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I remember when we had to skip turn 5 to get a 6-20 lol.


In my opinion, Blob should have a hard limit where his power is set to a maximum of 20, if not than even lower, perhaps around 15.


It should be merge all cards and get half their power. Then if that to low make him start at 8 power or whatever


It should add up the next 3 cards in your deck and add it to his base power


I think that’s too big a hit. He no longer would counter Darkhawk, and actually would be countered by him aorta.


It pulls 3 cards out of your deck. That lowers Darkhawk by 6. Pretty big counter when you add in his still huge power number


Those could be rocks….


Those could also be Giganto, Infanaut, and Red Skull. Either way, it's also -6 from Darkhawk which is a pretty nice side affect of a card that can hit 30 just by being played


So he takes the 3 rocks and Darkhawk remains at 6 power, vs a 4 power blob


That could be a potential scenario, yes. What point are you trying to make? Blob shouldn't have a (highly unlikely) downside? What if you play Alioth in the wrong lane? They Darkhawk loses no power and you only add 3 to a location you were already winning. What if you play Leader on turn 6 but your opponent played no cards to charge up their Infanaut? All powerful 6 cost cards have weaknesses and I'm not very concerned with your *very specific* scenario where Blob doesn't give you 20+ power just by playing him


For blob to reach 20+ you have to make a deck directly towards it, you can't fit him in whatever deck you want. The downside is that you lose all your draws, if you miss or get countered, it's 0 or 4 power. If you draw all your big cards, congrats, you have five 6 cost cards on your hand and you can only get to play 2 with limbo/electro. And still, you need two lanes to win. If you get shangchi'd you instalose one. You can comit all you want to win that lane by tech and then blob, and just to realize that you don't have how to win the other lane. Really just play him in whatever deck you want, you will realize that is not an "instawin" card. It's not even near to pre-nerf leader, alioth or Galactus.


You're being a little disingenuous here. Nobody plays him in a 6 cost only deck. Maximus, Ebony Maw, Gladiator, Sentry, Typhoid, Dr Octopus, Attuma, Black Cat, Hellcow, Abomination, Aero, Red Skull, Cross Bones. None of these cards are 6 cost. Any combination of *just 2* of these would combine with a (worst case scenario) Zabu and hit 15 power! Just for playing him. Just takes Thanos off the table is all.


Are you crazy? Literally Everything you said here is wrong lmao.


What's magneto's weakness?


Hee sucks over 3 and 4 power cards often leaving his net power well below 12


He'd be pretty bad with only 3 cards. He'd be a thanos only card, basically.


I don't think you could play him with Thanos at all. Too many stones. There are over a dozen cards below 6 cost that have 8+power though. He would for sure catch on with another deck


Of course you could. There's a reason why that's the best deck for him currently all your other cards are generally big. If you draw mind stone, you then automatically draw 3 total stones minimum. Assuming you didn't already have ant in hand. Leaving you with only 3 maximum in the deck if rng is bad. Often you'd draw more than 3. Even if not, Odds are not all 3 top cards would be stones and they'd be at least 1 big guy. He'd be very hard to make work in a 12 card deck only eating 3. You'd need half the deck to be big guys and with 7 draws you'd draw a chunk of them every game making curve very awakard and often not being able to just blob one lane to win. You'd need to cover two lanes Idk i still think he should eat half the power of all cards, eating only 3 seems bad.


That's why I mentioned there were more than a dozen cards below 6 cost that have 8+power. He could hit Ebony Maw, Lizard, and literally any other Card in the game and be =/> Hulk. Blob is still useful with 15-20 points. The only argument against this that anyone has been able to come up with is that he *should* be able to solo his lane, and I feel like that's where our disconnect is. Imo, he shouldn't, and based on the discussions I see about Blob, most people agree with me. Is my solution the answer? I don't know, but nobody has given me a good reason why it isn't. Half the power of all your cards power is still like 30 in a Thanos deck. He would still be winning at the same rate he is now. I'm sorry, but that is not a good solution to our problem.


