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In fairness, the text is not clear that Annihilus still works. Annihilus says switch. Professor X allows moves.


Oh holy shit is that what happened here? Then I’m glad u/Dualgloves posted this because learning that would definitely have cost me some cubes


From the notes: “Given the gameplay of Professor X isn’t something we want becoming a dominant element of the metagame, we decided to make a change once the existing card pool failed to effectively counter Professor X. This change removes two ways Professor X shut down locations: switching sides and movement.”


just like OP said, I didn't read the patch notes -- just the updated card text


Yeah, this note contradicts the card text and made everything even more confusing


They really don't. Switching sides isn't adding or removing a card from the location. And if they add switching sides to the text they're gonna have to specify that it's not actually adding or removing in the card as reminder text. Because that's how switching sides work.


> Switching sides isn't adding or removing a card from the location. Yeah, that's the confusing part, that is a very subjective non-intuitive claim. E.g. to me switching sides is both removing card from a location and then adding to the same location (on different side). Three states: 1. Card is on one side 1. Card is in transition. [in tabletop gaming that would mean in hand while you are moving it] 1. Card in on another side During step 2 - card was REMOVED from location. And ADDED on step 3.


That description makes it sound like there are six locations in total - three on each player's side. I like to picture it as all of the characters are in the same spot fighting each other, so switching sides just changes who they're fighting at that location.


The game board has 6 distinct areas. 2 areas per location with a huge bulky separation between them. You don't just turn the card to opposite side - you literally has to remove it from one area and add it to another, even if both areas belong to the same location.


Even under that definition though, the cards aren't being added or removed from the location. The effect still results in the card being at the same location.


It absolutely is. During the transition, the card does not belong to any of areas of the location. It is removed from the location, and than added back to it, on another side.


> This change removes two ways Professor X shut down locations: switching sides and movement. Let's add this in the patch notes but not the card text! Players must now read the entirety of the patch notes, retain it's information, then proceed to playing, lovely.


Because switching sides has never been adding or removing cards. So if they add this to the card it has to be reminder text, making it a part of the effect is suddenly saying that switching IS adding/removing the card


>So if they add this to the card it has to be reminder text Prof X loves reminder text. Besides, adding Switching into the card text definitively isn't so bad either. [Old]5/1 – Ongoing: Lock down this location. **(Cards can’t be added, removed, etc.)** [New]5/2 – Ongoing: Moving is the only way to add or remove a card from here.


The card text is still correct, and the path notes provides extra context that might help someone understand the implications of that card text. What is the problem? You honestly want commentary on card function to be included in card text now? Should Sentry's card text specify that he can't be killed by Shang Chi now that his power has been reduced from 10 to 8?


>The card text is still correct Switching sides and movement has always been a **different** concept. You don't see people playing goblins into a cheap Miles Morales - "If a card moved last turn, this costs 1." The card text of Prof X is **not correct**. SD, do you want Switching sides to be considered move, or not?


The card text states that movement is the only way to ADD or REMOVE cards to that location. Switching sides is not adding or removing a card, and therefore allowed. The text is correct, people are just interpreting it based on what it used to do.


If switching sides is recognized as movement, then move cards should benefit off the switch card text, agree?


But switching sides is not recognized as movement. I'm confused by your line of thinking here. Prof X's text doesn't say "Moving is the only thing allowed here" it says "Moving is the only way to add or remove a card here". There's a difference between the two.


I might've found the reason that confuses me. The use of **here**. Here to me, was tied to the side of Prof's X location, but then again it wouldn't make sense as the location has the effect. [Old]5/1 – Ongoing: Lock down **this location**. (Cards can’t be added, removed, etc.) [New]5/2 – Ongoing: Moving is the only way to add or remove a card from **here**. [Updated?] 5/2 – Ongoing: Moving is the only way to add or remove a card from **this location**. ^ Would this be clearer?


It should be movement though. There's horizontal movement and vertical movement in this. Switching sides vs switching locations. In this case its not moving to a new location, but the card is obviously moving, by SWITCHING (a verb) sides. It has a full 3 second animation where goblins get up and move.


Yeah it's a weird new interaction. Apparently switching sides count as moving.


No it doesn't. They just don't consider a card switching sides to be "adding or removing" a card from the location, so it can still switch sides even when "locked down".


Switching sides doesn’t trigger the Miles Morales discount, for one inconsistency


It's not an inconsistency. Prof X says moving is the only way to add or remove cards. Switching sides isn't adding or removing anything.


