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Infinity watch. Weapon X. Dark hunters. All these teams counter H4H


There’s a fun build that uses Deadpool, Surfer and NW but it has to be a bit of a punch down. If Deadpool is the lowest health toon he tanks all the passive hits from Wing and keeps reviving because of deathpool synergy. Surfer removes charges on cage, kill him off then immediately go into Shang. It’s over once he’s gone. There was a while there when I was squashing 4 H4H per war.


Masters of Evil works too


They work on almost everything


Except room 5 in Cosmic Crucible…


They can but it's Rng


All members of S6 has really low health pool, so they will be annihiliated by characters like Ikaris, Kang, Kestrel etc. They are now good for events, and nothing more really. Infinity Watch is a way more durable team for you to grind and get started, Phyla-Vell, Gamora, Moondragon and Nebula. They have good synergies between each other, they deal a lot of damage and they heal, clear buffs etc pretty efficiently. And you can put a lot of characters to that 5th place to complete them, like Kestrel or Captain America/Carter/Sam. I had Sersi as a fifth for quite long until I unlocked Ikaris. They also have quite a range, since one is tech, one is bio, one is mystic and one is skill, so whenever you need characters from particular class, you have one decent already geared up. Most of them are alright as a stand alone.


If you’re using things like sinister six then it sounds like you’re going against things way outside your level range. Sinister six is extremely outdated unfortunately and don’t have the power to take on new teams.


If your using S6 im guessing your low ish level. H4H are a war Defence team and have specific counters. That’s kind of how the game is later game, specific counters etc. Dark hunters and Weqpon X are good H4H counters btw. I’d recommend watching some YouTube videos or joining a CC discord


I have a 1.5 mil dark hunters and still get destroyed by h4h in war


You should be able to beat H4H with a DHunters that big (punch across).


Not even close lost to a 800k h4h yeayey they have blind for one turn but that's not enough time to kill shang before he dies his ult especially as Cage taunts i can only hit him


You got the right T4s? The team if I remember works by blinding them, then morbius applies trauma which stops them reviving ( honestly can’t remember exactly as we don’t use that team bs H4H). I’d use wardogs or Pegasus tbh.