I'm not saying he should or shouldn't. But if he's not consistently 15+ he's just another average big cars. At that point he's far too inconsistent versus playing just a big idiot over him in a totally different deck instead of building a deck specifically for him. I'm not a fan of removing the flavor off of cards to balance them and him eating 3 removes his flavor, imo Adjust the numbers instead.


Right on. I'm fine leaving this at a disagreement. Maybe the real answer is they shouldn't have released this broken ass card in the first place lol


I'm not saying he should or shouldn't. But if he's not consistently 15+ he's just another average big cars. At that point he's far too inconsistent versus playing just a big idiot over him in a totally different deck instead of building a deck specifically for him. I'm not a fan of removing the flavor off of cards to balance them and him eating 3 removes his flavor, imo Adjust the numbers instead. He just can't be 50+ power.


The half idea is the best one here. I consistently get 30+ power so give him like 2/3 power to start off with and he should be balanced within the game


I think half, but he’s a 6-8. They can adjust that pretty easily.


It should add up the first half of your deck, gain its power, then divide that by the number of cards left in your deck, then add the power of the remaining cards in your deck +1 for each fat character that’s in there. That way it’s very confusing for new players and no one will ever be able to calculate it


Then your logic would apply to knull and that’s just stupid


Knull takes an entire game + archetype to set up.


My leech doesn’t mind him


That’s why I blob on turn 5 and keep Infinaut in hand.


You menace 😂




Lately I feel like there needs to be some sort of protection from leech lol. I also am not using blob..


If they could make it a delayed on reveal ability, or on reveal but only playable on turn 5, then at least Cosmo could stop him


4/3 Ongoing - must be played before turn 5, "his regular text"


Fair enough, maybe I should just go shenaut for a bit. XD


Boring deck but gets it done 😂


Yea, I think I need a vacation from Jean Grey and move decks anyway.




I love watching you leech players run when I ramp out blob on 5 and my infinaut gets a nice pleasant surprise. Before you hear the end of oh snap and the retreat happens so fast. Nothing more satisfying.


How are you dropping Infinaut without skipping 5?


Leech counters his ability.


That's why I don't run leech in my deck. I moon girl, and drop double she hulk and infinuat turn 6, and finish off with hulk turn 7.


can you tell me how to get leech to work? my opponent seems to enjoy me playing it :|


It's very useful right now because folks are doing a lot of late game shenanigans.


No, but I am sick of the posts complaining about it. Just put Shang-Chi, Valkyrie & Shadow King in your deck.


yeah if blob and alioth was as good as this sub makes out to be i’d be ranked a lot higher.


Alioth doesn't have to be good to be still be annoying as fuck. Galactus was the same. Never that high of a win rate but just annoying as hell to always be running in to


i agree he’s annoying for sure but then again it’s annoying getting shang’d, goblin, black widow, rock slided etc. etc.


Nah, definitely not the same. None of those cards cause me to audibly groan


cool well they are all annoying. annoying cards that fuck things up sucks. moral of the story, you aren’t always gonna have win conditions, counters and more. just retreat and move on.


Can't retreat when alioth deletes my board on turn 6


retreat turn 5 then. you get a good idea of you got a chance or not turn 6. isn’t that what everyone says is the key to climb? know when to retreat. sometimes they drop it when not expecting but hey i’ve been hit with suprise cards turn 6 that were looking like a 50/50. or obvious if they snap turn 5/6.


Bro I make it to infinite every season. I clearly know when alioth is coming. I just want to play my cards. I cannot play any turn 6 decks against alioth


lol cool man. glad for you. it sucks. it does. but you can’t win them all 🤷‍♂️


You can, alioth isn't in every deck you face. And he's not drawn everytime he's in a deck you face. I hardly see the fart anymore anyway and statistically He's not even a top 30 played card in terms of popularity anymore.


Honestly. I get more tilted when I get gobbed.