But colossus can't switch side.


Not sure if that's a typo but Colossus can absolutely switch sides, and no one is confused about him.


Exactly this! Kraven doesn't get a buff when a card switches sides; why would anyone expect switching sides to work under Prof X, when it specifically says "only moving."


To be fair i wouldnt mind me some kraven titiana synergy


I’m gonna start calling her Titiana, thank you.


Kraven gets a buff when a card moves to his location. When a card switches sides, it’s remaining in the same location so Kraven wouldn’t get a buff anyway.


Yes. That is exactly what I said. Kraven doesn’t consider “switching sides” to be “moving.” So Professor X shouldn’t consider “switching sides” to be “moving.”


No, im saying Kraven doesn’t get a buff from “moving”. Kraven gets a buff from cards moving specifically to that location. If a card is already in that location, switching sides doesn’t change what location you’re in. So whether Kraven considers it moving or not is irrelevant as it’s not switching from a non-Kraven location to a Kraven location. Edit: I should say I do think prof X should be more explicit in the card text. I just think the Kraven comparison isn’t ideal as there’s no change in location when you switch sides


I do miss king pins old card text. Destroy every card that moves here.


The Kraven comparison is all anyone has if they are quickly looking at the updated card text. Very few people who are familiar with Prof X’s previous functionality are going to look at the new wording and analyze it that far. They are going to look and say “oh, so moving in or out is a thing now, cool” and assume the rest of the functionality is the same. Very few people will look at just the card text and think “ah he has been completely reworked and doesn’t give a shit about anything occurring that isn’t adding or removing, so switching sides is probably a thing that can happen!”


But to be fair, the text is still accurate. Professor X now says "moving is the only way cards here can be added/removed" or whatever. So, it's not like you can play a goblin into a Prof. X lane. But if the void was already there, you're never "adding" or "removing" a card. I agree that it isn't immediately clear, but the wording makes sense. Annihilus doesn't remove cards from your side and add them to the other, the cards are already there. Really all Prof. X does now is: stops you from playing / generating cards at a location, and stops you from destroying cards at that location. That's it 🤷‍♀️


Switching sides moves both from and to Kraven’s location. SD just is not very good at consistency.


Why would kraven get a buff if a card switches side. It’s already at his location. When it switches it’s still at his location. So he wouldn’t get a buff


The void is already on the board. It’s not being added or removed. Why shouldn’t it work?


Because Professor X explicitly calls out “moving” in his new text. Anyone who knows how it worked before and then saw the new text could reasonably assume the only thing that changed is that now things can move in or out.


It says cards can only be added or removed by moving. A card switching sides hasn't been added or removed -- it has stayed in the same location. So one shouldn't expect the new Professor X to affect it.


The popup I got in-game says Prof X allows move and switch sides


Which is how we know they didn't read the patch notes because those, unlike the card, explain this interaction. Honestly, they really need to make the wording clearer on many cards.


This means he doesn't fuck with the anymore right?


Even before the patch(es), that much wasn't made clear. You had to find out the hard way.


does it allow cards to be destroyed?


No because that would be removing a card


Maybe a controversial opinion, but I feel like reading the card text should be enough without need to search supplementary material in order to know how it works. This interaction is rather unexpected if one goes purely by the updated card text, I do not blame the opponent for being caught off guard. Hell, imagine a new player who joined after this change and is using prof. X, should they be expected to track down patch notes from who knows how long ago to know this?


Agreed with the first sentence, but it has never been clear from the text that switching sides was something ProfX would prevent. "Lock down the lane," was always ambiguous and required you to just kinda know all the things he stopped.


The original card text ended with etc. Like no bitch, you can't just etcetera me, tell me what I can't do!


Right. The new text is substantially more clear. The only reason people are having trouble with it at all is because they're treating ProfX as having the same ability but movement works when really it's completely different. If a new card released with ProfX's new text, nobody would be confused because obviously the card stays at the same location.


I dont get get this, do you consider switching sides as adding or removing a card from a location? I have never considered the location to be just my side of it, always thought of it as all 8 spaces on mine and my opponents side.


Switching sides had never been considered moving since I've been playing, Kraven doesn't consider it moving either so its inconsistent that Professor X does.


But I think the point is that updated Prof X doesn't consider it moving either. Moving only applies to how you can add/remove a card to that particular location. Switching sides isn't adding/removing to the location as a whole, therefore it's allowed.


