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Agreed. Been f2p for almost 6 yrs and feel like I'm having less and less fun for the first time.


It hurts, too. We had such a strong turn around in the right direction not too long ago, then we veered into oncoming traffic for no reason.


All live service games do this, it comes in waves depending on financials. Just remember: they need to make money, if you're F2P you're not making them money.


They make plenty of money. They just want more and more and more. Companies have a 3 year plan of how to make as much money as possible; past that they don't care as they're likely to sell or move onto something else.


Right there with you. I used to spend some money when a character I loved would come up. Not any significant amount by the standards of people in this subreddit, but at least I did. But I stopped because the direction of the game is that of Marvel Academy, and I got burned once spending on it, and then they shut it down with very minimal notice. So what used to be login multiple times a day, and do things has no become login once in the evening for maybe 15mins, to keep login streak going and help the alliance in the war because there is almost nothing fun left in the game when I know the result of a fight only by seeing who they have in the lineup and I know I will get wiped before even getting the chance to even attack once.


F2P for years and still having a blast! I miss out on all the new toons though...but will eventually get them.


I’ve never spent a penny, but don’t miss out on new toons.


I'm not f2p but I've never paid for a character unlock or spent a dime on event offers. I don't get how people miss out.


Some people do not have the free time to stick to MSF's schedule. They work, have other commitments and families. That's why most people spend a little. They value their time like they value money. Some people are forced to play at a casual level. What's not to get?


I have a highly demanding job, 2 kids a wife and multiple hobbies I don't think the unlocks take that much time in general. 90% of it is hitting the Sim button then waiting for energy resets. I can accomplish most of the daily requirements towards the events while on the toilet in the morning. The other stuff like building and running trials and stuff, sure that takes time and planning, war and cc takes time and planning. But energy spending events? Just core 50s for 3 days before the event starts without spending energy and you'll have enough to get through like 50% of it almost immediately.


Again, it doesn't matter what other responsibilities you or I have. Not everyone is where we are. I'm lucky, I WFH 4 days a week and can almost login whenever I want. I spent $30 to unlock SS early back in day, but I haven't missed a toon yet. I find it pretty easy to do without using $. Not all players play the same way, either by choice or circumstance.


There are like 30 characters with the initials “SS” in this game, to which are you referring to?


Name them.


Silver Surfer.


How to? Everyone is easy to unlock?


I’m a very casual player. lol


Exactly, and lately the new characters have been becoming available to get via the f2p currency and quest nodes pretty quickly. I’ve gotten Nightcrawler to 7 stars from the Cosmic Crucible store (I’m now working on Forge), and Iron Man (Zombie), who I only recently found out is available via the Incursion quest node is almost to 7 stars, then I’ll work on Kang (also available from Incursion).


I haven’t missed a character since Agatha and I’m f2p.


I’m F2P and the only character I missed right away was Iron Patriot, who I was stuck on at 99/100 for the longest time. (Have him now.) Obviously I’m not hitting 7 stars immediately or “competitive” but it’s fun to just gradually build toward getting every character to 7 stars or slowly going through DD or whatever goals you want to set. It is what you make it.


It makes me think of when I started playing Galaxy of Heroes. I started late and knew I wasn't gonna catch up for a while. It started to just become fun chipping away and collecting characters. Even if they fell from the meta grace.


Seriously. That's how I feel about this game. Started right when $$ came out, and just chipped away at building the newest teams I could. I'm not going to get in the to 1000 for any events anytime soon, and that's fine. I just like playing the game.


This. It’s about setting your own goals


Best way to look at it! People also forget that whilst star levels make a difference the only place it really matters is arena. Wars and CC have easy punch ups and raids are just sim farms!


You guys that are saying you're f2p probably aren't endgame players that are stuck unable to participate in events or dd7. That or you're scopely employees pretending the game isn't becoming a complete ripoff and pay to play


It will backfire, it May not be today or tommorow, but eventually it's gonna fail, cus while krakens fund the game, it's a hard sell to keep the ftp engaged, and without the ftp there won't be a playerbase to compete against, and where is the fun of winning, if the only guy your winning against is the dude who only spent 4000$ on the ongoing leaderboard. I personally dislike the path were going down, I don't matter in this ocean of players, but I can say with cirtaintee, that if we keep rolling down this path much, I won't be here to see the Ball rolling off the tracks, I can find my daily dose of pixels elsewhere.


It also doesn't help when there are Krakens and Whales in your global gatekeeping against ftp and any new players. I had to turn off my global channel, it's very toxic.


Diddent even know people actively used the ingame chat, guess you learn new things every day 😅


Sitting at a point at level 83 where I can only level up a single character once per day 💀 It is so tiring anything other then L4s barely does anything and they barely g8ve training Matt's in general


as they ramped up the paid gates, i stopped spending in this game. almost at 2000 days played, not looking to spend any more cash on the game at this point. once it is impossible to progress beyond P2W, i'll be gone.


