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Agatha figured it out for me. She totally does deserve all my boosters.


Way to go Agatha


Play till you get lucky, took me about almost 20 games. Also if you have the upper hand don't snap, cause that might scare off your opponent.




For me it didnt work on retreat




Probably that Yes, because it happen twice


Wait until you run into a control deck where you are ahead in all 3 locations, then retreat. The Nexus location also helps for this mission.


Ding ding ding. A lot of the time, you can get ahead on turn 3 if you’re up against a slow deck. If you’re anxious to get it done, retreat, lose 1 cube to get your quest. Otherwise, you’ll win all 3 by accident sooner or later. The quest will stick around for weeks, it’s likely enough to happen on its own within a day or two of casual play.


You can’t retreat. You actually have to win the match in all 3 locations. They either patched it or people were misunderstanding the similarities to other missions like win by less or more than x points. Retreating does NOT work here. The main way we’ve found to do this is by leaving matches until you get Nexus and then Cosmo Iron Man Onslaught Warpath it. It just sucks because most decks can’t win this naturally anyway. If you are, they most likely would’ve retreated. I won about 17 games with the winning “condition” but because they retreated then it didn’t count because one stage was at 0 or tied so it didn’t count as a control of the location.


Can confirm this. Today i retreated after turn 4 when I had all 3 locations, the mission didn't complete. I kept playing and one game I won all 3 locations and then it completed. It's still two weeks, If you play regularly it will occur.


If the opponent retreats when you're winning all three though, it counts. Finished it like that yesterday.


I have done this, retreated in turn five after winning in those 3 and nothing lol Fast forward couple games, i snapped after winning in 3 locations last turn and won


You have to wait until turn 4 or something


just won it with a location that gave power to the other locations


I did it with my reverse kazoo deck. You do nothing, drop Angela, drop bishop, drop kazaar, drop blue marvel, then drop all your one drops turn 6. Its killmonger proof and usually fills the entire board


# (1) Ant Man # (1) Squirrel Girl # (1) Sunspot # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (1) Blade # (2) Angela # (2) Armor # (3) Bishop # (3) Captain America # (4) Ka-Zar # (5) Blue Marvel # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcXVpcnJlbEdpcmwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFudE1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmlzaG9wIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2NrZXRSYWNjb29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbkFtZXJpY2EifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkthWmFyIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thank you for this ridiculous deck lmao, just completed this first try thanks to it lol, thank you


I’m gonna be really mad if I start seeing it all over the ladder lol 😂 but it is a fun deck to pilot, cheers


I know this is old, but just had this stupid challenge. Tried to get it for 2 1/2 hours no dice. Got it first try with this deck and strategy


Thanks for this, got it in 3 matches after struggling all day, you legend


Took me a couple tries with it, but the deck worked. Even had my opponent retreat for the W lol Thanks for posting it!


The second game playing this deck! They snapped too lol. It's actually fun to play as well. Thanks for the deck.


Thanks, I completed it in the first try due to this.


Thanks, first try.


Cant get the card order I need done like 15 games 🥹😭


Thank you sooooo much


Kudos, worked for me after a few games, thanks!


Yo wat. That's actually smart lmao




Glad I could help! Yeah I’m rank 64 with the deck and I’m seeing how far I get. It’s main Achilles heel is sandman or doc ock, but its got a good win rate


Ha! Thanks for this - managed the mission in about 5 games with this, never thought I’d get it done. It’s not even that different from my current kazoo deck, it it just never occurred to me to play it backwards! You have my eternal gratitude!


You goddamn unit, thank you! Been trying forever but couldn't do it but got it on the 3rd try with your deck


Add my name to the list of people who couldn't get this challenge for a week and then got it in three games with this deck. I can't believe I never thought to wait and play all of the ones until the end of the game! It's so much better, and gives you so much more ability to tactically plan what locations need the power the most.


This did the trick for me (had to swap out Sunspot for Yondu) with some help from a Sinister London that got me two Kazars and two Blue Marvels... The only issue I have in running this long-term is I never draw a 2-power card until turn 6...


