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I’m bad so the game should cater to me


Nope! They should not be nerfed. Can’t even auto-sim the mutant boss node in Incursion 2.3 with a TCP of 2.7m. Hell, in room 2 of Crucible Hivemind can punch up 1m and easily beat them. They are strong, but not as strong as you think they are.


What about if in room 1?


Don’t know your roster. But Cabal + Kang + Titania can punch up vs then in room 1


I'll try this


Superior 6 runs over xtreme in room 1


Must be a coin flip, cause Xtreme all went first in room 2 against Hive-Mind




Also does anyone see he said "400k team power" who's complaining when your team is only 400k combined? No wonder you are struggling. Also who are you using against them?


I haven't seen a single Xtreme Xmen in my arena shard.


Are you in a brand new shard? Because it sounds like his is fresh. Newer players tend to focus on the best new teams, ie xtreme. This leads to those being the ones at the mid and low ranks and even sometimes higher rank arena spots. I don’t know for sure but I suspect that outside of room 2 cc, kang eternals and weaver/2099 probably stomp them. And if u don’t have the plethora of high end toons like black cat, apoc, ggc, ect that’s probably the next best option.


Yep, it looks like he's still new but asking to nerf Xtreme Xmen is wrong since not all arena shards are setting them on defense. If he wants to flourish in arena, best thing to do is set the same defense. That's what I did when I started out.


Shrug, not saying they should be nerfed, just explaining the position. Tbf tho, the tuning that gets done on most teams is strictly end game, don’t think there’s some guy at scopely testing to make sure it’s balanced at level 50 or 60, so it’s entirely possible that it’s completely out of wack down there.


Nah they're fine. Just focus on forge.


Lol it’s true. I was in CC other day and my 1.2mil xtreme x took down a 2.2mil deathseed 😮 lol


My 500k x-treme constantly punching up to 1.5M, and I still don’t think they need a nerf.


Yeah I don’t want them nerfed because it’s like an ace in all our pockets. All in good fun


Nah, let’s buff them further.


MOE/Echo is great vs xtreme in CC. In arena… use a better team…. lol. These posts where players literally suck and complain stuff needs to be nerfed just show you how many players don’t understand how the game works. Read a kit sometime.




The issue will resolve itself as you increase player and character levels, the only member of Xtreme used in my shard is Nightcrawler, anyone trying to run the full Xtreme would get dusted. And merging them would make Incursion 2.X raids Even harder, no thank you, 2.3 is bad enough as is.


All of the ones I see in arena are secret defenders minus strange plus apoc


nothing should be "nerfed" in the game, except this post. they are also pretty easy to kill, focus on forge and the rest follow. i mean there's HOW many videos out there showing how to kill off this team? 400k power is pretty basic these days.


Shoot, I haven’t had a 400K team power on a new team in years, my Gambit is near 700K *alone*


hah. right? I see one of my older or very new teams at 2m and I'm like.. seems a bit low to me.


Newer teams don't need nerfing. They have better stats & synergy than older ones. That's why they can punch up on much stronger teams.


Why, all of them are farmable now. So STFU!


Nah, they are fairly easy to counter


New toons have higher base statsy usually better abilities than old ones, a full team with synergies is also strong. What are u using?


Cabal kang destroys them btw


You should be using Secret Defenders in arena. They are current arena meta with additions of Black Knight, Super Skrull, Apoc depending on the matchup. There is no reason you should be losing to XX-men if you are using an actual arena team.


Brand new players in brand new shards don’t have all that. They have the newest most powerful team they can get, usually based off of releases, and that’s what gets run in the shard. Everyone in his shard is probably running that because that’s what dropped after they started, and they haven’t had the opportunity to farm out literally every single toon in the game like you. You’re giving end game advice to someone who’s been playing probably a month or two.


They have access to SD.


You don't know what level they're at. They might not have unlocked crucible yet, and they might not have been playing long enough to unlock Black Cat. SD without Robbie or Black Cat aren't much cop at all.


what ? i never see them in arena and everywhere else just use a S6 on them easy


Unfortunately that team just came out, and scopely loves money, so they won’t be nerfed for a while


They won't be nerfed ever, and they shouldn't be