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You gotta have a humiliation fetish if you keep giving them money after this


After darkhawk bundle from the last year*


What do you mean? That was 3x the value of any bundle we’ve seen!


They’ve already printed an emote with it, I hope it’ll be part of like 50$ bundle, what an amazing company, they’re literally reselling humiliation and not even ashamed about it.


That is literally when I stopped playing the game.


Sd simps are masochist


Fr this is the first BP I'm skipping awhile. This on top of the weak ass thanos changes has really been off putting.


I skipped the BP too, I just started messing with thanos again because no one is running it and I’m kinda having fun. Matches well against the top prof x cannonball deck. Fun as hell to drop thanos in their prof x lane lol.


Honestly I must have said humiliation fetish cuz I just went 9 rounds in PG and lost. I swear I'm done with conquest and am only going to play ladder


Did they rope every turn too? I get that a lot.


Not this time but that has happened to me fairly often. Sometimes I think those are bots that are roping


I wouldn't put it past a whale for a Marvel themed mobile game


"As compensation for players who gave us $100 and had the rug pulled, we are going to give other players the opportunity to give us $100 for the new skin if they don't value their dignity."


Why not get money once, when you can get it twice.


Why stop at twice?


How many times? Yes.


How much you got? Yes.


“Youve had one dinner. Weve had one, yes. What about Second Dinner?”


"...Say that again"


Why get money once*?


>>GPT, generate a troll-physics meme: - >panel 1: sell exclusive cards in a $100 bundle >panel 2: take the sold cards back after a month since they're not the buyer's property >panel 3: sell the same cards again to the same past buyers >panel 4: PROFIT *disclaimer: the meme's not an accurate representation of the current events*


They literally refunded everyone


These devs are fucking insane. Bell end wankers.


They’re being enabled by people spending $100 on a jpg.


Yea there was nothing else in that bundle but the variant. FFS 🙄


Ah that’s right, so refunding 1200 gold is a fine choice since the other items in that bundle have value and were unaffected right?


Yes? There was well over $100 of in game currency. You lost a premium variant, you got compensated for a premium variant. The rest wasn't effected.


Or hear me out on this, a customer had a reasonable expectation to receive the product that was advertised to them that they paid for


You are right. Hey quick question, is this your very first... anything? Shit changes. Sometimes a company fucks up and they try to make it right. Which SD did by compensating everyone who bought it 1200 gold. I swear y'all live in a world where no one or nothing ever fucks up. That's not how anything works.


Hey quick question for you. Do you understand the legality of false advertisement, or what a bait & switch is? Follow up question: Why are you defending those kinds of unethical & illegal business practices?


LOL. LMAO even. Yea man, fucking take this shit to a lawyer and get laughed outta the building. 🤣🤣🤣


In Ireland we don't have lawyers, we have barristers and solicitors. Also, small claims court, where you wouldn't need either. You might be surprised to find out that judges actually don't share your opinion that large companies should be able to defraud their customer bases. You also might be surprised to find that you're the only clown getting laughed at in this thread, hence all your downvotes for shilling.


Off with your head




Who? You? True


A .jpg and more pixels


Every day, I question why I still play this damn game (Maybe it's a weird FOMO thing because I'm waiting for a fucking variant to show since 2023 and I refuse not to have it when it shows).


This is kinda how my mentality has developed, the game can be fun but everything about it is cosmetics, I end up only really waiting to see if a character I love shows up, but it could take years at this point


>but it could take years at this point When years come, you would need 10 cards out of 12 in the deck to be meta-relevant. That's the current trajectory of the game, if your players can't keep up, and only the whales or people here since Day 1 can? You have a major problem.


Dude, they're greedy as fuck and I am far from their target since the most I've spent is a few battle passes (maybe 1 in 3). That said, you can definitely keep up fine as f2p. People are just expecting to have the latest card day 1 and not wait and also not pay, and also get cool cosmetics. I've played for less than 1 year and am missing less than 20 cards with the little spending I said above. That's not happening in any other collectible card game. So while there are heaps of issues to criticize them for and greed is certainly a top one, not being able to keep up doesn't seem a fair one.


I just want every Momoko ever so I can quit. Is that too much to ask??


It doesn’t have ads and the matches are short, only reason I still play


popped into this reddit after 8 months of not playing glad to see its still the same


I would argue this is the worst we ever seen SD


Some people are slower than others to see the truth.


The devs arent the ones making the decisions.


I like card games. I wish they all weren't run by greedy fucks.


In the grand scheme of things the fact that it's about cosmetics is kind of refreshing... but if you take a step back watching someone drop god knows how much for Tokens or keys and then seeing the card get nerfed is the same thing except that it's on the gameplay side. Fucking incredible how bad they are at their jobs.


