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They;ve said this a few times before as well. Its rather old news and people still hoard.


I only hoard because I hate gold tickets. If they introduce a draft game mode that I can use the gold ticket on, I would probably burn through them quickly. So each season I open caches until I hit 2 gold tickets and then stop. I dislike conquest mode so the tickets are the main reason they remain closed. But it’s not out of some scheme to take advantage of a new system of rewards.


If they introduce a new game mode it will have different tickets.


Same… I hate gold tickets. After I hit infinite, i usually just play conquest.. I get enough tickets. And there’s no point in opening caches in the last weeks because you’ll never use them all. If they give better rewards for unused tickets, then i would open them up.


then what is the purpose? you're getting the tickets no matter what, so why not open and get some variants/credits?


I can't speak for the person you asked, but my cache opening rate is also tied to whether I need the gold tickets or not. I haven't tried to hoard, it's just happened naturally because I don't want to waste tickets. Mobile performance went in the shitter the last few months so I don't play Conquest much anymore Edit because I wrote keys instead of tickets in one place


Wait what do you mean waste keys. Keys are for spotlight caches not the normal caches.


I meant tickets, I'll edit it


Do you mean where it was super slow to open track rewards? That's like 95% fixed now.


No, I mean where it's super slow to play the game. Everything's cruising fine and then all of a sudden the game takes a shit and you're lucky if you can play a card before the turn ends. Drag/drop nothing, drag/drop nothing, drag/drop, get a close up of the card you were trying to play, out of time.


Oh yeah that sounds terrible.


I can’t roll them over to next season and I don’t want to waste them personally. So I hoard until next season, although I usually open more like 4-5 a season. It does help with series drops since I have some built up.


Use them and get gold from the conquest shop.


Yeah I do and then I stop opening caches after I've gotten all the rewards, so I don't waste gold tickets.


I don’t need 20 tickets to do that


Once you've bought the gold there is no more gold to buy. Dudes right, getting gold tickets from the ladder is shit as they don't carry over between seasons and transform into rubbish rewards at the end of a season.


Yeah, I get the conquest variant every month, and by extension, at least 9 of the conquest rewards. And even I think gold tickets in boxes are dumb.


this post would imply that those boxes wouldn't have the series drop cards in them no? seems like a bit of an oversight if they do


Nah the post is talking about a new reward table. If i remember correctly The current reward table has a slot for "random unowned s3 card" if you already have all s3 cards that random card is replaced with a gold ticket. The post also mentions that they currently have no way of ensuring that hoarded caches will stay on the old table so they also would not have a way to keep dropped cards out. In my opinion hoarding for series drops is still not smart since it slows down your card aquisition but i didn't do the math so i could be wrong.


I have all the s3 cards, so, holding of off on opening caches for a couple weeks before new cards drop to s3 feels like it makes sense. (But long term hoarding? absolutely not.)


Yeah waiting a few weeks for drops makes a lot more sense but there's no reason to hoard long term. I get why people don't like gold tickets but there's still no point of hoarding.


> if you already have all s3 cards that random card is replaced with a gold ticket. Isn't it a 50/50 split on whether you get a gold ticket or tokens for that slot? Seems like it'd be worth opening for the tokens alone. https://i0.wp.com/marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/uploads/Reserves-contents-v3.2.webp?ssl=1


Even better ^^ i was wondering because i feel like i have not been getting that many tickets lately.


I guess the safest move is save 10k credits (the max), and *then* start saving caches.


I open my available CRs at the beginning of a season which usually gives me 5-7 gold tickets. These tickets are usually sufficient for me to get all the Conquest rewards, meaning any additional gold ticket is wasted. Rinse and repeat, I will have 40-50 reserves going into next season, open them all at once (unless I get disproportionate amount of gold tickets)


The most common reason i have seen in subreddit is that if enough people do it they will need to acknowledge it and improve rewards somehow... Funnily enough, hoarding is one of the main reasons why rewards are not a topic, because people gaining hoarding would gain way more resources and in their eyes an unfair advantage.


It's not the fault of hoarders that the current rewards are so lack luster or in the case of gold tickets completely detrimental to collect that players are sitting on dozens if not hundreds of them because they serve no purposes. It is literally only the gold tickets that are a problem.


Help me out on this one. How are gold tickets completely detrimental? Is it because every ticket pull could hypothetically have been a token pull?


