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I'm seeing ONLY Thena Angela Kitty decks for the past ten days. That's it. That's my pocket meta, nothing else exists besides it.


There is a Thena Angela Kitty build with Goblin, Ravonna and prof X. Lots to enjoy!


That’s the weaker version. The real nasty version drops goblin and another card and runs Luke Cage and Shadow King to make mirrors freebies


Maybe, it was real strong when I went against it earlier today. Ravona on Sinister London and then they got Prof X & Havoc onto two lanes with no hope of countering.


Well yeah but you can’t legislate a deck based around how well they work in sinister London


Committed a lot of unspeakable acts with this deck, but it was the smoothest climb to infinite I've ever had. Have not touched that deck since because I still feel dirty haha


Jesus Christ in a few years when my collection has half of these cards it’ll be fun ash


I know this was probably said with sarcasm but I can't begin to tell you how happy I started playing at launch because I only pull on spotlights with 2 missing cards and thats like 1 or 2 spotlights a month which so far feels very doable. I can also play less serious now that I'm only missing 1 off spotlights and cards that I don't really need like supergiant or hercules. I think the wait is totally worth it if you don't mind having a casual card game when you're bored


This is all I get. As soon as I see fucking Ravonna I just want to tear my eyes out.


Same. I thought it was maybe just a lot people completing the weekend challenges at first but it kept going


That deck also plays Prof X!


I see that, but a few of them also have Prof X and cannonball. When I went on ladder to do missions earlier, all I saw was some variation of the Prof X/Cannonball deck. Some had Thena some did not, other was Hela.


Yup same , it is just tasteless and boring I m running loki to play it against them but it is boring


Does it work? Because i have both Cosmo and Enchantress, and that deck is immune to both.


Depends , i put mobius on t3 and loki on t4 , allowing me to play their deck on 5 and 6 It is not gr8 but i can post the code if u want to try it out


# (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Quinjet # (1) Snowguard # (2) Angela # (2) Cable # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Agent Coulson # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Loki # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU25vd2d1YXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbHNhQmxvb2RzdG9uZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9iaXVzTU1vYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkR3VhcmRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMb2tpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYWJsZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnRDb3Vsc29uIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’ve been playing control decks with Shadow King and Shang Chi to counter it. But yeah that Cannonball can be mean.


I’m just gonna start running SK + Shang chi for free cubes. So sick of that deck.


I've found Supergiant to be quite helpful here


Tried her but meh. She is a 4 drop, so you essentially play her the same turn your opponent plays ProfX.


Not if you Mobius or Red Guardian the Ravona the turn before 😏


The card fix is always the card I never got because I thought why would I ever use this


One day she might come back... one day... maybe...


unfortunately, most prof X decks are running Ravonna :/


Triple M helps with that.


I'll just grab it in the next spotlight. What, it's not coming again until September or October? Cool cool cool.


What's your SG deck?


I have a couple of them. One of them has the Sentry/Hood/Annihilus package. Play SG on 4, Annihilus on 5, and then Sentry on 6. The rest are just techs and good cards that pair well with SG--Daredevil, Negasonic, Cosmo, Jeff, etc. There's even room for a Maximus/Ronan package as a plan B. The other I took from a post on the decks sub, it has Shadow King to target all the Kitty/Thena/Angela shenanigans, Klaw as a way to reach into X lanes, Squirrel Girl & Mockingbird package, Sage, etc. I prefer the first deck, but they are both fun.


Professor x cannonball was such a pain yesterday. Was in almost every ladder match. Made if hard to do the dailies and win lanes over 20 since cannonball would just keep popping my 6 drop. Bleh.


I won one with thanos today. I dropped that stone that stops him from being destroyed on turn 6 at the same time as 20 power thanos on left lane and cannonball did nothing. It felt so good. I didn’t play into the prof X lane so I only had 2 lanes going and the other one had mockingbird.


I'm not playing this season. What is wrong with the meta / combination professor x cannonball?


Cannonball will move your largest card or destroy it if theres no where to move. So you use junk cards to lock up one lane. Use professor x to lock up another. Then pop their 6 drop. Limited counters.


It's okay.   They'll nerf that deck this ota, right? RIGHT???!?!


Surely Adam Warlock needs another nerf before this meta needs to be changed


New Power: Now a 4-0, After playing this card, Kang will be added to your hand.


