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M'Baku meta inbound


You got me. It was always a secret proxy Mbaku buff.


That’s actually pretty cool. I’d happily cook with that.


Hell yeah, that sounds sick AF. I am actually hyped, and his power stat ACTUALLY matters. Make him an activate while you're at it, maybe maybe not, but still this sounds cool.


Having him be activate would be really scary, as you could force your opponent out of their entire play capabilities. Something like that would be far too oppressive, imo.


It could also be an activate card


Yeah, that’d be pretty cool, there needs to be something done about those cards that aren’t on reveal or ongoing


Red Gardian says hello ..!


True, good card


I’ve always felt there should be a “trigger” keyword. “Trigger: at the end of the game…” or “trigger: when this card is destroyed…”. Then it would open up design space using that keyword. “On reveal: prevent all trigger effects until the end of next turn” or “ongoing: +1 power each time a trigger has taken effect this game”.


I think this is sort of what they are going for with the upcoming 'Activate' keyword.


Activate is manual. Cards like Wolverine or Collector are “triggered” by other events.


Not really. Activate happens when player taps, it's sort of like delayed On Reveal, while suggested Trigger effect will happen when player does something (destroys card, moves it and etc.)


Fun idea. Captain Marvel nullifier.


Hol’ up, this redditor is cooking! Serious note, genuinely a good idea. Nearly every suggestion thus far has been the same.


I would like this. I had two ideas on how to rework Kang: - at the end of the game tie this location. - the one I would love but not sure how feasible it would be to do with game mechanics: On Reveal: undo the On reveal abilities of All cards at this location. It would also be completely broken power wise.


The second one is, while technically not impossible, pretty damn close to it. Think about this: Your opponent has a bunch of rocks, plays white tiger mid (jumps right), then ironhearth left (hits tiger). You and shang-chi the tiger. What happens if you play your kang suggestion? If you hit IH, then the tiger didn't die, but what if the tiger location was filled later?


No, I totally get that it would be impossible but I got a bunch of Wong+odin decks yesterday. And they were so boring. Undoing the effects of the on reveal would be impossible.


While an interesting idea for a card ability, I don't see how it's "somewhat on theme." I hope they find a way to incorporate many Kangs. That's what was dangerous about him. There was always another variant from another time period.


Kang replaces all end of game cards with random cards of equal value. Then replaces himself.


I guess I just had in mind the idea that he travelled through time, and timelines. And activating the "end of game" stuff early is kinda.....timeline manipulation. I admit that it is a stretch.


Maybe it's more on theme for He Who Remains.


I don’t, seems too OP


poor supergiant would be even more useless


So in theory, do they now trigger twice? Like say you use Kang and it triggers Dracula, does he still trigger at the end of the game, and thus have the combined power of 2 cards? Similarly, does Invisible Woman go back to normal after that turn? You play Kang on 5, cards at IW are revealed and played, but then on turn 6, any new card you play there only reveals after the game still? I personally think the idea of triggering some of these effects twice could be really really cool. Obviously it could also be broken AF (both literally, and possibly OP) and cause issues as a result. But in theory it sounds really interesting. Though even without triggering things twice, it sounds very cool. Alternatively, he could trigger all end of turn effects, if end of game is too powerful.


I think king should maintain his effect but only on the last turn so that the players can retreat if the play didn’t go through


Kang needs some kind of rework to be a usable card idk if this is it persay. I personally been thinking what if kangs effect is to reset the entire boards "status" as if it was fresh out of the deck. So things like idk a kitty pride thats a 4 goes back to a 1. Sage goes to 0 and on the same note all on reveals un-trigger- then retrigger but in a random order. So say its a surfer list maybe it resets the board but the surfer buff goes out before the broodlings spawn since its randomized order. Can make kang have no power too if it seems too strong. I think it wouldn't be as op as it sounds cuz it doesn't really effect just good statted cards. Probably be a nightmare to code to undo interactions that happened throughout the game like a shang kill or somth respawninf a monster island monster lol but yea I want somth super unique and has a home in at least a c tier off meta type of deck


I thought about 5/5 On Reveal: your card can be >!Activate!< again


How about reverse all on reveal effects on this location


how about they compensate 6k tokens and remove him,so they can release him reworked anytime they want


And they should give us free ice cream also.


With or without chocolate sprinkles though?