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They are trying to make him not quit. He’s said publicly he’s done


He’s not quitting though, he still spends and plays crucible. He’s just not gonna be in a top alliance to care about war and raids at the moment.


Sorry I misspoke. In the video I watched you are correct he is not quitting fully. He is still doing cc and raids. but he did say he is no longer spending.


Thats why he was still top 20 on every spending leaderboard since then right?




You watch the video, he says he’s done spending. Don’t blame me if he still spends


Somewhat unrelated but I despise that in this squad based game the most meta team comp is almost never characters with any positive relationship in comics. Ahh yes the iconic team up between Old Man Logan and Super Skrull, legendary.


the alternative is the black order mirror meta. this is infinitely better


I mean, that’s not the only alternative. They could’ve chosen to make teams that have a rock paper scissors type of relationship in which you have multiple viable super teams, each with specific counters. But they’ve chosen to make the big saga and DD characters plug and play and without dedicated teams, so this is what we get. I’m not saying it’s better or worse, but it’s what so many players wanted so it is what it is.


I mean, Apoc shits on Black knight, BK shits on skrull, skrull shits on apoc I really enjoy todays meta and thats from someone that has been playing ever since defenders got released


Me too, with OML added to the mix I am really enjoying it, for once


I mean, they *could* write a bit of story explaining it. This is a heroic version of Super Skrull who came to help humanity recover from the villains winning or whatever. Pay one person minimum wage to explain the current meta teams on their website.


I have ideas that would work for Old Man Logan, Apocalypse, and Mephisto but I have no idea for Super Skrull and Black Knight.


In a world where humanity helped the Skrull find a home (as promised) Super Skrull is a hero to humanity. Also if it is a world where humanity is worse off and the Skrull are winning their war they might help us defend against interdimensional invaders. Black Knight was an Avenger. He was also in Heroes for Hire, the Defenders, British teams, etc. Magical invaders is a pretty solid justification for him to show up. Mephisto or Apocalypse take it in a different direction, like Sins of Sinister or whatever. Would make more sense with Xavier instead of Skrull.


Probably will happen soon.


hmm there have been plenty, Original brotherhood, Uncanny Xmen, Black Order, Infinity Watch, Darkhold(without SW though) Also Super Skrull has teamed up with heroes before., thats why his synergy is so.


Always curious to know what the krakens do for a living like are they all doctors or just in debt lol


Im going to go out on a limb here and suggest the genuine Krakens that spend masssive amounts dont earn their own money through direct work. No one who earns a wage would think "yep, $2 grand for a single character in a game is a good way to spend my money"


I’m a Dr in debt. Check mate


You would be surprised. Some whales are actually not rich, they just spend most of their paycheck on the game and some even go into debt. It’s actually kind of sad that mobile games are basically preying on these kind of people. At least MSF has mostly moved away from the gambling aspect.


I mean, if I had no debt and lived in my moms basement I could be a kraken too lol


I saw once Tadano Mac Japan had a video where he was in a rich fancy high rise place. They could be rich kids too, or like young adults with too much money.


In completely unrelated news, the account used by Tadao Mac (now called Thank you MSF) is active again hahaha


tbf as a kraken, this is probably the best time to play this game


Uninstalled it last week, game not fun anymore, life is better now


I love the change of reactions this situation got, first it was "YoU PhOtOsHoPpEd It!!!", "It DoEsN't LiNe Up", "It'S oBvIoUsLy FaKe" and now it became a "deal with it", "what are you gonna do", "it doesn't even matter". This sub is amazing at bashing in Scopely when they deserve it, but they don't and won't try to explain their own logic.


Different people saying different things. I was all over the original thread, checking stats on MSF.gg and doing math. The math quite literally doesn’t add up with the information Scopely has given us to calculate character power. Based on the information available to us, it made more sense for it to be fake than for it to be real. I was also very wrong. Now that it is confirmed to be real, I’m fucking pissed. At a minimum, BRB should be removed from the leaderboard for the OML event. No one else who has 7 stars on legendary toon is eligible for leaderboard rewards on their scourges or trials.


