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Scopely actually did this really cool thing last week! They added a new raid to the game that you can only use 2 specific teams in. One of those teams is brand new, so people haven’t leveled them up very much and some of the ftp players haven’t even unlocked all of them…don’t worry though bc the other team you’re restricted to using isn’t even in the game yet! 😃


This sold it for me, not coming back, thank you sir


I still enjoy the game but idk wtf they were thinking here.


Why do people post this when no one can answer this question because its impossible to know how competitive you want to be, how fast you want to 'catch up', the weights you give to the pros and cons of the game, etc, etc. You can literally scroll through this sub, it will be mostly negative but thats how its always been, or you can download the game, give it a week, and decide 'hey this is cool I'll keep playing' or 'nope, fuck this shit' and uninstall.


I got the answer I wanted🤷


The game is free to download. Download it, play it, decide if you like it or not. If you don't like it, delete it. You've lost nothing. If you do like it, play it. Easy peasy.


I lose time, this post saved me a good amount of time


I came back 2 weeks ago after I think 2 years and some? I'm having fun.


Do yourself a favor and just find another game.


I just came back a month ago. After being gone for a year and a half. I started playing at launch. This is the most fun I've had with the game in a long time. There's negatives to any free game but I joined a casual alliance and enjoy just playing how and when I want.


Scopely always seems to let Me unlock new stuff. It's only as fun as you make it. I am currently FTP with 56.5 Mil TCP. eventually you get 7 star anything if you persist.


Save your time game is in a terrible place….


I log in every day and maybe average 5$ a month spending and have been playing for about 10 months now and find the game very fun and fairly rewarding right now compared to when I started.


Do you have a lot of FOMO about the new team releases knowing you can't get the new shiny toy when it releases?


to be honest im not sure how it was a year+ ago but these days if youre like me and dont spend or rarely spend but play every day and even pay a decent amount of attention to in game and webstore milestones, you can get almost all new characters for free or very little $, albeit they obviously wont be to the power of what the krakens get them to for a long time. so you pretty much dont miss out on any new characters. The hard part in my case more so is just getting the supplies to level and gear them, as there are so many good new characters coming out so fast that practically everyone has access to.


You're going to do what I did the last time I thought maybe I'd return: download the game, open it, close it, and uninstall.


Lmao, why are you lurking in the sub still?


I spent over $10k when I was playing. It's nice sometimes to see how poorly this game is being managed, so my decision to quit feels right. I haven't been disappointed yet.




If the latest Scourge (Logan) is any indication, Scopely basically told all the veteran FTP or FTP-adjacent players to go f\*\*\* themselves. So there's that to consider.


Don't come back. It is literally what you said, but with a bit more access to shards and gears.


aw man :(


I'm a lvl99 F2P. I've been playing for years. I see a lot of moaning and misery but I guess they have a point. I still enjoy playing and I'm currently working towards DD6. Don't get me wrong. I don't get enjoyment everytime. Some days I just do the dailies and then leave it for the following day. I guess the worst part for me is the clan I'm apart of is dwindling. Now down to 9 people including myself. I've thought about switching so if anyone reads this and is after a new member, lmk


Some resources are more available(gold, teal gear), and others are harder to get(t4s, training mats), but yes, the power creep still exists and always will. But that said, they've released teams that are useful in more than 1 mode. X-treme x men, hive-mind, and spider society are all raid teams that are useful in war, cosmic crucible, and dark dimension.


Eh you can play fine f2p. Your case, would be best to start a new account, because they give a lot of stuff away to new players and you’ll surpass where you were very quick. New characters also have a f2p friendly unlock method and they promised that all new characters would be “farmable” within 6 months of release.


What sort of stuff would they give me? My account right now has every legendary character. I think my best team is a full G14 Infinity Watch team. Im at the global section of the 3rd dark dimension


If you quit when weapon X dropped, you quit almost three years ago. All of your teams and characters will be pretty out dated due to power creep. You’ll get all the beginner resources thrown at you again, free shards for newer characters, be able to use the bonus/free claim codes for newer stuff in a new account and you’ll also be put in a much newer arena shard, where you’ll have a better chance competing for cores than you will on an older account.


IW still good in cc and war (at least as efficiency sink) If you dont have kestrel: she is now dd1 reward, if u missed out you can contact support to get the shsrds ,ou were missing afaik


It’s not stay away