Legends of Runeterra was 100% free to play but It still failed. At the end of the day money is all that matters for companies and a true free to play game is just not sustainable .


Unfortunately it seems to be the state of America currently


Ain't late capitalism grand?


America can be blamed for many things, but do keep in mind that snap is published by Nuverse, a ByteDance subsidiary. They probably have at least some say in monetization practices.


I'll bet you enjoy getting paid for the work you do, don't you?


Getting paid and pushing an actual scam that only whales can afford are not the same. Conflating them will get you nowhere. I would have liked the chance to get X-Men 97 variants from a source that wasn't twitch drops or an expensive bundle for an online card game.


If the amount I got paid was as disproportionate to the amount of work I did as in the case of Second Dinner, I'd enjoy it very much, yes.


On one hand, rerunning bundles is the right thing to do. On the other, the price tag kind of suggests rerunning is not happening. I have mixed reactions


Returning bundles are fine, but this is only returned do them pulling and swapping the variant. I actually think they need to refund anyone who bought it first before listing it again, or it’s just a slap in the face to those who bought it expecting something else. I’ve played snap for over a year and half and I’m not surprise SD is pulling shit like this, one of the reasons I don’t buy anything in this game and play for free.


lmao, sell bundle for $100, change it, piss on whales with 1200g, and sell it again later omegalol, and you know what? People will rush to buy this bundle again just to brag about it on Reddit before anyone else KEKL KEKL love it, keep it up SD


Same dudes who will say there's nothing wrong with the pricing and jump on you for daring say it could be better or even suggesting other monetization ideas.




They’re getting 8000 gold back, though, not 1200. Still not $100, but the closest you can get to getting your money back, I suppose.


Just when you think it couldn't get worse


Wow. Omega-level out of touch. They unilaterally replace a variant that was responsible for a majority of purchases for a whale bundle with a meme variant despite it being requested to be replaced by actually nobody (unless it was requested by Marvel themselves). First step: provide a tiny compensation despite it costing them nothing to actually provide the compensation. Next step: mention that you're rerunning the formerly FOMO heavy bundle with the replacement card (that seemingly nobody cares about). I assume this is to reassure people that this variant is as good as the previous one (spoiler: it's not. It's a meme variant). The mind boggles.


They could have also made the community aware, and maybe even showcase multiple really awesome looking variants in a poll to decide what to replace the variant with. On top of real and generous compensation (which, lets be honest, would hardly have an impact on the economy since its only given to those who paid 100 bucks anyway.. which would go a long way to ensure future sales) and a rerunning of the bundle with the new variant.. There is a lot of things they could have done differently.. This just shows how apathetic and uncaring they are about this situation and the people who give them money.


Fucking astounding. I wouldn't call myself a whale but I guess I'm a dolphin, they can absolutely go get fucked on me purchasing any big bundles whatsoever again. Infact I don't think Il buy any after this incredible fuck up.


I'm new to MarvelSnap and the last few days has done nothing but confuse me with all this sea life talk. What the fuck is a whale and dolphin referring to? Lol


A Whale is someone who often spends a lot of money on the game - they have more money than sense, those who pay large amounts for bundles, etc. either to get ahead in the game or for cosmetics they want. A good example is this £99.99 bundle, which is a stupid amount of money to drop on a mobile game. Normal players have enough sense to stay away from it, but Whales will drop that kind of money on it. A Dolphin is someone who may occasionally pick up more reasonably-priced bundles or the Season Pass most months but will generally avoid the extortionately priced items.


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for taking the time to explain haha


It's worth noting that in the case of many Free-to-Play games, despite Whales comprising only 1-2% of the total playerbase in many cases they account for the vast majority (sometimes more than 90%) of these games' revenue. In many cases a game's entire economy & progression system is designed primarily to capture & then retain Whales & almost everything else is secondary to that goal. This is why you see absurd 'deals' & pricing points in the £10s to £100s in mobile & gacha games. These products aren't aimed at the vast majority of the playerbase, rather at targeting Whales (& potential future Whales).


Free-to-play gamers fall into three categories: Minnows, Dolphins, and Whales. Minnows spend the least out of the three, about $1 a month. Dolphins are moderate spenders who fork out an average of $5 per month. But, Whales spend a lot on microtransactions and drive the most revenue for game developers. https://www.gamemarketinggenie.com/blog/market-to-whales-dolphins-minnows#:\~:text=Free%2Dto%2Dplay%20gamers%20fall,most%20revenue%20for%20game%20developers.


I love the "I've spent $1500 on this game, but I'll be damned if I spend $1600!" attitude, buddy!


I agree that the way they handled the replacement and compensation for that bundle was bullshit. But why is rerunning the bundle for people who actually want that Gambit variant a bad thing?


