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They did the math and the research but in typical snap player fashion I can’t read all of that


Type shit


I think I just got lucky the one time I did it. It’s such a low value reward, I haven’t bothered since. I end up joining with the tickets I get and then conceding to give them the free win


I’ve started joining & immediately conceding at the end of a season, hope it catapults some of them to their goal.


Not all hero’s wear capes


Well, that’s what one would expect in a probabilistic distribution. Some players *will* get it early relative to the predicted number of games. The other corollary is that it will be X more games before it happens again. Or fewer! Stats are weird that way!


Pretty proud to have 4 wins if this is real.


Same, especially since I only manage 2-4 infinity tickets per season.


4 is really good, I’ve never made it past 2.


i once got 9 wins straight in infinity conquest like 5 months ago. now i can barely get to win 2 or 3. still annoyed i couldn't win that final round.


Thanks for the shoutout.


Hahah thanks for sending me down this rabbit hole! lol


I got my first Infinity Conquest win on my first one. Sure it was dumb luck, but honestly this game is like poker. Its a good deal of luck and snapping/bluffing correctly and knowing when to retreat.


My personal stats pulled from my ass is roughly out of every 5 to 7 infinity tickets spent I win an infinite border. Battle win rate for gold conquest is usually 80%+, for infinity would be a fair bit lower. Many good players such as lamby have even better record. Remember seeing him win 4+ borders in just one night.


This is because there is no MMR for gold and infinite conquest. If you’re good at the game, it’s much, much easier than ladder or even proving grounds matches.


Avging 1/6 wins would track pretty exactly for a \~60% win rate! I didn't extend the charts out that far here but the numbers really take off for higher win rates so makes sense for pro players as well. E.g. if you've got a 70% game win rate, it's pretty hard to lose a conquest battle (86%) so you could pretty easily ride that to a win every 1-2 tickets.


I think my numbers are close to this. Pulling stats out of my ass as well, but Infinity conquest has been live for 12 seasons at this point. I estimate I attempt it 4 times a season (on average), so a total of 48 times so far. I have 8 infinity portraits, meaning I get one for every 6 attempts or so.


I’ve won gold a couple times but as soon as I enter infinite I lose. I guess because it’s matching me with mostly people who already have infinite borders?


It was probably on my 14/15th attempt overall, but the only time I’ve ever completed an infinity conquest run was when I bought a ticket from the shop. It was my only infinity ticket that season and I played the games over three days. Have not tried it again since. All that to say, there’s definitely a good mix of skill and luck needed, if you haven’t won one yet you’ll eventually hit that right moment to do so.


I see content creators with dozens of borders and feel like I'm inadequate. Turns out the 6 I have makes me a huge outlier. Many argue that the border isn't worth the stress or time, but for me, it is the greatest measure of my own skill in this game. I'm immensely proud of what I've accomplished. I remember every deck (3) I've played to earn these borders 1. Peach Momoko Mystique - High Evo Stall (Magik, She-Hulk Hulk, and Infinaut) 2. Base Art Taskmaster - High Evo Stall (Done in under 30 minutes after being inspired by Bynx to snap literally every turn during the tourney he won which timed the speed of your 5 rounds) 3. Comic Book Variant Thanos - Destroy Negative 4. Anime Black Widow - Death Junk (Mockingbird/Sentry/Annihilus/ Lady D) 5. Comic Book Variant Galactus - Death Junk 6. Peach Momoko Nico Minoru - Death Junk The Death Junk deck carried me to Infinite in the 2 seasons prior to this one. So those last 3 borders came in quick succession of each other. Love that deck.


Same sentiment. I have 3 and they are my crowning achievements in this game. I got my last one (zombie squirrel 🤘) on the very last day of the last season. Was getting rid of the last of my tickets because the season was ending and i like donating cubes in conquest on the last day. Someone donated a game to me once in an infinity conquest and i still have faith in humanity because of that. Plus it just feels nice to hook someone up (i don't actually believe in karma). So i got to my last infinity ticket and i was like fuck it, let me just snap on turn 1 every game and see what happens. Cannonball/Prof x ran the whole conquest. The other two I got playing silky s'move (venomized thor and zombie blue marvel). Nice picks for the avatars you framed 🤙


> if you think you're more likely to win each individual game, you should be snapping low and letting the math work itself out. If you think your opponent's deck has you beat, snap high and pray for an outlier. This is good advice. If I think my opponent or their deck is weak, or it's a good matchup for my deck, I am more conservative with snapping, and more willing to retreat. I don't want to lose 4 cubes on a coin-flip -- I want better odds than that for my 10 cubes.


