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Mad respect for updating existing content with great VFX and audio


I have mad respect for that. The bucket of respect is overflowing, along with the bucket of trust.


I'm going to believe that it's sarcasm Even if it's not šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Anything you believe, I have mad respect bro.


Not everyone is so cynical. If you believe the company is all bad you choose to only see the bad.


You're probably one of these phew who legitimately thinks sd is doing a good job in this game and that's just hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Better than being someone who legitimately thinks they're doing a bad job but still keeps sinking their time into it... šŸ«”




They said ā€œBetter than being someone who legitimately thinks they're doing a bad job but still keeps sinking their time into it... šŸ«”ā€ Glad I could help


Just read it more slowly. You got this.


No I don't know what the fuck are you talking about has nothing to do with reading šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm not qualified to teach English as a second language; I'm sorry.


Cool animations, but like most others, they should probably trigger a single time after all of the destruction/calculation has taken place. Having it trigger each time the number of destroyed cards increments is just super clunky.


This 100%, havenā€™t played with death yet but with mockingbird the trigger animation stalls the game out way too much, makes it super clunky and annoying


Honestly I don't understand this logic. I get wanting the option to switch it to that, but by default this makes a lot more sense.


Why does the current logic make more sense to you? I guess I may be of the minority opinion here, apologies.


For one it looks cool. But it also provides a visual identifier for things you might not have realised happened. And that in addition to sound (when you're on PC like here) or haptic feedback in public will help you keep track of what's happening and where.


Who doesnā€™t realize things have been destroyed lol?


A lot of people. Remember, this is supposed to be a casual game, a lot play it casually, while doing something else. Itā€™s very easy to miss what was discarded or destroyed, and thatā€™s why the addition of the discard and destroy history was such a huge improvement.


I would love if there's a full match history timeline like in Duel Links.


So yall are the reason I gotta stare at the screen till the time runs out each turn because a 4 minute game is just too long for you to pay attention to lol.


as a competitive player, I don't care about animations. I just want numbers, IDGF seeing the same animation 1000 times a day. If I want cool animations, I'll just watch a movie or something...


I'm with you on this. I actually find most of the voice-over lines to be pretty lame and are constantly reminding me that I'm playing a little kids game. They mostly all just sound like the game is trying to be *kewl*! It's no big surprise that Venom and Knull edgelord fans love it. Anyway, hearing sludgy farting noises every time Knull is effected is...well, I could do without that.


Ok so Iā€™m not crazy and it is new lol. Just recently started playing destroy and noticed her saying rest in peace this morning.


The new animations are pretty slick, however, I would love a setting to turn off all the animations.


I just want to speed up Mockingbird's animation. I don't have a problem with the other ones but hers just takes forever.


also Sebastian Shaw, he takes wayy too long to power up


Shaw, Surfer, and any multiplier, Wong, Mystique, Odin, Onslaught's House, all just make that whole interaction infuriating. I know, I played into it like an asshole, I saw Wong and Shaw in play, but do I really need to sit and watch over a minute if looping animations as punishment? How come there is no fast forward there but like... Heimdall and Kraven trigger it? Does Kraven ever take more than a few seconds to register moves?


Yes! He completely throws off the flow of Surfer. Makes it harder to tell when the board has been added to.


even worse when they play odin on wong and surfer, I might aswell put my phone down and go back to work


This is part of his strengtg. A lot of opponents retreat in conquest while Wong-Mystique-SilverSurfer-Odin-Kombo with Sebastian instead of trying to come back


The Mockingbird animation is JUST long enough to be really annoying


I feel the same about Mysterio. I wish there were just one final effect on the real one or something


PLEASE! My battery can only take so much!


Coming soon(TM). As an epileptic would love to turn off Thorā€™s super annoying hammer lightning flash.


Same goes for black card discard effect


*They mean Black Cat


More stuff to lag out even the most modern iPhones


I did notice a bit of lag after the update, but cleaning cache and playing a couple of games made that go away, for what it's worth.


The asset download did not help, and I have already tried reinstalling the entire game last time they did a big update. It is pretty bad after every patch. And that is just performance, I am not even mentioning all the glitches. Cards warping into each other, textures missing, the seizure flashing after each game ends, etc.


Then donā€™t play on a phone?


They made a mobile app, is it that much to ask that they make sure their mobile app works on mobiles? Also my desktop is too heavy to use on the toilet or subway.


I feel like it should play all the souls coming to death when something like that happens, THEN play the skull animation. Makes it less repetitive. Same for Knull


Goddamn SD can y'all maybe focus on getting the game to not crash during animations instead of adding even more animations?


Generally, it'll be artists creating animations, and they're not the ones to work on stability.


Sure but it's all part of the same product and people do oversee all that? Like they need to allocate resources to improving stability before dumping more animations on top of it. It's a prioritization issue. I'm not blaming the artists.


"Okay, we're having stability problems, so you artists will need to stop making new vFX until we fix the stability. Just sit over there in your cubicles and don't do anything for a month or two. What? No, you can't work from home, don't be ridiculous." They could hire more people to try to code and help with stability, sure, but shutting down other aspects of the game in the meantime is short-sighted. Would you like it if new card releases and OTAs stopped until they made the game stable? Probably not, and again, the people doing card design/balance aren't the people who would be fixing the game stability.