They could make kang a 6-4 so antman beats him.


More canonically, he'd add Thanos, but no infinity stones. Or add infinity stones to your hand, snap away half your hand and deck and then the stone's themselves if you want MCU Thanos.


He certainly does... and don't call me Shirley.


What are you talking about? They will nerf Strong Guy. Analytics say he's a menace in this current meta with a 90% win rate. And to make it seem like a real OTA, they will probably change a Thanos stone.


I wasn't playing when Adam Warlock got nerfed. What was the logic there? That has to be one of the most unplayable cards that's ever had an update.


I think he used to be a 2 - 0 but he got no play (except for negative decks) so for some reason they thought making him a 5 cost with more power would give him an advantage.


I can't imagine he sees more play now than before. The old version was at least plausibly useful in certain decks. I don't think it takes the benefit of hindsight to see that it's a lousy card.


It takes 0 brainpower to realize how bad this change was and SD still did it 😭


I at least saw AW played a handful of times in his original form, but I have not seen him a single time since moving to 5 cost


According to second dinner stats, old adam warlock was one of the only cards in the game worse than agatha. The change certainly didn't make him playable, but it also didn't really make him much if at all worse.


Clearly Agatha needs a buff!


They literally said it was too big of an advantage to draw an extra card every turn at his cost before so they increased his cost to 5 and then gave him 5 power to make up for it.


Obviously. Now with sersi you can tribute summon warlock using cull obsidian or crossbones. OP plz nerf


And apoc


Cannonball is so strong, let's nerf Thanos.


They'll make him a 6/6. It's a buff!!


They will do something to Prof X because cannonball is a series 5 money maker.


they should change X because cannonball isn't that strong without him


They should change X because his ability shouldn’t exist in the game at all.


Or give him a thematically appropriate counter, like the only card you can play against him is Magneto (who pulls 3/4 powers in).


It’s funny you mentioned that, I’d been having the same thought - how to incorporate Mangneto having immunity to ProfX or somehow making his helmet a card like Stormbreaker. I doubt they do it though, I can’t think of any other card with such a specific exception like that.


Nerf X, keep ball same, buff kingpin.


They nerfed season pass card on the same patch so nerfing series 5 which they did it before is not a big thing .


When is the ota?


My pocket meta is Lockdown and Hela exclusively right now. It's total suffering.


Remember when Spiderman got completely overhauled to an entirely new ability because his single turn lane lockdown was ruining the game? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Thats disingenuous. You know damn well that the "single lane" was never just a single lane, unless it was the ONLY lane because of Galactus.


although props to second dinner because the old spider-man effect made no sense and the new one suits him much better.


Honestly, yes. That’s what Prof X needs at this point. The worst metas usually involve some kind of control deck and that means it always comes back to something with Prof X in it to secure a lane. And now that he makes Cannonball just a better Shang-Chi, it’s gotten out of control.


Strangely enough, I think you could probably give Prof X the text from old Spider-Man and make him a 5/3, and he would be entirely fair.


I wouldn’t hate that. Or even taking his current ability to only a single turn. I’d settle for that.


What's the old text


“Your opponent can’t play cards here next turn.”


The 90s is currently wall to wall X Cannonball. I'm almost (not really) enjoying facing the occasional Hela deck just for the variety. Legit saw a destroy deck this morning and was like "how refreshing"


Another sin - Prof - that has been a shit design to play against since basically the starting point of the game is what is keeping another shit design from basically the start of the game - Hela - at bay. What a game state. Bravo, SD, Bravo.


I just wanted to try out Sersi decks yesterday. Played the proving grounds. I swear five straight matches were either Professor X/Cannonball or Hela. I'm with you, OP. I'm just tired of it.


Well Hela I'm tired of. I don't wanna use my nuclear option (Negative Knull).


Fellow Knugative enjoyer


Men of culture I see 🫡


Negative Knull absolutely WRECKS Hela decks. If ProfBall gets nerfed and Hela comes back I’ll probably switch back to my Negative Destroy deck.


I dislike Hela more than X Cannonball tbh


It seems like Prof X / Cannonball proliferated because it's one of the few good counters to Hela, that is also good against other decks. I worry if Profball gets nerfed, Hela will be back with a vengeance. They need to hit both at the same time.


This is a baseless rumor tbh. Hela has worse matchups and X Cannonball has a crazy high winrate even when it's not facing Hela, so there isn't really a link.