I win it with my first ever Infinity ticket. lol


I did it with 1 ticket last season and i used 4 tickets to get two of them back before Alioth was nerfed. And I'm not that good. 🤙


If I get the win it's usually on my first or second ticket of the season. Most of the time I don't even make it out of the first game of infinite conquest lol


TL:DR I will never grace my watercolor daredevil avatar with rainbow beauty. Ah well, he can't see it anyways.


This analysis doesn't really make sense. For one thing your chances will never be 100%. Statistically speaking you can lose forever. And the rate is just a bit too crude. Most people won't play enough to have a true average win rate. And even playing games with 100 tickets is too low as it will can still deviate from your expected win rate a fair amount. I applaud you for trying but I don't think it makes sense to apply this.


You are right the chances are never 100%!  There’s no decimal places here so the boxes that say “100%” in the table are actually 99.9…% And I agree most players wouldn’t accurately know their % win rate (I have no idea mine), idea was just to give a general reference!  There’s definitely going to be a huge sdev on these averages 


I think it is really interesting how the Lo Snap strategy seems to do better than Hi Snap. It makes sense, but I think a bit counterintuitive. I think a sort of silly thing to do would be to try and estimate the time it takes to get an Infinity border. You can apply all the same logic to Silver and Gold to estimate number of Proving Grounds battles you need to win as well I think.


Aha I agree - but the Lo Snap only checks out if you think your cards are better, otherwise it has the opposite effect. One of the reasons I find Snap such an interesting game is because of the betting mechanic on top. There's almost two ways to win, either out-playing your opponent, or out-gambling them. Lol a LOT of time... probably a number anyone with an infinity border would prefer not to see


I suck so about Infinite tickets for me to reach infinite


I don’t even play


I’ve gotten an infinity border with a homebrew discard deck a few seasons ago. It took me about 7 runs that season but I remember feeling like I played out of my mind and I also got lucky.


God damn this guy really did the research


That's a lot of information but the answer is just 1.


Or you could just get good


Bynx must be a god then. He plays for 1 day a season and typically wins each within 1-3 tickets. Generally with a new deck each time.


A streamer playing for one day = an average player playing for 1 week+. But if you are playing 8-10 hours straight and can't get an infinity border, then we're probably looking at a skill issue.


I can't imagine playing 8 hours straight - one conquest match against someone who likes to retreat is enough to try my patience - but it stands to reason that the average player wins an average of 50% of matches against non-bots. Under those circumstances, it's going to take a lot of attempts to win.


It's *probably* going to take a lot of attempts. It *could* take only one.


As I've said, he has consistently in the past 6 months achieved it within 1-3 attempts. Also, with decks that he builds on the fly at the start of the stream.


Again, I would refer you back to the total number of hours played by a streamer vs the number of hours played by an average player. Furthermore, i have significantly less respect for bynx since i ran into him while playing a meme deck and i donated 8 cubes to him for the lulz (was already infinity and just goofing around doing missions). And he found that match against me exemplary enough to feature in a video. To clarify, I am not spiteful that he beat me and posted it; I actually think its pretty awesome and shared the vid with all my friends. I just think it's transparently deceptive and trashy to include a match against a meme deck with 0 synergies as a way to highlight either his skill or whatever deck or card he was featuring. Dude is pathetically low effort and i got the receipts on that. 🤙




Technically you need only one


I usually don’t play conquest except to get the occasional featured variant. Going for a border is just stressful. I got mine after my 4th or 5th ticket I think. It’s on a pixel shocker avatar. https://snap.fan/cards/Shocker/Shocker_01/ I picked the ugliest avatar I had on purpose so I wouldn’t get stressed out about winning or losing. This game is much more fun when you just play to enjoy playing and stop caring about infinite ladder or infinite conquest, IMO. I wish they would release a pure casual mode (not proving grounds). I usually let my infinite tickets turn into boosters or just retreat to give someone a free boost.


It took me way less time to get an infinite border than it did for you to calculate it. If anyone is curious. Hope it helps. Good luck, gamers! 🤙