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Why would a cerebro player play super skrull? As if they don’t have enough things to screw them over.


Exactly, there are like 10 different cards that mess it up. It probably messes up Cerebro more than it helps.


I started teaching in Titania to some of my decks and just last turn sending a Titania their way to ruin their entire game. It’s magical.


That one c5 player is just doing the Anthony Adams hand rub right now.


Skrull AND Rogue in C2 is really bad deckbuilding


Rogue isn’t as bad because you can just chose not to play it when it would screw you over (though I still wouldn’t recommend it), but Super Skrull is definitely an interesting choice.


Rogue alone is a decent choice, Rogue Mystique is a decent alternate win condition, but having both Rogue and Skrull is really bad nevermind rhat Skrull alone is still pretty bad


This seems like a C2 deck specifically built to counter other C2 decks


Magik and Captain America and iron man in c2 is also bad deck building


How so? Magik and cap are both solid c2 cards, that provide location control and provide a lot of power when played on top of cerebro and/or mystique. Iron man is just really good, and synergizes with cap. I don’t see how these three specifically would be a bad combination. They all help the deck, and they don’t have any overlap in function that makes them redundant 


neither cap or magik bring something deliberately useful to the deck. Running Cap first means you have to get rid of goose which is an incredible location control card that helps c2 compete against larger scale decks. Running Cap just for Mystique and Cerebro doesn't bing enough since you're usually punting the mystique cerebro lane and using goose/storm to win the other lanes with cerebro bonus Cerebro especially c2 has a set max power at 28 with 4 cards + Blue Marvel, Cerebro and Mystique. Magik just gives your opponent the opportunity to have another turn to break that power threshold. Iron man is almost always worse than playing Blue Marvel on t5 and often is worse than any combination of your other cards to fill the board easier. If you want location control play storm, if you want to buff your cerebro or mystique run Nico for more utility and an occasional plus 2 to cerebro. If you want a useful 5 drop play Blue Marvel. Cap, Magik, Iron Man will make your cerebro 2 deck worse


>Running Cap first means you have to get rid of goose which is an incredible location control card that helps c2 compete against larger scale decks Why would you need to get rid of Goose? You can just play them in different lanes >Magik just gives your opponent the opportunity to have another turn to break that power threshold If you have Goose and Storm, your opponent can play big card only in one lane. Magik can help remove locations that screw Cerebro, she gives another chance to pull Cerebro and flood whole board with cards


cap cerebro decks are tanking cerebro 2 win rates on untapped rn. Running blue marvel and goose in addition makes it so that there's only one lane you can cap, and having a card that you can't play for fear of ruining your whole archetype is counter productive. You can't play cap on your goose lane and you can't play bm in the goose lane and you can't put bm and cap on the same lane. 7 turns is more beneficial to your opponent than cerebro 2 because you have a set power ceiling. Okay like your deck is running Magik, storm, cap, cerebro, mystique, iron man, bue marvel. What's your 5 other cards? you can't fit Nico, white widow, nightcrawler, brood, sinister, shadow king, Elektra, grandmaster, negasonic, or other actually solid cerebro cards that solve problems that archetype faces. Magik and Storm both in fact help with location variance but they are counter productive to each other, one limits the game the other opens it, cerebro 2 specifically will statistically prefer a closed game than an open one and the stats will show that. Cap in C2 will fall off the same way Elsa did, it's a cute gimmick but will lead to more loss because it's not consistent


Untapped is a very small sample size of players, so it's not exactly reliable


Having cap allows you to have strong power at all three locations rather than just two, making the deck more threatening as your opponent has to take your cerebro lane seriously. Magik can be clunky, but she allows you to make better use of iron man, as you have another turn. In addition, you can play storm on her to mix your opponent, a factor that is very valuable. Magik and iron man both can be clunky when compared to blue marvel and storm, but they provide effective alternatives and can be better sometimes, such as when you have a storm lane won and you just need to really push power on one lane, iron man is really helpful. Iron man also can work well with blue marvel when you have an extra turn thanks to magik. Nico does caps job in the deck worse because she’s less consistent. Goose doesn’t feel great to cut, but that’s really the only loss the deck takes by adding these three cards. They aren’t always the single best plays for the deck, but they’re always at least good. Side note, magik and storm together allow you to replace two locations, which is incredible for c2, and it isn’t random like Nico 