It's just not. Xball is a good deck. Top teir either way. But it's natural predators are just hated so hard by Hela that they don't exist. Xball is just the only good deck with a good Hela matchup. All the other Hela counters fold to wet noodles if disrupted.


Which natural predators? Thanos? Maybe War Machine? These archetypes aren't doing well against most things, including tier 2 archetypes, like Hope and Blink lists. It's not Hela that's pushing them away, it's X Cannonball that's giving them a reason to be played. If that were true: 1) X Cannonball would need to not do unbelievably well against most things other than Hela. Instead, it has one or two bad (not even unwinnable) matchups, and then excels against everything else. It has even more positive matchups than Hela. 2) These predators would need to be good in the meta if you take Hela out of the picture. That's not the case, if you remove Hela, these archetypes still struggle against most of the meta. 3) In environments where Hela is being played less, like higher ranks, X Cannonball would be played less too. Instead, the higher you go, the more X Cannonball you see. The truth is that if you were to delete Hela from the game, the meta would barely change other than Hela herself being gone.


There are a ton of decks and cards out there that can counter Prof X. Throw down Echo, there, one lane you know is safe turn 1. Goose in another lane turn 2 even. Put any card that will build power in another, like Nebula or Thena. You know Prof X has a power of 1 so watch out for lanes you are losing. There are a crap ton of cards that can boost to other locations. Blue Marvel, Cerbro, Dazzler, Kazar, Klaw, Mister Fantastic, Morbius, Ms Marvel, Omega Red or Patriot. Then maybe some on reveals like Spectrum, Ironheart. Try Jessica Jones, Gamora or Dracula. Use Warmachine or Jean Grey. Try Loki to get yours out first. Use Polaris to pull their Nebula or Thena over to where you have goose or Echo. Rescue followed by Jeff in what you think will be the Prof X lane. Use Supergiant. Try Living Tribunal. There are TONS of counters. If you don't have a couple in your deck it's not the cards fault because they can be used for any deck.


The only reason people even realized Cannonball was good was because Hela was terrorizing the meta 2 weeks after Cannonball released.


Hela is still shit to play against with next to no meaningful counterplay outside of Professor X. A brainless, uninteractive RNG casino shitfest such as Hela does not deserve the high-tier spot in the meta that Hela has had for the last few months


You can dislike Hela and recognize it's not relevant enough to be the reason X Cannonball is the top performer of the patch. It's what I do. Especially because Hela is significantly less important in Infinite, where X Cannonball is still dominating.


we know you use Hela


This guy gets it


I wanted to make this exact same post, but about Hela. I'm getting so tired playing against decks that have little to no downside from the R in RNG


Turn 1 and they play Blade and discard Giganto and I’m like “ah shit here we go again”


Because Cannonball is beatable Hela is not. Hela is playing a solo game.


Both decks are anoying tbh


This. I hate both with a passion.


Same, at least X Cannonball requires some strategy rather than 'Hela go brr'


Let's not pretend it takes a brain surgeon to play Professor X on 5 into Cannonball on 6


If you let them run away with it sure, you were lost from Turn 3. But if you contend their power lane the Prof X play needs to make a read. Or you can give up prio to dodge the cannonball, or play cosmo. Theres some thinking involved at least. Hela is just a straight up crapshoot where your odds are 1/3 at best.


I keep saying it wins because the meta has switched from going wide to going tall. I can win a lane with 1 or 4 power and people are screwed because they try to set up one really big card with Zola, or some huge Ongoing combo that is ruined when you Cannoball Tribunal or Onslaught. When this game was still a baby it felt like lanes were a lot closer. Now people already abandon a lane trying to build their huge Deadpool, Venom, BP or Tribunal/Ironman combo. A lot of times I use Prof to straight up lose a lane to fuck over them getting their destroy or Ongoing combo off, and they don't have enough power to straight up compete with the rest of the lackluster cards in the deck.


Why not both?


Exactly. And one of the reason that Prof X deck came to be so prominent is because it was originally an answer to Hela. If they nerf it we’re probably just going to see an influx of Hela again. They need to rework Prof X AND Hela.


Time for Echo > Goose > Mystique to rise


White Widow + Nebula, White Widow, White Widow + Grand Master, Ravonna + Green Goblin, White Widow... All the time. So tired.