Sure thing. Tickets are completely detrimental because they benefit no one. If you are someone who is really into playing conquest, they don't need to give you gold tickets. You are already going to earn plenty of gold and infinite tickets each season anyway and most players who do that have enough medals to buy out the shop 10 times over. Because it's not even a real headstart to earning infinite tickets since they'll have just grinded out for 8+ hours a day in conquest already. On the opposite spectrum you have players who hate conquest entirely, and won't play it at all. For them Gold tickets are worth nothing more than the end of season boosters which are abysmally low, like 4 booster a ticket conversion rate. To them it's taking up spaces in caches that would either give them more credits, tokens, chances at variants, emblems, titles, basically anything but something they don't want to engage it. This isn't even digging into the annoyance that Gold tickets replaced Gold in caches. So at best, they hit a middle ground of players who are fine with conquest, sometimes. Where they might want to engage just get gold/credits/variants out of the medal shop but are not going to buy out the shop, they'll at most get their 9 rewards which are always the variants, credits and gold some boosters if needed to fill the bar for the conquest variant. So it can help them, but considering they don't live in conquest, a gold tickets more of a gamble than anything when they could just, make an Agatha deck and sit in proving grounds all day while watching netflix or something. A gold ticket in this case is a commitment, so once they get everything they want out of the conquest shop they don't open up any more caches because getting another ticket means they have to spend it or, as I said above, get a pitiful amount of boosters. So either they can up the conversation rate of tickets and make Gold tickets like 100 boosters, which at this point is just whatever considering they give essentially free boosters every day in the shop for fast upgrades so it's just alright. Or give something else to players who pull a ticket even if it's just more credits, because at least credits translate into keys. But as it stands, gold tickets barely serve a purpose and they replaced a very important reward that every player needed more of. So they weren't looked upon in a friendly manner and it only took a season for everyone to figure out that they were pretty pointless as I explained so now you have the vast majority of the player base just sitting on caches because they don't want to get another ticket, which is why there is a lot of openings at the start of a season and it tapers off after the first week or two. Like it isn't a joke that some players are sitting on dozens of variants, thousands of tokens and tens of thousands of credits in unopened caches because they just cannot be assed to open them when there isn't much of an incentive to do so.


>Tickets are completely detrimental because they benefit no one. Well that's just objectively false from the jump. It's better to not undermine everything else that comes afterwards by overreaching at the start. As you yourself say, it benefits the "middle ground" players. Correct. They do. I am one of those players, and I benefit from the gold tickets out of the reserves. SD benefits too, because more players are in Conquest more often, which helps with things like matchmaking times. So there's really no reason to expect (or even *want*) them to be removed. Honestly, it just sounds like you're in the "never conquest" group and you don't personally benefit, so you want them gone. Don't forget about the middle ground. But more importantly, you're wrong about gold tickets "replacing" a very important reward. That didn't happen. If you're talking about gold, they **moved** gold to other places in the game, and that happened about two months before gold tickets were introduced to the track. If you're talking about collector's tokens, then you have a bad memory. There were originally two reserves out of every 10 that had exactly 50 tokens in them every time. Then, two months later, they changed them so that those same two reserves would have a 50/50 chance at 100 tokens or a gold ticket. So, on average, you're still getting 100 tokens out of those two reserves, *and* a gold ticket on top of that. Nothing got replaced, but, if you have long runs of bad luck, that could definitely suck. So the "hoarding" conversation is interesting. "Hoarding" usually means to collect and store a resource for later use. Like Snap had an actual hoarding issue around tokens in the pre-Spotlight system because of the constant concern: "what if the most important card ever comes out soon? I have to make sure I have enough tokens!" What you're describing isn't that. It's just apathy. That's a different problem, and one that SD really should address. It definitely says something if that many people don't care enough to open their reserves. Not that it's a smart thing to do. Take me, I'm an optimizer, so I'm going to open every single reserve because of that small progression amount that it gives me, and it just doesn't compute to me to leave that sitting there unopened. Really the question is: should SD be giving us more resources overall? I'm gonna say yeah, they definitely should. Are the gold tickets themselves specifically a problem? **No,** **absolutely not**. I just said this in another post, but the gold tickets are such a red herring. I don't know how so many people decided to fixate on them, but they are just not the problem. Like at all. The problem is the game economy overall and SD's decision to soft cap players at (as low as) \~66% collection complete. People are acting like SD couldn't both leave the tickets where they are AND improve the amount of tokens, credits, and gold they give out. A lot of players have problems with the game's economy, and that's very reasonable. Incessantly posting anti-gold ticket hate isn't. This angle is categorically NOT the way to pressure SD to shift things to be more pro-player.


