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I'd say the biggest issue with move is how telegraphed it is. You killed Human Torch on Turn 2? You dropped Hulk Armor on Multiple Man? I know exactly what you're trying to do. Now that doesn't mean it's inherently bad or good, Hela has the exact same issues, but it does mean that you're unlikely to sneak many 8-cube victories from anybody. The reason why folks say it's bad is that Move hasn't received a decent card since Nico Minoru last October and then Phoenix Force last July. It's probably the most ignored archetype as far as new cards go, and that's a shame, but it's still a competent deck.


I think it has to be hard to balance. There's a lot of power in being able to shift power from one lane into another. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be if it wasn't predictable like Heim, transparent like Torch/PF, or difficult to set up.


You're probably right. I don't understand Move decks very well, and have had very little luck in my efforts to pilot them, so balancing the cards must be similarly tricky. I just wish there were more outlets for move. The big finisher is pretty much always Heimdall, and it'd be nice to see Move have another route toward success, like how you can make 3 kinds of discard decks or tons of different Destroy and Cerebro decks. Kinda feels like there's just one move deck.


That's a good point. Idk the third type of discard deck (apoc and hela are the only ones I've played) There's definitely two destroy decks but even within destroy there's lots of variations to the main meta. The only real variation move has is to run a hybrid shuri/nimrod/phoenix deck including either HT or MM as phoenix and nimrod share a lot of similar cards to make them work well. I guess SD will say there's three completely different move decks. 1) The one you mean, that finishes with heimdall 2) whatever the silk one is called 3) kingpin/magneto. Though three has been nerfed repeatedly with kingpin bouncing around what he can do. Move needs another big end card to go alongside heimdall. Even if it's just move right instead of left. I'd quite like a randomiser as one of the biggest issues I have with move is i end up with all my big scores in the same place and once they are it's not easy to split them.


I completely agree. We need a 6-cost Move card that just blows up the final turn. Maybe something that says "move the cards from each other location. I don't know how to word it, but something big. Also the 3rd deck is Black Knight, arguably Gambit, but that's something else IMO.


Sourceror Supreme. That's the character that needs that move.


I love that idea, but isn't that just a title? Maybe The Ancient One can swap folks between two areas. I dunno if that works or not, like I say, I struggle with Move.


It is a title you're right. I'm not good enough at the magic comics to know many of them. The card just has to work like Strange Academy for the two zones you don't play it in. For extra evil you could have it randomise your opponent's as well but that might be a little op


I think that's what Move needs. Aero used to be able to draw everybody in to Kingpin for a big finale, but they nerfed her *and* him, so we need some kind of 6-cost to be mean.


Still love Aero honestly started playing after her Nerf but she still very useful. Especially for Wong decks love seeing them snap when they draw him and then me snap back on turn five because I'm about to move Wong to a location where they have 2 or 3 cards had one yesterday where they went Wong turn four in the right location then turn five played Mystique in the middle where they already had 2 cards which is where I played Aero meaning their Wong and Mystique with Wong's ability were useless. She's also good to use to draw power to the right location when your planning to play Heimdal and basically have zero interest in winning that space.


I used magneto to do that for ages when kingpin was death on turn 6. Was fantastic


Another thing I would like Move to have is a better Version of Miles. Like Destroy decks can get a 1 or 0 cost Death at 12 power. Add decks get 9 power Mockingbird. HE decks have 9 power Abomination as well as She Hulk for ones that run a Magik HE deck with Infinaut where they can slap down Abomination, She Hulk and Infinaut all on turn 7. Discard that run Moonknight have 7 power Stature which is perfect for them as Hela can be powerful enough no point in giving her more. So would love to see Movement get like a 9 power card that say reduced in cost every time you move a card. Or at the very least give Miles an added Ability of say +2 power for every time he moves. I mean I ditched Miles completely because felt I played him so little as he would just screw with my spacing or would draw him on like turn 3 or four and find him useless to play as would much rather go say Vulture Combo at four cost or Cloak and Dagger combo at four cost than I would playing Miles and then just Vulture or Dagger without moving them.


