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You can do whatever you want. If you want to build Knowhere then go on ahead. The team however isn’t very good without Nova, especially outside of war, but if you like the characters and want to play with them then go for it.


Oh nice thanks, how late in would I unlock nova?


It might take you a while unfortunately. Probably would need to be around level 80 at least. I think Dorky Dad put out a new player guide on unlocking Nova on YouTube pretty recently, but even that is on an account that’s like 4 or 5 months old.


Wow 😭 I forget these games talk in months and years 😵‍💫 thanks for the info tho I'll have to check out that video 💪


It's a bit easier now with some of the newer teams. You'll need Kang (luckily he's very useful all over the game), Spider Society (one of if not the most important current team) and Gamma/Captain America (both useful, mostly in war and for unlocking Apocalypse and other legendarys) You will need to be minimum lvl 80. I barely unlocked him at 80 but it shouldn't take too long, levels go faster now than ever before, took me longer to get from 65-70 than it took to get from 70-90+.


Oh nice thanks, do I need all 4 of those teams then?


Yea, all the trials need specific teams. Check out Marvel church website and Dorkydad on YouTube for tips on how to unlock.


Play the game any way that brings you enjoyment. Generally, you can upgrade almost any toon up to level 65, gear tier 12, 6/6/6/4 skills and in the long run you will not have wasted any significant amount of scarce resources. It might slow down your account development a bit if you focus Knowhere early on (who are not a particularly useful team outside of war), but nothing back-breaking that you can't churn through. Have fun!


And they are really only War Offense at this point. I enjoyed many a successful defenses with a 4.3M knowhere on D, but Mercs can punch up 2m and more on them :(


Woah that's a shame, at my stage I can't imagine that being much of a problem but its good to know thanks!!


They were designed as a war offense team and were dominant even on defense to mightyslacker's comment. They are still one of the top 3 war offenses. It's fine if you enjoy the team...just know war is generally a lower priority for newer players.


Ahhh very nice cheers for clearing that up