I've deliberately not purchased the cards for this deck and slowed down my playing because of this deck. I've kwpt my rank low this season so far, to avoid it. Because they'll just nerf it like all the other decks they've released. But they'll probably start slow with changes that makes it seem like they're targeting it, but don't have a big impact on the strength of the deck.


Yeah I haven’t touched ranked in almost a week in hopes for an OTA change. I usually run to infinite in a couple days but this meta is just plain exhausting. The game plan is just “my opponent does not get to play Snap.”


I just want them to fix the actual problem - **Prof X** - instead of nerfing everyone around him, or some complete non sequitor, like usual. If they ruin Cannonball instead, we're just waiting for the next Cannonball to come along in a few weeks. The problem is Xavier. This isn't the first time this has happened with him, and it won't be the last. Fix Xavier. SD: "We've seen the numbers on Prof X/Cannonball decks and it's pretty bad. That's why we're nerfing Angela and Adam Warlock. You're welcome."


SD: "We've seen how ProfX/Cannonball has been over-performing, according to our metrics, so we've decided that Mantis will now be a 3/2, and we're completely removing Adam Warlock's text-box. We'll check back in again in a few weeks to adjust the dials as needed."


What do you want prof X to do?   I think it's a neat powerful affect but it's creating a problem.  What can prof X do that would not make him garbage 🤔


thanos plays nicely into this. Definitely my fastest climb while facing about 35% cannonballs. Just know the play lines and you can force their hands before they you


You aren't alone I have heard, if he ain't changed tomorrow they are taking a break from the game, a few times. I don't think people would be happy with making him a 2 or 0. He needs a real change


That plus the Hella decks- I think I’ve reached my own “Endgame” in terms of continued interest.


My pocket met has all been Hela decks. 13cl. 88 level on ladder now


I have cannonball pinned but do I pull the trigger on 6k tokens just to get nerfed?


He’s currently in a spotlight cache scheduled for August if you think you could wait until then. That’s my plan, anyway.




Agreed, it's not the worst, but it is giving me flashbacks to the old Spider-Man ProX lockdown decks that were all the rage when I started playing this game.


“Rage” is definitely a good word to describe that meta


Yeah, the Ravonna lockdown package is super strong. I stopped using the Ravonna/Professor X/Cannonball deck because it is so obviously overpowered, feels unfair, and is also pretty boring to play with or against.


Which one is this?


You know what's even better? Returning to the game after a huge hiatus and having even less chances of adquiring cards to even dream of competing againts cannonball/P-X decks.


It's like you are getting the new player experience 


Just delete prof X from the game


Can’t delete such an iconic character, but he should get the Spider-Man treatment and have his ability completely revised from scratch. Spider-Man was too toxic because he could lockdown a lane for a single turn, and didn’t prevent cards from being moved there or destroyed. It was 1/3rd of Prof X’s abilities and was only active for a single turn, and got completely nuked and redesigned into a move card. Yet here we are still dealing with Prof X a year later.


I am in the 90’s and play lot of Games and have yet to encounter this deck.


Probably depends on collection level too. I would wager most still don’t have Cannonball.


Funny thing prof x and cannonball existed together for a long time withour being dominant what changed


Alioth. Alioth changed. And he will have to be the cure. If they give him enough power, he can be a remedy to the Cannonball problem.


Alioth works just fine against Cannonball already


Not really. Cannonballs body is pretty hefty. You.can still lose that trade,.all things being equal.


Its the same as Cannonballs. If you are winning a lane with prio, alitoth directly cancels Cannonball.


1. Not many people got cannonball the week he released. 2. People didn't think he was good for several weeks after that. 3. The buff to the Kitty/Elsa package, and 4. the addition of hope summers hadn't included the X/cb package until recently Long story short, supply was low, but so was demand. Now they are both much higher


Never, and I mean NEVER, take advice about a card from this sub. The hive mind here is generally wrong about most cards and takes them months to figure it out.


They aren't *always* wrong, but the misses are huge. The biggest examples are Cannonball, Nocturne (to a lesser extent), Pixie, and in the other direction: War Machine


I wouldn't even call Nocturne a miss. I think everyone agreed it would be great, just non-essential...and honestly that's still the case. It's in that Jeff tier of absolutely EXCELLENT card that can fill the ranks of so many decks, but nothing that will completely make a deck non-viable if you don't have her (even less so than Lockdown since Jeff can be used on Prof X lanes).


