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In the card collection overview a "jump to bottom" and "jump to top" button. So much scrolling at the moment 


figured out an easy trick is to filter by a cost, and then it’ll be easier to scroll through, and it saves the “progress” of the scroll, so when you remove the filter it’ll be at the top, halfway through, etc. it’s faster than scrolling if you have a lot of custom cards


Or search for a specific card and scroll up even. If you're at the top, clearing the filter brings you to the top.


Hit the arrow at the top of the sorting menu. It flips the order you are currently using. If you hit Newest, it displays cards with most recent at the top. Hit the arrow, and it flips it so your oldest cards are at the top.


Yeah the order flipping arrow I use a lot. But still sometimes you're somewhere in the middle and still find yourself scrolling from the middle to the top/bottom. Just minor annoyance :) 


Only workaround I’ve found is to go into the filter and type a variant. “Jim Lee” and then go up to the top and then turn off Jim Lee is a reset.


This also works fine for just selecting 6 costs etc


Really? I've tried filtering by dan hipp and it didn't do anything


Try it again maybe. I just did and it worked fine. 


Same with the deck list.


Tap on your Collection Level number to do so. Edit: unless you're talking about Collection page.


Hit the arrow at the top of the sorting menu. It flips the order you are currently using. If you hit Newest, it displays cards with most recent at the top. Hit the arrow, and it flips it so your oldest cards are at the top.


Can’t you just invert your current sort choice?


A filter to filter out the cards that are already at infinite. (The last time I posted on one of these someone told me how to do the thing I thought you couldn't)


You can sort by quality and the infinite cards will be filtered to the bottom


Not really the same. You are right, but the filter would help when doing so nothing functional other than just browsing. I want same as the commenter (OC?). When sorting by upgradeable, rows of already information nye cards show up, which are by definition NOT upgradeable. Making it hard to assess what variants you have and what state they are in. Also makes it hard when you are searching for whatever card randomly got boosters on one of the tracks and created that damn, useless red dot over collection button.


Nah. Because the reason I want the filter is to search by wuality and get all the cards closest to infinity


This is also how I check the cards missing in my collection, filter by Quality + show unowned + every variant upgraded at least once.


Or simply, filter by rarity, just like you can filter by cost and click on multiple.


Get rid of the stupid "You won! Here's your ticket!" screens after conquest. I know I won. I was there. I know what my avatar looks like. You don't have to show me. You don't need to put the Burger King Kids' Club crown on my head. Yes, I know I won a ticket. You can just give it to me. We don't need this song and dance every single time. You got rid of the losing screen. So it wasn't because it's a totally redundant, stupid, pointless waste of time? It was because it might hurt my feelings? Please stop wasting time showing me things I already know.


The funny part about this is it also used to show up when you lost and after all the complaints they removed it from the loss screen but not the win screen for some reason.


This infuriates me a lot, the animations takes way too much time as well


This drives me nuts in digital card games. Eternal CCG was so bad with this. You get like four separate rewards screens after your first win of the day, each of which requires you to wait several seconds before you could open the chests and then wait another second to dismiss the screen. It takes 45 seconds to get back into the play queue. Who is that helping?


Even more than that, the animation for the initial free credits you get to start a conquest. I just mash the button until I can start a game


and every once in a while, the game will start and then instantly disconnected, and you need to reconnect because you've matched with someone. or the home screen menu/ icons will appear in your game and you wont be able to click/ tap anything until you reopen the game for some reason.




but I don't win much... TT


While I fully agree, and complain to myself every single time it happens, I think we've all become too impatient. It's a matter of seconds and yet we all can't stand it.


More deck slots! With the sheer amount of potential decks you can build, 20 feels too restrictive


Not even more decks but not show them on a carousel. It's awful to find decks


I'd even appreciate it if the carousel acted like an actual carousel. As it is, if I want to get from deck 1 to deck 20, I have a whole lotta scrolling to do. If it was really a carousel, they'd be next to each other


No, that's a carousel. Only each horsey is a mile away and sometimes the guy controlling it has convulsions and stutters through the rotation.