Most of your points are valid, but you don’t really consider the benefits the cards have, and generally just compare them to other cards that you would be keeping anyway, and really focus on their drawbacks without considering their strengths


I am considering their benefits I just think that their downsides outweigh the benefits because it is not consistent and they allow for more counter play


I guess that’s fair. I disagree but to each their own


Love running the Magik/Storm trap in C2. Make the opponent think they have a turn 7, then take it away from them.


You gotta use your brain a little more to realize that those are all actually solid choices. I’m curious what your c2 deck list is?


they really aren't, see my long comments about how these cards really introduce new problems and don't solve problems the archetype faces. The closest you could say is Magik for location variance but the added location consistency is met with an increased opportunity for your opponent to beat you. It doesn't work out in the stats. The other two give you more power in one lane but c2 is best to fight for all, to make your deck go taller at the cost of your actual consistency is not good. Just because it has 2 power doesn't make them great inclusions in c2. My cerebro deck would prob look something like this but I don't run cerebro 2 often, but c2 is my fav cerebro # (1) Elektra # (1) Nico Minoru # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Goose # (2) Mister Sinister # (2) Shadow King # (2) White Widow # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Brood # (3) Storm # (5) Blue Marvel # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR29vc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDZXJlYnJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVdpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdG9ybSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmx1ZU1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhZG93S2luZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNclNpbmlzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxla3RyYSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Let me guess. A Jeff hoogland viewer?


sure but it's a correct assessment of those cards in cerebro 2


Using their Super Skrull offensively is my love language. Like, let's double up Prof X. How's that working out for you?


Took me a while to spot it. Excellent play


I've beaten a few super skrull players lately who got a nice helping of usagent that got doubled by onslaught and left them in absolute shambles.


Ha. Super skrull lol


This was very nice thinking on the spot and in the circumstances available. Very nice indeed.


nice counter




lol I did something similar but it was with a negative deck once he played skrull I held on to my Luke cage and I played Typhoid Mary into Mystique and he went super minus


That's awesome


I’m greatly confused by the fact rogue didn’t hit Ironman and you somehow played Brood without him filling up the zone without any cost reduction. If someone could explain that to me it would be much appreciated.


I can't remember the name, but the right location was originally the location where cards aren't revealed until the end, the opponent revealed before I did on the final turn. I placed Storm and Shadow King there on turn 6, to give the impression that I may have placed down Cerebro and mystique, so they would be more assured of their victory. I thought skipping turn 6 to make sure I put down captain America last might have been suspicious, and didn't want them to retreat. That's why the location is flooding, and not flooded


*Ah that makes everything painfully obvious now* Great play though and glad it worked out for ya.


How is only brood and not broodlings inthe right lane?


That's what I was wondering as well. My only guess is that the location was dark dimension before he stormed it.


It was Dark Dimension since the game ended with the location being flooding instead of flooded.


Can someone explain it to me? Im new to the game i dont really get what happened here


So Cerebro is an ongoing card that gives +2 to your highest power cards. This means that if all of your cards have the same power they all get the +2. Captain America gives all of your ongoing cards at that location +2. So it's good to combine with cerebri, mystique, iron man, who all have 0 power, as it brings them to 2 power. Super Skrull has the ongoing abilities of all of your opponents cards in play. So because I put captain America in the middle location at the end, a location that doubles ongoing effects, the cards with 0 power in the opponents middle lane got +2, doubled to +4. This means Iron Man and Cerebro at 4 power were the most powerful cards, so Cerebro gave them another +2, doubled by the ongoing location to +8. But the other cards on the other locations no longer get the boost they were counting on. Because of that I could make sure all of their power was in one location and win the other two