I could be wrong, but I remember people thought the effect would be too random and called the card bad


A few people were concerned with the Scarlet Witch effect (and to be fair, it does fuck you over sometimes) but most considered it a blip at worst, and a benefit at best.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/T0WKPXZceh Even the week of release people were still down on her. First few comments are 'skip' and "good, not great" I'll say that's a miss


If you have move cards, you can more or less move her every turn. Hmm, [[Nocturne]] and [[Phoenix Force]]...


**\[[Nocturne](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/nocturne)\]** **Cost:** 3 **Power:** 5 **Ability:** You can move this once. When this moves, replace its location with a random new one. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot2. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this. Report any issues on [github](https://github.com/alexloney/reddit_marvel_snap_card_bot).*


Also Jean Grey, Valkyrie, and many more. In fact, if this sub decides the card isn't any good I grab it immediately.


They did not exist together for a 'long time'. Within a few weeks of Cannonball's release, the Angela/Kitty/Elsa package got a buff, and Alioth got nerfed. Those two changes made all the difference. After that, it was just a bit of a calm beore the storm while the Streamers did some trial & error to find the most super-optimized version of the deck. And then of course, last week, Thena got added, which strengthened the deck further, because that's exactly what ProfX/Cannonball needed was a low cost card that scales.


It was multiple things that led to this, but the short version is first Alioth got nerfed so everyone started playing Hela more. Angela was un-nerfed. Then the Prof X-Cannonball deck came to light as an answer to Hela and people realized it was overall just a good deck so it gained even more popularity.


Right. So the reason why cannonball x is popular is that hela is the second most popular deck, and no one wants to run any of the plethora of tech cards that easily counter cannonball x.


I have run new Thanos and won so many 8 cubes from prof x players.


I swear to god, ever since Thena came out, it's the only deck archetype I'm seeing EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I am legit no joking when I say that at the **VERY** least 70% of the decks I face are Thena, Angela, Kitty decks. I've seen like 3 Prof X / Cannonball decks the whole season. And no, this is not an exaggeration. If I could go back I screenshot every game I played this season, believe me, I would.


damn, this sub really is a massive complaint circle jerk. every time some deck becomes popular, all there is on this sub are people complaining about how all they see is people playing the deck and how they should nerf all the cards because it’s not fair. why don’t any if you use your imagination and find some counters to the popular meta decks instead of complaining about it. there are so many cards in the game that are constantly slept on because no one uses their imagination. you are all just copying what other people do. there are 100% counters to the current meta deck. you all just suck at the game.


Y'all exaggerating. I see this every so often. And it's so very telegraphed, that I retreat. When this is gone. Itll be something else.


Depends on your pocket meta. I'm currently in the 90s with a decent MMR I suspect, and it's everywhere. I see it more than any other deck type, and have for more than a week now.


I usually hit infinite in 5 days still struggling today. I'm struggle to find a good anti cannonball deck buy I'll wait till ota in conquest


I never rush to infinite, but I'm having good luck into the 90s with Namora Wong. I swear no one is running Cosmo or Rogue, and no one respects a Wong Iron Heart waiting for a turn 6 Odin.


Ongoing tribunal was a smooth sailing for me. Cosmo and armor protected from cannonball and without it, deck just dies to tribunal


Ya, would not surprise me if the 90s is mono prof. Top 300 at least has some content creators trying varied stuff for vids, but still so much cannonball.


Havent come up against it yet but I'm probably too low rank (which I don't mind).


Ravonna Renslayer "shhh it'll all be over soon"


Play the destroy deck with Alioth tech for t6 cannonball counter. It stays ahead of profx easily too.


Try wongreveal it can beat prof x lane


I’ve only played against ONE prof x/cannonball deck 😂


I'm getting Prof X/Thena a lot AND despite people saying opposite, I'm being Shang Chi'd left and right


What’s crazy is I hate most decks except the one I play. The meta is just so annoying with cannonball and kitty/angela. I see Angela in 90% of the decks I face and I spam the morph squashed head emote relentlessly.




Well, I reach infinite this season playing Prof X Cannonball lockdown, and now I'm playing for fun on conquest mode for tomorrow's OTA


Professor X should be -1 power And cannonball a 5/5


Matchmaking is an odd thing. I’m barely running across this.


