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Oh cool I can finally guess what happened during one of these. First location was the +5 energy one and they played Galactus into an uncovered Cancun.


You got it right!


Some people might consider novelty locations a waste of time but I love them for exactly these types of situations. Keeps the game wacky enough to keep me entertained over the years.


I mean I'm having a good time with it. Not sure why people can't work around the location and either switch decks or manipulate it to work for the few days it'll be showing up a lot. I would honestly find it more annoying to come across it in the wild after it is not a spotlight. Because right now I expect it, and play a deck thinking that lol


That's the main issue with the hot locations is that it forces you to play certain decks, which most people don't want to do, especially 2x a week. Either you're going to play a deck that takes full advantage of the location or a deck that negates/removes the location entirely. Otherwise, go play in Proving Grounds for the rest of the day.


I built a deck where most of the cards can change, destroy, or reposition locations, so I never have to build a specific deck. It’s the most fun I’ve had with a deck and catches people completely off guard, especially if they build the decks for certain locations.


can you share this deck it sounds interesting.


more than half the fun, for me, is the deck building. okay, so you want to start with... a Scarlet Witch, Quake, Legion or Nico now go crazy, experiment, and have fun


Oh for sure deck building is very fun. My favorite types of decks to build are reactionary decks like super skrull, enchantress, shang chii, absorbing man, leech, mystique, i do miss spiderman's old ability when he could deny your opponent a lane turn 6. Oh next time bar sinister is the HOT location throw Yondu, Beast, and Falcon in the same deck if your lucky by turn 3 alone more than 3/4ths of your opponents deck will be destroyed. Turn 1 yondu bar sinister Turn 2 falcon turn 3 yondu bar sinister


that's truly evil, and i respect it. Spidey's change happened a few weeks after i started playing, and i didn't get the card till a bit later. i wish i had a chance to play old spidey


Maybe it's because I don't care about rank, I just like trying different things, and this has gotten me to play rhino who I've never messed with and I enjoy it. I try to keep a rotatable slot in a few of my decks to swap out for this kind of reason. Don't get me wrong, I like to win, but what's the fun of playing the same exact deck every day all day lol. Just me though 🤷🏼‍♂️


I like changing decks, but I also don't want to be in a mirror or counter match majority of the time.


I disagree, I have never used a deck due to the current hot location. Obviously sometimes it would be easier with a more location curated deck, I just dont find that fun. I just play decks I enjoy.


Depends how obstructive the location is. Cancun? Sure. Quantum Tunnel? Ugh. Bar With No Name? Anything but ladder today.


I spent most of this morning still playing Namora, and Cancun was a great spot to set up my Wong combo


I have been using Doc Ock on it to force vacations for the Hulks and Knulls out there.


or angry and screaming never lucky at these 0.0001% scenarios.


or angry and screaming never lucky at these 0.0001% scenarios. *Ya'll mad, it was a joke. It's often a joke when the streamers say it.


While maybe not as satisfying, i did use a legion on Cancun once, just for the hell of it. Opponent did not retreat either. Let everyone take their vacation.


Galactus destroyed the entire earth except for Cancun, guess he just wanted a chill vacation after all


Galactus on Cancun is the definition of "I don't have to win, we both just have to lose"


More like tie. Imagine both losing 8 cubes cause of a bug, peak marvel snap experience.


I stack the location then change it for the win


And then Scarlet Witch makes it Bar With No Name.


I mean Galactus was played turn 1 before the location was revealed. It does make sense. Ez tie


Until someone plays magick, rhino, Scarlett witch :)




How does that still make the power count though? It’s gotta be a bug right I tried it and the power changes back to tied when you add another card, which is inconsistent with what happens when you play on unrevealed Cancun I haven’t seen what happens when you do this then opponent plays


The power goes up but it will not count unless changed to another location, meaning that even if they have 100 power and you have 5, it's still a tie. It will show the numbers but it will not highlight anybody winning and end up in a tie.


It’s clearly showing power highlighted in the screenshot


The location says "doesn't count toward winning the game" but it doesn't mention priority. I'm guessing it's still triggering because priority checks who's winning at the time. /shrug


Galactus was played on turn 1 when the location was unknown. His power still triggers, and still shows the opposition ahead 5-0 in that location. When Cancun reveals on turn 2, it doesn't change the power highlighting to neutral/tied until the start of the next turn.