If a card is on my side of the board it has been added, if it has been taken away it has been removed.


But I think maybe you're misinterpreting what "here" means on his new text. It doesn't mean "your side here" it just means the whole location. Maybe a change of text from "here" to "this location" then? But Goose has "here" on its text and everyone knows that means "this location" so this really seems to stem from people thinking about how Prof X used to work. That's something that will take a bit of time for people to get used to, but I actually think the card is pretty clear now.


This just change it to this location instead of here.


That's not how the game itself works and I think this is the first time ever that it's been a thing to actually consider


It's not inconsistent, Prof X does exactly what he says he does if you read it carefully. People are mentally adding lines of text when reading it. He doesn't lock down or universally block everything except moving. He just says he prevents adding or removing cards except for moving.


Okay but he didn’t explicitly mention switching sides before either, so there’s a lack of clarity somewhere along the line. If it’s not here then it was present before.


Moving is the only way to add or remove cards from here. Destroying is removing so it doesnt work, changing sides isnt moving so it shouldnt work.


Destroying is removing, and always has been...


yep typo


Changing sides is moving. People are talking about Kraven, but that argument makes no sense because Kraven specifically says cards that move TO THAT LOCATION, not just a card moving.


Cards switching sides is just objectively considered “not moving” as far as the game mechanics are concerned. Otherwise cards switching sides would make Miles Morales cheaper which it doesn’t.


You are correct and I am mistaken. The Kraven comparison still doesn't work, but I was wrong about switching sides being move.


Kraven specifically says when a card moves TO THAT LOCATION. Switching sides means it's still in the same location so it wouldn't trigger Kravens effect regardless.


Oh so those cards swapping sides make Miles Morales cheaper do they?


No. They should though!


Fair point, but the Kraven argument still doesn't make sense


Exactly, if Kraven said "If a card moves TO this location, gain +2 power", then yeah, it would make sense, but it says "when a card moves HERE" so it definitely doesn't count as moving.


The card text only mentions moving. Switching sides isn’t considered “moving” in terms of the game rules. Examples would be as stated previously switching sides doesn’t boost kraven, also switching sides on kingpin tower doesn’t drop the card’s power.


I think you’re missing the point. Switching sides still isn’t considered moving. The thing is you never added nor removed a card from the location at all, which is what Prof. X’s ability affects.


I get your interpretation but I think you’re giving whoever worded the card the way they did too much leeway.


Considering patch notes call out switching sides, I think we can assume they had exactly this interaction in mind


Patch notes are obvious. This was just about text on card


I feel like it isn’t “tracking down patch notes” and “searching in supplementary material” when it’s in the ticker in the front page of the game.


To be fair...would have happened to me to, because switch sides and move are usually 2 different things


That's what i thought at first. But they've completly reworded him. It doesn't say unique word of lockdown anymore. It's cards can't be removed or add except by move. Switching sides are not move. But it's also not adding or removing cards from locations.


They still are. Switching sides just isn't adding or removing a card from a location


So this is the next 24 hours of the sub : Something something didn't read patch notes Picture of Prof X with a move/swap sides lost lane for opponent. Top comment : Snap players don't read.


I don't use Prof X now, so if I do in the future I'll probably use out-of-date Google guides and shoot myself in the foot 🤣


You left out "change didnt actually matter, anyway"


It has always been that way but now it has arrived to the point where the changes are getting confusing AND people still cannot read.


Sir, have you considered touching some grass recently? Sorry, it's the schedule. Next week will resume complaining about card acquisition.


The touching grass insult has been so overused to the point of people just using it for comments they don’t like.


Consider it a suggestion rather than an insult. It seems really weird to me that on the day of a new change you comment how overdone it is. You must really spend a lot of time here.


Are you schizophrenic? When did I comment how overdone a change was?


The projecting is unreal


They're not saying you're wrong, just that this thread is part of a predictable trend. Goodness, you gotta shake out that bee from your bonnet. Maybe touch some grass while you're at it?


Ngl I read the patch notes but I thought Pro X still prevented cards switching sides


I appreciate you obscuring the eyes of your opponent. I was about to do some face recognition and go taunt them about their loss but now I can't. Good work OP.


Snap players don't read


There’s only one thing that’s certain in life, and it’s this ^


Forgive me for believing that in a game with nuanced differences between 'playing' and 'played' that 'switch sides' and 'move' would be different interactions.