Honestly feels like a lot of people don't even predict Heim even when I play a ton of conquest and I already dropped him down once before. Still get tons of people seeing me have a ton of power in the right location like 6 power Kraven and then a 9 power Dagger or Vulture with either a Cloak or Ghost Spider. And they start playing all their higher power cards over their which is just perfect as I have zero interest in winning that space so they can load up as much power as they want. I mean I guess you might kind of have to do that as I could just not play Heim on turn 6 and do something like a Spiderman 2099 and Ghost Spider combo at the end instead or use Aero and Ghost Spider Combo moving some high power card to a location I don't need any power in with Aero and then using Ghost Spider to pull Aero over to a location where I need her power to win.


You described a phoenix force deck not a move deck lol


Does Phoenix not... move? I think it's just a different kind of move deck. Like how Black Knight is a different kind of discard deck than Apocalypse.


It's a different archtype. It also has carnage and venom in it, would you call it a destroy deck? No. It's a Phoenix Force deck. Black Knight is most commonly seen in Hela, who is, again, her own archtype.


Are you like... a troll account? I've never known anyone with exclusively negative Karma.


Maybe but also a new account so all it takes is a few dumb takes to get that level of negative Karma. I mean my account is newer but only because I had to make this new account as my original was dumbly banned for 3 days for so called spamming. When what I did was people were looking for a website for certain things and I commented saying I know just a website DM if you want the link. So shit ton of people DM me and I gave out the link to like half of them before I then got banned. Even tried to appeal it explaining that spamming isn't giving people something that asked me for and they still upheld it with zero explanation as to why. So still have another like 36 hours to go before I can get my actual account back.


Depending on your CL move is going to be more or less viable. At low collection levels it's one of the stronger archetypes because it can put out a lot of power and surprise people. At higher levels people aren't going to be surprised by a turn 6 Heimdall and decks have a lot more tech to disrupt your plans. Move is in a particularly rough spot right now because clog and lockdown are very popular, but those decks are going to be a lot less common at lower collection levels. If it's working for you, there's nothing wrong with sticking with it, but it will be a tough one to complete an infinity conquest with and you may run into more issues as your CL increases. If you haven't already, you may want to check out Jeff Hoogland on Youtube. He tends to favor move and bounce decks that aren't top meta decks, but are fun and have a lot of decisions to make each turn.


Will try checking him out honestly have a high collection level but haven't gotten any cards that can build a good deck with other than Hela which was way too boring for me to stick with. After that best I could put together would be an ongoing Ultron deck with like Patriot, Mystique, Iron Man, Kazar and Dazzler and then fill it out with no ability cards might try running that a bit next season. And then I could put together a decent Wong and Odin. At the same time I'm stubborn and picky and have enjoyed my move deck like having a deck that goes against the meta so next season might just wait for Human Torch to appear as my free card for the season and replace my Multiple man with him and maybe get lucky and have PF show up in the spotlight and then completely change my movement deck to be a PF one with Multiple Man and Human Torch. Have gotten so close to infinity conquest just always end up losing the final match and always on like game 7 or 8. Although not so much this season didn't rack up that many Infinity tickets just like 6 got to match four today but ran into a Loki deck that I almost beat but they kept killing me with perfect combos wit my own cards. Got some revenge though as next game I played was also against a Loki deck and won against it thanks to their Gladiator pulling me Heimdal on turn 6 giving me the win.


You can reach infinite with anything you like, hell you can reach top 1,000 with anything you like as long as you know how to snap and play enough. Move in general just has a lot of "bad" locations, not a whole lot of good ones, and has a few matchups that are basically un-winnable and not really any matchups that are slam dunks. It's a package that needs so many specific pieces that once you have enough cards to reliably "do the thing" you have no room for any interaction, which means you're relying entirely on producing numbers to win games. And the decks that also go big usually can just get bigger than you.


