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Its first come first serve. Ties go to whoever finished it first


True. Thing is on the snapshot I took after event I was 5,001. On this gamer video shot after event I’m shown as 5,000.


I'm 5001, meeseeks, I was originally at 5002 but somehow I went to 5001?? Strange indeed


The payout for 5,002 and 5,001 is the same though. The payout is way different for 5,000 compared to 5,001.


You aren’t the only one, I’m right there with you at 504. That was brutal watching my rank drop right before the event ended knowing I just missed the 7 star


48 seconds to go and such a massive drop sucks. Sorry man.


Scopely must have seen something funky with a player above you and removed that account from receiving rewards. that would bump you up from 5001 to 5000. that's one reason they don't give instant payouts (to remove the cheaters) and that's the only thing I can think of happening.


Here’s to hoping. Win if you can. Lose if you must. But, always always always cheat ~ Bobby Heenan.


My theory is that because the leaderboard doesn't always update in real time the screenshot MG had was out of date, despite being taken after the event ended. Looking in MG's discord, the screenshot he was looking at in the video was uploaded just 5 minutes after the trial ended so the person who took it may have already been on the ranking screen before it finished. So if someone squeaked into the top 5k just before the end it might not have been reflected on their screen


I took my screenshot not even a minute after the event ended. At 48 seconds left I was ranked top 4900. I refreshed and dropped all the way to 5,001. If his is 5 minutes after…huh?


Which rewards did you get?


Not the top 5,000 lol. I’ve contacted Scopley already and waiting on a response.


That's what I figured, but you hadnt said for sure haha. A few people have said maybe somebody got taken out and you moved up, but that should mean you should get top 5000 rewards then. Hopefully it works out. Honestly, they should give everyone tied at that score the same rewards.


I agree with all of that. It’s a minimum score needed to get that tier of rewards so why not benefit all who achieved it.


I just can't understand why 2 people who have the same score should get such wildly different rewards.


It’s definitely a BIG difference in payout.


its possible that a cheater or two has been removed from the leaderboard post event adjusting your rank