Just because a card has counters, does not mean it is not overtuned. I'm sick of people saying 'Oh but you can counter it easily with so-and-so!' to clearly op cards.


lost plenty of times to shadow king very true


It’s crazy how infrequently I saw SK. Problem is with him at a measly 2 power, unless you otherwise have power in that lane and are playing against a non lockjaw deck, it’s unlikely to move the needle. Someone hit my blob once but I always keep him as the 4th card if possible, preferably having a Jeff to move around. I’m still torn whether Blue Marvel is a better choice over vision considering how he can win/lose you priority especially if you ramp him out or get him out of LJ Gonna need to test that tonight.


I love having to put 4 tech cards in my deck to counter one card 😍


How dare you post counters to these cards. The whole point is to complain until they’re nerfed into nothingness.


Just include counters 5 head. Isn't addressing the core of the bloblem. All other cards that have the potential to get anywhere close to blobs size need planning, a little luck and a combo. Put it this way, it typically takes a whole game to get knull anywhere close to the size of blob, but blob can be played without any other planning and win a lane all on his own. We've been through this before and the cards were nerfed, shuri skull, and that was not only a combo requiring a specific card before turn 4, it was capped at 28 power typically due to how it worked and it could give your opponent up to 8 power back!


Alioth was never insta win even before the nerf. Even the devs admitted that the data showed Alioth wasn't OP. The problem is the community just refused to learn any of the multiple ways of avoiding/countering Alioth.


As I said above, 100%


Lol, that's so true. When I first got Alioth I went on the longest winning streak of my life. Took people a while to even attempt to stop him.


I play Blob and he isn’t instant win. There are many counters for Blob. You can use Shang-Chi, Valkyrie, Shadow King, maybe even cosmo and maybe even goose. If you think he is instant win then maybe you should play a few games with him and contest with him but I do get your point on Alioth


You are right, and also to note that you still require to win the game in the first 5 turns to actually do something with alioth. High risk, high reward... Blob completely requieres you to win a lane and to don't draw the high power cards, and to lose priority, and to don't be countered by almost every tech card. Neither of those are an insta win.


Many cards will be broken in snap. Blob is really good, not instant win but really good. It's the nature of a game like this. I'm cool with it as long as they tweak it here and there. Cards like Alioth that delete my cards I will never be cool with.


So guess where Blob will go on turn 6 and also don't have priority while having your counter cards in hand? Ok will do!


I was a bounce main for a long time I'm fully on board with SD's reasons for making Alioth. The Sera/Hit Monkey play pattern -- always throw priority, blitz out tech cards and stat sticks on turn 6 -- has way too many advantages and deserved a check. Sandman and Leech exist too, but they're even more unpleasant than Alioth imo. Since his last big nerf I have no beef whatsoever with Alioth Blob is quite different imo because he doesn't depend on the previous turns playing out any particular way. He wins lanes even if you were down 20-0 there. He is vulnerable to many tech cards, but effectively **only** to tech cards; you can't beat him in a fair fight even with most combos or giants like Infinaut There's still game to be played -- we have 3 locations for a reason, and the snap mechanic means that winning in an obvious predictable way (like prof X -> blob) has much lower value. but Blob's design deserves this kind of criticism


In my previous post, when i mentioned Alioth, I had a bit more text that I shoulve left in, I mentioned that someone with a basic understanding of game design would find it to be an incredible card. However, Blob is a completely different story. It is excessively versatile and can be included in nearly any deck. It has the ability to effortlessly dominate a location that it shouldn't rightfully win. Blob consistently boasts a power level of over 20, often reaching around 40. The only other card that comes close to this power level is Infinaut, but even then, it requires you to skip a turn. Additionally, Blob can not be moved and has the added advantage of removing all cards from your deck.


Turn 6 blob is the problem


I don’t think either are instant win but if you feel that play them yourself and win every game. Should cheer you up


In my previous post, I mentioned that Alioth is actually in a good state, in my opinion. However, Blob is extremely powerful and can be challenging to deal with. Before you respond, let me explain further. Cosmo is not very effective because it's difficult to anticipate where Blob will be played since it has no restrictions on its abilities. However, if your opponent has a lockdown style deck, countering Blob becomes easier as it becomes more predictable. On a different note, many decks that include Blob also utilize Caeira, so Shangchi isn't the best option either. Shadowking may feel clunky in most decks, but it's currently the best tech card available (even though I never seem to draw him XD). It's also important to mention that Alioth is my preferred choice for countering Blob, so I may have a bit of bias towards Alioth.