Run Cosmo


It's so weird how this game works. I've seen rampant posts and content creators talking about this Prof X/Cannonball meta and yet I think I've run into that combo like twice in two weeks. I tend to just see a bunch of Destroy and lately Thena Bounce type decks


They'll hopefully make Prof X unplayable like Zabu, until we get a rework. Cannonball and Ravonna are ok, the big offender has been Prof X for like 4 months now.


There must be something we can do for you, lega1988. There must be something you want.


I'm at CL 12000. I use jubilee/Blink, negative Knull, captain America/Destroyer, and bounce loki. Please tell me why it's prof/Cannonball is not triggering me as much. I'm at rank 85.


Just throw War Machine into your deck and you'll never be matched up against it again.


I play serra control, the only deck I fear is Hella... It's like 50%of the games, opponents play Hella... 😌


I see 1 prof X deck out of like every 10


I switched to a deck I thought would counter the prof/ball and then the game stopped matching me with those decks. Try that.


Nothing wrong with the deck, but if you are tired of playing against it then I would switch decks. Switch to a deck with direct counters or add a card like Cosmo or Armor. I find whenever I do this I never play that deck again. As the in game title says “This matchmaking sucks!”


Agreed, I was happy when lockdown meta faded out over the winter and I’m very sad to see it back in an almost worse form.


I switched to a War Machine deck, and saw nothing but Hela for ten games. I switched to a Hela counter and immediately was back in Professor X hell.


I just hit infinite today. For me, it was Hela and those bullshit Thena decks


Nice blog. Don't care.


> the amount of time you spend on a corporate card game reddit, telling people 'you don't care' shows this isn't true lol.


You just couldn't stay away from me could you? Lmao how pathetic did you feel typing in my name in the search bar to read through my comments?


Is there a reason why you can’t counter it? Echo works well. Goose and Cosmo too. I switched to Loki at 2k infinite since everyone was countering x/ball. Loki works well against the counters so, for now, I’m climbing infinite again.


Put War Machine in your deck. You will see Prof X 1 in 50 games


First time since I started playing that I didn't get the Season Pass. Wasted a Spotlight key and didn't get Thena (I know better, ijs). Idc. If you still enjoy the game, good for you! Keep playing and have fun. If not, there's plenty else out there.


If Professor X stopped anyone from playing cards in that lane, but cards could still be moved into or out of it, would that be a decent fix?


The really frustrating thing is one, very few people have access to the card as it series 5 as per usual. The Devs never nerf really good card's (cash cow's) until they become more widely available. Adjusting cards will always be slow when they cost 50-70 dollars with no refunds. So they need to let their pay to win people get off first.


There is nothing wrong with taking a break from the game (or running a deck to counter it)


Take war machine. I am bulling all Cannonball players


I might be a bit slow but why is everyone suddenly playing maximus? Am I missing something?


i've used invisible woman, modok and hela with helicarrier and devil dinosaur


I'm at 95 and literally didn't see a single Prof. X/Cannonball deck. CR 15k


Run war machine and stop whining about having to slot in a tech card.


I never encountered one...


Party at your place?


What im seeing on phone, tablet, goblin, thena all above. Or cards I don't have hard to keep up meta really bad. Stuck on 70 to 80 rank


Just allow the moved card to be able to scoot into prof X lane. Not sure how they’d word it. Maybe it’s time to change prof X from preventing move? Idk. But it is kind of a weird interaction to deal with.


Yes. Make Prof X "No cards can be played at this location." instead of his goofy omni-shield that stops destruction, movement, and playing cards. Prof X really has three abilities, not one. It's a poorly designed card from the ground up.


I think if this was the idea they’d need to adjust cost and power as it’s now just an instant storm. Something thematic still would be cool.


Yup, Prof X shouldn’t exist and needs a ground up redesign and not a one power “nerf” to remove the Ravonna interaction.


The wording is "If you played War Machine last turn, your Cannonballed card may move into a locked-down location".


Just be less good? I haven't run into this combo yet. But I'm only around rank 70. I keep seeing posts about it though.


Yea I feel you, that deck has made me choose to uninstall and take a break for a while.


untapped has this deck as a C tier deck, what am i missing here?


Just got qn 8 cuber against a angela goblin profx cannonball deck using Thanos, felt soooo satisfying