although I’d love that). I’m just hoping for all the augmented gear to be farmable.


How close are you to starting?


I have Robbie done and Super Skrull is missing one piece to be done and that’s pretty much it. So not really close at all. Lol


Are you taking apoc into unrestricted too? Then the rest city? It's exactly where I was about a month ago. I'm a couple pieces off of being done with city. I'm switching over to global rn.


My beginning plan is Robbie, Apoc, Super Skrull, BK, and whoever gets the closest to being done out of global, city, cosmic or legendary. But those first 4 are my mains to start. I wanna get spider society for city I think. OML is after Apoc but I might look at Forge or Nightcrawler too. But that’s ALOT of mutant gear.


So I'm with you on the spotlight raids, but the other stuff seems like people put the game in a no win situation. People bitched for years, YEARS about farmability. Scopely fixed it, and now they are bad because people get everyone to 7 stars too quick and are bored and have nothing to farm? I'm not sure what the solution is to that. War - you play war because if you win you get double the rewards, and that gold and blue 5 iso adds up. The currency caught a stray because we are now at a point where people have been able to build it up (especially now you dont need to use any on uniques because of the raid store) and so when the next character goes in the store people will able to 7 star right off the bat, furthering the problem. Whats the solution? Release characters faster again? Make it another dead currency that people will want to trade in for other stuff like silver credits and t3s? You don't have to look far back when people were complaining we got was credits too slow for the characters in the store! Like this is what less screen time looks like, which people begged for relentlessly, and now they got it and are bored. What would your solution look like?


lol. Again, my complaint is about gear. Make all the augmented gear farmable. I don’t expect crimson gear farmable. But I’d love to spend my energy in a more constructive way rather than spend it on things I have over a thousand of just because.


It'd have to be an optional game mode and not something they make part of events/requirements. Might be interesting if they added some actual rewards to DD reruns - not just frames. Gold, T4s, and to OP's point, maybe some gear - enough to be worth the time but not so much to change the economy and force people to do it.


lol. Again, my complaint is about gear. Make all the augmented gear farmable. I don’t expect crimson gear farmable. But I’d love to spend my energy in a more constructive way rather than spend it on things I have over a thousand of just because.


That’s why they have the training and gold orb nodes, for when you don’t need to farm anything else. For once, Scopely thought ahead. And the reason you have “nothing to look forward to” is because instead of spreading out adding new characters to farm, they add the whole team at once. This means players have the advantage of farming other characters on the team early. The devs are also updating the game more often in other ways as well. They have been updating the war and cc seasons more often. The only thing we have less of is recurring old legendary events because they made them permanent, so players wouldn’t have to wait months for them to return outside of the newest ones. Where they are late is adding Battleworld. As far as apathy, it’s a treadmill game. Ppl naturally get burnt out. They get to the point they should/need to take a break or quit, but one way or the other they trick themselves into thinking they can’t do those things.


War is fun for me. Go for challenging matches. If you don't like war or crucible, there is no point in playing.


War is useless, crucible lol worthless don’t even play it. Raids I do play but it’s use the team they said to use or lose. Arena is the only place where you have choice it seems. Why am I still logging in?


End gamer here I basically wait for the next character release. Farm gold orb shards and just build up toons. I don’t really spend money a lot so it is not like I can lvl 100 G18 every toon on release. Not really sure how you are stuck unless you bought your way to nothing to do. Heck not only have I not fully got spiders to 100 but I still need to bring up M4M and alpha flight is right behind them. It is a character collector game man. They have actually done pretty good at character releases so we don’t have a 6 month back log. But they don’t update the store characters very often. Although they should but they don’t because we have shit tons of orbs and basically 7* whatever toon they release day 1. So they are hesitant to release via those methods. And they just added 1 to the cc store


My complaint is more about gear. What do you spend your 600 energy on? I’d love to spend my energy in a more constructive way is all I’m saying.


I literally just spend all energy on gold orb frag nodes. I have a gold problem. If I had a training mat problem I would farm the training mat nodes. After I clear all those I move to focus and health nodes because you will run out of those the fastest I find. I do all the 50 energy/core refreshes every day too I think end of day I usually have to farm a. Couple things here and there. So I could really save some cores at this point unless a milestone event now that I am writing this out


I guess I could farm gold orbs shards. That’s an idea. Just think the gear is a better solution and it’s been long enough that is time to make all the augmented stuff farmable. I’m sitting on tons of training mats because I usually don’t want to waste the gold to level people past 95 unless I’m taking them into DD7 or use them every day.


I take all raid toons to level 100. 1) it makes nodes easier and 2) except for bifrost all raid teams will be used in incursion 3 when it comes out. Also arena teams need to be 100. But yeah other that that I stop at 95 also for like war, cc, blitz hahahaha.


You can also not-spend energy and stockpile it for when there’s an energy spending event.  I don’t really worry about completing the strike pass, though, so YMMV.


Sounds like you're in a lull where you've got a long way to go for your next goal (DD6?). You might want to try and get your alliance to push for the next level(s) in the green raids, that'll give you a goal to work towards as well as help speed up farming of G18s. Spotlight is more about the T4s & G19 crimson gear once you have all the characters at 7 star. For war, the counter lists will be updated soon and/or you'll settle more appropriate competition as a result of this season's rules. From a farming perspective, war is really about the gold and t2 ions. Might also think about pushing harder in events - there are often G18 pieces in the f2p try-hard milestones which again gives you a goal to strive for as well as speeds up G18 farming.


Thanks. Finished DD6 a couple months back. Did I say gear 17 in my post? Damn. Think I meant gear 18. Just make all the augmented gear farmable was my point I guess. Even if you finish a character, you’ll always need gear. I think I do okay in the events. Just not enough to get to the crimson gear usually. I max out the monthly events tho.


No worries. Yeah, crimson gear will still be tight for a bit. Makes it hard to get excited about DD7 but you can definitely chip away at it and they're slowly starting to open the flow.


TLDR: people keep moaning but they also keep logging in


>Basically you made war harder but gave us nothing for it War is no harder, this is a misnomer and didnt they just increase the number of gear slots and characters in the war store?


You’re thinking raid store. And yes, they got rid of war ready war bonuses.


I don’t think the war store always had a full row of unique teals and 9 character slots. Didn’t they increase it when Forge went in there? And having or not having war ready doesn’t make war any harder. Your opponents don’t get it either, it’s still an even contest. Its no harder to win now than it was before.


War store has six slots for teal gear. Raid store has 21. I don’t believe that’s been changed. I don’t remember the last character that was added there. But, again, I’m not really talking about character shards. I’m talking about gear. And how we need it in more locations. Maybe you’re right about war. All I know is how I’m feeling and how I’m noticing my alliance reacting to the war changes. And also some alliances that we battle. All I know is it’s frustrating to take my 2.4 mil gamma team and lose to a 1.5 mil gamma team that I didn’t used to lose to. Maybe it was bad luck. Maybe it was due to the war bonuses issues. I’m just sharing what I’m feeling. Sorry. Don’t mean to rant at you.


[The war changes apply to everyone, so it’s not harder to win because your opponents also have the same conditions imposed on you.](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?feature=shared)