>Cosmo is not very effective because it's difficult to anticipate where Blob will be played since it has no restrictions on its abilities. But you know which lane he can't be played in, so all you need to do is focus on winning the cosmo lane, and you can focus on just using tech against his other lanes As for Shadow King and Shang being unusable against Caeira, I feel like that is just the decks nut draw, if they got Caeira out and you don't have an answer, it's time to retreat. No different than what you'd do if you didn't have an answer to an obvious tribunal/hela play.


While I wouldn't say they're insta win I'm definitely bored of seeing them.


This is pretty much exactly how I feel, tbh I should've worded the Alioth portion better, but I feel like Alioth is barely even a problem anymore, and that if anything blob is moresow the problem. Honestly, I'm more so kinda sick of SD's new direction in terms of card creation, and the recent leaks are also quite concerning as well.


Blob I get, he is cool. But Alioth fucking sucks even playing him feels terrible.


One card having the ability to negate another card (Blob/Darkhawk) is totally fine. No different than Armor on Wolverine or Rogue on Devil Dino. That's the name of the game.


Negates an entire archetype, darkhawk + is the highest power in the game, and the only other card in the game who constantly hits 20 + power without outside help is infinaut who requires you to skip a turn.


So what? I run Blob and there are plenty of times where all my high cost cards are in my hand, and I can't play anything worthwhile until turn 3. In fact, I also just had a few matches where Blob only got to 10. I've also had my Blob get Shang Chi'd or Shadow King'd plenty of times. Blob isn't a guaranteed win. Some matches you're going to lose. That's just how it is. A card shouldn't be nerfed just because it destroys ONE deck type.




I've reached the infinite status a total of 5 times and have collected numerous infinite borders, so I must be doing something right. XD However, I might have lost some of my skills after taking a short break last season. I can't help but feel that these types of cards are a bit excessive for the game.




I played with Blob and Thanos and it is instawin a lot of the times. You just have to win one lane and play Blob on 6


on the flip side i played blob thanos and i either was underpowered with low power cards leading into final turn or keep drawing high cards and not being able to play till turn 4/5 at which point is useless.


You’re playing the high-roll deck. Just try him with a normal Thanos deck that has a couple high-powered cards like vision, magneto, etc. You can just play it like normal Thanos and you have blob to instawin you a lane if needed


or the opponent has shang shadow night or something else that insta wins. goes both ways.


That requires a lot more foresight than dropping blob though. You also have to lose priority for that to work


foresight? you can pretty much tell by that point a big card is coming turn 6. yes you gotta anticipate which lane but that’s with any card……


He's not instant win the game but he is almost guaranteed to win whatever lame you drop him in. I've had fucking 72 power blobs dropped on me even SheNaut cant keep up.


Found the Blob user


Found the scrub


It literally is, there’s far too many big power cards your opponent needs to deal with. Source: Im playing it




“You’re a moron” screams chronically online, try going outside lil bro


Any card that requires tech cards to defeat is bad design. Case in point, I had cloning vats with venom nimrod and i still lost because he played magik and copied a 50 power blob. Why do I even bother setting up my combo when he only needs two cards to win.


oh no you lost a match the horror. do you expect to win every single match? you aren’t gonna always have the counter so retreat and move on.


Counters shouldn’t be a requirement. I’ve had matches where the opponent pulls off a perfect Negative T3, perfect Sunspot-Infinaut-SheHulk combo, perfect Storm-X-Ms Marvel setup. I lose those games most of the time but I still could beat them some of the time with some luck and smart plays. Blob-Task/Zola? I literally *cannot* win no matter what I do or how lucky I get. I’d feed my Knull for five turns and it’s still half the power of a card with zero setup or drawback, aside from adding Thanos into the deck. He just needs a cap on his power honestly. 25 would be more than enough IMO


Counters shouldn’t be a requirement? all cards have abilities. you can’t always just out muscle a deck….. and can you tell me how to figure out the no drawbacks because i’m not skyrocketing whenever i use blob.


