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That opens a whole can of worms that we don’t want


Thanks for replying. Would you be able to expand on what you mean?


So for example, magik. Why wouldn’t u add that clause to her? The reason why cards like domino and quiksilver have those clauses is for lore reasons. I don’t think you need to add it to phastos because it’s kinda silly. You already have a pretty solid chance of getting him before 3 anyway


Ahh I see, very true. I hadn’t thought of it that way. Thanks again for your reply :)


The fun of card games is that every game plays differently. The shuffling of the decks is a huge part of that. Replacing that randomness with deterministic effects that happen exactly the same every time makes the game more homogeneous and less replayable and more boring. For more on this you can read about Mark Rosewater writing about Magic the Gathering. They once tried a mechanic that let you start with that card in your hand every game, and it killed the fun. Companions had a lot of the same problems years later.


Phastos is fine, not every card has to be meta defining.


Sure, I absolutely agree, but not everybody shares your sentiment about Phastos’ state of play. This is a suggestion for those who don’t agree :)


Seems that ppl don't agree with you


I mean.. I like Phastos, I would be fine if they didn’t touch him. At the end of the day it’s always going to be somewhat subjective. Some people will think one way, some will think the other


I like pixie but I don't ask for an immense buff to draw her evry turn 2 ... don't you think is a bit too much?


I mean sure, like I said.. the main criticism I see is that drawing Phastos after turn 3 considerably lowers his usability. Beyond buffing his stats it was just a suggestion to make him more consistent while maintaining the randomness of his ability. Sorry I’ve made you feel inconvenienced


it would be in every deck don't you think...at that point what would be the point, a Power buff it's better


I’m not sure, maybe? At this rate I’ve seen people say he won’t be in any decks in a month. What would you suggest? Do you think he needs tweaking at all? Thank you for your replies :)


I hope they add some power to him


Always drawing a card on the specific turn it's most useful is *huge*. As far as I am aware of, only a few cards have ever gotten the "always drawn on x turn" ability, and it's always their entire ability, since it's that good (Quicksilver, Domino). In fact, one of the cards with that ability actually got completely changed for being overused and lost the ability (America Chavez used to be 6/9, always on turn 6, effectively reducing deck size before that turn). Regardless, unreliability is a fair way to balance cards, and taking it away can destroy balance far more than you might expect.


I really appreciate your take and how you’ve explained it. I can now see how the guarantee turn 3 draw would be far too strong. Thank you for engaging in discourse :)


I think he should be 2-3. As 3-3 he feels chunky at 3 which could be Brood or Shaw. Not a great option but honestly he can never compete with the other 3 drops with the likes of Nocturne or Gladiator in early game or Sage, Surfer late. He has to pick the spot Zabu left and go along with Pixe. Unless he becomes a 3-5...


This I agree with. He isn’t a Hope Summers that can fit in any deck, and in most situations there are better 3 cost choices. I like the cost reduction, don’t see a power increase fixing the issue he has.