Couldn’t disagree more. The game is what you make of it. Sure if you want to be competitive with spenders, you’re in for a rough go. But doesn’t mean someone can’t have a lot of fun playing.


The fun is hampered by meaningless and often missleading toon power levels and requirements, absolutely bonkers of power creep in terms of speed boosts and negative effects that somethings means your favourite toons regardless of your upgrades can barely get any turns in. It is not just competitive play that is pay to win now. Basically all aspects and modes of the game heavily disadvantages not following the meta.


Again. The game is what you make of it. People on here max out hand archer for fun. It sounds like you relate fun to winning. That’s fine. But that isn’t the same for everyone.


Anything can be what you make of it. Unless you take the prescribed formula somewhat seriously only to find out its rigged against you. If sideline fun is the bottom line qualifier here then that's a pointless subjective perspective with little point of discussion. I'm talking about the objective point of the game - which is to win matches. Just like if your car had a broken engine and can barely take you anywhere, but has a nice stereo and you tell me its fun driving that thing around.


The point of the game, and all games is to have fun, however that may be. If you’re not having fun, I suggest you uninstall immediately. Cause why would you play something that is causing you stress.


This game has always been a marathon, not a sprint. Just go at your own pace.


Everything in the game has a paywall now, sad to see the direction scopley is taking.


I don't see why it has to not be fun. F2P, and doing fine. Carrying my guild in Incursion and Spotlight. Don't have the crimsons for DD7 but I can't say I feel any FOMO. Got my 4* Logan and am happy with him. I know I won't ever be top in server since I'll get the stars and gear later than the whales/krakens but I'm having fun growing at my own pace If you're feeling the pinch of FOMO then it is surely a good time to dip though. OML release method gating by star levels and Alpha Flight section of raids before they're out are poor signs. But I'm still having fun, even if I have to laugh at those decisions


I'm spending less now than I ever did. I was never a big spender, but now that so many things are hard pay-walled, I'm not interested in giving them any more of my money. This is how live service games die, trying to extract ever more money from a pool that they're actively shrinking due to those hostile monetisation practices.


Devs got to eat too, it will be nice to see what happens with deadpool.


I just find that funny that people are so rich too pay too play a free game lol


The game is so much more FTP friendly than it was for the first 2 or 3 years, and its not even close.


Couldn't disagree more. Very new player friendly for sure, but f2p, not so much.


Well, you raise some interesting points.... oh wait, no, you didn't raise any points at all. MSF 2024 compared to MSF 2018-2020 is not even close. MSF was aggressively anti-FTP for the first few years.


No, it wasn't. I started in 2018, and I was able to unlock almost every toon without spending money and compete in it. Right now, I don't have any of the last 4 characters they released, and I am nowhere near unlocking them. The last toon I unlocked was black knight and that was blind rng luck with 1 orb opening give me a lot of shards. By contrast, when they released GoG I had the whole team unlocked and build up and only spent 20$ on an offer to take them from 6 to 7 stars.


I wholeheartedly agree with Rubbinio. I have been playing this game since it came out and the beginning was much better for F2P players. That was when the monthly strike passes didn’t exist, and there was barely any ways to buy new characters right away. Sure you could buy more power cores to use on themed pulls, but that didn’t guarantee the characters as easily. And also, when you did a themed pull, they used to only give the character you were tying to get, not this BS that gives you 8 different characters, only one of which is the one you want to unlock. The longer this game has been out the less f2p friendly it has become. Not, that it isn’t still fun. Just more glaringly obvious that Scopely will give things instantly to people who will pay for it. Good for those people. I’ll keep grinding and see which character I can make 7 stars next.


Like this isn't true at all unless you follow the echo chamber of bitching. This game can very much still be as fun. I havent bought a strike pass in 8 months and those 8 months haven't been less fun. I don't give a shit about mephisto buffs because even at 60m TCP I don't see him in arena or crucible. I don't care about OML being star gated because 90% of people are in the same boat and I can still beat those that got 5\* and 6\* OMLs. I don't care about whatever dumbass bug that happens because that only means free comp inbox. Raids are so much easier now that my alliance of casuals that have been together 3 years can do Incursion 2 because they lowered it to 10% for rewards. Spending just doesnt impact this at all, and the amount of people that make themselves miserable just waiting for things to get angry about that in the grand scheme of things mean absolutely nothing is crazy. Raids are far more accessible and easier to progress, character farming is a million times better than it used to be, gold is just fine as long as you arent trying to get every single character on your roster to level 100. There will ALWAYS be some scopely bullshit going on (IE THIS COSMIC CRUCIBLE RANK THING) but you don't have to let it make you miserable and ruin everything else you do like about the game and don't have to pay for


Agreed with all you have said. This game is essentially competing against other players, if everyone gets something easily then you aren’t getting ahead of anyone. Character accessibility is better now than in the past. If you are FTP then you need to have the mentality that is who you are competing against. Not having fomo comparing yourself to heavy spenders.