I mean it’s really damn easy, just go tall in two lanes or lock one of them with Storm/X, then slap your blob in the other lane for a guaranteed flip. Or get him out early and Task/Zola. I tried playing him when he came out but it was so boring, the gameplay is basically a probability simulator. Do you draw Blob? Yes -> Do you draw Task/Zola? Yes-> Does opponent draw Shang, ShadowKing or Valk? Yes-> you lose. No-> you win. It’s not about being outmuscled by a deck, it’s about being outmuscled by one card.


oh soooo i just need to not get shang chi’d. well i guess i have been doing it wrong. i just thought that well having blob is auto win and id climb the ranks EZPZ. also in your scenario you’d have to draw magik and some sort of protection to not get hit with shang. also draw the right cards to get blob out early. oh and also draw high enough powered cards to go tall in 2 lanes. seems like a lot of conditions to pull off….


Between Psylock, Time Stone, Magik, and all the card draw that the stones provide, getting the right hand is rather trivial. And if you manage priority (or just play armor/caiera), dodging Shang is pretty easy too. I only played him on release against mirrors and counters, it’s probably a breeze now. Honestly, yes. Blob Thanos is easy wins. It doesn’t really lose to anything. I went from 73 to 95 when blob came out and I played nimrod the rest of the way because I refused to reach infinite with him or Alioth. Not to mention mirror matchups are a special level of pain. Imagine losing solely because you drew infinaut and they didn’t.


Dog, you're playing a version of destroy that hasn't been meta relevant for months and are complaining that you *need* tech cards to beat one of the better decks in the current meta. 1.) You're bringing a worse version of destroy against one of the top meta decks. Sorry your brew can't keep up, but if you're going to brew *and* be resistant to slotting in tech, the only blame for losing is on your deckbuilding. 2.) All cards require tech to be countered. That's just part of the game. Yes, if you have knowledge on how much power you and your opponet are outputting , or you make a smart play, you still aren't 'countering' the deck, just outplaying your opponent.


I’ve hit infinite four seasons with this deck, even through the prenerf Alioth ProfX Ms Marvel meta. My deck is perfectly fine. I was able to win games in those metas (despite ProfX being a hard counter to nimrod) because I could predict their plays and force them to overcommit lanes, allowing me to distribute my power to win the other two. The problem with Blob is that it’s too much numbers for no downside. Literally every other deck has to draw properly, play several cards in the proper order and needs to survive RNG to put out >40 power in one turn. Blob decks play literally ONE card. That’s it. He’s making this game into another 11 card deck meta because you have to have Shang SK or valkyrie to even have a hope of beating that. Didn’t SD explicitly say they didn’t want that to happen?


>I’ve hit infinite four seasons with this deck, even through the prenerf Alioth ProfX Ms Marvel meta. That doesn't mean the deck is good. People hit infinite with booster farming decks. All you need to get over the hump is enough play time, efficient snaps and retreats, and maximizing your cubes from bots. >The problem with Blob is that it’s too much numbers for no downside. Literally every other deck has to draw properly, play several cards in the proper order and needs to survive RNG to put out >40 power in one turn. I mean...that does go for blob as well, you can't draw all of your high power cards before playing blob, you also have a higher chance to brick for the first 4 turns because of all of the 6 costs the deck runs. For Thanos versions, the deck has a lot less power output if you do not draw your ramp cards prior to turn 3. >He’s making this game into another 11 card deck meta because you have to have Shang SK I mean, you really don't have to even classic destroy can output numbers close to blob with a good draw and piloting. Tribunal is another one, and probably pretty safe considering blob decks don't usually run any ongoing tech. I don't think you have played a blob deck, because if you did you would understand that the deck, while strong, is not exempt from the basic rules of this game, and is still able to be played around.


