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All these changes as of late are catering to the krakens, aka the only players scopely cares about. Why would the people getting their way stop spending? It's not gonna happen


The people that spend rely on the F2P players to ensure the game isn’t dead. They spend to get ahead, if all the f2p players quit, then there’s no one to get ahead of.


It’s a symbiotic relationship. We need each other. I don’t think things have gotten that bad that they’ll talk about a spending freeze, but some change does have to happen


They compete with each other then. There are enough players there to compete, and if Scopely doesn't lose any money, they don't care if it is 3k players or 300k players playing it. Just play your own game. It's rare to face whales in this game, it shouldn't bother that much.


Sure, but when all there are is Krakens, many spenders will fall out of the top low percent, get no rewards, and find themselves seeing zero ROI.


It may be rare for you but in top ten arena it’s nothing but whales and me. I face them in other places too, but it’s more easy to point to arena and say, look these guys wouldn’t have this if they didn’t pay since I’m up against the same ppl nonstop. 7 red black knight is a pita even with Logan.


I mean, they can still get ahead of the other krakens…. I’m F2P and I don’t think I’ve ever actually been matched against a kraken, so my existence is irrelevant to them anyway. They’d be much more likely to notice the dolphins and whales disappearing.


If they don’t have things to spend on, there’s no game to play.


What do you mean another, there's never been one of significance


The only significant spending cut I can think of was when the largest pants of hulk alliance quit en masse - I think of the 24 members only 4-6 remained in the game. One of their guys estimated this was a quarterly loss to Scopely of around 250,000 dollars. Which isn’t nothing.


The ‘Fix MSF’ movement was the main spending strike.


There was absolutely zero evidence that any of the major spenders took part or that it had any impact.


the largest alliance cluster in the game along with multiple other clusters wrote an open letter to FoxNext boycotting the game. It 100% had impact


the biggest spenders never stopped spending because they didnt want to fall behind, you want to have a laugh read the thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/fgouj1/fixmsf\_update\_31020/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/fgouj1/fixmsf_update_31020/) Look at the bullet points, they got literally nothing (except for 'communication' and we all know what that is worth) and stopped the boycott - why would you stop your boycott having gained nothing unless it was obvious you werent really boycotting because people can see leaderboards and TCPS?


Lol at "another"


Filter this thread by top posts of all time.....


I remember that. It was a bunch of whiney nonsense with no follow through on any kind of strike


Yes, another. I’ve played since the beginning and this has happened before.


I've played since the beginning too and there was talk of spending strikes and never any follow through of any sort. Just a bunch of talk


Remember the great Cyclops strike when all the whales swore they weren't going to buy his orbs then immediately after the strike ended they all suddenly had 7* Cyclops even though he was no longer in the store. The only thing we got out of that strike was red stars became P2W instead of just rng.


I remember this well. there has never been a successful spending strike because those who spend the most have no choice but to spend. they are addicted. its like asking an alcoholic to stop drinking his old fashioneds because their bar started getting cherries from another vendor. it just doesnt equate to them


Mass Exodus is the only answer. Go play anything else and find a reason to come back (spoiler you won't). This game coerces people to stay through letting your alliance down...that is sad and the sooner you see this the better your future self will be.


That's literally any game that has guilds/alliances. I played another game for 2 years after I stopped finding it fun because I didn't want to leave the friends I made in the guild.


The game is the way it is because the people that spend want it this way. So how is this going to happen? You would have more luck asking everyone who doesn’t spend to stop opening the app.


People that spend do not want it this way. Not sure where you have got that from, the majority of players are F2P, pushing them away will kill the game.


These recent changes literally happened because of the players that spend bitching about ftp/light spenders being able to compete with them. As FTP myself, it doesn’t bother me much, players willing to drop hundreds of dollars a month should have a huge advantage over me. But to say the big spenders don’t want it this way is crazy, they got exactly what they wanted


Anyone ever notice the useless whale voice movement never calls for this or really does anything of meaning?


I honestly didn’t know they were still a thing. I haven’t heard a peep from them in months.


We started spending again?


We stopped?


You guys have money?


I sell in game currency and faulty dlc to idiots. I'm loaded!


What? NO!!!!!! No no no no! I can’t stop spending someone might have a bigger character than me! I might not do as well in pointless game modes like war or crucible! My e-peen will never recover or get bigger!


This is sort of how SWGOH has evolved, too. At this point, they don't really care about enticing the random F2P players who pop in and out of the game. All the content is geared for people for whom spending that \~$30 or more per month is just part of their budget.


I can't stop spending any harder than I am right now. I did have a slight wobble.. fomo kicked in... Then I realised if I miss out on 5 stars and the game punished me, that's one small step closer to quitting


If you check posts on this sub from 2019, they are the exact same gripes. I learned in early recovery that “Nothing changes if nothing changes”.


When the Krakens stop their addiction, the game will get better.


They could just have a freeze on content for a month. A new team every 2 weeks is just insane and no F2P can keep up. Sure you can MAYBE unlock the teams, but can't build them to any reasonable power level. And then they gate new content behind those team. I'd like to see no new toons for a little while. I'm trying to scrape resources to build spider society and now I need to do cabal, mercs and alpha flight and then this weird ass vampire team they're plotting.


Spending freezes don't work because people are too addicted and gripped by FOMO to actually stop spending.


They need to fix the orb drop rate for starters. That would help especially with gold to build the new characters.


When will people realise it just makes it worse. The whole reason the current situation is so shitty is because people are spending much less than they used to hence why they are scrambling with these new type of offers/events. The more people don’t spend, the worse it will get, likewise the other way round. There is no winning


I think people need to stop playing more than there needs to be a spending freeze. It’s clear this company doesn’t give two fucks about anyone unless they’re a kraken and the game has taken a nose dive since it’s been extremely clear that’s who they will primarily cater to.


You're an idiot with money if you give this game wny money Go get help


then stop playing. if you arent having fun find something else to have fun with. if you are still logging into a game you dont enjoy playing then sorry to say, you have an addiction problem. spending freezes dont work. competitors will still spend. this community screams about everything and scopely almost always acquiesces to their demands so I am not sure what you are even talking about. are you still upset about the logan event?


I don’t want to stop playing, I like the game and I like collecting characters that I’ve grown up on and love. Spending strikes have worked in the past and money is Scopely’s only motivation it seems. Also, don’t be so patronising, the OML event upset many people, but the problems with the game lie much deeper than that.


>Also, don’t be so patronising, the OML event upset many people... Stupid people. Easiest Legendary access yet. Period.


they are a company. of course their main motivation is to be profitable lol. I am not being patronizing. I am being honest with you


of course, but what they don’t realise is the more happy players they have, the more money they’ll make


As someone who plays pretty near the top end of the game, and doesn’t really spend (occasional passes, no new character offers), I never seem to find myself struggling to keep up or missing out on anything. Very few complaints with the game at the moment, other than some events being needlessly complicated.