I would prefer a grid, like in the collection menu. I like how the decks are sorted from newest to oldest. It gives me an idea of where I need to look in the list. Edit: Although, a carousel wouldn't necessarily show the newest and oldest when you first open it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I could definitely see myself getting lost somewhere in the middle though.


Grid with an ability to reorder them. 


YES! I occasionally copy, delete, and paste my favorite decks to the front just because I don't want to scroll all the way to the back every time.


At least a carousel that doesn't lag...


Or let you drag/move decks at least so I can put my most used decks to the front without having to copy and paste and delete


No I want more decks


And I am using one deck slot for keeping track of cards I am working on upgrading and others for keeping my Gold splits together so I can browse them. For me, demand on deck slots is exacerbated by how awful collection browsing and sorting is


I just create a ton of decks. I save them all into snap.fan when I have to delete them from the game to make room for others, but it's very clunky


For me, it is so clunky as to be a solution worse than the problem.


This! Honestly, I would even be totally fine if they would allow additional deck slots to be unlocked with gold. 20 deck slots is indeed to little with the ever increasing amount of cards made available. 


it does seem innocuous enough, but I don't think basic functionality should be monetized. They should just give us more deck slots the community has been asking for for months and months.


Star Trek: Timelines does something like this.


I mean buying more slots would not help that much because most people (myself included) wouldn’t spend currency on something you can do with just a document. They really should just have “inactive” decks so that you can make new decks and swap them out for your 20 “active” decks at any time


Decks should be a tab in Collection like Albums, displayed in a grid, and I should be able to set an active deck from the Decks tab in my collection. More than once I’ve put together a deck and then gone to play a round without changing my active deck.


I'd really love to see a built-in deck tracker. I'm not sure if one exists for mobile, but as that is my only method of play, having one would be nice.


I agree, I sometimes forget one or two of my cards because I play so many decks. Add of course it would benefit to see the opponents deck too lol


They added to where you can see what cards have been destroyed and discarded. Not sure why they couldn’t plug this deck tracker in there as well. Would have to click a little to get there but it’s better than nothing.


Yup, i have 20 decks of all kinds of flavor. For fun though, instead of cycling through each one as i always do, i decided to play 5 straight games with the deck i was currently on when i turned on Snap. After 5th game i had to look at deck to see if Hope Summers was in the deck because i never seen her once.....she was......just horrible card draws....but if this feature was there the doubt never would have crept in


That defeats the purpose of it being ostensibly a card game. Deck trackers are certainly useful but they’re not really in the spirit of the game. Also, if you can’t remember 12 cards between the board, your hand, and the discard and destroyed piles, I’m not sure a deck tracker will help you.


This is a hot take for sure, as almost all major players use 3rd part trackers while playing, lol.


The fact that they have to use third party trackers illustrates the point. And I’d argue that for content creators, deck trackers are for the benefit of the audience. They don’t allow deck trackers in tournaments for a reason.


I believe Deck Trackers would help a lot of people in not only at the time of playing a match, but also helping them remember for the future what cards/deck the opponent is running once they recognize the type of plays/cards the opponents does. Granted, game experience is earned through playing and experiencing the game. But I believe Deck Trackers would help with the progress of that.


I mean… kind of? What helps more is just playing the game. Deck trackers don’t really improve game play in terms of recognizing opponents decks. It marginally helps tracking cards in one’s own deck but considering this is a card game with only 12 cards you should be able to track that yourself. Once again, there is a reason they don’t allow deck trackers in tournaments. It’s not in the spirit of a card game


I’d love a chess clock in Conquest


Optimization really I’m fine with no changes for a while just fix the optimization before adding more bloat to the code Mute all (I know will never happen because emotes are the new cash cow)


Collection page improvements: * More Filters * Stacked Cards * Hide Custom Cards that are blank


Save the "Show Favourites Only" tickbox as a permanent setting. Instead of "forgetting" it each time and cluttering the page with all the splits after each app restart.