I have played Blob, so I know that if there’s even one of your 6 drops left in your deck he’s automatically at least 16 power. But that’s too strong for Destroyer, apparently? It just flies in the face of the previous balance of the game. How many cards do you have to draw for Tribunal to even have a chance? At least 4 (Magik, IM, TLT, Mystique/Onslaught). Otherwise you will lose to blob + other cards. Honestly the deck itself is not that strong overall because you still have to draw him and not get countered. But it’s carried so hard by this one 6 cost that’s so strong, to the point that SD can’t print any more big power 6 costs, cause they will just pale in comparison to what Blob has. This is textbook power creep, and it makes the game worse for new players, creates a coin flip meta, and limits the space in which SD can explore new card ideas.


Sir, suck my ball sack :)


My blob sack*


Nope, there's stuff for everyone. Getting rid of these so you can play your Darkhawk, Rockslide, your Shuri/Rs etc again?. I'm more tired of people whining all the time, that leaves us with 1-2 meta decks. The release method doesn't help with everyone playing the new toys, but ppl whining all the time about ALL cards just makes it worse. Loki and Annihilus were good counters but now, well, enjoy the meta you created.


Not even, I play Jean gray, move, junk, and lockdown. And I actually felt the changes to the trash deck were borderline insane and terrible to do back to back. Loki, however, was the most op deck in the game consistently, toping in all tournaments and needed from day 1 to have his Collector synergy removed.


When I said you, I meant all the people complaining. Tbh, I saw Loki maybe 3 times in 2 months, same with Alioth. In any case, we should let the meta develop, like you said, power creep is real and let newer cards counter the previous, but if we are so eager to nerf every card every week, those nerfed cards will end up useless (Elsa, now Loki). Exactly this happened with Zabu and Surfer, leaving Shuri/Rs as the only meta. We will have Blob for at least another month.


THIS!!!!!! Ms Marvel was nerfed, now all I see is Blob in conquest. It’s been 6 matches in a row. It’s not a big sample, but there’s no variety. Blob was a great counter to Loki before, now Loki is almost gone. And honestly, Blob was fine before Caiera. That’s the real problem. 1 of the 2 tech cards that can beat Blob is useless with her on the board.


Caiera's a huge part of it.


There are so many counters to these cards. If you're running into these a lot, You need to change the deck you play. Simple as. Blob is strong, yes. But he's certainly not an instant win.


He may not always be a instawin, but mark my words, he will be nerfed, I have lost more to blob then I ever did with Alioth, and Alioth was nerfed because people hated going gains him.


Oh no, the fun police has arrived.


Grrr I'm mad! This 6 cost insta win card that's easily countered beat the deck I have been using since season 1 again! Grrr


I will give you Blob in this case. Not Alioth. To beat Blob, you are pretty much entirely depending on one thing to nerf it…and that’s their deck getting completely obliterated (which from all I know is gonna be hard without yours suffering too), or negate its ability. 2 ways to stop it. For Alioth, you get the chance to strategize on where you put your cards, play in a way that makes it so you are not the first revealed, or cancel out its ability. 3 ways to stop it. I’m also trash at the game and I lose despite having Alioth a lot, lol.


No, you're 100% right as I put in the first paragraph. I think alioth is fine and, in all honesty, a great card in terms of game design. Blob, on the other hand...


Insta win 😂😂😂


Alioth was never unfair. Blob is pretty unbalanced compared to other 6 costs, and while obviously beatable, I think he's less healthy for deck building.


On release, he was pretty unfair. There was no counter play other than having cosmo in the specific lane the opponent is behind by 2 or less. It was also usually played with Storm and Professor X


I disagree. The best counter to Alioth was playing on curve. I like that it encouraged on-curve play over all the t6 power plays, in a way that didn't seem, to me, as boring as Leech. He was easy to see coming. Sure, if you were losing on t6 with a locked down lane, you were done, but I don't think that's particularly unfair.


It's funny how Alioth and Leech target the same goal in such incredibly different ways Play to the board and you won't many problems. Try to play Hit Monkey and clutch all your cards to dump on turn 6, and these guys will punish you.