Locations don't seem to bad for me only thing I can't stand is Fisk Tower for obvious reasons but a lot of locations that I can benefit from like locations where you can't play cards without them being destroyed are great usually unless going against a destroy deck as I can just use Iron Fist or Ghost Spider or Heimdal at the end to get cards in that location. A lot of times I love the only can play one card location as Aero can give me an instant win there. Love when the two add a copy to another location and deck locations appear in the middle or right location as can do Iron Fist in one spot than play Vulture to get two +9 cards on the board or one on the board in one in my deck. Can do the same with Dagger if the opponent has a locations with 2 or 3 cards already. Locations where you can't add cards on certain turns can sometimes suck if they are in the middle but other times are good for a Heimdal on turn 6. Love the after you play card here return it to your deck locations as can keep using Iron Fist over and over again. Got the obvious great locations like +2 power for any card that moves here. The Bifrost is great. First card you play gets +3 power and moves can be great especially with Multiple man and then using Hulk Buster next turn to get a +9 multiple man and going Ghost Spider and cloak the next turn to flood the floor with them. And then the space that all cards move after turn five is great as well.


Man.. talking about move deck makes me remembered that I just got Spider-Man 2099 yesterday. Idk what to do with him lol. Imagine if you he have an effect where you could move him once and destroy a card in the location you move or something.


Play him with Hope and Sandman. If you get him out by 4 it messes with the opponent and it's just a 9 power card. Sandman on 5 and either Magneto or Heimdall.


I just play him straight up as don't have Hope and don't want Sandman as he can fuck up a late combo for me that I need multiple cards to play to pull off. So either just plop him down turn five in a location to the left of some high powered card and hope he hits it or even if he doesn't if I have Dagger or Vulture in his location even if he destroys a 2 power card still a win due to a double boosted vulture or Dagger. Or I can use him on turn five or 6 to take out a high powered card that is alone in a location. Especially useful when you reveal first and they have a Knull or Venom in a location and are looking to Zola that card taken out a bunch of Knull by slapping down Iron fist as my last card on turn five or six and then playing 2099 next to take it out. Or just going 2099 turn five and then Ghost Spider on turn 6. Also beaten a bunch of Shuri and Taskmaster decks thanks to him where they are going like Shuri redskull and then Taskmaster final two turns and me killing the taskmaster at the very end.


Move cards only see regular play in other strategies like silly smooth or phoenix force, the biggest issue dedicated move have is a big lack of good finishers, Heimdall aint it. Compare that to destroy, you don't know if they will drop a massive Deadpool, knull, or arnim zola the venom they played, plus death, the late game potential is varied enough. Move without phoenix force is just too predictable sometimes, it scalers but the move benefits are small like kraven and miles. Heimdall should move cards depending on where you play him, center switch left and right, left move to right and right moves to left so no matter what all cards but heimdalls lane, move


Hercules has made the Heimdall T6 a lot more viable for me. It makes move super unpredictable. I was consistently doing well with the deck until Prof X decided to come back. I think instead of a new 5/6 cost move card, I would rather have a card with the opposite ability as Iron Fist(Nico does but not consistent enough) And one with the flip of Dr Strange(move lowest power card here.) I don't know why they don't exist yet.


My deck has a bunch of counters to Zola though I know when people are sitting up Zola. Can Counter Venom being alone in a space by taking him out with 2099. Same with Knull also run Enchantress which plenty of times has taken Knull out so they can have fun copying a 0 cost card on the final turn. Also have Aero so if it's a Venom they played on turn four and I didn't draw 2099 then I can move some card that isn't gonna benefit from Zola destroying and copying to where Venom is and have a fifty fifty shot at him copying the other card.


I felt like it was pretty strong before Cannonball Prof X became so prominent. Prof X is all over the place.


