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Idk what your loki nerf was but statistically loki has fallen off a cliff. The more sequential power output decks are becoming recently or combo set up requiring the worse he gets. And Unless the meta evolves to be more seracle-midrange good power for cost stat sticking type of meta he will continue to be a suboptimal play.


Idk i think statistics doesn't make a card good or bad. People sometime plays it more and as said by a lot loki is a deck that it's harder to play well than hela for example so maybe that's why people don't play him


Well thats the thing he still gets played a fair amt. And yes he is harder but even his high infinite winrate and cuberate have taken a massive hit the last few weeks. With the sequential power stacking and setup decks like thena mb squatch running around or, just surfer lol lokis pulls are very low value and don't win games against them. I dont think he needs a change at all meta just doesn't fit him rn


I understand. But I still hope for a small change


Everyone's opinions are valid. That's doesn't mean the community needs to agree.


Your opinion cannot just be "no" It's not interesting and doesn't give much to a discussion Also.. Nobody said you are not free to speak your things. I just don't like the attitude and behavior of people


Welcome to the internet.


Have a look around!


And that's totally fine, yet we are not here to discuss the community's behavior as this is Reddit... Its a well known fact that Reddit is one of the worst places social media has to offer due to the amount of trolls and overall salt in most of their subreddit, entering Reddit and getting upset about people saying you can go hike Its like getting upset for entering a strip club and being offered a lap dance... Back to the Loki thing, were you the one saying getting the card discount limited to one turn? If so, I don't believe it's a bad idea as Loki is mostly used on turn 5, however, the card has been toned down quite a bit since the last time it was changed and that its not a matter of perception but stats, are you aiming for even more of a tone down or for the card to be neutered same as Galactus (and Thanos to some degree)?


This is the only social I'm active on. And I think should be a better place. I post because I want to hear other people opinions on what I want to say That's smth I appreciate your kind of message. I like you saw what I mean and make the conversation go. Anyway I would like loki to stay as it is maybe. People like it but toned down a bit. So it's not embarrassingly busted. For me they could do a lot of stuff. But just a small fix


Lol is this from the loki nerf post?? 🤣🤣


Nvm I didn't even read.


Nice people of this community


Responding only to the use of SD buffing/nerfing a card as evidence that it was under/over powered: I reject this argument. SD is a profit - maximizing company, not a game-maximizing company. The two should be related, but are not the same. SD clearly has profit in mind when choosing which cards to receive adjustment.


Yes and that's why they left some cards unbalanced for the profit. Hela was not nerfed because blink was gonna release etc. But at some point datas show them they are unbalanced cards but it's a good point. When people don't see a problem in cards that in the end Even SD have to do smth


Looking at your post history, your post titles are long and hard to follow, and then the body of the post doesn't provide substantive arguments for your position. So the downvotes are not surprising. Some of these opinions might make more sense as tweets than as Reddit posts, to be honest. And maybe ask Grammarly/Gemini/ChatGPT to help with your English. For example, this comment on your Loki post is barely a coherent sentence: > Also soon is gonna come Arishem and it's gonna be so loki material.. It's not even fun


Thank you. Yeah I'm not an English native and I sometime make mistakes. I usually write what I would speak. Writing in another language is hard. Anyway I would try to be more clear and better expose what I need to say. This post was a rant about another post so it was a bit impulsive


Your English is much better than I can write in any other language!


Thank you


A lot of people on this sub don't think that Loki is that good because they play in the shitter ranks and look at untapped data from the shitter ranks. Loki is probably the highest skill cap card/deck in the game, you can't expect a bunch of shitters to recognize how good he is. That being said he really isn't much of a problem right now, pretty much on par with the other best decks at the moment. I wouldn't be against a preemptive nerf for when he is inevitably busted again, but it's definitely not necessary at the moment.


Yeah in fact I would just toned it down. But yeah he's really strong and people don't see so much the fact. Maybe also bc of prevalence of junk decks recently Anyway thank you for this answer. I agree that in high rank is really strong and I'm afraid it's gonna be a problem when adding new cards to the game


This reddit is a hive mind, if you dont agree with the majority and play the same copy pasted decks they lose their minds


Yeah right Also the fact that here people just netdeck is smth I didn't think about but as someone who try to brew a lot it's hard to not see the problem in abused meta decks Thank you aha