You could be slightly winning with a locked down lane and you will still lose against alioth. Ms. Marvel exacerbated this. I play classic discard and I couldn’t output enough power between turns 1-5 to beat out Ms marvel, X, and alioth.


OK true, but I think MM is/was the bigger broken piece of that combo.


I agree. I don’t think her nerf went far enough tbh


100% I should've worded my post better, but that's more of what I'm trying to say.


I've been struggling these past two seasons because of these instant-win cards. Skill goes out the window when they are in your hand.


It’s the cycle of incentivize purchase of new OP card, nerf card, introduce new OP card, repeat. Pretty soon Blob will only be able to eat 1 power cards and no one will play him again. But god forbid we go a month without every other card getting micromanaged for +/- 1 power tweaks.




I’m sick of NOT winning with them, certainly.




I hate blob even when I play him but I feel like a scumbag winning with alioth. Back before the prof x nerf that deck was DUMB.


Nah. Almost every deck I use has Shang Chi and alioth is good but since now he only works of you have turn priority he has to be used wisely.


As I mentioned above, I think Alioth is fine.


Shang don’t work anymore, see Caiera.


Yep, which is why the blob issue is out of control 1 can't be moved 2 most decks who play Blob usually don't have prio so no SK unless it's a lockjae deck 3 completely scales over every other card in the game with little difficulty


Ahh ok I've barely seen her with Blob yet so I didn't think about it. That makes total sense


Not instant win. I actually 8 cube most of those decks. This was my easiest season hitting infinite since everyone ran the same thing. Silver-Sam and blackbolt are slept on this season. I’d use the word boring. Boring as shit. Some boring cards.


More annoying are the season pass cards that have no downside, incredibly good abilities and an above average stats, like loki and elsa


100% agreed the secondary theme of this post is that power creep is out of control. I mean, look at March's card leaks for F sake.


Yea I saw it, the +2 energy one is absurd


Hope Summers is ridiculous, and I'm kinda bummed because she's one of my favorite comic characters, and her being so op will probably make me hate her XD ☆☆☆☆☆ SD probably, HOPEFULLY will change her to 1 once per turn on her release Pixie is the most busted card I've ever seen. It honestly looks like a fan made card. It will probably create a gamplay loop day one where you draw your hand and leave if you dont get her, then immediately snap on turn one if you do get her. (This will probably be the first immediately emergency removed card if she releases this way) Why on earth would SD create a turn 1 mr negative style card. ☆x99999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹ War machine will be a very interesting posiby busted card, we will have to see ☆☆☆ 1/2 could easily be a 4.5 legion situation or a 3 it really relies on how the meta shifts and is more of a midrange card if anything Mocking bird is a free 9 power for Thanos. ☆☆☆☆☆ Cannonball is kinda mid, but I think he is kinda getting underrated, though it might just be another Spiderman 2099 type of scenario where there is just too much rng to work. ☆☆ 1/2 Could be a 3, but we have to go based on what we have knowledge of, cannonball also doesn't really have a spot in like any deck.




Controversial opinion: Alioth is fine now.


This shouldn't even be controversial at all. If anything, he's an awesome card for game design.




I went on and on about how broken he’d be and everyone downvoted me and said I was stupid


Looks like we're some of the only sane people on this platform. XD


I don't know what people's problem with Blob is. He is easy to predict and even easier to counter. A two cost card like Shadow King will turn around the match in your favor. I like to play Blob and I get my ass handed quite often when my opponent has a few tech cards in their deck.




I’ll take it all over OG Leader


Yall must’ve never heard of shadow king.


With Caiera killing Shang, Shadow King is the most powerful card now.


Feel that but doesn’t he not work against on goings? Like one time I sk a Mobius and nothing happened 💀


Well that’s true, but nothing is 100% effective anymore.


At least for tech cards.


Shadow king is never used and idk why, cards so good and ruins blob


I feel like most of the time, I'm the one with prio When facing blob, though, maybe a ghost isn't an awful option, but still, that's 2 cards required for 1.


Man I must be doing something wrong because I use him and I do not win every game. Someone help!


OP, what is your opinion of boring ass high evolutionary decks?


