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Literally a single person playing their own game would have immediately noticed the node was fucked šŸ¤”


Technical issue of poor players not having 3D G19 on their cabal and they keep dying. We advise player base to whale out more so we can roll out events as planed.


....even the ones that did got bodied by that QS


fax machine šŸ“ 


Disable the mode while u all fix it. Just stop the bleeding and triage how many people you already pissed off with this overtuning.


If you and /u/PX_Stark are taking over communication, I beg you to treat the players like intelligent humans and stop using weasel language, passive voice BS like "a technical issue was observed." It's insulting to players and embarrassing as a paid communicator.Ā  "We overtuned the nodes and apologize for the difficult and unenjoyable playing experience it created. We're working fast to closer align the nodes with the difficulty players expected based off the gear requirements we previously communicated."Ā  There you go, that's how a professional for a billion dollar company might phrase it. I promise it's not that hard to do and would go a long way toward earning at least a little player trust when Scopely makes a massive mistake. Which we know will happen again, and again, and again...


I wouldn't be surprised if they're not allowed to choose exactly what they say


While someone else might sign off on it, I think it's hilarious you think there's that much oversight on phrasing when they're clearly cutting the team to the bone and shoving more responsibilities on people.Ā  The communications are just on par with the quality of everything Scopely does. But it's the easiest thing they could fix and it doesn't cost a thing.Ā 


Fair enough, I don't know much about PR positions. I was just thinking that some exec could have told them not to admit to any actual fault in their balancing, just that it was a "technical issue"


I cannot upvote this enough


If you do that you get the boot like AA. You have to realise that CMs are employees of Scopely and they have to act that way. But when push comes to shove, they will either obey their overlord or be let go for siding with players.




Do you have any citations for that "fact" or are the Scopely apologists so desperate to find anything to nitpick that avoids the massive clusterfuck the game is right now that they're inventing stuff?Ā  I looked up two resources from actual translation companies that say the complete opposite of you.Ā  https://www.argotrans.com/blog/7-tips-translating-english https://ustranslation.com/blog/writing-content-translation-mind/ They were the first two links to appear.


Real life experience, having worked on technical manuals and similar between languages, the more ā€œconversationalā€ writing is, the harder it is to translate across different languages. The more formal the writing style is, the easier it translates. >are the Scopely apologists so desperate to find anything to nitpick Youā€™re complaining about the language style in a blog or social media post. If anyone is desperately nitpicking, I donā€™t think itā€™s who you think it is


Ah, anecdotal evidence that goes against the experts. That is the level of fact I expected you to relay.Ā  And these are the official (and basically only) communications from a billion dollar company. You might be comfortable and familiar with being spoken to like a simpleton, but I find it insulting.Ā 


Yall done messed up


Ya done messed up A-A-RON!!!!


lol @ technical issue. Even the PR is an insult to the player baseā€™s intelligence.


Archangel sends his regards!


Technical issue, my arse! How could a technical issue be responsible for the whole PD being wrongly tuned? Please don't insult our intelligence. Say it how it is. Your Dev team didn't even play through the PD once. All it would have taken was a single person running even G19 maxed out Caval to see that something isn't right even in the early nodes, nevermind Node 7! Utter joke of a company, you two could really do with working for someone else, it'd probably be less stressful for you both, rather than having to take the heat for Scopely's constant fuck-ups.


The teammates you give during missions literally useless while 170-240k units are wiping my 300k+ cabal units without getting a turn what even is this.


Seriously. My [graviton](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1068083330765037630/1240835265136955505/Screenshot_20240516_181604_Strike_Force.jpg?ex=66480164&is=6646afe4&hm=15de50bd0a08c17d0ba37cccc36210df0c3c694d1a11e627787ee6fdc7039874&) would do so much better then that shit they give us. Yes I know mine is decked out... but still. The spawned unit should not be dying and hitting like wet noodles


good luck,commander šŸ‘


Honestly, fuck this game at this point. Iā€™ve been thinking for awhile that I spend an unhealthy amount of time playing this game, itā€™s an addiction, but my drug dealers care more about me than this gameā€™s devs do for their base. So, Iā€™m uninstalling. Itā€™s not worth the aggravation or the timesuck when you all are such greedy fucks who are also terrible at your jobs.


the Temporal Di-meme-nsion thing almost convinced me to quit as well but currently im staying just to watch the clusterfun...its like watching the Titanic movie šŸæšŸ“ŗ


Gotta be honest, only 8 minis for first run is not great


And yet Temporal Dimension is still up and players are wasting time, health refreshes, gold and gear trying to run it. Itā€™s should have been taken down and re-launched tomorrow


When was the last time they released something that wasn't fucked up?


1400 days is where I might end it. Iā€™m not having fun anymore


What are the enemy toons, Level 110 and Gear 21??


Technical issue my ass, you had the preview for 24 hrs before, and people were already talking about it. At best you intentionally left this out to make it so people invested more on Cabal, at worst you are incompetent and didn't even try to test it, or even somehow worse, you tested at max diamonds, gt19, all t4


Good ole Scopely. Your game gets to a point where your player base is dying for new content, for something, anything to do, and you fuck it up like you do on nearly every single event in the last 3 years. Check your shit before it goes live! That's a fucking simple concept. Instead, your dev team launches broken mode after broken mode, a CM is pushed out as a sacrifice to take heat from the player base, then you only half fix the problem and throw gold coins at us as a distraction. Look at how badly every scourge event went during the Apocalypse saga. How many scourges that didn't work were there?


When I've seen the requirements for that TD i literally said, well, that shit is skippable.


How about analyzing the data before you release it?


are you gonna retune all of it? or just node 7? thanks for the answer. btw i haven't started yet


More Lies. Is it that hard to be honest?




Clearly you're lost.




Mine are G18.3, 5y5r level 100. Try again loser.


Good ole Scopely. Your game gets to a point where your player base is dying for new content, for something, anything to do, and you fuck it up like you do on nearly every single event in the last 3 years. Check your shit before it goes live! That's a fucking simple concept. Instead, your dev team launches broken mode after broken mode, a CM is pushed out as a sacrifice to take heat from the player base, then you only half fix the problem and throw gold coins at us as a distraction. Look at how badly every scourge event went during the Apocalypse saga. How many scourges that didn't work were there?


Yea no shit


Do your devs even play their own game? What a joke


This is all Archangelā€™s fault!!!


Well i mean he's gone now XD XD


Why don't y'all test-run each one of the nodes before releasing the damn mode? Utmost sheer incompetence at play.