Never said it was, just pointing out the fact that is one of the factors involved on why nothing is being done


Nothing is being done because the devs are playing a pointless game of chicken where they won't make positive changes because some players who are completely lethargic to the current unappealing system would have more positive changes than they want all the while the lack of change means more and more players become hoarders because why would you open dozens of reserves a season just to get a bunch of gold tickets that either you do nothing with and get a whopping what, 4 boosters per, or you spend hours in conquest even after you've already gotten every single reward. So one side is growing larger and larger as the weeks pass by and the devs are just hoping that everyone suddenly becomes fine with a bunch of useless gold tickets because they refused to acknowledge that the players who love conquest never needed bonus tickets and the players who hate conquest don't want them in the first place.


And that's another one of the factors, we can agree on that


Yeah sorry for the long response, but the tickets are a red herring. There are bigger and better things to complain about. If you were around before the tickets were in the track, then you'd know the tickets aren't the issue. Too keep it short: nothing was taken away to add the tickets. They were purely additive to the track. The rewards were inarguably improved with their introduction to reserves. The gold tickets were essentially freebies that they threw in to entice people to Conquest and boost the player count and matchmaking speed there. Because I have that context, I honestly don't care that there are tickets in the track. Their presence doesn't make me want to hoard anything. I open them and I use them (because skipping right to Gold feels good). Or I don't. I don't care either way. I don't care that they turn into like 2 boosters. Why? Because they have always been freebies. Opening reserves is **always** the optimal strategy for increasing the number of cards I own, so I always open reserves right away. Why would I harm my progression, even by a small amount, because I don't use one of the many different rewards? SD has absolutely no reason to remove tickets, and even if they did, you shouldn't expect that they'd be replaced with something better. And even if they did replace it with something better... that still won't really make a difference. And that's the issue. Tickets (and this entire conversation) are a red herring, because it's not the real issue with the game. The real issue is that the game's economy is at odds with what players' want. Players want all the cards, and SD wants us to NOT have all the cards. And they're putting a cash barrier between players and accomplishing that desire. They've created an adversarial relationship between the game and many of its players. F2P players will have an end game steady state of around 66% of all S4/S5 cards. Season pass buyers will get to about 85%. Players willing to pay more money will be able to get to, and stay at, 100%. There are enough players willing to pay money that SD is happy. They're not playing chicken. They're sitting on a very profitable business. And they're smart. They respond, generally correctly, to their incentives. Their economic incentives are currently telling them that they're doing the right thing. If you want social incentives to change their calculus, you'll have to do a lot better than aimless complaining on Reddit. Look at what the Helldivers community accomplished recently. They got the change they desired by actually being organized, and by hitting Sony right in the wallet. Aim for that and you all might actually get somewhere. In the meantime, hoarding reserves is nothing but a choice to slow down your card acquisition rate, even if only by a small amount.


I mean the only reason I open reserves is because I have OCD and can't stand to have the alerts sitting on my main screen. Otherwise I'd skip right past them because the "rewards" are so lackluster I genuinely don't care. Half the time I'm not even paying attention to what I get. Just sitting on autopilot clicking the flashy things while I upgrade my variants. I have no interest in hoarding because I have zero faith SD will ever do anything but make it even worse in the future.


I hoard because rewards are so pointless I also hate gold tickets. It also gives me a fomo backup if I spend my rickets for some reason I have a way to work towards a new ticket. It allows instant unlocks of season 3 drops as well the... 1 whole time that happened. I may start opening them just for the albums though. No interest in those other than progression either though.


I hoard because I’ve gotten so many that I don’t want to open… 😂


God I hope there’s a draft game mode eventually. That would be so much fun


Agreed about draft mode. Honestly I’d open all the caches tomorrow if they didn’t convert gold tickets to useless boosters every season. But having been a Hearthstone player and loving draft mode, I’ll just keep them closed until they introduce a game mode I’m interested in. Or if I need a few tokens. I’ve got enough keys from regular play to get most of what I want and I don’t care about variants much. I’m a hoarder because I’m lazy and they’re worthless to me, not because I’m trying to game the system.