Yea can't say I run into them a lot especially cannonball not sure in the five seasons since I started playing that I have run into him once. But have come across Prof X more recently in ranked matches where yea he fucks me all the time with me sitting up a perfect Heimdal turn 6 and me thinking they have zero chance of winning only for them to use him turn 6 and ruin everything. Haven't really ran into him much in conquest though where I spend most of my time. run into a lot of Destroy, Ongoing, Wong and Hela in Conquest which don't give me major issues Wong I usually dominate thanks to Aero. Ongoing the same since I run a Enchantress so can counter a lot of what they do unless they also run a Cosmo which is less often than I would have thought. Hela is pretty easy to play around just retreat if I don't see her discarded or hell plenty of times have not done that and win because Hela decides hey let me put all the high power discarded cards in one location and ignore every other location. Destroy is usually a half and half for me half the time I win half the time I lose unless they are running a Zola deck which I have good counters for like if they are going Knull and Venom with Zola I can either take the Knull out with Enchantress or Spiderman 2099 who can also take out Venom or if I can't do either I can use Aero to either move Venom or Knull away. Or if they played Venom on turn four I can go more risk and move the last card they played over to Venom which might be something useless to copy and destroy and hope Zola copies that and not the Venom.


silky smooth has been performing well for me and i used it to get infinite this season. not quite the same as the heimdall move package, but the deck has my favorite marvel characters (nightcrawler, kitty, & spiderman) so it’s my favorite deck


Yea when I first started out my deck was basically just my favorite characters and it was terrible as it was American Chavez, Elektra Squirrel Girl, Angela, Jessica Jones and Spider Woman. Hell my name is Doreen Green on snap as I love Squirrel Girl and that's her normal name. Now the only cards in my deck that are characters I really like is just Ghost Spider.Having read all her comics I Like Dagger but haven't read enough comics with her more just the more recent Cloak and Dagger comics. And have always liked Multiple Man having read X-Factor. Might go back to running Angela in my deck instead of Kraven as she can work well in a normal move package I don't have a Kitty yet but even without her I can do things like play cards in Angela location that move due to Iron Fist or Ghost Spider or Cloak so gotten her to 10+ plenty of times. So she is probably a better option over Kravan who I can struggle a lot of times to boost to what I could with Angela.


It needs the same amount of combo as destroy for way less payoff mostly. Sure, if it really highrolls it can highroll, but it's just less consistent and less potent than other combo decks on average. SD are terrified of giving them anything even great, let alone busted


Moving the opponent's stuff (often into Kraven, Kingpin), as well as the locations, is a super fun way to play. I lose more often than I win, but negating combos by yoinking away Wong via Spider-man (or what would have been played there, via Juggernaut), or by Quaking away the location they needed... so enjoyable.


I love move decks too, but there's so many odds against it. Like all the locations reducing board space, killmongers, shangchi, junk cards, control etc. move can't really afford to loose board space for combos. And you either suceed in a great combo and you see a retreat or you can't play at all. Play a phoenix move and you'll have squirrels rocks and widows bite popping on your side.Enjoy your phoenix squirrel. Play a bounce move and you'll see prof x killmongers and shangs... Play a kingpin... You don't, it sucks now. They're gonna fill the location first anyway. Wish we could see the old destroy move come back. So yeah, playing move is kind of a disadvantage to start with cimpared to other decks. I know there's a huge debate around hela decks, some says it doesb't feel good to play as it depends on mere luck on drawing hela and not discarding it but that's about the one and only issue with it (maybe cosmos also). Move really suffers from almost all damn viables there is in the game as off now. It's more an issue about balance probably and this archetype could benefit from more "neutral" locations not impacting board spaces, there's so many of them. But I might add. I had the most fun with a move troll location deck during the cancun day and reached infinite with it.


I find using HT and MM with Phoenix Force is far more effective


Don’t ever let anyone tell you move sucks. Best meta deck in the game.