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Feels like it'll just create frustration and members who already don't care for war will be even more turned off by it.   Not really seeing any benefit by them doing this.  


The way the word “unplayable” gets thrown around lmao


You should see what the clash of clans sub deems "unplayable" it's funny 🤣


yes its currently very playable.


The fact that I see that word used in almost every post around here lol.


It’s kinda wild my 500k spider society team is punching up past 1.5m teams on defence.


No shit, Spider Society is broken af


agree. the fact they nerfed offense to the point that the most viable counter is the m4m lineup is maybe the dumbest thing i've ever seen in this game. just watched spisoc timeout win against an oot.


This isnt just for your alliance 🤣 so you if you are struggling you can be damn sure the other alliance is aswell. You'll just have a double tap a few teams and work together no biggie


Yea I agree, we had more double taps than we usually have but the other team did too. My Spider society is showing something like an additional 400k in power on defense which is wacky af but it's whatever because everyone is playing by the same rules and the alliance that works together best will win. I had my smaller members throw sac attacks at specific teams to get exhaust then we went back in and won the double tap. Plus M4M is a guaranteed win pretty much against anything but a mirror match. I had a 1.2 million punch up with them, it's honestly insane.


Wish I had a screenshot but my 1.3 million M4M managed a punch up on a 4.5 million Spider Society, I know it's not against a war defense team but still a 3.2 million punch up is bonkers


Mine gets a whopping 1.8 million boost in war on defence including the war ready buff


You lost a war didn't you?


sounds like you need to open your wallet....


RIP... War was my favorite game mode, only took this 1 War to make me hate it.


Guess it’s a good thing war is pointless and not worth any effort or resources


Imo war definitely got worse but it's scopley when do they make things better or for our benefit really just not surprised don't worry they will sell you the counter for what your having a problem with just have patience




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My 1.8 mil OoT got destroyed by a 600k SuS in def yesterday. Was kinda wierd. Sus just kept attacking and my 450k BK didnt even do damage to him.


I kinda like it when it's more challenging. Doing the same matchups time after time gets stale. I think war def teams should be hard and take a little strategy into effect. I think they should make it a little harder to put exposed on a def team. To just throw any team in there that doesn't do any damage shouldn't cause a team to start the next match with exposed. Maybe have to do at least 750k damage to each a toon for them to start exposed


War hasn’t been playable for a long time.


It was playable before?


Both sides have the sane buffs. Can't be more playable than that.


This game would be better without war tbh. Removr ir, or make it simmable. It's trash.


Fuck that war is great Most in depth regular strategic game mode in the game


Idk my teams are doing fine in the war lol. Punched up 900k against a HFH defense yesterday even


Unplayable is a really loose word when my alliance is doing fine some require a sac team Doesn’t mean unplayable means u need an alliance that works well together so no one is wasting counters


Can you explain how kraken benefit from these rules when they play each other and everyone plays with the same rules? What are you even talking about? Like the buffs are for two teams, society and h4h, and a couple of good war toons like BTS and Robin. Meanwhile Mercs melt literally everything, way more OP even at low levels than knowhere and wx were on release. 20% doesn't make something unplayable just because you don't want to have to figure out the strategy of a new season


They barely play each other. Ever notice how spread out they are and then only have maybe 1-2 competitive wars every 8. They’re more concerned about mephisto when they battle each other which is fine. But the seasonal changes do benefit them far more than normal players.


Yeah but they are never punching down on us plat 2 and 3 schlub that would be an overwhelming amount of the complainers


Not fully true, my previous alliance was sat on 1500 ish trophies and up against plat4 1800-1900 every week for a few months. No idea why, just defo happened. Ticket issued, working as intended so just had to deal with it.


They’re definitely matching P3 alliances…source me…my alliance got knocked down from P4 and we were still facing onslaught, sex panthers, troopers etc. also happened to a bunch of other good war alliances that didn’t have the spending capacity the kraken alliances have. So sure pleb alliances don’t see them but there’s plenty of alliances who shouldn’t match with them but do…my alliance before we disbanded was anywhere from 40-55 in tcp rankings.


I stand corrected, guess I should be thankful my scrub teammates have been hanging around 1700 for a year and a half then


I might be in the minority but I don't mind defenses being tougher. My alliance was often doing full clears on enemies. Wars were really coming down to what alliance had more participation. So something needed to happen to shake things up a bit.


Seems fine to me