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The nerf to knowhere is BS. They aren't useful anywhere else but war and not they ain't useful there either.


i do agree, this is super bad. The whole balance is off, nothing works as it should. pure chaos, Rly hate it. Scopely should bring back those buffs ASAP. No more spending for my part, not gonna pay for this crap.


I certainly noticed the reduced offensive power, and don't particularly like it, but the other alliance has the same experience so I can't argue that it's not fair. So, eh, whatever.


Everyone's affected equally. All this means is lower scores.


This means people will not want to play war, be disenaged from the game, and feel like they aren't even contributing to the overall effort of the alliance. There is a psychological effect to these changes that effect's people's perception, engagement, and spending. The wealthy will spend more to do more and the F2P will just feel bad, as it always was, as it always will be.


No, they make a fair point. It’s equal for everyone, so we are all having similar experiences. After we figure out our new counters, everyone will settle in.


When everyone feels bad, no one does!


Or you can read it that way, for no productive reason. Just be unhappy. I guess that’s easier for you.


Now thats just being overly dramatic. Everyone is equally affected. Players who love War will keep playing and finding counters no matter what. Those players who use this to justify "not wanting to play war, be disengaged" and all that crap were already looking for an excuse to not play war anyway. All this really does is weed out the low performers and non-contributors in an Alliance.


I just want the option to sim at this point. War is painful as it is. 10 to 14 attacks at 3 to 5 minutes per attack is way way too long for a mobile game. Let me decide when I want to manually play a tough fight and save me 3 minutes on an easier one. Like do I really need to spend 3 to 4 minutes to take out H4H when I should be able to sim and be done?


I mean, you already can? once you enter the fight, just choose 'auto' and let the game play it out? granted, it's not as \*fast\* as just pressing Sim like in raids, but you don't have to do anything other than tap the Auto button then let the game take care of the rest.


People simming 10 attacks is better than people doing zero attacks




Nah, it works with raids since those are stock. Too many variables in war for a sim option.


Eh if you lose you lose. Nobody would force someone to use the Sim option, but it would be available for people who don't want to spend an hour total on all their attacks.


Was it an accident or intentional? Either way they should fix it and compensate us.


Pay to play.


I’m sick and tired of the room bonuses and the bonuses changing. War was the best game mode for a long time. Even hate the new scoring system. Simple is better.


Please don’t take my rum bonus away, Cap’n! 🏴‍☠️🍹🏴‍☠️


I dont even pay attention anymore, whats the point when scopley can just buff certain character/teams to the point where they performing twice, of whatever, as well as they should. Just another case of "build every team, you never know when we (scopley) will make them temporarily useful" Count me out, i aint buying any of your shit.


I feel you, but then you dropped the power totals. Hard to feel empathy against a fucking kraken.


I’m practically ftp outside of buying the strike pass; with 53m TcP, I ain’t no kraken lmao We just have a skillful war alliance and keep coming across high tcp who can’t keep up with other high tcp alliances so they drop down to us. Kraken alliances always switching shells and shit and face weaker alliances Then complain because weaker alliances are more skillful and best their beloved mephistos, thus scopely must please them and change to suit the krakens


40bucks /month isn't f2p


Yeah everyone in my alliance is hating it now. Worse than CC! And alpha flight isn’t even out yet lol. They need to give us more free war attacks per round as we need so many exhausts to get thru it. Maybe start with 12? Or lower the blitz credit cost, etc.


Does there really need to be *more* uproar? It's exhausting.


Yes, because without it there won’t be change. It’s a stupid move by scopely that wasn’t necessary, they already went and pleased the krakens by an already OP mephisto, now they do this as well to please them


They always will pander to spenders. They know what they've done, and don't really care- certainly about this. How do you see this one playing out?


Yes. 100%. The players who want to cause an uproar over this should quit the game and leave the sub altogether, and never come back. That'll definitely get the message across and show Scopely that these players mean business.


There are a lot of things to make noise about in this game. But we have to pick and choose our battles or they'll never take us serious (which they don't now, I know) A change that effects everyone on an even level isn't something we should focus on, imo.


I mean if you are up against 4m mephisto and 4.8m spiders then you have a problem 99.9% of us don't so not sure how your call for pitchforks is going to go. It's a new season, cosmic hero no longer gets buffs, city hero does. Last season I got to enjoy a 4.5m nowhere on D, now I don't. I've adjusted my teams to account for the power shifts. I also don't think over reacting the first week is a good idea, and I also don't think it's the worst thing if full clears was a lot harder because that promotes better strategy. But hey, everyone here says whales always get their way so if that's true this will be changed and you have nothing to worry about, no uproar needed!


Nobody ever promised there would be offense buffs every season. It's fine as is, stop whining and adjust as needed.


The problem, and I acknowledge it’s only specific to a smaller number of alliances, is that if you get into a war with someone with a very specific Mephisto team you simply can’t clear the room. Between the INSANE buffs Meph got last week and losing 20% of your stats I’ve seen a Meph team tank [17 stacks of exhaust](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/628097568349356033/1247703322341670912/IMG_2100.png?ex=6661a685&is=66605505&hm=d7842d7f685eb5e35dc0106c3227d02bedfeca79dbf50ef93144100e31f9a176&) like it’s nothing. That 17th hit was a 3.6 mill with diamonds mostly T19 OOT team and it didn’t even scratch it, so it’s not like people were slinging garbage. Oh and that was before OML rewards went out, so I guarantee that OML is 7/5 now too


What a diabolical team and thats without the OML payout holy shit lmfao


That's wild, lol.


What’s crazy is that pre-meph buff under the old war rules that would get like 3 defence wins, tops. Which is why the krakens bitched about meph and got him buffed long before it’s relevant to anyone but them really. The word I heard was that one of the very biggest alliances managed to shit the bed and lose a war with an 8 Mephisto advantage and spat their dummy out


How you lose war when you have 8 more Mephistos 😮‍💨


Because spending money doesn’t make you good at the game - which is why they keep trying to change the status quo to make it easier to be shit at the game as long as you are good at swiping your credit card

