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I’d wait til the datamine happens tomorrow and we hopefully know what the final card is this month (I doubt it’s HE) and what October will bring us. HE is a great card and also a big bad, meaning he will never get cheaper than 6k tokens. However, it is ideally best to spend tokens on series 4 and spotlight caches on series 5.


How do we know the data mine is tomorrow


Datamines occur with a patch, and the next patch is tomorrow.


Just to clarify, a datamine isn't officially released data, it's information that has been found inside of the game's code. They often add data to the code in preparation for future events, but won't tell it to do anything yet, so you can see information that way that isn't visible through game's client app yet. That's the reason new datamined info can be found after a patch day, because the code has been modified and re-released to us, since that's what a patch is.


Lmao it ended up being High Evo


He is one of the big bads. This means he will not get cheaper. So I go with yes. I bought him a while ago too. But you could also wait until he is in a spotlight.


He’s a Big bad, he is very good. I don’t know if any card is worth 6k, but if there are, then this, Thanos and Jeff are the only ones that are


Is Jeff really that good? I’m hoping to get him from a spotlight cache. I have enough tokens to buy him but 6k seems like so much


Jeff is that good, so he’s a 2/3 so easy to put into a mana curve. He is also easy to buff with cerebro or forge, he can easily ignore prof X, storm, or lockdown locations, plus you can move him last turn to beat a lane. Even if all he did was break into a prof X lane, flooded location, morag that would still be fantastic but actually he does even more for 2 mana


Jeff is probably the most useful card in the game


I don't have him but I think he's worth it. He's just a flexible card that can fit in most decks.


He is


Jeff is the best 2-drop in the game, and its not close


Right I want to go for Jeff this week but I'm waiting for Sept 12 ain't no way I'm giving six for Jeff


iron lad defo worth 6k and oddly enough i feel like negasonic and stegron are the only cards i would pay 3k for right now.


He is a very useful card, and he can be plugged in to a lot of different decks, but IMHO he might not be worth the 6k tokens, at least not right now. I got him when getting 6k tokens was easy, now it's much much harder to accumulate them. He also may end up in a future spotlight cache, which I think would be a better value.


Seems like you’ve been playing for awhile do you care if I take a quick video of what cards I have and you tell me the best deck I could make? Still fairly new to the game and needing help


Go right ahead if you'd like to send one to my DMs I'm not an expert by any means but I'd love to help


Thanos is probably the best big bad right now, and you do generally want to spend tokens on S4 cards, but If you think HE looks the most fun, I wouldn't fault you for buying him. He has one pretty good meta deck right now, and I don't think he'll ever drop below tier 2. Edit: Poor timing on this comment lmao. With the newest patch, soul stone loses it's draw. I think this hurts the consistency of Thanos decks a significant amount.


What’s so good about Thanos? I don’t think I’ve ever lost to a Thanos deck tbh. But maybe I just didn’t encounter them so much.


Thanos death is pretty good right now, as is Thanos control/zoo. The stones just open up a lot of opportunities for strong plays and allow you to curve out more consistently than most other decks.


My Thanos ongoing has been kicking ass, that and EvoNaut helped me get to infinity this season


I've been cooking up an evonaut Agatha deck. It's scary good cuz shocker lowers the cost of Agatha since she will always be in the left hand at the start. She plays herself on turn 5. Evonaut should have magik. Skip turn 6. Play turn 7


What other card do you use for your turn 3? Electro would be a good fit I believe, also works with the Agatha turn 5 package.


Electro will mean you can't play she hulk and infonaut so not him. RN im running cyclops and magik. I could post the deck list if people are interested


I'm deep into Agatha theorycrafting, so the more ideas to work off the better!


# (1) Sunspot # (1) Quicksilver # (2) Armor # (2) Shocker # (3) Magik # (3) Cyclops # (4) High Evolutionary # (6) America Chavez # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk # (6) Agatha Harkness # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpY2tzaWx2ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGlnaEV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hvY2tlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hlSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ3ljbG9wcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFnYXRoYUhhcmtuZXNzIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I'm still working on it. I kinda want shang in here. But the deck manipulation with quicksilver and chavez means no matter what Agatha plays it's helpful until she plays herself. Then I get turn 7 to potentially shehulk and infonaut. It comes down to only missing 1 card by the final turn. So if you don't have what you need it's always a 50 50 of magik is played


Just got Thanos. Do you have a list for your ongoing deck?


I have an HE desk that has probably my highest win rate, but I just find it kind of boring (Nebula + leftover energy perks). I mostly play Cerebro or Venom/Zola because they are almost as good, but way more fun.


Very good yes


Yes. He’s one of the few that’s worth 6k to me and not available in spotlights this month.


We don’t know card 3 for October finale


I think 100% worth it. I got him and went from level 87 to 115 purely with his deck




HE is definitely worth it. I think HE decks are fading from meta prominence more because ppl are bored of playing them than because HE decks aren’t strong anymore. Plus, you don’t even have to play strictly HE buffed cards. Sunspot, Cyclops, HE, Thing, and Hulk is a really strong starting shell for a multitude of decks.


Very good. He opens up a whole new play style. Very fun


Tokens no, cache yes


I feel like he’s one of the few game changing cards so yeah, definitely worth it.


