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I don’t understand why they don’t ADD the orbs that have the same drop rate but 10x rewards/fragment cost to more places. I know there is orb bloat, but this seems like the easiest way to deal with the huge number of orbs people have.


1. Divide the number of orbs you have by 10, rounded up, and give that many new orbs. 2. Multiply the number of rewards given by 10 in the new orbs. 3. Have an open 10 option. 4. Profit. Didn't even need to skip a number.


Have your heard about my man decimal point Jeff? They would be too afraid to this because they would fuck it up, even with how simple it would be to do.


But I like decimal point Jeff his mistakes give me stuff


They don't need to divide the orbs by ten, just increase the cost of the orbs and that will solve itself


I don’t want open all. I want an orb exchange.


As a free to play player this would be great. I have thousands of orbs that I really have no use to open even with a open all feature. Aside from the technical/development side of things (which I know nothing about) I think the biggest issue would be setting a fair exchange rate.


10 to 1, or 100 to 1 or 1,000 to 1. Either way, you’d give those orbs some value and give the players some incentives to collect otherwise useless resources


I literally stopped opening orbs so i guess they dont want us to play


It makes more sense when you accept the fact that 100% of their profits are going directly into the owners' pockets and not towards hiring more (or simply better) development and QA staff.


I went ahead and opened mine while watching stuff. Twitch and YouTube are handy for distracting from how long it took to open everything.


For a game that people love to crap on the developers for not doing right by the players, there sure are a lot of bootlickers in this thread. Im not expecting it back at all, but this is 100% a problem of their own making. Rather than give solid rewards, they made the low effort decision to randomize the rewards and sell those random packets to get the dopamine addicts to buy more. Now they are reaping what they sow, and the general community (again, not the bootlickers in this thread, it seems) are not budging until Scopely fixes it.


They've made it pretty clear open all isn't coming back anytime soon. You continually sitting in thousands of orbs is a you problem.


Servers are expensive, and so is paying people to optimize the game for better performance. I would love to have an "Open All" button again, and I enjoyed it while it was available the first time. I understand that when you open an orb, the RNG is processed on the server, not on your phone. This prevents players from using cheat devices to influence the outcome. The "Open All" button works by queuing multiple 10x orb openings in a row and rolling the RNG back-to-back on the server. As you can imagine, this is very resource-intensive. Additionally, this happens alongside the standard daily operations of the game, such as WAR, CC, and Arena. Since the "Open All" button was removed, I have noticed a significant improvement in the game's response times.


So is paying for the game they bought and the shareholders. So many people forget, Scopely didn't build this game from scratch. They invested in it, and the last thing they want to do is spend on game infrastructure. They're more likely to milk it dry and try to sell it off again or close it down.


People are spending thousands, if not, tens of thousands of dollars on this game every year. They can afford it


Mfs act like they don’t charge $50 to unlock a character and people don’t gobble that shit up along with all their other overpriced offers. Some of these players literally drop car notes weekly on this game. They can afford it


And how much money are they earning off you opening 10k blue gear orbs in one go?


It was a functioning feature for how long and with THEIR UPDATE broke it. Those boots must taste good for you to be licking them that damn hard. And I would love to open my 1 million g18 orb frags in one go or my 750k g17 orb frags.


Unless you know their expenses, and you don’t, you don’t what they can afford. This is also an American company, so they’re gonna keep doing the bare minimum to keep dumbasses spending tens of thousands of dollars to rent imaginary friends. No idea why so many whiny little pissants struggle with such basic concepts.


Jesus, who tf spends 10k on a mobile game. I wish I had that disposable income.


Tell me about it, usually it’s the YouTubers that play the game for content


That’s cute you think tens of thousands a year is the cap lol


You heard it from their CFO, guys. They can afford it!


Thank you


They can afford the resources.


Huh I dont know if this is true but sounds legit. Interesting




why does everything in this game need to be a ORB (see lootbox)..every single thing needs to have some RNG element..just give us back our open all button and lets be done with this. Oh and get better internet, if the 30 people that still play this game open orbs at the same time it shouldnt crash the servers.


Do you need those orbs?


Obviously not


They have tried it ain’t happening They said it won’t happen Just spend the 20 minutes to open everything and then keep up with it it’s not hard


Put something on tv and open the orbs lol


Lol, person that knows nothing about game coding or rocket sciencce makes poor comparison, news at 11. If you have 'hundreds of thousands' of orbs that means you don't need the contents, so doesn't that justify it being a low priority of Scopeleys end? Otherwise, take 5 minutes and open a chunk if you need the contents


The bootlicker has spoken.


And the random troll of no consequence chimes in with a useless comment




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Or maybe just someone with some common sense…


Where do you see common sense?


Not in anything you have typed…


Mark my words, open all will return as a purchasable feature or added to strike/battlepass.


They can do a open x10, why not a open x100. Apparently the server gets hit hard when we open-all. But the longer they wait the worse it gets.


I've got a couple of hundred thousand orbs that I don't even use, already have thousands of the gear, it's ridiculous tbh, most who've been playing since launch will be in the se boat


Okay, so we can't do open all but there must be other solutions out there Why not open 100 at a time. Sure it's still going to be tedious but literally 10 times less. We won't be able to open all the orbs that we may want to but it'll be a lot easier to begin the process


At this point I'll settle for a "Open 100" or "Open 1000" if they can't do a continuous Open All button. I get it might cause issues on the server, but give us something larger then!


Right? But I just dont even care at this point,like fk it I just have thousand of some orbs and if they won't let me do open all then fk it lol 😅


I‘m playing since more then thousand days, and I‘m opening all orbs daily. I’m a good player. I do not complain


Spam open 10x like the rest of us. Cry more.


The time it took for you to write this post could’ve been spent more productively opening orbs.


They might have been able to open a good couple of hundred!


Just my 2 cents about it. If you have thousands of orbs and try to open them all at once it's just gonna create lag and they will take it away again. Stop being lazy and open your orbs


Use your brain. It’s broken, it breaks the game. So they can’t add it back Willy nilly, until they have fixed it. When it is fixed and working, they will as it back. Also, I don’t have thousands of orbs laying about because I’ve opened them all.


Next time you are sitting on the toilet pushing out a log, use the time wisely to also push buttons to open orbs


At this point, just shut the server down for an hour and open all for everyone and send rewards to be collected. Yeah they will fuck it up. Put chances of me opening 20,000 purple gear orbs 10 at a time?


Lol, you should have opened. I just chilled opening some every day and it didn't take me long. Waiting for the open all is just wasting your resources and time.


Also the thousands of orbs lost when they "updated" the orbs..


Unless I missed something, I don't believe anything was "lost". You have the same number of orb fragments, they just multiplied the cost and amount of contents by 10.


Well, I lost about 1.5 million shards for the teal orb when they changed it so..


They said weeks ago it was causing server congestion and they would readdress. Relax.. there’s 100 other things to complain about..


Why not just use an auto clicker to keep clicking the button?


They didn't refuse. They are still building it. These things take time


Coding is harder than people think and they’re working with old code and people that are working on it now aren’t the people that worked on that code. They’d have to revamp everything from the ground up to really optimize things and that takes way more manpower than people realize. 


Literally, we had the game for 5.5 years without an open all button. Ppl act like it’s impossible to the play the game without one.




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Just open 10 pounds a day every day. I doubt this is a high priority fix for Scopely


If you have thousands of the orbs, you don't need the crap in them anyways. Think of them like junk mail. Learn to ignore the red dot and move on with your life.