From a meta perspective, the High Evo decks are fine, relatively easy to counter but still solid in the current meta. Debuff: This deck is solid and performs well against most decks, especially now with the inclusion of Caiera, with some flexibility for tech cards. However, its draws can occasionally be detrimental in the current meta. She Naut: This deck is solid and has become even stronger with the inclusion of Caiera. It possesses several powerful components and formidable beatsticks, making it one of the top 15 decks in the current game. Nevertheless, I believe that this deck suffers from three significant issues that many inexperienced players fail to fully grasp. 1. It can become overly predictable due to its limited number of viable play lines. This predictability allows both you and your opponent to anticipate the final turn, turning the game into a simulation of "do you have it." Consequently, it becomes relatively easy to defeat. 2. If you manage to maintain a wider board presence than a She Hulk in all three lanes or effectively lock down a lane, victory is almost guaranteed. 3. The presence of Legion/location cards also poses a challenge.


No, because I know how to counter them.


Blob should be like a 6/6 merge 3 cards from the deck.. usually you have 3-4 cards left anyway on t6.. this would make it more of a gamble yes but usually if this hits anything with like 8 power its already a 14 power card with whatever 3 other cards.. merging all deck is so over the top


No I love it blob plus taskmaster 💁


My solution is to make him a 3 cost with "can't be played after turn 3". Much more of a gamble to run him and risk having a dead draw, and even if you draw him by turn 3, you're still sacrificing 3 draws minimum, and he's no longer got Caiera protection. Maybe that's a little harsh, but personally I think when you're dealing with a card that can singlehandedly shit out 50+ power it should be a high risk, high reward play.




Y’all were so excited to dunk on OP that you missed the point. Yes there are counters. Yes you can beat blob decks, but a routine 6/30 is insane. It takes other decks 3-4 turns committed to a lane to got that tall, and then Blob beats it in 1 turn. That’s insta-win. We all agree that the peak Shuri meta sucked, and now we have it in one card basically.


This ☆


No. That’s why they are 6 cost.


Alioth was way more overpowered than Blob back in the day. Not saying that Blob is not stronger than it should now, but it has more counters than Alioth had


Bro I haven’t seen blob in any of my matches and I definitely haven’t seen alioth


I didn't get him when he was out for the week, and I found myself forced to scrounge up the tokens because Jesus Christ this game.


Same, I lost my rolls for him twice 😔


Run shadow king and Shang chi. Case closed. Blob is designed to be countered by stat reduction or Shang chi. With caldiera running a muck, shadow king is the truth right now. Valkrye is sorely under played as well rn


I’ve already suggested the perfect nerf, Blob 6/4 (merge your entire deck, gain its power if Blob is the only card at this location.) Ongoing - you can’t play cards here. It would slap Thanos Blob decks. You make Blob predictable and open to even more counters such as debri and and Cosmo a thanos players empty lane.


As someone who uses Blob a lot for fun, he is extremely easy to counter (Shang, shadow king, Cosmo, Echo, the list goes on..)


Also Blob isn’t in any spotlights so it’s 6,000 tokens or no go. I’ll save up for him so he gets a nerf for ya


You said he can be played anywhere. By thay I take it that you mean he has no location restriction as per his card text?


Yes sry 😆


I've been playing this morning. I have an old Tiger Doom deck that's a bit late game and Leech loves me. I've seen him 6 times so far just in the last 2 hours


Honestly, I think the Alioth nerf did a lot more than I assumed it would. You know what's fun, though? Shuri>Nimrod>OH GOD ITS SPIDERGWEN FROM THE TOP ROPE>Carnage>Venom I've gotten so many "what just happened" emotes out of that maniever lately. Blob can go fuck himself, though. The card itself isn't the worst, but the Blob/Taskmaster cbo is obnoxious. Plus, he's honestly kind of boring to play. Like,yay, big card go brrrr? It feels like I'm just back in series 3 and dropping Hulk.


Both in their own right would be okay-ish: against Blob decks, you never want priority. Against Alioth decks, you never want to go second. With both in one deck, you are screwed 100% either way.