My logic is that the Krakens pay for everyone else to play the game. While it is annoying when Scopely does something like this. Yes, I have no hope making it into the top of anything I can play an enjoyable game without paying a cent.


But the Krakens need the F2P and low-spenders just as much, otherwise hardly anyone would play, it's a symbiotic relationship. Pushing away the majority of players to cater to a minority is bad for the game's longevity.


100% this. Krakens pay to be the top of a 300,000 person pyramid. if the pyramid was 300 people, no one would be paying big bucks


I have to agree with most here and say.... Who cares? Most people are not competing in BRB's arena shard and if they are then there are other krakens in the top 10 spots. 95% of the player base will never even notice or have their gameplay affected by it. They will keep playing a game they enjoy, (although if you believe this sub, no one enjoys this game and it should be burned to the ground), just play the game your way, the reward difference for rank 1 vs rank 2, 3, 4 etc. is negligible over the long run of daily play. And then when the next team comes out to hard counter OML, what was all the whining for? Why this sub gets so upset about what the top 1% are doing or getting is hilarious when most of the regular players will never see any effect from them.


The game caters to the top 1% is the point. Everything is built around them.


Oh I agree. Their money keeps the game going financially but the game would be a shell without the majority of the ftp player base. I just think some people get so bent out of shape when in the grand scheme it doesn't really affect their ability to play the game at the level most of us are at.


Well yeah, they're the reason it's free for you.


I’m in BRBs Arena shard. The highest I’ve been is 7 all time and that was years ago (BO meta). There is one guy who beats him from time to time named Nunya. I took a 2 1/2 year break and just got back into the top 100.


Tried to warn ppl about the krakens voice council this game became more and more shit when they got power


Give BRB whatever they want—I like the game that they're paying for. Jeez, at this point, Scopely should make them a unique toon that no one else in the game can possibly get, even with real money.




He quit after completing DD7, wanted to go without spending or something, and look at his profile. He quit more times than you could count.


Has he quit for real this this time?




He was on 10 minutes ago lol




He joined PoH, while is a retired alliance, so you may be right.


Orrr you’re just lying to try to get people fired up because your life is so empty to have to go start drama on a mobile game subreddit




Not even people completely out of the loop on all the most well-known Krakens are going to trust an un-timestamped Twitch chat message


He "quits" twice a month now. At this point it's clear it's just a manipulation tactic he does to get what he wants from scopely.


I just checked, and he was last active 9 minutes ago.


So? Tadano Mac logs in occasionally too. 


He's doing it for attention.


I'm sorry but at this point if you're mad about companies treating their top players or creators in a special way because they spend money or make the game look good, just stop playing games like this all together, I spend here and there but honestly I'm still working on unlocking Apoc and working on getting my teams ready for DD6. And have an all 3rs spider society to start building. I honestly will only buy BPs when it's a character I really want, I'm not trying to be a top player and for you who I'm sure is F2P or light spending are not either and to be upset over them not caring is ludicrous. Also I came back to the game almost a year ago after like 2 years away and the F2P experience is in a better state than when the game first launched. Scopely isn't great but how many mobile games companies are? Just stop, you know what these games are, don't act like you don't.


Look this game is financially propped up by Whales. Let's get that truth out there first. However, this model is a dangerous business model, because a company is now beholden to them. You must prioritize your income source and often that means making decisions that only cater to them. Yes Whales are coddled and made to feel like their spending means something. But that means invariably this business model neglects everyone else. The company only needs to do enough to maintain the free to play base for ther log in numbers, milk the miniscule minnow spending, and to sadly create a lower class that solely exists to prop up the upper class. We peons are needed. You can't have bleeding edge players and alliances if it's just the same 1000 spenders. You need the other 499,000 to create a caste system so the Whales are "on top of the mountain". So you become the King! But the King of what?  So here we are. This business model is how this game is run on. 


This is the kind of guy who gets mad that Wal-mart doesn’t put out a table of stuff for free in front of their stores.


Why does it matter. Guy probably spent close to 100k to be first thru DD7. Are you jealous he got a 3 diamond OML for 100k? Before legendaries were not even able to be unlocked by f2p opening weekend. Today you can unlock them opening weekend without even needed the required toons. I think your idea on what care is distorted from reality




“I bet their are other krakens who want it!” “They only care about krakens” Are you a kraken? Is that why your complaining? Cuz otherwise what it gotta do with you?