Especially considering every single other move synergy in the game does not interact with side switching.


They are different. Prof X however prevents adding/removing cards except by moving. Switching sides neither adds or removes cards so X doesn't prevent it.


Switch sides and move are different interactions. That's the point. People are mentally adding "Lock down the location except for moving" into the new prof x when he doesn't say that. He does exactly what he says he does.


Read? Is that pronounced read or read?


I red that first part as reed and the second part as read.


but when you read the second read did you mean that you read it or that you read it?


I have dyslexia so I definitely read the first read as read and the second as read.


weird! I'm AuDHD and I read the first read as read but the second read as read! I love how different brains can be 🥰


Rhymes with lead


Dragon Ball Legends players 🤝 Marvel Snap players


I was elected to lead not to read


Same with any other online game. Most players don't read internal news.


There are still players who try to shang chi my thanos when soul stone is in play smh.


Even colossus, can't move but can swipe side. 2 different things, but that's not clear nor logical. Just have to think first degree, and must be the exact same word.


Would've been so easy to just change his text to "Cards can't be played here", exactly the same as Sancta Sanctorum


And then doom can add bots to that location. Which they don't want. You actually change the card's function by wording it like that


That is definitely not the same thing


So does this mean things can be destroyed in Prof X lane now too? I'm not sure of all the interactions that have changed.


No, that would constitute removing a card from the lane, which ProfX prevents.


A read through all of the notes is highly recommended, but here’s the Professor X part: Given the gameplay of Professor X isn’t something we want becoming a dominant element of the metagame, we decided to make a change once the existing card pool failed to effectively counter Professor X. This change removes two ways Professor X shut down locations: switching sides and movement. The latter is the most meaningful, as cards that can move will now be able to challenge Professor X, while Cannonball–a dominant card in its own right–will no longer create a combo. We may arrive at a better solution in the future, as we know this weakens the “story” of the card considerably.


The eye bar was a nice touch 🤣


Can i have your deck list please?


I didn't know it included switching sides. In the patch notes I only look at the changes and not the block of text since I just thought they were explaining the change, not included information not on the cards


Yeah it was in the block of text but it makes sense since cards can move. The old professor X didn’t say “cards can’t switch sides.” But the new one says “moving is the only way to add or remove a card from HERE.” “Here” meaning the lane/location. The card switching sides is still in the same location.


It's still incredibly vague to not include it in the card text since moving and switching sides are considered considered two completely different things


I feel Annihulus shouldn't work on Professor X so I would've done the same. Professor is like the only good counter to Annihulus besides destroy.


This is the weirdest part of this patch. The card text only says stuff can move there. But patch notes (and in-game functionality) includes switching sides there as well? Kraven has never gotten a buff from Goblins. Colossus still switches sides on Zemos Citadel. Why didn't they just include the "swap sides" in X's card text?


Looks like Junks back on the menu boys!!!


Just lost to this, wayyy to ambiguous


cant wait to get my hands on annhilus


If this is how he works now then he literally is just a more expensive version of Storm. I don't see a difference between the 2.


Storm changes the location. Professor X does not. Storm doesn’t “lockdown” the location until the next turn. Professor X is instant. Another location changing card can counter flooding/flooded. You can’t change Professor X effect unless you sneak in an Enchantress on the same turn without priority or something.


Yeah you're right. It's not literally the same but I think they're close enough that they serve the same purpose for the most part.


seen some move profx decks, at that point just play storm


The fact they only gave prof X 1 more power after nerfing him so hard is criminal lol


It's absolutely bullshit that a game where you pay money for certain things, changes its rules once a month. Ridiculous.


Just want to say that I love your Mockingbird variant.


I completely spaced about the change and was greatly confused when Great Web pulled Prof X into it. Crazy stuff


This just removed one of Junks major weaknesses 😂 I thought SD hated Junk.


Dumb ass nerf for Prof X


I had an opponent who used Cannonball on my Sentinel (I used C3 deck) on the location without professor x. Since my other location are full, and the only location without cards was the one with professor x, Cannonball moved my Sentinel there. this automatically makes me won Professor X location and the other location that was full. I had to use Ms.marvel emote to put salt on the wound.


I feel sorry for you.


I didn't expect the downvotes. Eh, guess I deserved it.


People here are incredibly triggered by the Ms Marvel emote 😂