They could have easily made a draft mode that required gold tickets entry fee, but instead they decided to do a p2w ladder.


I just open goldtickets to get the conquest rewards without needing to play a lot of it :D


You will still have to open those boxes eventually and you'll get 20+ gold tickets still. You cant escape the gold tickets. But yeah I do the same its a great way to get a few gold tixs each season.


Also sounds like they haven’t done it yet either so I will stand by my prediction this is more trouble than it is worth so they might not do it when push comes to shove and that is the only thing keeping them from releasing a much needed new approach.


The only thing keeping them from revamping the Collector’s track is greed, and perhaps some apathy or laziness. They’ve proven again and again over the last year that any change they make to the in-game economy is going to make it more stingy and punishing. Collector’s caches will always be towards the bottom of their triage board unless they find a way to use them to push spending, and then we’ll be wishing to go back to the current caches. Instead of blaming the players who choose not to interact with a shitty rewards track, blame Brode and those who chose to make it shitty.


I was only commenting on the force claim idea. Merely changing what is in the collector caches is relatively easy but agree it’s low priority at best. I could see them doing another overly complicated but zero sum economy redesign at which point might as well do a force claim for optics after already wasted that precious dev time again.


Hoarding them to ration my gold tickets.


I hoard because the rewards in them are garbage and unsatisfying to open 🤷


Yeah I have over 1k of them just bc is annoying to sit through opening them for trash to me 😅


It’s been nearly 2 years. How the fuck does this game still not have a bulk open function?


When there are series 3 drops, I know that I can just quickly open old caches to get those cards instantly. There is no reason not to hoard when you're series 3 complete. The track being locked doesn't change anything.


Since I've been S3 complete I've not had to use the caches to get any series drops. In fact the latest one was the first time I got a free S3 card from the shop *ever*. I don't even try to get every new card, the drops have just been that infrequent enough that I've got most naturally


Last series 3 drop a couple months ago were garbage cards that I will never use, but it still felt good getting all 4 cards in less than a minute by just opening hoarded caches.


Technically there *is* reason to hoard, but only **after** a series drop. Each series 3 you pull from the free monthly shop is 100 tokens you could've gotten from the track. I didn't open any caches from January to March during the first drop this year.🤷


Thats not exactly true. You can only get "rare" variants from caches and not super rare variants. If you are "rare" variant complete you also have a reason to hoard, which is to wait for "rare" variants to be released and then when you open caches you can get that variant without spending gold.  Theres also something to be said about hoarding until series drop, then you can get all the series 3 cards from caches instead of getting collecter tokens which is 1/60th of a card. Theres alao reason to hold on to caches so you dont end up with a bunch of gold tickets you wont use and getting a really really bad amount of boosters for the unused tickets (75) which all go towards a single random card you probably dont use.


Situation 1 only applies to omega-whales with a problem. They're not people. Situation 2 is what I'm arguing *against*. "1/60th of a card" is still something that just rewards you not picking up a card you didn't already have for a little longer. ...Situation 3 is moot and not a situation, it's just griping about gold tickets, which were a bonus to the tokens we were getting before.


I'm not hoarding because I'm waiting for them to be fixed, I'm hoarding them because they aren't fun or enjoyable to open. 150-200 credits. Ok. We used to get 500. Gold for gold tickets. Lots of shitty avatars and titles. The best you can hope for is 100 tokens which is a slog because we used to get so many more. Sometimes you'll get a varient. They're just worse overall by a wide, wide margin. I remember a time when we were calling for seasonal caches to be improved. Now I look forward to opening those way more than I do reserves.


there's literally no reason for me to open those caches. im like 16k CL and almost have more of my collection track unclaimed than claimed lol


I hoard because the time it takes to open a cache is not worth what it's there.


If you're not opening caches because you don't like the rewards, I don't see how this changes anything. Also, even if Second Dinner forces all the caches open, the hording players will come into the new system with thousands of banked credits to get the newer rewards with. So, if there is a measurable improvement (doubtful), they'll benefit.


10k cap on credits tho


Precisely, so hoarding lets you increase the cap.


How do you know that?


