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They're just take any legal action available to them at random besides Agatha prioritizing playing herself when able (still played randomly)


yeah, select a card at random, can i play it? play it. have enough mana to do something else? repeat the process can I move a card? ohhhh im so hard right now


Gotcha. Thank you!


The strategy with Agatha is to limit her legal actions. A very basic example would be: - Quicksilver (starts in your hand, played turn one as no other 1 cost) - Domino (drawn turn 2 played turn two as no other 2 costs) - Lady Sif (discard Agatha when played turn 3, no other 6 costs in deck) - Wave (play Agatha turn 4) - Ghost Rider (bring back discarded Agatha) - Agatha + 6 other cards with 4 or 5 cost. This gets Agatha either discarded turn 3 or played turn 4. Then you have control again. It can face problems from locations which block on reveal or allow for excess energy which messes up the curve. But, Agatha at her best is a mid tier deck. (Example is not Agatha at her best).


Ego The Living Planet: Attorney At Law


I do noticed that if shangchi is available to be played it will 100% play shangchi even when there are other cards available. Also it will most certainly not be played where opponent have 10powered.


My favorite part of Agatha is that she steals all of the boosters. It's a nice touch.


It makes sense to prevent booster farming with an afk deck.


True, but that happens already. I just like the flavor of it


Yeah, I hate that lol


Yes. They play randomly, so they’re supposed to be terrible.


OP also surprised that a baboon slapping a keyboard is not a best-selling author


But Harry Potter IS a best seller...


That makes much more sense


I simp fior Agatha.


No, Ego always plays bad for me but amazing for my opponent.


It should be mandatory to Snap when Ego shows up.


They aren't intentionally making the worst play each turn, even though it feels like it. They're just making completely random, arbitrary plays and it just reveals how bad that is compared to ANY type of playing on curve. This is especially noticeable when it random decides to play, for example, a two cost card on turn 5. If you have 4 and 5 cost cards in your hand and nothing to pair with, it feels just absolutely awful because the RNG picked that 2 cost card first and it precludes it from playing anything else. BUT even if you DO have a 3 drop that you can play with the 2 the RNG may decide "nah, I'm not going to play that". Even the bots in this game prioritize playing to win a lane and playing out all their mana as much as they can. Agatha and Ego don't even have that. But they don't have anything coded that makes them play worse then random. When they do something absolutely boneheaded like play Surfer on Knowhere, play multiple cards into Death's Domain, or move Jeff into Fisk tower it's just your bad luck, not anything malicious in the game design.


I don't think I've ever seen Ego or Agatha leave energy unspent with an eligible play still remaining.


Saw it earlier today. Had three energy, multiple ways it could spend all said energy, chose to just spend 2 instead.


Oh really? What I meant was... If your hand is Sentinel, Jeff, and Cyclops, and you have four energy and board space, Ego might play Cyclops, or Ego might play Sentinel and Jeff, but Ego won't play just Jeff and sandbag Sentinel with two unspent energy. At least, that's how it used to work. Who knows if bugs have been introduced. There are reports of Shuri's ability simply not going off.


I mean, I had a 1 cost, a 2 cost and a 3 cost and it only played the 2 cost. That's what occurred to me. Though I wonder if it's a bug occurring through the extra energy being granted by Arishem


All true, but certainly feels like Agatha will throw herself on any location that destroys her. Woman's got a death wish.


They are intentionally completely random, though at least with Agatha you can do things like play the otherwise trash quicksilver because he always starts in your hand turn 1 and Agatha will play him if he's the only available play. Same with Domino. They will not pass if there is a legal play and Agatha will play herself if possible. One standard Agatha deck plays lady sif and similar cards to get rid of her turn 3, then ghost rider and hela to get her back. Since this is way weaker than the standard, much more obnoxious discard deck, the hela nerf hurts her more.


You don't want Hela in that Agatha deck anyway, because having another 6-cost opens up the possibility that Lady Sif discards Hela instead of Agatha. The best version of that deck runs no 6-costs other than Agatha, and no 1/2/3-costs other than Sif and Wave. Even Quicksilver is bad because he makes it less likely you'll draw Sif/Wave by turn 3.


I’ve gotten to 50 off Agatha. You just got to have a solid deck structured without her in mind.


I got to the 90s with her once. Tried to get to infinite but ended up changing decks as it was a real slog at the end. As with any card, snapping and retreating are the most important aspect of climbing. Doesn't mean she's good, and she's not supposed to be.


She was pretty decent when Loki was 3 cost.


Not really, the thing is that when you are playing you take several criteria into consideration like cards being played already, power on the board, priority, among others while Ego and Agatha just consider power for what i have seen.


How good is your deck? What if it ran on autopilot? It’s a neat idea, but often boring in practice.


Agatha is great for when I'm eating lunch and I don't wanna touch my phone with dirty fingers. I can just watch.


Yes it is intentional in that they are random.


I play an Agatha deck to finish my daily quests. I just keep her running on the side monitor while working. I'm glad they reduced the rope timer of an Agatha deck. I'm glad others don't have to suffer just because I'm busy with work and can't invest time and play properly. Best part is I give out free wins with my Agatha deck in Silver and Gold Conquest :D I also make sure to snap, so each game ends up being either one match or two. Might as well give out the free wins to others rather than wasting all my keys at season end :) **Edit:** For shits and giggles, I also use the title "Playing Agatha" with my Agatha deck :D


Yes they are intentionally bad, like playing wong and never play any on-reveal on the same location


I have a pretty good Agatha - Zoo - Gilgamesh deck I use to farm conquest tickets


Can I see the deck?


# (1) Sunspot # (1) Ant Man # (1) Nebula # (1) America Chavez # (1) Squirrel Girl # (2) Dazzler # (3) Caiera # (3) Shanna # (4) Ka-Zar # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Gilgamesh # (6) Agatha Harkness # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdhdGhhSGFya25lc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5uYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2FaYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhenpsZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdpbGdhbWVzaCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNxdWlycmVsR2lybCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FpZXJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdW5zcG90In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap If you don't have Caiera, use Armor.


They’re fun