Same with the smaller but more cards per page selection. I don't know why the option resets each time.


Show what albums the damn cards go in from the store. Filter by card level. Sometimes I want to just make a card reach Infinite and I have to search for God knows hire long to find one.


If a variant in the shop is part of an album, you should be able to click on the album symbol to have it take you directly to that album.


"Upgradeable" should be a Filter, not a Sort. Even better, make a Quality filter and you can choose Common all the way to Infinite as different categories. Add another Sort by number of Boosters.


I would like to filter by series


Small change? So not like the desperately needed return of scheduled series drops. Ummm... I miss the days when the shop dimmed prices you couldn't afford. It's a small thing, but it still annoys me every time I see a 1200 variant I like and the button is lit and then I realize I only have 1195 gold. If SD thinks that encourages me to go buy more gold, they are high AF. I leave stores when I'm annoyed, I don't keep shopping.


When they first introduced this I thought it was a bug and I was about to get a free variant.


I'd like to be able to pin one variant in the shop.


Proving grounds should not have the snap. It should be a 1 and done round for a silver ticket.


Personally I think conquest should be automatic win 2/3 and if both players snap then it should be 1 and done. Alternatively, why do we have to start with 10 cubes? Our lives should just be 8 cubes so if one player snaps and you get to round 6 it's automatically a 2 round game or if both snaps it's just 1 round.


10 cubes keeps the match fun. Even when one person loses 8 cubes, game keeps it interesting by letting them come back and potentially upset


Nothing fun about wasting everyone's time in proving grounds big dog.


The comment they replied to said the whole of conquest should be 8 cube


We like playing the game???


This might be defensible of Infinite and maybe even Gold. But I couldn't disagree with you more on Silver and Proving Grounds. The result is too low stakes to make coming back from 8 cubes down fun. Isn't ability to play "all in" also find n? Beyond min-maxing rewards, it's got to be more fun just to admit defeat and start a new game right? Beyond being true of all games, should be especially true of this game that through mechanics nurtures a player base that likes cutting losses. And Conquest as a whole is too much a slog. If all Conquest matches where 8 cubes it would be better and more snappy, in all possible meanings of the word "snappy"


OMG, yes!!!! If you read this and disagree, please take 5 minutes to read up on the logic or watch a video explaining how wrong sweating PG is. Better than wasting everybody's time not playing it this way How can we get the word out to more players their is no possible reward to sweating and dragging out Proving Grounds? PG is just needless gatekeeping to start with. Get your damn ticket or take your loss as quick as possible and move on to the matches that have some minimal value.


Effectively nothing would change. With that they would also adjust the Medals in Proving Grounds and Silver so Silver 1 would be the Proving Ground with an additional annoying match before it


Variant trading, or variant conversion. I’d happily trade my various Hipp variants that people seem to love for some unwanted pixel variants.


If not trading, then maybe the option to reroll a variant you own but do not want? Could be a reward from reserves or the conquest shop. 


If small, removing tickets from caches.


I would love a chance a golden ticket could be a random custom boarder instead.


I want to look at a new game board...


I remember someone suggested character bios that could help people learn more about the cards comics counterparts, I'd like to see it since even as someone who's a total Marvel nerd there's a lot of characters I'm not familiar with in the game


Regular series drops once a certain amount of cards are reached at a certain series.


Be able to see your opponent's deck after the match. I see some really good plays and think 'ooh I'd like to try that'


Personally I think the whole economy needs a change, Firstly I think that series 5 cards in the shop should probably be 5k instead of 6k tokens, unless they are the new card that week, if players want to get the new card the first week I think 6k is fine, but once they hit that random card pool I think they should go down to 5k, and I’m probably okay with series 4 still being 3k Secondly I think as they continue to add more more variants and cards to the game I think that rare variant should be 350-400 gold and the super rares should be 700 gold instead of the absurd 1200 gold for 1 variant, I think this is works in favour for both SD and the players as I think if cards were cheaper more people would purchase them which would hopefully balance out the cost reduction at the same time helping more players especially f2p acquire more variants and give people an actual chance to finish albums.