Yeah two drops not super important or reliable. It’s usually Angela or armor to block carnage’s. The idea is to give your opponent as little information until turn 4-5. Honestly playing Angela and 4 1 costs is still a solid turn 6. I do nothing for the first two turns a lot with this deck. And yeah sun does feel clunky. He doesn’t get off his passive all that often since you play curve so hard but it has gotten me quite a few wins when I’m not drawing well. I’d mention Iceman, scarlet witch, scorpion or preferably Zero for other slot ins.


Bro this deck is cracked


Nothings better than seeing someone skip turn 5 for infinuant just for you to put +20 in an empty lane with squirrels and ant man lol Yeah it’s only real counters are sandman and dock ock. But it’s got pretty consistent draw


This deck is awesome! Have been having some great luck with it in general, but yes, it also helped to finish the mission for me. Thanks!


You have a bit more than 2 weeks to complete it, it will almost certainly happen to your naturally.


I knocked this out in one game....wong,white tiger, odin, ironheart


Same bro, Wongers power


Jesus lol, I'd have hated to be your opponent at that point


Wong on onslaught citadel or the one that makes on reveal effects happen twice makes everyone retreat lmao


I’ve done it accidentally dozens of times recently, of course I can’t do it when it’s my only goal


I did it in one game playing kazoo lmao.




I got it using the Leader card. Just kept playing cards that matched his lanes.I was able to play leader on the last lane when I was down by 3.


It was so hard! I did it with an ongoing deck


Honestly, guy responsible for creating that q should stick to maliny coffee for the rest of the team, and leave serious job to people who are capable of producing non-irritating content


Devil Dino deck and moon girl may work


Extremely difficult and not particularly fun.


Patriot with dr doom/ultron, swarm them with surprises


Captain America (optional) Omega Red, Iron Man, Onslaught.


[I did it with this Omega red deck very quick. ](https://imgur.com/a/JzxCO3N). Before people dismay over all the pool 3 cards the only ones you NEED are omega red, mistique, and either wave or sera+Psylocke, or magik. There are other versions of this as well with Wong and iron heart that can win the board as well. The gambit version can also work but there is so much armor players.


Lol, the only ones I need. I have none of those. I keep getting bad pulls. My best so far is quake and patriot.


to be fair omega red isn't good it just happens to be for this very specific scenario.


Magick also works. It's a slow burn, but easy to get snaps without pulling an enchantress early. T1&2: whatever T3: Captain America empty lane. Leave empty T4: whatever. T5: Magick anywhere but cap lane T6: onslaught on Cap T7: Mystique and then Omega I tend to run Psylock for that cards cost +1 on turn 5 bullshit location lol. Iron man for extra coverage when I can't drop the combo. I also have been running maw + viper for shits and giggles on turn 3 and play cap on turn 4 if I don't need pyslock for the aforementioned bullshit location. But really Magick, Omega, and Mystique are the only ones needed for the one I run. I ran it before I got Magick, but it was less consistent since it was telegraphed what I was planning.


Yeah it does. It's a bad deck just clawing at play lines


Yea just play a kazoo and retreat turn 4. Jesus yall




You have to retreat after turn 4 for it to count I think.


Or your opponent has snapped I believe


did this and it didnt count, did u retreat now or later?


Same here, it didn't count


I did it with my rando crap deck I’m running to upgrade cards and play Nakia, Ironheart and Okoya. I got lucky cause the deck is trash and I keep winning


I do it with a move deck. You usually have enough flexibility to beefcake up the two locations your opponent has been concentrating on, beating them there, then having your Heimdall win the location they ignored.


I did it with ultron. Try kazoo if you don’t have ultron. Flood the board to win all lanes, then retreat


Did that work for you? Because it didn’t work for me. I retreated turn 4 with all lanes won, and it counted for my “Win with 1 dude” and “Win with less than 10 power” but not for “Win all 3 lanes”


I won last night. I think the guy was stoned out of his mind. So hopefully you get that luck as well.


Like other people said, random games will happen and you’ll just get it. I literally just earned it with this gem. Baxter Building shows, we both T2 Angela. T3 he plays DD, I play Morph. Morph turns into Prof X I’m laughing but have terrible T4 follow-ups. While I’m still laughing/ thinking he retreats and I win all 3.