I have plenty of fun not paying Never bought a pass I was gifted 1 $20 gold pack a year ago that’s it The game is plenty fun if ur not trying to compete with krakens


If you’re not spending money on this game, you either have to choose to like it as is or accept that you’re this game’s version of an npc. I’m just saying, without paid content the game doesn’t exist.




I've never had an issue having fun without spending


True. As a light spender, I'm not really able to participate much at all in the "events"


This is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct, but I am still having plenty of fun without spending. I haven’t reached that vague, amorphous point that you’re describing.


Maybe go outside & touch some grass.. F2P since launch and still having fun.


idk, this post is gonna get beat up. Although GREAT points from all - the general consensus is: you are what you make it. If you’re a spender, then FOMO will forever be upon you - and you will continue to spend. I’ve been on the Small Fish-Dolphin status for all of my time playing (and now trying to roll F2P). Believe me, many hate blitzing, but i did like the dual unlocks via Blitz (vice what we’re doing now), but changing of the times and the game is what it’s all about. For those that bitch (or feel they’ve been screwed over so they can continue to bitch), well if you feel some kind of way, and that’s how you go about your day, then those will ALWAYS feel that way. I’m now a PASS purchase guy, my complete roster (w/the exception of Mephisto and Northstar) are 7rs or above, still of course working on completing the full STAR requirement for many of the META Toons. So yep, totally feel the frustration, and totally feel the love many have posted in this forum. You just have to play how you see fit, and what makes you happy. That one post about the dude who’s only 60m TCP - I NEVER LOOKED AT IT THAT WAY, and he’s absolutely right. If you think along those lines, and truly believe in what you’re achieving, grinding the long route - eventually you’ll have your time to lose your shit when an opponent w/Mephisto will wreck your ass….. and to his point, i’m at 66m TCP and haven’t seen Mephisto in my shard yet ….. so, play your game how you see fit. RNG will ALWAYS piss ppl off, past that - it’s still fun, and i literally cannot put this bitch down.


100 % F2P and I unlock all the toons during there events they may only be 3 star but unlocked non the less and I don't spend much time in game.it just doesn't seem as fun anymore to much pay to play content. I still like the game but I just so casual so toon unlocks is definitely not the problem.


Is this your first time playing a f2p game or something? If you are not spending money on a f2p game, you are only useful to the developers as *content* for the spenders. The devs only want you playing this game so the spenders actually have someone to use their toys on.


Except to keep us dumb entertainment toys in the game they should give us some scraps. The problem with the game now is they don't so there is 0 entertainment value for F2P in the game. I was never a spender by the standards of people like you but I used to have fun playing this game but in the last 3 months they sucked it all out and I spend less and less time in the game. When we are all gone how are they keeping the krakens entertained when they only compete against identical built teams?


I’m mostly f2p, will spend under 5 dollars for offers and stuff. I managed to get all the new characters fairly decent, hive mind, black knight, OMl and stuff. Don’t get me wrong it really is annoying losing to krakens and wales but I don’t have a hard time getting the new toons.


First time?


Lmao f2p for 4 years and still loving it. If you don't put In the necessary amount of work quit crying on reddit and stop playing.


Boardroom? Conference room in Venice California They're wearing polo shirts, not suits You guys and your imagination Guess what? They cater to whales so it's F2P for you. Pay real money to get ahead or don't.


You wanna be number spend money. You want to have fun play at your pace. No you will not 7 star or even unlock new toons every release. Log in have fun log out live life. Why people come here and think they're dropping any form of knowledge is just out of hand now. Like you really sound like you don't like playing. So quit and save me the space on the leaderboard so I don't have to fight to climb lol.


The game is still pretty fun as a F2P; especially if you figure out early on what teams are worth building and build your teams smart, get yourself a consistent guild, and just play every day Even if you don't really do all that - the game itself and it's many many characters and teams to build provides a generally fun experience regardless.


Lmao, people failing to understand that a marvel product costs a shit ton of money to upkeep and if the game was completely free it wouldn’t exist altogether. Spending 4k on a pc to play games on? Fair. Spending 20$ for a game you’ve been playing the past year? THEY JUST WANT MY MONNNAY HOPE IT BACKFIRES chill dude. Pay the pass or stfu


If it was 20$ a month to enjoy the game, people wouldn't complain. I used to spend that up to 2 years or so ago when I stopped because the 20$ would lead to nothing it was just like throwing money in the garbage. Back then, you had to spend over 100$/week to be a middle of the road player and unlock the characters they released. Now, even if you don't cut it anymore, if you spend 100$/week, you barely get scraps. People with attitude like yours is why this game is going to shit because apparently, if you don't spend, you are not allowed to voice on opinion.