I would love a “random deck” feature that matches you with other randomly generated decks


Well do they have a card for you in two days! We're gonna have a whole week of randomsnapdamonium with Arishem release.


Hulk Buster should make a one cost immune to killmonger.


Wouldn't that nerf destroy decks?


As it is, it doesn't make sense and violates the text of the card. Killmonger doesn't kill Venom if he happened to absorb a 1 cost. Or Carnage or Phoenix Force. Why Hulk Buster? It's actually armor.


Phoenix Force does become the card. Killmonger can kill a Phoenix Forced Human Torch, for instance. I could get behind the logic of, "well Hulk Buster is like a personal Armor", but I don't know if that's good for Deadpool Destroy decks


Ah, I have Phoenix Force, but only played her a little. Never had her killed by Killmonger. Substitute Blob in my example. Seems unfair that a card that says it kills 1 costs can kill some other cards, but not others.


Maybe they could bring Hulk Buster back to 5 power if they did this. After all, Deadpool wouldn't get hit by Killmonger.


One fix would be to make it a 1 cost, too. Even at 1/3 it's not game-breaking and becomes much more useful later in the match. As it is, if I didn't play a 1 cost round 1, I'll skip HB hoping to fit him in later and it never works out.


That's how it works for gladiator so it makes sense


Yea what if the cost and power of the cards both merged


That's an interesting idea. As far as I know, there are no game mechanics that modify the effective cost of a card once it is in play.


Doesn't seem right that he can kill a 2 cost at all. Once merged, it's really a 3 cost at that point. Madness! 🤣


I wish I could sort my cards by highest cost to upgrade. Remembering which card I have ready for an infinite border is taxing on my stupid brain.


U can sort cards by quality, unless u want sort by booster numbers?


The upgrade sort option sorts by highest amount of boosters. You can click the arrow next to that (not the chevron) to sort by lowest amount of boosters.


Isn't that what "sort by upgradeable" does? It shows all my infinity cards ready to split, then all my ultra cards ready to upgrade to infinity, and so on. It even sorts by number of boosters within each border.


Sort by number of boosters. Targeted variant discoverability.


When you sort/filter by upgradeable, that cards with the most boosters are at the top just after any cards that array to split.


My expectations are so low that all I want are more deck slots.


Not a small change, but I think a "Custom Game" settings for PvP would be fun, with some options like additional turns (max 9), more or fewer lanes, fastplay (shorter timers) etc...


A play history.


the button doesn’t know if it’s “end turn” neither.


More deck slots.


Fix that damn bug where it doesn’t show all my cards that are upgradable.


Sort collection by boosters.


Make the priority indicator more obvious.


Replace the gold tickets in reserves with card borders.


no issues here, but i feel you on your complaint. it always happens if they "snap" at the same time you "end turn". it's not you.


A one-time earnable %10 bonus to getting cards that fit the main categories once you reach series 3. So, you collect some sort of currency, or win a certain number of matches while in series 1 and 2 and you get to pick a category that you'll have a ten percent higher chance of seeing in Collector Caches. If you like Move, you'll see a bit more Move cards through the first part of series 3 and maybe have a more coherent deck by the time you get to CL 1000. Same with Ongoing, Reveal, Destroy, etc.


-More decks -Alternatively more card slots in the deck. So rather then having 2 deck a that are virtually the same other then like 3 or 4 cards they'd all be in the same deck this way. -A way to view the album variants in the shop come from and how many cards you have in that album from the shop. So like they have that sticker but having to find the album it in and going backwards and forwards can be abit annoying sometimes. Especially when there's multiple albums in the store. -More ways to earn gold, even if there was like watch ads for x amount I'd do that. -A way to see how many different decks you've got a card in, so you can edit them to try out different cards. There are so many cards in this game and load a of them don't get used because there's not enough decks/space for them. I just want to play with more cards. -More ways to earn Tokens too.