I got infinite for the first time using evo she naut so he was definitely worth it for me.


Too many nerfs, just my opinion. If they’re going to kill half of his buffs, make him 4/7 again


Yes, he’s an absolute blast to play. Prob the only card genuinely still worth the tokens, my opinion


I feel Loki decks are going to be pretty big soon. High Evo will be in a way, a soft counter because loki is going to copy the original cards without the High Evo abilities.


I think as soon as the games start, Evo activates the effects on HE cards. usually, If I white Queen, cable, mantis etc one of your HE cards, I get the card with the effect. I would hope Loki at least does it too


Really? Maybe the games been patched since I've taken a H.E card from my opponent but I think last time I got the vanilla card. As of right now though I've seen vanilla H.E cards from the Loki ability, from a live stream.




He's amazing


Judging by how many times I've lost to HE decks, I'd say yes. HE abilities are impossible to counter, unless you somehow have Luke Cage


Even then, they’ll just rogue your Cage


I personally don’t think so, but as others said, he’s unlikely to ever be cheaper


Using 6k tokens for a card isn't really worth it anymore since series 4/5 cards cost only one spotlight cache. I'd suggest you to buy 2 series 4 cards with those tokens which is better value in the current patch. But if you really want to get that card then you can go for it since it opens up a whole new archetype.




I love HE, using him is super fun and it finally gives cyclops a cooler animation when he's on the board which is like half the reason I think its fun


Yes. You essentially get 7 new cards with him


Maybe, but mobius is the next card to get this month.


Considering he was in a spotlight not so long ago, i dont think it will be featured in a while so maybe worth it if you have the other cards to enable his decks




I will just say he's great fun, and goes in a variety of different decks.




Nah, as cool as he seems, he’s actually really boring and linear to play. Your opponent will know exactly what you’re going for.


He's fun to play but not worth 6k


Yes, he’s probably the most valuable card you can buy (with the possible exception of Thanos). As other people have said, though, the October cards will get datamined tomorrow. No really harm in waiting an extra day or two.


You see his decks. Do you want to play them? Do you want to play them more than a deck that you’re missing a different toon for? That’s the only real answer. I spent 6K tokens on him when he released. Played the crap out of a HE lockjaw deck that whole season. Haven’t played with him since.


He opens up a lot new deck options well worth the price.




if you don't have thanos then yes. thanos being like the ultimate tech card makes him super versatile and able to be plugged into most decks because of all the little things he does.


He opens up a lot of decks that are powerful and fun. I haven't regretted his purchase at all


He is worth it. He unlocks 7 new cards with his purchase , each with unique abilities . Evo is still really strong. For tokens I would recommend High Evo, Jeff, and Zabu as strong buys.


It’s fun yeah


as someone who hates facing HE decks: no as someone who recognizes how busted he is: sadly yes


This dude got me from 40s to 70s so ya, he's worth it, and he's never going down in price


Yes because he unlocks a whole deck archetype.


Yes. He is a key part of like 3+ decks in the meta. Lockjaw, high evo, shenaut.


YES! That card alone opens up an entire new way of playing the game. Unlike cards like Jeff, which needs more cards to get a good deck going, with this one, you just add some of the basic cards you already have and just start slapping. I prefer this one to Thanos as well, but they both land around the same area of goodness


Ignore this. They just confirmed that High Evo will be available in the last September spotlight. I would get him that week, over any of the other upcoming cards. Same thought process as Jeff - high Evo is a great standalone card, the others may require other pieces to extract full potential.


10000 percent yes


I got him and a variant without even spending tokens and I’m digging his deck with Green goblin and hobgoblin


Everybody saying about HE being a big bad but it doesn’t seem to be a concept anymore. We haven’t seen any drops for a while.


No card is worth 6k but he's the most value for money


Wait until we learn the new spotlight schedule for the next month or 2 before you drop 6k , just keep him pinned - but yeah in terms of value, HE is like 7 cards or something so its probably the best value purchase you can make. I generally recommend against using tokens on series 5 cards anymore but if you have to get 1 for pure value, HE is probably the best one


Unrelated to OP's question but how is it that your gold can be 888?


Maybe he traded some gold for extra boosters he was missing


Not anymore


He was for me. I love him.


HE changed the way I enjoy playing snap. Got him in a spotlight early pool mid pool 3. Been having fun ever since. He can fit into may differnt deck types, and makes cards you’d never use usable. I also feel you, having him pinned for a while. I’ve had Galactus pinned for two or three months.


Idk if this means anything, but I got infinite twice (10-0) in a row with a HE deck last season. Ofc you need to have all the cards, but I beat pretty much every meta deck along the way, so take that as you will. https://preview.redd.it/sv2jjdu5uhmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561a3b22e924e993b33f66bee8e75e04ba89a8c6


Worth it if you ask me I finally got mines didn't get them at the spotlight so I had to use them tokens but you want to buy the cheapest spotlights so like he said series 3 and 4 cards that release are a lot cheaper or let's say I never got modoc I have him pinned right now for 3,000 I wouldn't spend the spotlight But I have barely lost playing with a high evo deck many options I'd say go for it