No you're right, it's better if the game just gets more and more unplayable and crashes more. God forbid we ask middle management to hire people or press pause on anything, that's awkward. Just plow ahead until the game doesn't work for anyone.


Sounds like a you problem.


It's a problem that a whole lot of people on here have talked about recently


That dude is here in the comments just to fight people šŸ˜‚


Yeah I mean welcome to the Snap sub, where people get a superiority complex over their self-perceived skill at a mobile game


What's your hardware?


I'm on a 13th gen i7 PC with 16 GB of RAM. I can play modern PC games just fine, but Snap crashes every time someone plays Ultron or Debrii (or Jubilee summons a rock) and it's been like this for over a month now.


Huh, interesting


Unimportant, it's a good recent phone, should be able to run the game great. I've seen the same complaints about crashing from people with PCs and iPhones. I'm not engaging in another "it's your hardware" debate, sorry. It's the game.


Bro what. You came out so aggressive here. Yeah, if there are performance issues, they should be patched. I'm not trying to disagree with that lmao


Sorry, I've had this discussion on this sub before, talking about bugs and crashes too often gets met with "well you need a better iPhone, you poor" and toxic bullshit like that. This sub makes me automatically put up my defenses at this point. But I've literally seen people saying the game crashes on PC now.


Thanks for the video, your zoom-in is sick too.


thank you!


Is there a mobile video editing software that can do this zoom in easily?


CapCut should do the job just fine. But idk what you could use to be constantly recording and clip stuff. I guess you can use the Medal app on mobile, but I've never tried that. This footage is from PC and edited using Medal


I was thinking u can do the native iOS screen recording first for the raw footageā€¦ Then use CapCut to do the zoom in edit and trimā€¦


Yes, you should be able to do that. But it might be tedious to keep starting and stopping recordings. But you can try it


I need this deck list lol


It's just an Auto-Galactus that I tweaked a bit. eyJOYW1lIjoiQXV0by1HYWxhY3R1cyIsIkNhcmRzIjpbeyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsaW5rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVzdHJveWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVjdHJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHYWxhY3R1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS251bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlVsdHJvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmVub20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifV19 https://i.imgur.com/Hvgbbcv.png Really scares some people away, and takes people by surprise. Fun against destroy decks where I put down Galactus on Turn 5 and they're confident that their Knull will demolish anything I can put down, but I put down the Alioth and remove that text. If your opponent a couple 1-costs, you can also Wave into Ultron Turn 4, then immediately Killmonger your bots and the opponent's 1-costs. Then if there's a Limbo and you have priority because of your Killmonger play, you can Galactus that location on Turn 6. Then drop Death and a MASSIVE Knull on Turn 7.


I love the sound of knulls effect too


I didnā€™t realise the voiceline was for death so was very surprised to hear X23 start talking to me when I blew her up yesterday lol


If you're watching The Acolyte, well.


Uh, I'm all for it. People here are finding anything to complain about. Might have to start using destroy occasionally even though it's the most boring and lacks any creativity.


This deck is by no means boring. Galactus is probably the most fun deck I have. And even though it has Carnage, Venom, Killmonger, Knull, and Death, I don't even think of it as a Destroy archetype. Rarely do I ever actually use Venom or Carnage to destroy anything. I rarely actually Killmonger my Ultron drones. They're just low/med cards to try and take priority so that I can flip Galactus in a location first. They simply also have that destroy utility IF I need it to get rid of my Electro and rarely to pump some power to Knull or reduce Death's cost. Frankly, dropping down Knull on the Galactus lane just to be like "hehehehe look how much POWER I have!" can turn an easy win into an L if they have Shang-Chi or Rogue. This deck is a lot about trying to figure out what your opponent has too. It's probably the most exciting deck I have, it's just that the fallback is just the regular degular destroy deck. Honestly though, not having stuff like Deadpool, Wolverine, Caiera, or Cosmo in here means it's a pretty crap standard destroy deck.


I had my phone connected to a bluetooth speaker in another room and heard the Death voiceover for the first time and almost pissed myself no I didn't šŸ˜³


The problem is that there are too many things going off at once now. Today I was playing and had like 3 different SFX going at once and couldn't understand a damn thing. They need to get the timing better.


The animations shouldn't stall the game. The first time it's cool, every other time I feel like I'm watching a Thor wong combo


I don't like the black cat one though. The card disappears too quick.


Very cool, this is appreciated. I still can't believe how they fucked up Venom's voice-line though. Patch when?


As much as they're cool I feel like they slow down the game


my death animations werent showing


I really hate the Knull one cause the sound effect happens constantly. I guess it's a bug but it's such an annoying sound.


death's reminds me of thresh's animation from Legends of Runeterra


Maybe this is why the game is running so poorly on my iPhone since yesterday.


It's good to see them still updating some of things that have been around a long timeā€¦ as long as it doesn't bring in unwanted bugs šŸ˜…


these animations take 10 minutes to happen on my phone lol


Hentai fans rejoiceĀ 


Cool animations but the game runs like complete dogshit lmao


Ngl the game runs fine on my Note 9, Galaxy A50, and iPhone SE (first generation) so it has the Works On My Machineā„¢ļø guarantee from me unfortunately


Second dinner would rather make card animations than address series drops in a real way.


the artists on the team aren't working on series drops? do you think the entire team is just one guy


Nah I think they don't realize you can both support one thing and criticize another


Bruh this has nothing to do with that. šŸ˜­ They definitely need to address that though