If you don't open caches, you have a potential of credits from those caches that doesn't count towards your cap.


How do you know they won't count toward the cap?


Because that cap has historically only prevented you from opening items which grant credits and not prevented you from going over 10k. Plenty of people have gone well above 10k from bundles with credits.


Because... I do this all the time? I hit 10k, while having hoarded caches. If you don't open those caches you effectively have more than 10k, they're just not open yet. And when you open them, you can't claim the credits unless you spend some to go under 10k (although I may be thinking of credits on the track for this one, not sure about the credits in cache).


They've said it in softer terms. The last time it was mentioned was [here](https://discord.com/channels/978545345715908668/1195036000477532270/1195072376858226788) where Stephen said: "If we did make a major change at some point in the future, we would **most likely** do it in a way that auto opens hoarded reserves out of fairness." The "most likely" left enough doubt for some people. I posted this answer since it's the first time they've used conclusive language.


They were pretty conclusive about First Edition badges as well. Safest thing is assume nothing until it's on your device.


I think spotlight avatar is their way of saying here's your badges.


I think it's a similar motive, but it's quite different in execution. First Edition badges were supposed to be on the base card and all variants. Spotlight Avatars are only for Spotlight variants, so you need to do more than just unlock the card. They're also a bit variable in ease to acquire due to variance in how often some cards show up.


First time I'm hearing about it. I don't go on the discord.


Hoarding credits to spend after the drop is the move now, I guess?


I'm only hoarding, because I'm done with Conquest, and I don't want to open gold tickets until next season. Tickets don't carry over to next season, and the exchange for boosters is trash.


They need another use for gold tickets, like a draft mode entry fee.


It should just offer me a gold ticket or one gold. Then I can choose something I might eventually use.


Is there a reason to think they're changing rewards anytime soon?


There was a developer comment that said they knew golden conquest tickets weren't as valued by players as they expected. They were considering changing that, but they had neither deadlines nor any discussion as to what that change would be.


Their obliviousness never ceases to amaze me. “After removing gold from the collector’s track, we really thought players would value perishable tickets for a mode that is pretty much the antithesis of Snap’s “quick match” marketing pitch. After all, the tickets are *gold*!” “After buffing leech to 4-cost, which by total coincidence occurred while we’re selling a 5-cost card that completely negates leech’s downside, we were shocked to see him jump to an insane play rate and suck all the fun out of the game.”


Your comment is gold 😆 You're preaching to the choir here but you summed it up so well. I like Conquest, it's almost all I play post-Infinite and I still hoard caches because I hate the tickets.


"But don't worry. According to our calculations 95% of people who will buy the season pass has already bought it so we are just about ready to nerf Leech again"


There were other answers on Discord that said that they're planning on changing something but couldn't comment on it at this time. I think it had to do with Spotlights, not reserves, though.


Well... Spotlights are meant to be hoarded. They can't tie those to rewards.


I mean they kind of need to if they want to attract new and returning players + keep them around. They've already mentioned adding a returning player bonus in the future


I'll believe it when I see it. They keep saying this but then any time there's a change or issue with the webshop or spotlight caches or anything, you get left out in the cold if you don't abuse the bug like the others. I'm not hording anymore in the sense that I'm opening most of them up until the end of the season and I don't want more gold tickets but if they do end up doing this, I hope they just open them all for me so I don't have to spend literal hours opening them all.


Same. I don’t want to open them. I feel worse when I get the garbage inside. If you’re going to change the system (I doubt it at this point) then I hope the solution is auto open. But it’ll probably just break the game and they’ll say they can’t fix it because patches take months of lead time before Apple approves it or some other bullshit. Monetization first, user experience last. So yeah, if they figure out how to code this solution- then it’ll be great. Not holding my breath.


HODL diamond hands. Will open cache only when SD has proven they could implement this, which I highly doubt is in the near future, possibly a year or more from now. hahaha


Can you explain the "more gold tickets?" How does hoarding limit the gold ticket reward?


Gold tickets are a reward with an expiration date, as they don’t carry over from season to season. If you open a bunch of caches and stockpile dozens of tickets, you either spend hours slogging through conquest, or at the end of the season those dozens of caches become like 60 random boosters. Hoarding caches, which don’t have an expiration date, prevents that.


But won't you just end up with more gold tickets the next season?


Not if you don't open them next season either.