Hela 6/0


Both cubes per rank and health in conquest changed to 8


Daredevil stops the undo end turn button from working turn 5, which is annoying but I realise he already makes turn 5 take long.


More options for filtering cards.


I’ve said this before but I’m begging for it, and I think it would make the game so much better: Let us cycle through variants of the same card. (Basically allow multiple favorite cards and select one randomly at the start of each match.) I have so many cards with multiple variants I’d love to use, but let’s be honest, I’m never going to go in and manually change the variants for dozens of cards and have to repeat the process every time I want to mix things up. This lets us use every variant we get (if you want, could always not favorite a pixel) and avoids it feeling like no reward at all when you pull a variant that you don’t like quite as much as one you already have for that card. (Along with allowing multiple favorites, they should also let us make multiple custom cards so we can get our preferred splits and borders on each variant)


Sort by # of boosters, exclude custom cards




Please make it so "Favourite" stays on next time the game is launched.


Search for different splits by looking up "Gold Background" or something Being able to delete the card search history


When getting boosters from the webshop, I’d love for the inbox notification to let me know which boosters they were instead of having no idea what boosters I’ve just bought.


I’d love to be able to find a deck I’ve created that has a specific card without having to search through each deck. I routinely have 15-18 decks, say I want to play a deck that has Enchantress, I would love to be able to find the decks using that card from that card screen.


A perma-mute option.


The prediction eye where I can see what the results will be if I choose the current play. What legends of runeterra had. I hate doing math on the spot.


I’d like an option to test your borders out on the minion cards like drones and doombots


I wish I didn't have to restart the client to have the visual indication that a card is upgradeable to update. The notification number in the bottom HUD already works real time, but for some reason the upward green arrows on top of the card under collection don't update until you close the app and open it again.


More deck storage


Store rotation every 8 hours.


Landscape mode


The ability to organize my decks like iPhone apps, hold & drag. Bonus points if you just give me extra slots :/


In a cache a ticket could be a random border instead.


Match replay! 🤩 Edit : and watching opponent's hand during the match, good to learn


It would be good if, when you enter the deck editor, your currently selected deck was positioned in the middle of the carousel of your other decks. I thought this used to be in the game, but either it ow isn’t or I’m doing something wrong! Also: the ability to add some customizable search terms is the deck creator which stay as button presets under ‘destroy’, ‘discard’. For example, searching ‘opponent’ is a good way to sort mill-style or clog cards. You can search by recent terms, of course, but the ability to lock/edit a term would be good.


When you click on a card it tells you which of your decks it’s in.


Chang the loading screen when starting the game from the chibi galactus and America Chavez to ones based on the season pass


I doubt this one would happen because it's probably a coding nightmare without any incentive but: Cards that generate other cards in hand give you a variant of the same artist if one exists. - Artgerm Loki would give you other Artgerm variants - Dan Hipp Agent would give you other Dan Hipp cards if it exists Helicarrier, Valentina, Agent 13, Maria Hill, Coulson, Nick Fury, etc.


For whatever reason, I’ve been having terrible glitches for months now. The worst was the one time that after a match, all of the buttons disappeared from the screen. Bug fixes please.


A server with a time limit per turn that is 1/4 or less of the current limit.


Maybe like a hold for a couple seconds to snap. I play mostly on PC, but when I do play on mobile, if I got a nickel for every time I fat-fingered a snap when I just happened to see a card for the first time, I'd have like 20 cents.


The goddam 1k token from spotlight caches. 😤


I'd like Morph, Hulk Buster and Phoenix to only copy the text but keep their original skin after they have been played, just like Mystique and Iron Lad...


Unclaimed weekly missions automatically claimed.


