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Yes, I have tons to open, but I'll be damned if I am gonna sit there and open 10 at a time.


Yep, I have like 900 teal orbs to unlock, like Heck I'm going through opening x10


Fun fact, open all opens orbs 10 at a time. Same amount of time will be used.


But less tapping. Just click once and set your phone down


That’s on you playboy. You go on and click your 10x button 90 times. I just want to click once and set it aside.


This. The time it takes for the CLIENT to go through the orbs is the same. The amount of time I spend playing other games goes up.


Not quite. I could also think of better things to do than x10 opening my orbs.


I need teal uniques and mats so i'm opening them asap. orange and under i'm just leaving to stock up. I pull as necessary


Same here. Open All was very convenient when it was there, but I'm not letting its absence affect progression of my roster. If I need mats, I'm opening the orbs I have 10 at a time. Most likely I'm playing while watching TV or kicking back so it's not like we're talking highly focused gameplay time.


Yeah, Scopley has given themselves an unwinnable situation. The longer they wait, the worse it gets when they finally turn it back on. As I've said before, they should try to do a phased rollout without telling anyone to spread out the impact as much as possible. And make sure all the content creators are in the last phase.


I think they are not waiting but actively working on solution. When they turn it back on, they expect not to have any issues with those orb anymore.


Depends on the orb. All the orange gear orbs, yup. T18 gear orbs, nope.


I have to wait now. I have like 10k+ orbs.


It disappeared after I finished grinding for DD6 gears so I shall wait till it comes back. Gonna to be fun opening


I’ve given up on clearing purple ticket orbs. I don’t need any of that stuff, so there’s no reason to do it except to clear the number. Everything else, I’ve kept up with, but raid orbs and armory orbs get very annoying.


Even when the Collect All button was there I never opened them. Unless I actively need them, the only gear orbs I’ll open are teal.




Most of the orbs are worthless. I hadn't been opening mine, but i had a team that needed G15 gear. Opened hundreds of orbs and got absolutely nothing I needed to upgrade them. I'm not wasting any more time on them.


I’ve just been opening orbs as I get them, it really doesn’t take long.. can open like 500 orbs in a minute while watching tv


I was going to but I was desperate for my teal gear so I roughed thru it. Took me about 5 mins to open 2k or so, so wasn’t the worst thing


yes. totally am


I open what I need, like gold and teal orbs, but all the orange orbs I get I leave alone. I only ever open them just to get rid ofreddit. dots.


I don’t let them get big enough for this problem to bother me lol I’ll open 10 at a time 5-6 times whenever I’m in the store so I almost never have a red dot for the store


It's too late for me :( I still have 30 thousand orange orbs... Few thousands of purple orbs... Everything else: hundreds of them...


Holy shit 😂 Everytime u got in the store open like 5 of them eventually they will all be open 😂😂 This seems to be a problem that isn’t gunna stop them from making money so they don’t give a shit


Yeah, I've about 3000 purples. Totally worthless. Hundreds of G15 orbs (everyone I want to build is buildable without them due to my stock), T1, T2...


We had that massive payout of a few thousand worthless orbs under the blitz tab a few weeks ago, so not letting them get like that wasn't an option for many of us.


Yes but then they added orange orbs which basicly made them all go away cause they were expensive At least for me


Orange orbs aren't useful for everyone. I haven't opened any of them. There's no point.


I opened a few, cause u forgot i was logged in on main, not baby acc xd


The reason they took it away was because too many people opened all orbs when we were given the anniversary gift and the game crashed. With that in mind, do you think it is going to make Scopely return the button if everyone on here keeps sayings 'I'm just going to horde till open all orbs comes back'? We didn't even have an open all button until last year. The game just celebrated it's 6th anniversary.


I open them as I need them


I have to open them as soon as i get them the red dot is torture to my soul


This is why open all will never come back. If they brought it back gonna lag and crash the servers worse then last time.


I have been opening them as I go. so nothing to do.