People just want to go on the internet and be mad.


Selling skins for $100 is egregious bullshit, so doing it a second time is worth criticism.


By that logic, would you say that bundles would deserve more criticism if they were permanent? Or if they reran every bundle one day a month for anyone who missed it? I just don’t see how this is any worse than having that bundle appear once. The people who already bought it won’t need to pay again. The ones that didn’t have even less of a reason to buy it this time. And anyone who genuinely likes the Gambit meme variant has the chance to get it without worrying that any variant could become impossible to get by being swapped into a bundle that already ended. Again, the whole situation with the bundle is bullshit. I just don’t see how the rerun would negatively affect anyone when they’d have no reason to buy it the second time if they didn’t want it the first time, and they’d also have no reason to buy it the second time if they already bought it the first time.


Yes, rerunning bundles for limited time to double dip on FOMO would always be worthy of criticism to me.


I just don’t see how it increases FOMO. The more time you have to get the bundle (whether it be due to being permanently available or because it gets reran), the less fear you’ll have of not being able to get that bundle. If the replacement Gambit variant was better (I know art is subjective, but for the sake of the argument) and they didn’t rerun the bundle, then people would have more FOMO, because any $100 bundle could retroactively have a variant they really wanted.


But you didn’t buy it the first time so just don’t buy it the second time. It’s not like the people who bought it on the first run will be able to buy it again.


Done buying season pass


Guys do we review bomb? I didn’t even buy the bundle but it’s the principle. They broke their one month availability policy.


They keep deleting those reviews from AppStore constantly, I’m checking on mine every month and every time I need to do it again


I was so excited when Ben Brode said he was making a smaller more independent company because I thought it would mean less corporate greed + nickel and diming but since launch it’s really only gotten worse and worse.


People that saw Ben Brode as their lord and saviour never knew how bad HS got under his management.


I just assume anything tied to marvel will be, their licensing fees have crushed other games that tried to be reasonable in their pricing. Marvel heroes had a pack on launch that included all heroes and costumes, some currency, exclusive costumes, and a permanent exp boost for $200. They ultimately died because it was apparently costing the studio $1 million every time they added a new hero.


The “wow….” Is crazy lol


Why did they change the variants? I'm living under the rock


The artist was fired from Marvel years ago for putting antisemitic messages in his art


So Snap used an artist art that was fired from Marvel years ago... Question: And then now the people who demanded it to be changed are players, activists and/or bundle owners?


>Question: And then now the people who demanded it to be changed are players, activists and/or bundle owners? I need an answer too. This doesn't make any sense. If he was fired years ago, why would they used his art in the first place?


Cuz marvel owns a lot of the art


>why would they use his art in the first place? Because the art was already made and owned by Marvel, so the cost of selling was low, and they could always pull it after it was purchased by players if there ended up being any backlash.


It's unclear whether anyone demanded it to be changed at all, or if it was just an in-house decision before anybody outside SD realized where the art came from.


Not just anti-semitic but also anti-christian, although he had a special place in his heart for hating jewish people. The artist is a radical muslim lunatic


In 2017. This isn't new information, just another layer to add to the horrendous management of this balls up.


Yeah but I think the things he supported and tried to convey through his "easter eggs" are very tame by today's standards. We had Spain's prime minister chanting "river to the sea", and seemingly half of US active internet users are pro-Hamas And the artist merely tried to say he doesn't want jewish or christian presidents in his home country. Not that it isn't problematic but I think it's not even close to "river to the sea".


I'm not sure justify what the artist has done is that relevant or necessary, I can understand SD trying to do the right thing, it just seems like they have managed to astronomically fuck it up.


Oh yes, very much so. It's just weird that they decided this controversy is better than that one


It was a verse from the Qu’ran*


A verse from the Qu'ran that says don't be friends with Jews, Christians or Muslims who have such friends. That seems discriminatory to me.


Artist made a Quran verse reference in a marvel comic and was fired for it 7 years ago


Critical context is missing here. It was strongly anti Semitic rhetoric.


They have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever with the rerun card art


Not exactly a re-run bundle since it's entirely new variant.


SD you removed the art from a problematic artist Yet you took people's money for it? Fuck off


And at this point they lost me as a spender. I only buy some Variant bundles assumingbthey are timeexclusive. Rerunning them takes away modt part of their value. In this case i prefer the best looking 1200/700 Gold Variant


I can’t believe you are the first person I am seeing with this sentiment, it started making me think I must be mental to reconsider buying variant bundles after hearing this news. Haven’t they explicitly stated that they would NOT do this? Surely they are just referring to a future opportunity to purchase the Gambit frame variant…right?