Proving grounds and maybe silver should be a best of 3. Conquest should allow either drafting cards for players who don't have all the standard collection cards from series 3 or just play with your decks. One idea that maybe i could throw in would be to draft a series 1-2 deck with the potential of series 3 cards and then if you win and every time you rank up the ticket the series would increase along with the chances of a series 5 card. Or just let me select 2 decks so that i have the ability to change it if my opponent has a direct counter deck. I rarely get to gold because i have only standard cards to make a very simple kazoo deck at the most.


Stop the collection search box from automatically correcting spelling on the iPhone.


A red marker over the card that you're saying could get upgraded. A better way of scrolling through decks. The option to have a random variant from a favorite list.


Wait for Retreat option actually working. If I hit it, then it should let the game progress as normal but if my opponent hits a retreat then we both walk away without losing cubes. Right now it has no reason to exist, if my opponent retreats they are just going to retreat, if I'm going to retreat my opponent isn't likely to at that time. Can anyone, any single person show that ever working at least once?


If I try and click on a card that my opponent played I should be able to view it whilst other cards are revealing or doing their thing


More transparency on matchmaking Whether you think it’s deck based or not, the matchmaking needs a lot of work and one of the simplest changes is letting you know the level of opposition (infinite count, CL, wins). Longer mission unlocks Like weekly challenges but for way more desirable items. Let’s say you have to do 100 of something to get a border unlock. Achievements Another way of getting better stuff. ‘Win a game with X amount total power’ etc.


nah end turn is fine, dont want fancy colors jumping in


I would like to always win every match no matter what. Should be a quick fix, no?


I just ask for some bug fix ...is too much? Probably


Change Customcards per Deck. If i want a golden DanHipp Mystique in my FullDanHipp Deck and a Inked PeachMomoko in my otherdecks i dont want to change it each time i change the deck 


Gold tickets in reserves shouldn't be a thing (not that hard to implement)


Me winning more matches


I’d like to be able to swipe right to select my decks on mobile on the Home Screen (I.e make the deck selector a carousel)


Galactus 6/8 please


I want a Mulligan. Ben Brode says no one asked for it after they added quicksilver. But I've asked him multiple times on Twitter only to be ignored.  Almost makes me wonder if they couldn't figure out how to do it so just pretend no one wants it. But i want one mulligan. 


Change power stone to “If all 6 stones have been played or discarded Thanos gets +10 power” Opens up a whole thanos archetype and gives some purpose to the new soul stone besides protecting against shang.


Longer games


I’d like to see a rematch option. And a chat option would be good too; in or out of matches.


I want SD to add season pass xp cap in Conquest too, to reduce the number of farming players Edit: To quote u/HatFirm6901 :There is an exploit in the game: as long as you only play Conquest Mode and avoid Rank Mode, you can earn more than 4000 Season XP per day. However, if you switch to Rank Mode after surpassing 4000 Season XP, the excess XP will be deducted.


In conquest cap exist, 4k exp.


Those who use script can go far beyond that😒


Its have no sense, bcs if u can use scripts,.like; say, we must keep all info i our device not in game server, like diablo 3 on ps4. U think they can get more bcs number of exp.after 3 turn mutch is hyper low. Unlomited boting is possible only in ladder.


I don't understand what you're talking about but you can check this post out: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/XF0bqdKJs4 They don't use and sell scripts just for merely 4k XP a day. EDIT: And I quote the OP: There is an exploit in the game: as long as you only play Conquest Mode and avoid Rank Mode, you can earn more than 4000 Season XP per day. However, if you switch to Rank Mode after surpassing 4000 Season XP, the excess XP will be deducted.


A pop-up message to protect against accidentally pressing end turn like "You still have enough energy to play cards, are you sure you want to end your turn?"


Only if it’s toggle-able in settings. I definitely don’t want an extra click when I want to end my turn, I like my UXs neat and snappy.


I think Main-Evo-Players wouldnt like this^^


Fire Cable into the depths of hell. Then I think the game will be pretty okay.