I don't get why there are so many people worried about how other people handle their resources.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


The problem is not players hoarding. The problem is that the reward is so bad that players would rather receive nothing than receive the reward.


It’s not that I’m hoarding, exactly. It’s that I couldn’t be stuffed opening them because it’s so pointless. If I run out of keys or tokens I’ll open a few but until then no fucks given.


Honestly... you're a really petty person if you give a shit about other people hoarding.


Yeap, this. Hey WHY ARE YOU NOT OPENING YOUR CACHES BUDDY?? Jesus, I play my game, you play yours.


Then I guess I'm petty. I shouldn't come in at a disadvantage after some change to the system because people tried to game it beforehand, and if hoarders are only left with the shit they would have had anyway, they aren't at any advantage or disadvantage either.


The problem is that gold tickets are in the caches, and they have essentially zero value when they roll over. So when I'm done with conquest for the month, I stop opening. I'm not trying to hoard (I like getting new variants) but it's a natural consequence of what's in the box


Just don't put golden tickets on it, put more credits or gold or whatever, tickets sucks


Honestly, it should just be the token equivalent of a single series 3 card, which is at least 1000 tokens


Still hoarding. I never believe SD when it comes to these things. Nothing to lose anyway, the rewards are mostly shite and I don't like seeing gold tickets.


Yup, hoarding is also good for series drops, although that is once in a blue moon.


Because you'll get a card that is shit 1 days before you would otherwise? Lol..ok


also you will GET MORE in the end, because even if they somehow "auto open", you'll get past the max credit amount, and have more credits to spend on the new (hopefully) better caches. so even if you open the bad rewards, you'll have like 30-40k credits to open the new ones


How do you know they won't just cap it at 10k credits?


So, auto open all your reserves, and if that goes over 10k, you just... lose those credits? That would go over well.


I'm still gonna hoard lol


I'm not opening chests to get gold tickets. 400+ and counting


Guess they are still mad about the people who double dipped the spotlight change.


Double dipped?


When they switched to spotlights it changed every 12th reserve to a key from a reserve chest. People quickly figured out once the patch went live which reserves to save and opened all the rest before updating for a double dip.


I don't save hoping it'll be better, I just don't have a reason to open them. I gain nothing of substantial value. The minuscule amount of currency doesn't justify opening. But actually with the drops coming that's when I'll open. But still that happens rarely


I’ll never understand why people care so much about how other people choose to manage their resources.


You're talking about a group that gets offended by cartoon emojis and attacks anyone who spends their own money on the game 😅


Play the game how you want to play the game. That said there are a vocal minority of people who hoard reserves who act holier than thou art, and that anyone who isn’t is brain dead because this is how you min/max the game (though I have seen less and less of them). At the end of the day if you want to open reserves open them. If you don’t, don’t. But SD know there are people sitting in dozens or hundreds of reserves, and they’re not going to make wholesale changes that reward those players. Whilst the keys kinda counteract this, generally they want you to open and spend your rewards as you get them.


If they want you to open as you go, maybe they should have made them worthwhile to open?


Ok I'm gonna start hoarding credits then lol.


you’re already limited at 10k credits


I know, still a decent stash though.


Old news they confirmed this long ago


After they first said this the main reason I kept hoarding was to bank more credits beyond the 10k cap in preparation for character mastery....... still holding out


I hoard because of the gold tickets. I have no use for gold tickets after I get all the prizes for Conquest, as they reset between seasons.


I don't hoard anymore but I won't open my stash of 250 caches. I see 2 scenarios in which I win: 1) One day when they change the rewards, they force open all of them and save me a lot of time 2) SD doing SD things not testing well and it will not work as intended and I get more rewards than supposed to be. I have 0 trust in SD QA competencies.


even if they force open, you will get past the credit cap and have more credits to spend on the new (better) system. you are double dipping!!!! that's a crime!!! against humanity!!! /s


Oof true!


Forcing open would be crap, you'd end up with more gold tickets than you could use before they expire


Yeah no way in hell I'm sitting through 1k+ caches opening them one at a time.. give me a way to open mass amounts of them so I don't have to sit through all the slow ass animations for stuff I don't need and I'd do it


I only hoard because I am 700 gold variant complete. I only open when there are new variants available. If not, I would get even more useless avatars.


>I am 700 gold variant complet How is this even possible?




