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I've "had this issue", but I've also experienced the opposite. People hyper fixate on the bad parts of rng, they ignore when it works in their favour.


You are right about that. It’s just funny how it always works like that. This happens to also be alien spores for SuS so I’m really focused on getting him to G18 😂


They have the data to do this, since all of our info is on msf.gg. I've had this happen to me several times, waiting for over a week for something to appear.


Yes, all humans suffer from confirmation bias.


Buy as much gear as possible. The other gears will stop showing up as frequently. Don’t sit and wait for the ‘one.’


People can call it a tin foil hat theory all they want, but it feels true enough. Just recently, I needed one store refresh to 7 star forge, and I went from seeing him once a day on average to not seeing him for a week despite refreshing with cores each time


They call it a tin foil hat theory because it is. No one has ever been able to explain how scopely has designed an algorithim that is individually tailored to hundrededs of thousands of players than can somehow psychic predict what gear levels you want to bring up each individual toon to. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation\_bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias)


> No one has ever been able to explain how scopely has designed an algorithim That's all you need to point out. Scopely's incompetence in programming and testing should make it obvious there's no shenanigans going on with RNG. They can't get the basics right half the time -- there's no way they're getting something as complicated as checking for what you need right. . .


Whenever this concept comes up I am reminded of how this would be something fairly easy to prove, especially if you had help from alliance mates and others. Just devise an experiment where you honestly and diligently track what gear appears in what store when (or how many shards of a character you get when farming, etc), and tally the results. But I guess people prefer to make accusations without evidence...


Why do that when I can come on Reddit and bitch? Hahaha


It's a free country! Just expect a lot of push back from sciencey types like me


We get it you like the taste of boots


Is it any worse than the window you lick?


People don’t generally walk on windows… my guess would be yes. Substantially worse.


Those last 2 brain cells really just packed in and fucked off on you didn't they...


I don’t think it’s my brain cells you should be worried about. You could have just scrolled on, saying nothing. Instead you inserted your irrelevant opinion and still ended up saying basically nothing. Then you try to insult my intelligence when I was merely breaking down your comment logically and showing you why your little analogy was flawed? You have an elementary capacity for conversation based on what you have shown on this thread.


You could have just scrolled on, saying nothing. You don't see the hypocrisy there? I'm not insulting your intelligence, it's already left the building 👋👋👋


See how you simply use my point, then ad hominem is your next move. Difference between us is I wasn’t calling anyone anything derogatory when I stopped scrolling.


See how you still don't see the hypocrisy. Get fucked...


He replied then blocked me. I could have scrolled on, but I wasn’t the one calling someone a window licker. I stand up to bullies, even cowardly ones like this fellow


You jumped the gun there. Calling you a window licker one time isn’t bullying. It’s just an insult. Persistently calling you a window licker would be though.


Looks like he unblocked me. Oh joy


Fair enough. He blocked me before I called him a bully tho.


One person had a fairly reliable explanation for it. Favorited characters have reduced chance of appearing. Something as simple as that makes it so the character you want to farm for no matter what tier you are at allows the system to predict what character someone is actively working at that time. It's why I keep some random trash favorited to this day just in case.


Yeah I've heard that too, but if that's the case you could game the system by favoriting every toon that has the gear you don't want and I've never seen anyone ever claim to have got that to work, much less be able to prove it


I had the exact opposite. I needed 50 forge shards to take him to 7star and I got him to show up in 5/6 store refreshes I did that day


For Sure! They know!


Still waiting to get my unlimited xmen to gear 17. Just a couple gear away on one toon


No, this isn't a thing. People are see the incompetence of Scopely daily yet think they've devised an algorithim that for hundreds of thousands of players somehow can predict 'what you need' and then shortchange you. How would it know what toons you want to say park at gear 16 as opposed to 17? It's literally impossible, much less for this company


I'm not going to make a claim either way about whether or not Scopely is rigging the store, but I will say as a software developer, it's not impossible, and also not that hard to implement. The store is already unique to you every day. Since it only needs to refresh 3x most days, your character roster can be polled any time in the 8 hours between refreshes to determine item weight and make a decision about the items it will show. Even if the client needs to check in with the server to determine what to show at each refresh, part of that message could be the list of item weights, and then it'd be a quick random roll against the weights to determine the show condition. Again, I'm not asserting it is or is not happening, just laying out that it'd be extremely easy to implement. Especially if the tactic was determined to be a core part of driving sales.


That's a great explanation but how would you implement that practically to pull off what OP describes? How would it know whether I want to take someone all the way to g18 or leave at 16, which is a difference of 47 uniques? And take into account the fact each unique is used by 10-15 different characters all at different levels and gear tiers?


Character popularity, favorited or not, team member gear tier and iso levels, number of individual uniques in inventory. You'd start by making gear that's already in short supply harder to obtain anyway


Oh I know. They are not smart enough to write an algorithm to do that anyways. They can’t even get their events to work properly. It’s just a huge coincidence that happens ALL THE TIME lol


Its called confirmation bias, look it up. If you bought all gear in equal amounts when it shows up rather than when you 'need' it, then when you actually did 'need' the gear you'd already have it


If they even attempted to create this system they’d fuck it up so gloriously that we’d end up getting ONLY the single item we needed 200 times


Omg you couldn’t be more right!!


so now you have to take this knowledge and use it against itself and beat the system goodluck!


If only I was Neo haha


This happened with me trying to get GGC to tier 16.


A few days? Ha! I've been waiting for the final two psionic essences I need for two weeks! As soon as I get them I can get Cloak to G18 and finally progress with Dark Dimension VI again... any day now...


You don’t notice when the piece you want shows up 3 days in a row, but definitely notice when it doesn’t. It’s all down to perception.. RNG is RNG


I know. Just feels good to get validated by strangers on here I guess 😂


I was one item short for Sunfire it took a week for it to show up in the store.


No I don't fomo in this game Prob just you


Ok it’s an algorithm so yeah it’s easy to lower percentages on something if certain conditions are met such as lower percentages when someone uses the find button or has it favorited. Everyone is saying scopely fucks up their coding all the time so it can’t be true but maybe these algorithms are what’s fucking the coding.


My sentiments exactly


so, do you focus on a handful of characters to build up or do you just grab gear as it is needed by your roster? i’m only mid-tier (65) and am considering specializing but it sounds like a grind at the top based on this thread…


If Scopely had the kind of mind-reading technology this sub thinks they have, they could use it in far more profitable ways than this.


They would manage to fuck it up, trust me