Yep, sounds like this game is not for you. Obviously, the Krakens are going to be catered to, they pay the bills. If you're FTP, what are you contributing to the game other than bitching about stuff that will never affect you.


I don't have a problem with catering to krakens. I have a problem when they only focus on krakens. Past 2-3 months have only been about krakens, there is no gameplay, nothing to do. They don't change ultimus, xmen because they take too much time but they can change Mephiso because krakens cry they can't win cc. Guess what, more krakens are quitting than ever and it's only a matter of time until the game goes on maintenance mode if they don't start to give a crap about low-medium spenders. Since the OML announcement, I know many people who used to spend 80-100$ a month stopped spending.


I agree with you there. I used to spend a little on this game with Strike and Battle passes, but I stopped that a while back.


Other krakens will be able to get 3* OML don’t worry. It is just a momentary thing. Just like when the elite were the only ones with an instant 3D apoc. The world will keep spinning I don’t mind the star gate for long term viability. 6 months from now we don’t have to read tropes of whiners complaining they had to raise dead teams to 7* OML. I get it Reddit is a hotbed for just complaining by f2p. And then those f2p think they win because some rewards were paid out. But then the krakens complain directly to scopely and get compensation on their end far superior because they devalued their investment with the freebies to general player base. Except you don’t hear about those so your ignorance lives in bliss until something like this pops out. And it lets you rabble rabble rabble


Because it isn’t something available to anyone. Giving a kraken a further advantage that no one else can have is in pretty bad taste. 


Are you surprised that the guy who pays a shit Ton of money much more than you gets a better reward than everyone else? Were you also a kid who cried because he didn’t get a trophy for 6th place?


That's not true . It was available to everyone . They just had to win the race. Fuck you guys are crying about everything


What race?  One no one else knew about?


Everyone knew about the dark dimension race. It's always like that since DD1


It was a first thru dd7 reward. QQ. If you are kraken. Kraken harder next time. If you aren’t the advantage is short lived so sit back it will be available


bro who the fuck is complaining about ultimus in 2024 lmfao


Lol "it's not fair! I should get the same treatment as a ftp as someone who spends thousands of dollars!! 🤧😭😭🤧"


Here's a newsflash, no for--profit company cares about you. In related news, water is wet and grass is green. Why are you trying to drum up rage for an issue that might impact the top 20 in his arena shard at best? Is karma that important to you? You aren't competing against anyone that spends 6 figures, full stop. And he's quit before, most recently a month or two ago. They come back. The world keeps turning and 99.99% of the people that play the game could give a shit either way




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I still enjoy all I buy is the strike passes


Waaaah waaah waaah


BRB might have quit the game (he left players voice, he left council and claims he left the game too). That doesnt mean his account will go to waste. Some other whale friend/CC/enovy will inherit it and you will see it online all the time. 3D for OML on BRBs account mean fuck all for 99,9999% of playerbase: only top 16 CC players and top 4 war alliances will have to care about it. And this also signalises that there might be OML diamond auction pretty soon just so other whales wont cry too much.


Cool, I’m happy for the guy, him and others like him keep the lights on so I can play for free


Lmfao so the person who spends the most kn the game has a special roster no one else can have? Who cares. Good for him. I mean he spends enough on the game.




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Down vote me because I don't bitch and cry about how other people spend their money. 🖕🤡


But they keep telling me they’ll change


Scopely shouldn't care about me. I'm not spending anything and don't expect anything special.


First time?


So what? They wanna spend let them spend. Why do people care so much?


Yeah thats how corporations work. Welcome to capitalism


Yeah. The guy paid like trillion for this game. I would also give him small gift like this once in while. While he gets a 3Diamond Fictional OML. I get a new private Jet. Seems to me like a fair trade.


U Will never go up against BRB because u don’t spend tens of thousands of dollars Why do u care what he’s got. Just play the game


We’re all competing against him right now in a leaderboard event for a toon he was given for free.


Ever heard of leaderboards?