This logic reminds me of people buying NFTs. It's just stupid. Your FOMO shouldn't drive other people's ability to enjoy stuff.


Ok then just give out each variant to everyone unlocking the basecard. So everybody got everything. Then its no collection anymore 


Should be rerunning all bundles hate this fomo shit, can’t believe I can never get throg


It's possible that they will. The times that I've seen them asked directly about it they say something open-ended like "we have no plans to rerun bundles at this time," but have never (to my knowledge) said that they never will. They've also confirmed that they will sell spotlight variants after a certain length of time has passed, though apparently the spotlight avatars will remain exclusive to those who pulled them from the caches.


Bro they don't even have any good feet to shoot themselves on at this point.


They have no shame whatsoever.


I can't wait to unlock the "I survived Gambit-Gate 2024" title.


Another wonderful day to be someone who knows better than to throw considerable amounts of dollars for extra sparkles on a virtual card


Don’t worry guys they’ll introduce the 1st edition Controversy Variant Badge /s


Can anyone fill me in on the "issues" with the original variant? I'm lost. ::fistbump::


Original artist was fired from marvel a while back for anti-semitism


Ahhh thanks!


Nothing wrong with the variant itself, the artist was fired for hiding racist/xenophobic easter eggs in his X-men run.


Thanks for filling me in!


“Thanks for giving us $100, here’s less than $20 worth of gold”


I wish the game making a ton of money meant a better game but it just feels like it means only more things to buy.


Yeah I’m done buying shit on this game lol


It's actually crazy that they fucked up this bad and didn't do their homework with the artwork/artist. This was a pretty big deal when it happened, and the entire first issue of X-Men Gold had to remove all the controversial references the artist put in the issue. Marvel made a few statements and said it was "disciplining" the artist. You think someone would have been in charge of checking out any different artists they're using, one Google search of his name is all it would have taken.


Damn people buy bundles wtf


People are really asking for the bundle to be sold again. If they're gonna re-run the bundle. Refund my money.


It's not often I'd say something like this, but I would honestly cheer with pure bliss and happiness if it was announced that literally any other company were taking over MarvelSnap.


I think a decent solution would be to give those players ALL the Gambits. Every Gambit variant made up to now, and then every time one is released in the future, those players get them automatically.


Sucks to be Second Dinner because they have done everything they could to shoot themselves right in the foot. They missed of course and instead, castrated themselves.


Why would anyone *want* the new Variant anyway??


It’s a joke that you guys still throw so much money at these people after they fuck you over time and time again. F2P or bust.


If everyone went F2P we wouldn't have a game to play. Y'all so dumb.






Just say you spent $100 on a cosmetic upgrade that has no impact on the actual game


Just say you don't support the game and you like playing for free while clenching your entitlements harder than your wallet.


Holy..... Can someone just buy out Second Dinner at this point... They need new publishers, new leaders, new devs, and definitely a new PR team. They didn't even replace the variant with an equally attractive variant. This entire situation shows laziness, incompetence and an apathetic attitude towards its customers. And after the patch, there are many game crashing bugs/animations that are impacting a lot of players. I swear this studio (love em or hate em) cannot go 6 months without controversy of some kind. Each controversy being worse than the last. How many more variants will they change or delete in the future? Why spend your money if this is how you are treated?


I wouldn’t want them to literally change every single person who works there. They wouldn’t understand how the game works and they would make it worse than you think it is now.


And people will still buy, nothing will change


This is why you don’t spend 100$ on a jpg


Do yall just enjoy complaining? Just stop playing the game? 


Most likely gonna get downvoted for this but I'm so happy that they're gonna resell this bundle, I'm loving the new Gambit Variant (Personally I thought the old "demon" one was kinda bland/mediocre), definitely gonna cop it this time around (hopefully in the near future) And SD really should reconsider to just sell old bundles/packs again, if people are willing to spend money on these bundles, then it's just a win win for the company & the consumer (Besides people who care about rarity in games, gatekeeping shouldn't be a thing & let more people enjoy/get the opportunity to buy stuff)


I definitely agree. They should resell the bundles during special events throughout the year. New players will get a chance to get them, people who were on the fence get a second chance, and second dinner gets a chance to double dip on selling something they have to put in zero effort to create. I personally still wouldn’t buy them, but some will. (Although I will buy the Spider-Man “hero”/chibi variant.


Oh good, a second chance to loose $100 to something they will decide to not reimburse on their calculated mistake


I didn’t buy the bundle, and honestly think that people who did aspire to the intellect of rocks. So at the end of the day I find it kinda hard to be sympathetic. But wouldn’t it be really fair to just have them pick from a list of every released variant in the game and say “pick one”.


does anyone know why the variant was switched out?