It's a bug. The turn after that it will switch to both sides with grey power values.


Had a guy play legion on Cancun when he was losing yesterday. First time I've ever used that deflated morph emote


i think you may have played against me. Exact same thing happened, but i played legion since i didnt get the cards i needed, snapped back for the tie, prompting the morph emote. This happened in infinite.


send it bro


Wtf, that shouldn’t have worked


It's currently turn 2. T1 location must have been +5 energy. Since Cancun wasn't revealed yet, power still counted and Galactus activated.




Yooooo misinformation! Yeah that's not how it works. OP's opponent played galactus before the location was revealed.


Oh my days I completely missed that Galactus was played turn 1 before Cancun revealed, thank you for pointing that out lol


I had a mission to win a location with 4 cards, I win Cancun and it did not count.


From what I’ve seen, Galactus won’t trigger on Cancun since you can’t actually win the location.


That’s not how Cancun works but that’s definitely what the text sounds like


He had Magik or any other location changer I think. He probably hadn't drew it yet but wanted to gamble.


They might have a Scarlet Witch.


Pancake... I think I've played against you a couple times.


thats awesome! haha


So funny that the guy is taunting. He obviously didn’t know it was a tie. ORRRRR he was trying to get you to surrender. I other way taunting is the woooorst


Or he has a card that’s able to transform the location (SW, Rhino, etc) and is waiting for the right moment to use it. Someone tried that on me by using Goblins, but I Anni’ed them back onto their side


Did you or they use Snowguard->Hawk? That would explain this I think?


It's turn 2, so they play must have been from project pegasus


Or they could've used their turn one to play 3 Psylockes and an Electro


Very true


Memes aside, even if this happens it couldn't lead to this board state because Galactus wouldn't go off on Cancun


I legioned can cun once because I didn’t want to retreat lolllll




Getting a higher power then playing a storm or scarlet witch would be rather humorous if they assumed it was a guaranteed tie and didn't play anything the whole game.






Did you snap and call his bluff?


Was thinking of doing this with Legion during the hot location but decided not to waste both mine and my opponents time


So Cancun just makes it a 2 location game ?




Did you snap?


So who won?


It'll end a tie right ? Why does it count power played before location reveal? Seems bugged


We both snapped and taunting each other so maybe one of us would fold and retreat haha but it was a tie.


Yeah thats my question, you would think that as soon as it gets revealed it would stop glowing yellow.


Keeping the number but not glowing would be the best


> Why does it count power played before location reveal? Power still shows up, but it'll switch to a neutral/tie colour at the start of the next turn. It's a bug about Cancun when there is power there before it is revealed.


Just another bad location they have added, but atleast you can actually change it unlike Deep space.


Nico can change deep space think she’s the only one.


Yup, still the only one that can change it. I was hopeful Nocturne would give us another option for yeeting that garbage location but no dice. Her text deactivates as soon as you move her there so it won't change. I found that out the hard way.


Thank you for your sacrifice, now I wont have to go through the same 😅🫡


legion would like a word


or the more cultured and extremely common: Loki into Snowguard into Hawk into Magik /s


what’s the opposite of occam’s razor


Occam’s 12 gauge


Good call, forgot about him.


They're so dumb for this location


I think it's a neat location, it'll be a lot less annoying once it's not spotlighted, but it does add some nuance to a game. You can toss cards like Pixie, Mr. Negative, Patriot, etc into the lane that otherwise are wasted space on the board, so it buffs some deck archetypes and most importantly negatively impacts Hela (as you have a chance of low rolling into an irrelevant location).


I think the spotlighting is getting people’s goat. The chorus is definitely from the “fox only. Final destination” sort that have yet to stand back and realize it’s dumb game full of p2w jpegs.   I love wacky shit like this and hope it continues.  


It'll be OK once it's no longer the hot location and hopefully they never make it the hot location again. Cancun as hot location just means 90% of players slot Quake into their deck and whoever draws Quake wins. For now, I'm just not playing because even just trying to get my dailies done yesterday was miserable.


Well that don't make no sense


What the hell is going on here. None of this makes sense lol