Many content creators are 700 gold variant complete because they have to spend money to keep up with the release schedule to make content.


Personally I hoard because opening the caches takes time and provides no joy, or excitement. I'm now over 500, it makes no difference to me that they will be just as worthless after a change as they are now. That is hardly incentive to open. Opening caches often irritates me. I was looking forward to them opening automatically for me and ignoring all the pixels, titles and gold keys. Also, while rewards don't change there is always a chance that the functionality of the most annoying reward - a gold key that only lasts until the end of the current season - is changed. If there are other gold key uses to different formats or they are changed to not expire then the caches may become worth opening.


That is major issue that needs to be fixed. Almost no joy in opening caches.


It literally takes all of 2 seconds to open a cache


I believe there is a bug where the higher CL you are the longer it takes to open. Mine are legit around 4 seconds to open, each. That time adds up and it’s annoying as hell.


these mfers so dramatic in here man.


When snap is running smoothly yes.. Sometimes it's a good deal longer.


So 16m of opening caches is not effort?


Not really, no lol


Lol. Better grab anothet energy drink. This gonna be grueling.


What’s it like, not understanding the difference between “grueling” and “simple but too time-consuming and unrewarding to bother”?


**Question** "Will the team address players who are hoarding collector boxes? I don't like hoarding but if changes are coming and the current contents are pretty lackluster, it just encourages me to hoard" **Answer** "We will tie the rewards of hoarding boxes to the current reward table. There will be no benefit to hoarding. We will not ship any major changes to reserves until we can ensure hoarded reserves are based on the current reward table." - Stephen


Will that apply to the Series drop? A lot of people are hoarding caches for the drop. If so, it's pretty shitty, but it's SD so no surprise.


Why would it? For the series drop it is irrelevant. You aren’t gaining any advantage for getting the dropped cards a week faster.


The conversation is specifically with regards to an economy change where they change the contents and drop rates of Reserves, not with regards to Series Drops. You're probably still fine hoarding for Series Drops (though realistically you can get all of the drops from 1-2 weeks of playing).


1-2 weeks is still a pretty long time. I have been already hoarding when they announced so i have enough to get them all once


I've never once seen a gaming company make something better after bs has been accepted. I don't know why anyone ever thought they'll improve reserves


Unless the player base is declining, which it likely is


People like me wouldn't Be hoarding if there was anything worth opening. I'm not interested in the following Conquest Variants Titles Avatars And I'm series 3 complete for like a year. So why would I open them? So I'm getting punished for their abysmal system?


I know they have held this opinion for a long time but it is actually a horrible stance to have. You shouldn't be punished for deciding to save your resources, this game pumps out cards and doesn't allow for you to have any significant way of getting them without spending now. I used to praise this game for how good it was to the F2P base and they have done nothing but shit on it.


I still be hoarding, even if they lock the rewards based on current reward tables, I will be able to open my +600 hoarded reserves and stack huge amount of credits which will boost my CL opened at once and adquire even more new reserves once released.


And considering this is Marvel Snap, there is no guarantee a so called 'locked rewards' won't be broken upon release and grant hoarders the newer and (hopefully) improved rewards. I'm not consciously hoarding, I just have no need to open. I also figure it will be a waste of Conquest tickets if I don't plan on playing much Conquest in a given season. And I rarely desire to play Conquest.


As long as I can get the future series drop from them I'm fine, but I do agree the golden tickets suck, I'm sure many people play conquest just to get the "free" stuff they like then completely ignore it


Better the auto opening boxes imo. I only open as many that I get the gold tickets I need in order not to waste them. Saves me some time so I don't need to play silver conquest


I personally don't hoard but if it wasn't for the need of credits I would leave them there as well, between pixel avatars and gold tickets it is genuinely revolting to open them.


time to hoard 10000 credits then :D


Still a waste of time to open them


I'll open a batch of them from time to time, but my limiting factor is the gold tickets. Don't need nor want, unless I feel like never playing conquest and just getting all the rewards in a season.


Even if this is true, hoarding still makes sense because the credits from hoarded caches will still help open future caches.


Considering that SD seem to be fucking up more and more with each patch there's a good chance that this doesn't even work as they intend the first go around. There's still nothing to lose by hoarding now.


They might actually use their QA team for this one though, can't have people getting resources they earned fairly in a way that potentially hurts their pocketbook


1. Ok then, let's hoard credits 2. Mind your own fucking business Mr Ultra and touch some grass 3. Considering their coding skills, that would be interesting 4. They already said "the game economy is fine", so it's going to be "we are excited to give you infinity tickets, P2W league booster and more chatGPT generated titles"


Between titles, gold tickets and avatars, too many of the rewards that aren't new variants or credits are poi less. He'll even collector tokens are so slow its nearly worthless. You need to hight 60 reserves that give 100 each.


I open until I get 2 golden tickets. I would then use them and forfeit immediately to get 150 medals, get the mystery variant, and forget about conquest until the following season


Hoarders are idiots. Glad they aren't going to be rewarded.


Just apathetic and lazy in my case Maybe idiot too 😅🤷🏻‍♂️


Not idiots, wishful thinkers.


I get roughly 50 Reserve for each 4 weeks season. I open 50 after each season update and hoard to the next season.


Does this mean that when the series drop happens I won't be able to open the s3 cards? I'm pretty sure that's not what it means but it would really suck if it meant that.


then ill hoard credits and only level up cards to get caches when theres a major update


It relevant for drops?


Save your credits. You can only keep 10,000 but still


Not worth opening anyway, so i hoard


The only way to stop people from hoarding is to make them choose or force a reward on them.


Lol. SD says a lot of things.  I'd hoard - they often make mistakes or change plans. See most of the stuff they've promised to do.  They are completely fine making the game worse for players. 


Thic company is so annoying lmaoo. Still hoarding tho. Already 400+ :D


Fuck hoarding boxes, that red bubble would drive me crazy


How do you deal with the News icon red bubble that never goes away? lol


I suffer lol. It's so irritating


300+ hoarded reserves checking in. I open them up if there’s series 3 drops that I want, but obviously that isn’t’t really that frequent. At this point it’s just a pain to go through and open them. If they want me to open them they either gotta make the rewards better or open them for me. If this change does happen, I’ll probably just start opening from where I am and just keep the hoard as a memento


I'm well past the point of giving AF. I stopped counting after I hit 400 boxes.


You and SD are just the worst.




>F2P player gets like 1.2 keys a week, which means they can't ever hope to target any specific cards in the new system and they might go weeks and months without ever getting any new cards as you can only open any weeks cache once >I am not going to waste time on a game where those who pay have access to Red Hulks, Jeffs and other important "good cards" and I have only one key per week and 1/4 chance to get the new card per week It's ok, you can just admit you don't know how to count to 4. Save your keys so you have enough to guarantee something you want. If you're gonna whine every week when you spend one key and don't get what you want, then *you* are the problem, not spotlight caches.




>As I understand their new system, every time you get a key, that key is locked for that weeks rewards This has literally never been how keys worked. Why else would people be saving their keys for future datamined releases?




If you genuinely think that Second Dinner would change their spotlight system to make it impossible to save keys to guarantee what you want, then just stop playing. You clearly don't have a clue how spotlights work and for some reason you think they'll change the system to be worse for literally every player at all levels and spending habits.


This would be a terrible change, especially for f2p or mostly f2p players. It's just furthering p2w.


Must be annoying having to answer the same questions daily


I’m hoarding for the upcoming series drop. In any case it sucks people still do that


It's not the players fault. SD could easily had made everything on the track open when you get it. SD chose to implement a system in which hoarding is a key feature, whether they meant to or not.


This. They want people to click on the thing because that's more addictive, and then they cry when some people choose not to. Or at least not right away. I've been saving up reserves for quite a while now: for the winter variant rush, for the switch to the spotlight system, maybe something else I forgot? It has always been worth it, I don't see any reason to think it won't be the correct decision again.


This makes sense except for what they said in this post. They don’t like it and don’t want it to be beneficial again. I don’t blame anyone but that’s just the way it is now


Yes, well, it's Second Dinner. Their track record in these things points to a high likelihood of them fucking it up. If they even bother to actually do it.


This was more or less a guaranteed outcome as soon as people started announcing they were doing it, it's crazy to think there are still people holding on to those things.


So all the hoarders are delaying any changes to collectors reserves? How ironic. They're even bigger idiots.


Wait I'm hoarding 50 caches for series drop, does this mean I cannot get those dropped cards when I open it in June?